906 resultados para Blood viscosity
Objective: Since blood viscosity (BV) is one of the most important factors determining blood flow, this study aimed to investigate the possible correlation between increased blood viscosity and reduction of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in healthy ageing.Methods: Male subjects were distributed in two groups: "young", aged 20-30 (27 volunteers), or "elderly", aged 60-70 (50 volunteers). Whole blood viscosity was obtained with a Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Viscometer. Cerebral blood flow was analysed by means of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).Results: The mean BV values were 3.28 +/- 0.43 mPa in the group of young volunteers and 4.33 +/- 0.73 mPa in the group of elderly volunteers (t = -6.9, p < 0.0001). The elderly had a lower blood flow than the young in the following regions: bilateral parietal; temporal-parietal and temporal of the left hemisphere. Pearson's correlation between BV and rCBF showed a good inverse correlation when the BV was above 3.95 +/- 0.83 mPa.Conclusions: Our results point to a close relationship between the two parameters analysed, BV and rCBF. The impairment in rCBF observed in the elderly volunteers might be due to an increase in BV, among other factors.Significance: These findings suggest interesting possibilities for the treatment/prevention of brain ageing. (C) 2011 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Closed-form solutions are presented for blood flow in the microcirculation by taking into account the influence of slip velocity at the membrane surface. In this study, the convective inertia force is neglected in comparison with that of blood viscosity on the basis of the smallness of the Reynolds number of the flow in microcirculation. The permeability property of the blood vessel is based on the well known Starling's hypothesis [11]. The effects of slip coefficient on the velocity and pressure fields are clearly depicted.
Physiological pulsatile flow in a 3D model of arterial double stenosis, using the modified Power-law blood viscosity model, is investigated by applying Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique. The computational domain has been chosen is a simple channel with biological type stenoses. The physiological pulsation is generated at the inlet of the model using the first four harmonics of the Fourier series of the physiological pressure pulse. In LES, a top-hat spatial grid-filter is applied to the Navier-Stokes equations of motion to separate the large scale flows from the subgrid scale (SGS). The large scale flows are then resolved fully while the unresolved SGS motions are modelled using the localized dynamic model. The flow Reynolds numbers which are typical of those found in human large artery are chosen in the present work. Transitions to turbulent of the pulsatile non-Newtonian along with Newtonian flow in the post stenosis are examined through the mean velocity, wall shear stress, mean streamlines as well as turbulent kinetic energy and explained physically along with the relevant medical concerns.
A ação que o estrogênio desempenha sobre o endotélio depende da integridade deste e consequentemente das características clínicas de cada indivíduo. O uso da terapia hormonal da menopausa (THM) em mulheres com baixo risco cardiovascular geralmente resulta em efeitos benéficos, desde que iniciado em um período próximo da menopausa. Em contrapartida, o seu uso em mulheres com alto risco cardiovascular, como diabéticas ou portadoras de lesões ateroscleróticas já estabelecidas, e ainda naquelas com início da THM em um período superior a dez anos da menopausa geralmente resulta em efeitos maléficos. Nosso objetivo é avaliar os efeitos do estrogênio sobre a função endotelial em mulheres com sobrepeso ou obesidade, ou seja, indivíduos com risco cardiovascular intermediário. Para isso, 44 mulheres na pós-menopausa com idade entre 47 a 55 anos e índice de massa corporal (IMC) de 27,5 a 34,9kg/m, foram randomizadas nos grupos placebo (P) e estrogênio transdérmico (ET). A intervenção consistiu no uso transdérmico de estradiol, 1mg por dia, por um período de três meses. As participantes realizaram avaliação da reatividade endotelial em repouso e após isquemia [pletismografia por oclusão venosa (POV), com medidas do fluxo