932 resultados para Bond cycles


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Two late Paleozoic glacial rhythmite successions from the Itarare Group (Parana Basin, Brazil) were examined for paleoclimate variations. Paleomagnetic (characteristic remanent magnetization, ChRM) and magnetic susceptibility (K(z)) measurements taken from the rhythmites are interpreted as paleoclimatic proxies. Ratios of low-frequency components in the K(z) variations suggest Milankovitch periodicities; this leads to recognition of other, millennial-scale variations reminiscent of abrupt climate changes during late Quaternary time, and are suggestive of Bond cycles and the 2.4 k.y. solar cycle. We infer from these patterns that millennial-scale climate change is not restricted to the Quaternary Period, and that millennial forcing mechanisms may have been prevalent throughout geologic time.


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A continuous 3.5 Myr IRD record was produced from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 907. A timescale based on magnetic polarity chrons, oxygen isotope stratigraphy (for the last 1Myr) and orbital tuning was developed. The record documents a stepwise inception of large-scale glacial cycles in the Nordic Seas region, the first being a marked expansion of the Greenland ice sheet at 3.3 Ma. A second step occurred at 2.74 Ma by an expansion of large scale ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere. Ice sheet variability around the Nordic Seas was tightly coupled to global ice volume over the past 3.3 Myr. Between 3 and 1 Ma, most of the variance of the IRD signal is in the 41 kyr band, whereas the last 1 Myr is characterized by stronger 100 kyr variance. The Gamma Ray Porosity Evaluator (GRAPE) density record is closely linked with IRD variations and documents sub orbital variability resembling the late Quaternary Heinrich/Bond cycles.


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Multi-proxy biomarker measurements were applied on two sediment cores (PS51/154, PS51/159) to reconstruct sea ice cover (IP25), biological production (brassicasterol, dinosterol) and river run-off (campesterol, beta-sitosterol) in the western Laptev Sea over the last ~17 ka with unprecedented temporal resolution. The absence of IP25 from 17.2 to 15.5 ka, in combination with minimum concentration of phytoplankton biomarkers, suggests that the western Laptev Sea shelf was mostly covered with permanent sea ice. Very minor river run-off and restricted biological production occurred during this cold interval. From ~16 ka until 7.5 ka, a long-term decrease of terrigenous (riverine) organic matter and a coeval increase of marine organic matter reflect the gradual establishment of fully marine conditions in the western Laptev Sea, caused by the onset of the post-glacial transgression. Intensified river run-off and reduced sea ice cover characterized the time interval between 15.2 and 12.9 ka, including the Bølling/Allerød warm period (14.7-12.9 ka). Prominent peaks of the DIP25 Index coinciding with maximum abundances of subpolar foraminifers, are interpreted as pulses of Atlantic water inflow on the western Laptev Sea shelf. After the warm period, a sudden return to severe sea ice conditions with strongest ice-coverage between 11.9 and 11 ka coincided with the Younger Dryas (12.9-11.6 ka). At the onset of the Younger Dryas, a distinct alteration of the ecosystem (reflected in a distinct drop in terrigenous and phytoplankton biomarkers) was detected. During the last 7 ka, the sea ice proxies reflect a cooling of the Laptev Sea spring/summer season. This cooling trend was superimposed by a short-term variability in sea ice coverage, probably representing Bond cycles (1500 ± 500 ka) that are related to solar activity changes. Hence, atmospheric circulation changes were apparently able to affect the sea ice conditions on the Laptev Sea shelf under modern sea level conditions.


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The modern eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) is a major natural source for atmospheric carbon dioxide and is thought to be connected to high-latitude ocean dynamics by oceanic teleconnections on glacial-interglacial timescales. A wealth of sedimentary records aiming at reconstructing last Quaternary changes in primary productivity and nutrient utilization have been devoted to understanding those linkages between the EEP and other distant oceanic areas. Most of these records are, however, clustered in the pelagic EEP cold tongue, with comparatively little attention devoted to coastal areas. Here we present downcore measurements of the composition and concentration of the diatom assemblage together with opal (biogenic silica) concentration at site MD02-2529 recovered in the coastal Panama Basin. Piston core MD02-2529, collected in an area affected by a multitude of processes, provides evidence for strong variations in diatom production at the millennial timescale during the last glacial cycle. The maxima in total diatom concentration occurred during the early marine isotopic stage (MIS) 4 as well as during the MIS 4/3 transition and MIS 3. Rapid changes in diatom concentrations during the MIS 3 mimics Bond cycles as independently recorded by the SSS estimation derived from planktonic foraminifera from the same core. Such patterns indicate a clear linkage between diatom production in the coastal EEP and rapid climate changes in the high-latitude North Atlantic. In parallel, the long-term succession of the diatom community from coastal diatoms, predominantly thriving during MIS 5 and 4, towards pelagic diatoms, dominant during MIS 3 and 2, points to a long-term change in the surface hydrology. During Heinrich Events, diatoms strongly reduced their production, probably due to enhanced stratification in the upper water column. After the last glacial maximum, diatom production and valve preservation strongly decreased in response to the advection of nutrient (H2SiO4)-depleted, warmer water masses. Our high-resolution record highlights how regional climatic processes can modulate rapid changes in siliceous primary production as triggered by wind-induced local upwelling, indicating that millennial climatic variability can overtake other prominent hydrological processes such as those related to silicic acid leakage.


