418 resultados para Blanchot


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Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003), the French writer and novelist, is one of the most important figures in post-war French literature and philosophy. The main intention of this study is to figure out his position and originality in the field of phenomenology. Since this thesis concentrates on the notion of vision in Blanchot s work, its primary context is the post-war discussion of the relation between seeing and thinking in France, and particularly the discussion of the conditions of non-violent vision and language. The focus will be on the philosophical conversation between Blanchot and his contemporary philosophers. The central premise is the following: Blanchot relates the criticism of vision to the criticism of the representative model of language. In this thesis, Blanchot s definition of literary language as the refusal to reveal anything is read as a reference pointing in two directions. First, to Hegel s idea of naming as negativity which reveals Being incrementally to man, and second, to Heidegger s idea of poetry as the simultaneity of revealing and withdrawal; the aim is to prove that eventually Blanchot opposes both Hegel s idea of naming as a gradual revelation of the totality of being and Heidegger s conception of poetry as a way of revealing the truth of Being. My other central hypothesis is that for Blanchot, the criticism of the privilege of vision is always related to the problematic of the exteriority. The principal intention is to trace how Blanchot s idea of language as infinity and exteriority challenges both the Hegelian idea of naming as conceptualizing things and Heidegger s concept of language as a way to truth (as aletheia). The intention is to show how Blanchot, with his concepts of fascination, resemblance and image, both affirms and challenges the central points of Heidegger s thinking on language. Blanchot s originality in, and contribution to, the discussion about the violence of vision and language is found in his answer to the question of how to approach the other by avoiding the worst violence . I claim that by criticizing the idea of language as naming both in Hegel and Heidegger, Blanchot generates an account of language which, since it neither negates nor creates Being, is beyond the metaphysical opposition between Being and non-Being.


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Tese de doutoramento, Estudos da Literatura e da Cultura (Estudos Comparatistas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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This article offers a close critical reading of Blanchot's essay on Surrealism, 'Tomorrow at Stake', raising a series of questions concerning the time of 'Surrealist experience' and its relation to those temporal structures inscribed within the concepts of modernity, the avant-garde, and (art) history itself. It is argued, through a posited connection to Romantic conceptions of the fragment, that those 'reflexes of the future' which for Surrealism determine the value of the present, may be understood, philosophically, in relation to diverse conceptions of the 'openness' of the question, in turn suggesting a more complex understanding of Surrealism's 'avant-garde' character.


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Cette thèse porte sur trois textes autobiographiques qui questionnent, à travers l’élaboration d’une pensée de l’événement, les oppositions convenues entre fiction et témoignage. L’Événement (2000) d’Annie Ernaux, Le jour où je n’étais pas là (2000) d’Hélène Cixous et L’Instant de ma mort (1994) de Maurice Blanchot présentent le récit autoréférentiel d’un événement traumatique, soit un avortement clandestin pour Ernaux, la mort en bas âge d’un enfant trisomique pour Cixous et la mise en joue par un soldat nazi lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale pour Blanchot. Ce corpus, quoique hétérogène à plusieurs égards, loge à l’enseigne d’une littérature placée sous le signe de l’aveu, de la confession et de la révélation ; cette littérature porterait au jour ce qui était jusque-là demeuré impossible à dire. Partant de la figure de la honte inscrite dans ces trois œuvres, mais aussi dans d’autres textes de ces écrivains qui permettent de déployer ce qui se trame de secret et d’événement dans le corpus principal, cette thèse a pour objectif d’analyser les déplacements et les retours d’un trauma gardé secret pendant une quarantaine d’années et qui remonte, par la voie de l’événement, à la surface de l’écriture. Sous la double impulsion de la pensée de Jacques Derrida et de l’approche psychanalytique, cette thèse s’intéresse à la question de l’événement à l’œuvre chez Ernaux, Cixous et Blanchot. Dans chacune de ces œuvres, un événement traumatique intervient comme révélateur de l’écriture et d’un rapport singulier à la pensée de l’événement, marqué soit historiquement et politiquement (Blanchot), soit intimement (Cixous et Ernaux). Par l’écriture, ces auteurs tentent en effet de rendre compte de l’authenticité de l’événement ressenti, problématisant du même coup la nature et la fonction de l’événement tant réel que psychique dans le récit de soi. L’événement est ainsi abordé dans son caractère historique, psychanalytique mais également philosophique, ontologique ; la pensée de l’événement mise à l’épreuve des textes d’Ernaux, de Cixous et de Blanchot permet d’explorer les figures de la date, de l’archive, de la mort et du deuil qui lui sont liées, en plus de donner lieu à une poétique singulière chez chacun. Enfin, la thèse traite du rapport entre l’aveu de l’événement et la langue qui, défiant l’opposition traditionnelle du constatif et du performatif, entraîne l’événement du récit, cet autre événement qui arrive en même temps que le récit de l’événement traumatique.