sanguíneo do antebraço (FSA) e videocapilaroscopia dinâmica do leito periungueal (VCLP), com medidas da velocidade de deslocamento das hemácias (VDH)], dosagens de moléculas de adesão [E-selectina, molécula de adesão intercelular (ICAM-1) e molécula de adesão vascular (VCAM-1)], aferição da sensibilidade insulínica [através do homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) e área sob a curva (AUC) da insulina durante o teste oral de tolerância à glicose (TOTG)] e mensurações das viscosidades sanguínea e plasmática. As participantes apresentaram idade de 51,77 2,3 anos, IMC de 31,52 2,54 kg/m e tempo de menopausa de 3 [2-5] anos. O grupo P não apresentou nenhuma mudança significativa em qualquer variável. Após a intervenção, o grupo ET comparado ao basal apresentou menor tempo para atingir a VDH máxima durante a hiperemia reativa pós-oclusiva (HRPO) após 1 min de isquemia (4,0 [3,25-5,0] vs. 5,0 [4,0-6,0] s, P<0.05) e maior VDH tanto em repouso (0,316 [0,309-0,326] vs. 0,303 [0,285-0,310] mm/s; P<0,001) quanto na HRPO (0,374 [0,353-0,376] vs. 0,341 [0,334-0,373] mm/s; P<0,001), assim como observamos maior FSA em repouso (2,46 [1,81-3,28] vs. 1,89 [1,46-2,44] ml/min.100ml tecido-1; P<0,01) e durante a HRPO após 3 min de isquemia (6,39 [5,37-9,39] vs. 5,23 [4,62-7,47] ml/min.100ml tecido-1; P<0,001). O grupo ET também apresentou diminuição nos níveis solúveis de E-Selectina (68,95 [50,18-102,8] vs. 58,4 [44,53-94,03] ng/ml; P<0,05), de ICAM-1 (188 [145-212] vs. 175 [130-200] ng/ml; P<0,01), do HOMAIR (3,35 1,67 vs. 2,85 1,60; P<0,05) e da AUC da insulina durante o TOTG (152 [117-186] vs. 115 [85-178]; P<0,01), além de diminuição das viscosidades sanguínea com hematócrito nativo (3,72 0,21 vs. 3,57 0,12 mPa.s; P<0,01) e plasmática (1,49 0,10 vs. 1,45 0,08 mPa.s; P<0,05), comparado ao seu basal. Em conclusão o uso de estradiol transdérmico em mulheres com excesso de peso e menopausa recente, promove melhora da função endotelial, além de oferecer proteção a outros fatores de risco cardiovascular.
The incidence of hypertension is increasing as the number of patients with obesity and diabetes mellitus increases. Hypertension results when the peripheral vascular resistance is increased, the blood viscosity is elevated and/or the flow of blood through the main arteries is impeded. Chronic hypertension results in enlarged heart, myocardial damage and lung and renal abnormalities. While some causative factors such as obesity can be controlled, others for example genetics are more difficult to treat because often there is more than one factor involved. This paper explores how essential and secondary factors contribute to the incidence of hypertension and the physiological changes resulting from raised blood pressure. It proposes that although traditional treatment has some success, nurse-led clinics are having better success not only in controlling raised blood pressure but also in reducing cardiac, pulmonary and renal morbidity. It is more cost-effective, staff is more productive and clients are more compliant with treatment.
OBJECTIVE: Impaired flow-mediated dilation (FMD) occurs in disease states associated with atherosclerosis, including SLE. The primary hemodynamic determinant of FMD is wall shear stress, which is critically dependent on the forearm microcirculation. We explored the relationship between FMD, diastolic shear stress (DSS), and the forearm microcirculation in 32 patients with SLE and 19 controls. METHODS AND RESULTS: DSS was calculated using (mean diastolic velocity x 8 x blood viscosity)/baseline brachial artery diameter. Doppler velocity envelopes from the first 15 seconds of reactive hyperemia were analyzed for resistive index (RI), and interrogated in the frequency domain to assess forearm microvascular hemodynamics. FMD was significantly impaired in SLE patients (median, 2.4%; range, -2.1% to 10.7% versus median 5.8%; range, 1.9% to 14%; P
OBJECTIVE: Impaired flow-mediated dilation (FMD) occurs in disease states associated with atherosclerosis, including SLE. The primary hemodynamic determinant of FMD is wall shear stress, which is critically dependent on the forearm microcirculation. We explored the relationship between FMD, diastolic shear stress (DSS), and the forearm microcirculation in 32 patients with SLE and 19 controls. METHODS AND RESULTS: DSS was calculated using (mean diastolic velocity x 8 x blood viscosity)/baseline brachial artery diameter. Doppler velocity envelopes from the first 15 seconds of reactive hyperemia were analyzed for resistive index (RI), and interrogated in the frequency domain to assess forearm microvascular hemodynamics. FMD was significantly impaired in SLE patients (median, 2.4%; range, -2.1% to 10.7% versus median 5.8%; range, 1.9% to 14%; P