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A dense grid of high- and very high resolution seismic data, together with piston cores and borehole data providing time constraints, enables us to reconstruct the history of the Bourcart canyon head in the western Mediterranean Sea during the last glacial/interglacial cycle. The canyon fill is composed of confined channel–levee systems fed by a series of successively active shelf fluvial systems, originating from the west and north. Most of the preserved infill corresponds to the interval between Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 and the early deglacial (19 cal ka BP). Its deposition was strongly controlled by a relative sea level that impacted the direct fluvial/canyon connection. During a period of around 100 kyr between MIS 6 and MIS 2, the canyon “prograded” by about 3 km. More precisely, several parasequences can be identified within the canyon fill. They correspond to forced-regressed parasequences (linked to punctuated sea-level falls) topped by a progradational-aggradational parasequence (linked to a hypothetical 19-ka meltwater pulse (MWP)). The bounding surfaces between forced-regressed parasequences are condensed intervals formed during intervals of relative sediment starvation due to flooding episodes. The meandering pattern of the axial incision visible within the canyon head, which can be traced landward up to the Agly paleo-river, is interpreted as the result of hyperpycnal flows initiated in the river mouth in a context of increased rainfall and mountain glacier flushing during the early deglacial.


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Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules are important safety critical components in electrical power systems. Bond wire lift-off, a plastic deformation between wire bond and adjacent layers of a device caused by repeated power/thermal cycles, is the most common failure mechanism in IGBT modules. For the early detection and characterization of such failures, it is important to constantly detect or monitor the health state of IGBT modules, and the state of bond wires in particular. This paper introduces eddy current pulsed thermography (ECPT), a nondestructive evaluation technique, for the state detection and characterization of bond wire lift-off in IGBT modules. After the introduction of the experimental ECPT system, numerical simulation work is reported. The presented simulations are based on the 3-D electromagnetic-thermal coupling finite-element method and analyze transient temperature distribution within the bond wires. This paper illustrates the thermal patterns of bond wires using inductive heating with different wire statuses (lifted-off or well bonded) under two excitation conditions: nonuniform and uniform magnetic field excitations. Experimental results show that uniform excitation of healthy bonding wires, using a Helmholtz coil, provides the same eddy currents on each, while different eddy currents are seen on faulty wires. Both experimental and numerical results show that ECPT can be used for the detection and characterization of bond wires in power semiconductors through the analysis of the transient heating patterns of the wires. The main impact of this paper is that it is the first time electromagnetic induction thermography, so-called ECPT, has been employed on power/electronic devices. Because of its capability of contactless inspection of multiple wires in a single pass, and as such it opens a wide field of investigation in power/electronic devices for failure detection, performance characterization, and health monitoring. 