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Today we are faced with the problem of how to relate the archives of deconstructionist thinkers to their thought, which seems opposed to historically-oriented or genetic criticism. This article is the first to look comprehensively at the gestation of Maurice Blanchot's L'Entretien infini, including the work's page-proofs which were made available in 2009. I thus address the multiple processes of change at work throughout Blanchot's writing, with change being a process whose importance goes beyond any single new form of writing resulting from it. My presentation of the archival material is contextualized via a discussion of the notion of L'Absence de livre (the project's working title). Rather than being a straightfoward incompleteness or fragmentation, this notion establishes a fraught relationship between such ideas and what it calls ‘le Livre’.


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At the turn of the 1960s, Maurice Blanchot began publishing texts that he named entretiens, this change in his writing responding to what deconstruction sees as the closure of logocentric or continuous discourse. Paradoxically, this closure does not prevent such discourse, in which philosophical enquiry and technological change are intertwined, from dominating the modern world. By changing his writing, and by reiterating the dialogical form so central to metaphysical tradition since Plato, Blanchot gives voice to the tensions between continuity and its ‘outside’, between philosophy and literature. This is one sense in which his entretiens do not engage in a representation of difference, but instead open themselves to the inflections of what Jean-Luc Nancy calls le partage des voix.


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The Gesture of Exposure On the presentation of the work of art in the modern art exhibition The topic of this dissertation is the presentation of art works in the modern art exhibition as being the established and conventionalized form of art encounter. It investigates the possibility of a theorization of the art exhibition as a separate object for research, and attempts to examine the relationship between the art work and its presentation in a modern art exhibition. The study takes its point of departure in the area vaguely defined as exhibition studies, and in the lack of a general problematization of the analytical tools used for closer examination of the modern art exhibition. Another lacking aspect is a closer consideration of what happens to the work of art when it is exposed in an art exhibition. The aim of the dissertation is to find a set of concepts that can be used for further theorization The art exhibition is here treated, on the one hand, as an act of exposure, as a showing gesture. On the other hand, the art exhibition is seen as a spatiality, as a space that is produced in the act of showing. Both aspects are seen to be intimately involved in knowledge production. The dissertation is divided into four parts, in which different aspects of the art exhibition are analyzed using different theoretical approaches. The first part uses the archaeological model of Michel Foucault, and discusses the exhibition as a discursive formation based on communicative activity. The second part analyses the derived concepts of gesture and space. This leads to the proposition of three metaphorical spatialities the frame, the agora and the threshold which are seen as providing a possibility for a further extension of the theory of exhibitions. The third part extends the problematization of the relationship between the individual work of art and its exposure through the ideas of Walter Benjamin and Maurice Blanchot. The fourth part carries out a close reading of three presentations from the modern era in order to further examine the relationship between the work of art and its presentation, using the tools that have been developed during the study. In the concluding section, it is possible to see clearer borderlines and conditions for the development of an exhibition theory. The concepts that have been analysed and developed into tools are shown to be useful, and the examples take the discussion into a consideration of the altered premises for the encounter with the postmodern work of art.


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A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN.


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A partir do pequeno livro Os caminhos do Conhecer, publicado em 1981 pela Editora Noa Noa, esta dissertação procurou analisar os principais aspectos da obra da poeta Angela Melim, tal como pensar sua escrita, com relação à poesia contemporânea brasileira. Primeiramente, traçamos um breve panorama do contexto no qual surgiu a poeta, os ávidos anos 70, para em seguida entender o que foi a poesia marginal e qual relação Melim manteve com ela. Detivemo-nos, depois, na leitura e análise de Os caminhos do Conhecer e nas importantes questões que ele suscita, como, por exemplo, a relação entre sujeito e paisagem, o feminino na literatura, o tempo e o espaço literários, o ritmo, o gênero do texto etc. Usamos, para tal, os conceitos de (des)limites entre poesia e prosa (a partir de Agamben e de Masé Lemos), de gênero (segundo Derrida), de outramento (Evando Nascimento), de tempo (Maurice Blanchot), entre outros