L’agrégation érythrocytaire est le principal facteur responsable des propriétés non newtoniennes sanguines pour des conditions d’écoulement à faible cisaillement. Lorsque les globules rouges s’agrègent, ils forment des rouleaux et des structures tridimensionnelles enchevêtrées qui font passer la viscosité sanguine de quelques mPa.s à une centaine de mPa.s. Cette organisation microstructurale érythrocytaire est maintenue par des liens inter-globulaires de faible énergie, lesquels sont brisés par une augmentation du cisaillement. Ces propriétés macroscopiques sont bien connues. Toutefois, les liens étiologiques entre ces propriétés rhéologiques générales et leurs effets pathophysiologiques demeurent difficiles à évaluer in vivo puisque les propriétés sanguines sont dynamiques et fortement tributaires des conditions d’écoulement. Ainsi, à partir de propriétés rhéologiques mesurées in vitro dans des conditions contrôlées, il devient difficile d’extrapoler leurs valeurs dans un environnement physiologique. Or, les thrombophlébites se développent systématiquement en des loci particuliers du système cardiovasculaire. D’autre part, plusieurs études cliniques ont établi que des conditions hémorhéologiques perturbées constituent des facteurs de risque de thrombose veineuse mais leurs contributions étiologiques demeurent hypothétiques ou corrélatives. En conséquence, un outil de caractérisation hémorhéologique applicable in vivo et in situ devrait permettre de mieux cerner et comprendre ces implications. Les ultrasons, qui se propagent dans les tissus biologiques, sont sensibles à l’agrégation érythrocytaire. De nature non invasive, l’imagerie ultrasonore permet de caractériser in vivo et in situ la microstructure sanguine dans des conditions d’écoulements physiologiques. Les signaux ultrasonores rétrodiffusés portent une information sur la microstructure sanguine reflétant directement les perturbations hémorhéologiques locales. Une cartographie in vivo de l’agrégation érythrocytaire, unique aux ultrasons, devrait permettre d’investiguer les implications étiologiques de l’hémorhéologie dans la maladie thrombotique vasculaire. Cette thèse complète une série de travaux effectués au Laboratoire de Biorhéologie et d’Ultrasonographie Médicale (LBUM) du centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal portant sur la rétrodiffusion ultrasonore érythrocytaire et menant à une application in vivo de la méthode. Elle se situe à la suite de travaux de modélisation qui ont mis en évidence la pertinence d’un modèle particulaire tenant compte de la densité des globules rouges, de la section de rétrodiffusion unitaire d’un globule et du facteur de structure. Ce modèle permet d’établir le lien entre la microstructure sanguine et le spectre fréquentiel du coefficient de rétrodiffusion ultrasonore. Une approximation au second ordre en fréquence du facteur de structure est proposée dans ces travaux pour décrire la microstructure sanguine. Cette approche est tout d’abord présentée et validée dans un champ d’écoulement cisaillé homogène. Une extension de la méthode en 2D permet ensuite la cartographie des propriétés structurelles sanguines en écoulement tubulaire par des images paramétriques qui mettent en évidence le caractère temporel de l’agrégation et la sensibilité ultrasonore à ces phénomènes. Une extrapolation menant à une relation entre la taille des agrégats érythrocytaires et la viscosité sanguine permet l’établissement de cartes de viscosité locales. Enfin, il est démontré, à l’aide d’un modèle animal, qu’une augmentation subite de l’agrégation érythrocytaire provoque la formation d’un thrombus veineux. Le niveau d’agrégation, la présence du thrombus et les variations du débit ont été caractérisés, dans cette étude, par imagerie ultrasonore. Nos résultats suggèrent que des paramètres hémorhéologiques, préférablement mesurés in vivo et in situ, devraient faire partie du profil de risque thrombotique.