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Introduction : La force d’adhésion à l'interface métal-céramique avec les résines auto-polymérisantes destinées au collage indirect des boîtiers orthodontiques n'a pas été évaluée à ce jour et un protocole clinique basé sur la littérature scientifique est inexistant. Objectifs : 1) Comparer la force de cisaillement maximale entre des boîtiers métalliques et des surfaces en porcelaine préparées selon différentes méthodes; 2) Suggérer un protocole clinique efficace et prévisible. Matériel et méthodes : Quatre-vingt-dix disques en leucite (6 groupes; n = 15/groupe) ont été préparés selon 6 combinaisons de traitements de surface : mécaniques (+ / - fraisage pour créer les rugosités) et chimiques (acide fluorhydrique, apprêt, silane). Des bases en résine composite Transbond XT (3M Unitek, Monrovia, California) faites sur mesure ont été collées avec le système de résine adhésive auto-polymérisante Sondhi A + B Rapid Set (3M Unitek, Monrovia, California). Les échantillons ont été préservés (H2O/24hrs), thermocyclés (500 cycles) et testés en cisaillement (Instron, Norwood, Massachusetts). Des mesures d’Index d’adhésif résiduel (IAR) ont été compilées. Des tests ANOVAs ont été réalisés sur les rangs étant donné que les données suivaient une distribution anormale et ont été ajustés selon Tukey. Un Kruskall-Wallis, U-Mann Whitney par comparaison pairée et une analyse de Weibull ont aussi été réalisés. Résultats : Les médianes des groupes varient entre 17.0 MPa (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique) à 26.7 MPa (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique + silane). Le fraisage en surface ne semble pas affecter l’adhésion. La combinaison chimique (- fraisage + silane + apprêt) a démontré des forces de cisaillement significativement plus élevées que le traitement avec (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique), p<0,05, tout en possédant des forces similaires au protocole typiquement suggéré à l’acide fluorhydrique suivi d’une application de silane, l’équivalence de (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique + silane). Les mesures d’IAR sont significativement plus basses dans le groupe (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique) en comparaison avec celles des 5 autres groupes, avec p<0,05. Malheureusement, ces 5 groupes ont des taux de fracture élévés de 80 à 100% suite à la décimentation des boîtiers. Conclusion : Toutes les combinaisons de traitement de surface testées offrent une force d’adhésion cliniquement suffisante pour accomplir les mouvements dentaires en orthodontie. Une application de silane suivie d’un apprêt est forte intéressante, car elle est simple à appliquer cliniquement tout en permettant une excellente adhésion. Il faut cependant avertir les patients qu’il y a un risque de fracture des restorations en céramique lorsque vient le moment d’enlever les broches. Si la priorité est de diminuer le risque d’endommager la porcelaine, un mordançage seul à l’acide hydrofluorique sera suffisant.