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Em Cal, livro do escritor português José Luís Peixoto, a morte mostra-se sob diversas perspectivas. Esta dissertação objetiva, primeiramente, reconhecer as singularidades dessas perspectivas, bem como o movimento de identificação entre elas. Considerando que o livro não apenas desvela possibilidades de morte, mas, principalmente, as interseções entre as noções de morte e de vida, buscaremos responder às seguintes questões: é possível saber se, de fato, estamos vivos? A morte é definitiva? Morte e vida são condições excludentes? A temática da memória e dos afetos, inseparável das reflexões acerca da finitude e das noções de presença e ausência, perpassará, inevitavelmente, toda a progressão deste trabalho. Para pensarmos esses temas, assim como seus temas transversais, tomamos como referência conceitos de teóricos da literatura, da filosofia e da psicanálise, como G. Deleuze, J. Derrida, M. Blanchot, F. Nietzsche, S. Freud, B. Spinoza, G. Bataille. O diálogo com e entre pensadores de contextos distintos contribui para dar a esta dissertação seu aspecto fragmentário, na qual as reflexões surgem e resurgem em progressão labiríntica, de limites deslocáveis


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Esta tese relata o meu encontro com um grupo de idosos em um projeto denominado Conversas & Memórias, e a experiência comunitária ali produzida. O objetivo central foi analisar de que forma os dispositivos utilizados na intervenção ajudaram na construção dessa experiência. Partindo de um campo de problematização que coloca em questão as possibilidades de vivermos juntos, busquei responder às seguintes perguntas: de que forma a vida coletiva nos contagia e nos constitui? que apostas podemos arriscar que nos permitam afirmar a possibilidade de construirmos experiências comunitárias no mundo de hoje? quais práticas de cuidado de si e de cuidado do outro podemos encontrar (ou inventar) em nossa cultura? como essas práticas podem produzir, como efeito, experiências de vida comunitária? como podemos viver juntos? Foi em torno dessas questões que desenvolvi o trabalho em dois campos distintos, visando à construção, por um lado, de um solo teórico-conceitual, e, por outro, de um plano prático-experimental. Na primeira parte desta tese, apresento os conceitos e intercessores que fundamentam as ideias aqui defendidas. Começo discutindo o processo de subjetivação, em um diálogo com o pensamento de Gilles Deleuze, Gilbert Simondon e Baruch Espinosa, e termino apresentando as apostas de Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari, Antonio Negri e Michael Hardt, Maurice Blanchot, Giorgio Agamben e Jean-Luc Nancy em uma comunidade por vir. Em seguida, apresento minhas próprias apostas, fundamentadas no diálogo de Michel Foucault com a filosofia antiga sobre as práticas de si e a construção de um novo ethos, desenhado por uma estética da existência. Descrevo, em outro capítulo, o método da pesquisa, partindo de uma discussão sobre a cartografia e as possibilidades que ela ofereceu para que eu pudesse acompanhar processos e habitar o território da pesquisa; discuto, ainda, o conceito de dispositivo e os efeitos que são produzidos ao desembaraçarem-se suas linhas; por fim, descrevo o material que utilizei nas análises da experiência do projeto. Na segunda parte da tese, arrisco-me em um campo prático-experimental, dando movimento aos conceitos discutidos anteriormente e incorporando-os à discussão dos quatro dispositivos que examino aqui. No primeiro, a Roda de Conversação e os efeitos, como o exercício ético e político, que essa prática anuncia. No segundo dispositivo, os Agenciamentos, apresento as poesias, músicas, crônicas, passeios que foram utilizados como disparadores das conversas, analisando os diálogos e as virtualidades produzidos por eles. No dispositivo três, a Experiência Narrativa, descrevo o processo de publicação de um livro com as histórias de alguns participantes do projeto. No quarto dispositivo, a Imagem Revelada, descrevo os efeitos provocados pelas imagens publicadas em um livro de fotografias. O último capítulo retoma a pergunta inicial - como viver junto? -, e oferece algumas pistas sobre as possibilidades de construirmos uma outra forma de sociabilidade nos dias de hoje.


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This thesis examines Paul Austers extremely neglected early work: his poetry. Five books were published: Unearth (1974), Wall writing (1976), Effigies (1977), Fragments from cold (1977) and Facing the music (1980), available only at antiquarians and restrective universities libraries in the United States, as well as at the New York Public Library. Studies around Austers poetic oeuvre are restricted to papers, reviews, translators introduction, and a thesis that focus on his poetry to produce new analyses and interpretations of Austers novelistic works. The aim of this thesis is to gather this scattered material and provide new parameters of study around his poetry. Divided into three chapters, the first one maps the literary magazines where Auster published his poems at first, the translations of his poems and critical fortune; the second examines Austers five books according to three specific topics authorship, language, I and other themes related to them; the third analyzes White Spaces, text considered by the author as the bridge that leads him to prose and in this thesis as a singular writing in which Auster consolidates his literary project, since poetry, previous to prose, yet to come. Maurice Blanchot, Karlheinz Stierle and, principally, Auster, lay the foundation of the investigation. Other theorists who contribute to the understanding of the subject will be called to build the sui generis comparativism put into effect here