Dans le but de vérifier l’impact d’un changement soudain dans l’agrégation érythrocytaire sur certains paramètres cardiovasculaires, une transfusion par échange sanguin du tiers du volume a été effectuée avec du sang hyperagrégeant chez le rat de souche Brown Norway. La pression caudale, le volume cardiaque systolique, la fraction d’éjection, le débit cardiaque, le rythme cardiaque et la résistance périphérique à l’écoulement sanguin ont été observés non-intrusivement sur 19 jours suite à la transfusion. Les rats ont été sacrifiés plus d’un mois suivant la transfusion et une étude ex vivo de la réponse à deux agents dilatateurs (l’acétylcholine et le nitroprussiate de sodium) a été menée sur les artérioles mésentériques. Des variations des paramètres cardiovasculaires, soit le débit, le volume systolique et la résistance périphérique, ont été remarquées dans les trois premiers jours posttransfusion. Une résistance du muscle vasculaire lisse au monoxyde d’azote a été notée chez les rats transfusés au sang hyperagrégeant alors qu’aucune dysfonction endothéliale n’était apparente en réponse à l’acétylcholine.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o desenvolvimento de ascites em duas linhagens diferentes de frangos de corte, Hubbard e Pescoço-pelado, através da variação da viscosidade do sangue. As aves foram criadas até 45 dias de idade em duas temperaturas ambiente diferentes (termoneutra e fria) e com dieta de ração à base de milho e farelo de soja, peletizada e de alta energia. Aos 28 e 45 dias de idade, amostras de 8 mL de sangue foram obtidas para determinação da viscosidade aparente em um viscosímetro de cilindros concêntricos da marca Brookfield, modelo LVDII+ e para determinação do hematócrito. Aos 28 dias de idade foram verificadas algumas ocorrências de ascite nas aves da linhagem Hubbard criadas à temperatura ambiente fria, e aos 45 dias de idade, todos os frangos de corte dessa linhagem criados no ambiente frio apresentaram ascite. A linhagem Pescoço-pelado foi resistente ao desenvolvimento de ascite em todas as idades e temperaturas ambiente. A análise dos resultados da viscosidade aparente do sangue indicaram que aves com valores similares ou maiores que 4 cP (centipoise) apresentaram ascite. Podemos concluir que na linhagem comercial o valor de 4 cP para a viscosidade aparente parece identificar o desenvolvimento de ascite.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Sudden-onset bilateral deafness as a clinical manifestation of hyperleukocytosis in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a rare occurrence. We found only 27 clinical descriptions in 16 published papers. In this work, the authors present a review on deafness in CML and describe a new case with prominent hyperleukocytosis, where the neurological findings suggest slowing of the circulation through small blood vessels in the brainstem as the cause of deafness. The evolution was good after treatment. To our knowledge, this is the second case documented with electrical auditory brainstem-evoked potentials and the first with magnetic resonance imaging. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Excessive erythrocytosis results in severely increased blood viscosity, which may have significant detrimental effects on endothelial cells and, ultimately, function of the vascular endothelium. Because blood-brain barrier stability is crucial for normal physiological function, we used our previously characterized erythropoietin-overexpressing transgenic (tg6) mouse line (which has a hematocrit of 0.8-0.9) to investigate the effect of excessive erythrocytosis on vessel number, structure, and integrity in vivo. These mice have abnormally high levels of nitric oxide (NO), a potent proinflammatory molecule, suggesting altered vascular permeability and function. In this study, we observed that brain vessel density of tg6 mice was significantly reduced (16%) and vessel diameter was significantly increased (15%) compared with wild-type mice. Although no significant increases in vascular permeability under normoxic or acute hypoxic conditions (8% O2 for 4 h) were detected, electron-microscopic analysis revealed altered morphological characteristics of the tg6 endothelium. Tg6 brain vascular endothelial cells appeared to be activated, with increased luminal protrusions reminiscent of ongoing inflammatory processes. Consistent with this observation, we detected increased levels of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and von Willebrand factor, markers of endothelial activation and damage, in brain tissue. We propose that chronic excessive erythrocytosis and sustained high hematocrit cause endothelial damage, which may, ultimately, increase susceptibility to vascular disease.
Blood metaphors abound in everyday social discourse among both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. However, ‘Aboriginal blood talk’, more specifically, is located within a contradictory and contested space in terms of the meanings and values that can be attributed to it by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. In the colonial context, blood talk operated as a tool of oppression for Aboriginal people via blood quantum discourses, yet today, Aboriginal people draw upon notions of blood, namely bloodlines, in articulating their identities. This paper juxtaposes contemporary Aboriginal blood talk as expressed by Aboriginal people against colonial blood talk and critically examines the ongoing political and intellectual governance regarding the validity of this talk in articulating Aboriginalities.