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Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur la catalyse à partir de métaux de transition et sur la substitution homolytique aromatique favorisée par une base visant à former de nouvelles liaisons C–C, et à ainsi concevoir de nouvelles structures chimiques. Au cours des vingt dernières années, des nombreux efforts ont été réalisés afin de développer des méthodologies pour la fonctionnalisation de liens C–H, qui soient efficaces et sélectives, et ce à faible coût et en produisant le minimum de déchets. Le chapitre d'introduction donnera un aperçu de la fonctionnalisation directe de liens C–H sur des centres sp2 et sp3. Il sera également discuté dans cette partie de certains aspects de la chimie radicalaire reliés a ce sujet. Les travaux sur la fonctionnalisation d’imidazo[1,5-a]pyridines catalysée par des compleces de ruthénium seront présentés dans le chapitre 2. Malgré l'intérêt des imidazo[1,5-a]azines en chimie médicinale, ces composés n’ont reçu que peu d'attention dans le domaine de la fonctionnalisation de liens C–H. L'étendue de la réaction et l'influence des effets stériques et électroniques seront détaillés. Les cyclopropanes représentent les 10ème cycles carbonés les plus rencontrés dans les petites molécules d’intérêt pharmacologique. Ce sont aussi des intermédiaires de synthèse de choix pour la création de complexité chimique. Malgré de grands progrès dans le domaine de la fonctionnalisation de liens C(sp3)–H, l'étude des cyclopropanes comme substrats dans les transformations directes est relativement nouvelle. Le chapitre trois présentera l'arylation intramoléculaire directe de cyclopropanes. Cette réaction est réalisée en présence de palladium, en quantité catalytique, en combinaison avec des sels d’argent. Des études mécanistiques ont réfuté la formation d'un énolate de palladium et suggéreraient plutôt une étape de métallation - déprotonation concertée. En outre, les cycles de type benzoazepinone à sept chaînons ont été synthétisés par l'intermédiaire d'une séquence d'activation de cyclopropane/ouverture/cyclisation. Une arylation directe intermoléculaire des cyclopropanes a été réalisée en présence d'un auxiliaire de type picolinamide (Chapitre 4). Les deux derniers chapitres de ce mémoire de thèse décriront nos études sur la substitution homolytique aromatique favorisée par une base. Le mécanisme de la réaction de cyclisation intramoléculaire d'halogénures d'aryle, réalisée en présence de tert-butylate de potassium, a été élucidé et se produit via une voie radicalaire (Chapitre 5). La transformation, exempte de métaux de transition, ne nécessite que la présence d’une base et de pyridine comme solvant. Cette réaction radicalaire a été étendue à la cyclisation d'iodures d'alkyle non activés en présence d'un catalyseur à base de nickel et de bis(trimethylsilyl)amidure de sodium comme base (Chapitre 6). Des études de RMN DOSY ont démontré une association entre le catalyseur, la base et le matériel de départ.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Statement of problem. When clinical fractures of the ceramic veneer on metal-ceramic prostheses can be repaired, the need for remake may be eliminated or postponed. Many different ceramic repair materials are available, and bond strength data are necessary for predicting the success of a given repair system.Purpose. This study evaluated the shear bond strength of different repair systems for metal-ceramic restorations applied on metal and porcelain.Material and methods. Fifty cylindrical specimens (9 X 3 mm) were fabricated in a nickel-chromium alloy (Vera Bond 11) and 50 in feldspathic porcelain (Noritakc). Metal (M) and porcelain (P) specimens were embedded in a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ring and received I of the following bonding and resin composite repair systems (n=10): Clearfil SE Bond/Clearfil AP-X (CL), Bistite II DC/Palfique (BT), Cojet Sand/Z100 (Q), Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus/Z100 (SB) (control group), or Cojet Sand plus Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus/Z100 (CJSB). The specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 hours at 37 degrees C, thermal cycled (1000 cycles at 5 degrees C to 55 degrees C), and stored at 37 degrees C for 8 days. Shear bond tests between the metal or ceramic specimens and repair systems were performed in a mechanical testing machine with a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Mean shear bond strength values (MPa) were submitted to 1-way ANOVA and Tukey honestly significant difference tests (alpha=.05). Each specimen was examined under a stereoscopic lens with X 30 magnification, and mode of failure was classified as adhesive, cohesive, or a combination.Results. on metal, the mean shear bond strength values for the groups were as follows: MCL, 18.40 +/- 2.88(b); MBT, 8.57 +/- 1.00(d); MCJ, 25.24 +/- 3.46(a); MSB, 16.26 +/- 3.09(bc); and MCJSB, 13.11 +/- 1.24(c). on porcelain, the mean shear bond strength values ofeach group were as follows: PCL, 16.91 +/- 2.22(b); PBT, 18.04 +/- 3.2(ab); PCJ, 19.54 +/- 3.77(ab); PSB, 21.05 +/- 3.22(a); and PCJSB, 16.18 +/- 1.71(b). Within each substrate, identical superscript letters denote no significant differences among groups.Conclusions. The bond strength for the metal substrate was significantly higher using the Q system. For porcelain, SB, Q, and BT systems showed the highest shear bond strength values, and only SB was significantly different compared to CL and CJSB (P <.05).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study evaluated the shear bond strength (SBS) and stability of commercially pure titanium (CP Ti)/repair material interfaces promoted by different repair systems. One hundred CP Ti cast discs were divided into five repair system groups: 1) Epricord (EP); 2) Bistite 11 DC (BT); 3) Cojet (CJ); 4) Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus (SB) (control group); and 5) Cojet Sand plus Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus (CJSB). The specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 hours at 37 degrees C, thermal cycled (5000 cycles, 5 degrees-55 degrees C) and stored under the same conditions for either 24 hours or six months (n=10). SBS was tested and the data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test (alpha=.05). Failure mode was determined with a stereomicroscope (20x). The repair system, storage time, and their interaction significantly affected the SBS (p<0.001). At 24 hours, CJSB exhibited the highest SBS value, followed by CJ. At six months, these two groups had similar mean SBS (p>0.05) and higher means in comparison to the other groups. For both storage times, BT presented the lowest SBS, while the EP and SB groups did not differ significantly from one another (p>0.05). There were no significant differences in SBS between the storage times for the groups EP and CJ (p>0.05). The groups BT, SB, and CJSB showed 100% adhesive failure, irrespective of storage time. The CJSB group showed the highest SBS at both storage times. At six months, the CJ group exhibited a similar SBS mean value when compared to the CJSB group. Water storage adversely affected the groups BT, SB (control group), and CJSB. Considering SBS values, stability, and the failure mode simultaneously, the CJ group showed the best CP Ti repair performance.


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During microwave disinfection, the dentures are exposed to water at high temperature and this may affect the bond between the denture teeth and the acrylic resin from which dentures are made. In this study, a shear test was used to evaluate the effect of microwave disinfection (650W/6 min) on the bond strength of two types of denture teeth to three acrylic resins, with different polymerization methods. The specimens were submitted to the shear tests (0.5 mm/min) after: immersion in water (37 degrees C) for 48 h or 8 days (controls); two or seven cycles of microwave disinfection (test groups). Data (MPa) were analyzed using three-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test (alpha = 0.05). Microwave disinfection did not adversely affect the bond strength of all tested materials with the exception of QC-20 bonded to SR Vivodent PE, for which a significant reduction was recorded after seven cycles of irradiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.