993 resultados para Biomass characterization


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In this study, the filtration process and the biomass characteristics in a laboratory-scale submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) equipped with a hollow fiber (HF) microfiltration membrane were studied at different solid retention times (SRT). The MBR was fed by synthetic wastewater and the organic loading rate (OLR) was 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, and 0.08 kg COD kg VSS−1 d−1 for 10, 30, 60, and 90 days of SRT, respectively. The hydraulic retention time was 8.4 h and the permeate flux was 6 L m−2 h−1(LMH). Data analysis confirmed that at all the studied SRTs, the HF-MBR operated very good obtaining of high quality permeates. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal efficiencies were higher than 95%. The best filtration performance was reached at SRT of 30 d. On the other hand, the respirometric analysis showed that biomass was more active and there was more biomass production at low SRTs. The concentration of soluble extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) decreased with increasing SRT. A decrease of soluble EPS caused a decrease of membrane fouling rate, decreasing the frequency of chemical cleanings. The floc size decreased with SRT increasing. At high SRTs, there was more friction among particles due to the increase of the cellular density and the flocs broke decreasing their size.


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Los análisis de sensibilidad son una herramienta importante para comprender el funcionamiento de los modelos ecológicos, así como para identificar los parámetros más importantes en su funcionamiento. Además, los análisis de sensibilidad pueden utilizarse para diseñar de forma más efectiva planes de muestreo de campo dirigidos a calibrar los modelos ecológicos. En los estudios de ecosistemas forestales, el análisis cuantitativo de la parte subterránea es mucho más costoso y complicado que el estudio de la parte aérea, en especial el estudio de la dinámica de producción y descomposición de raíces gruesas y finas de los árboles. En este trabajo se muestra un ejemplo de análisis de sensibilidad del modelo forestal FORECAST a parámetros que definen la biomasa, longevidad y concentración de nitrógeno en las raíces de los árboles. El modelo se calibró para simular dos rodales de pino silvestre (Pinus sylvestris) en los Pirineos de Navarra. Los resultados indican que la tasa de renovación de raíces finas es el parámetro más influyente en las estimaciones del modelo de crecimiento de los árboles, seguida de la concentración de N en las mismas, siendo la relación biomasa subterránea/total el parámetro al cual el modelo es menos sensible. Además, el modelo es más sensible a los parámetros que definen el componente subterráneo de la biomasa arbórea cuando simula un sitio de menor capacidad productiva y mayor limitación por nutrientes.


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Nesta tese procurou-se demonstrar a valoração do efluente do processamento de pescado por incorporação dos nutrientes em Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli a diferentes temperaturas. Para tanto o trabalho é composto de cinco artigos que objetivaram avaliar sob o ponto de vista do tratamento do efluente pela cianobactéria Aphanothece e a separação e avaliação da biomassa gerada. O primeiro artigo intitula-se “Influência da temperatura na remoção de nutrientes do efluente da indústria de pescado por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli”, e teve por objetivo avaliar a influência da temperatura (10, 20 e 30ºC) em um sistema de tratamento pela cianobactéria Aphanothece na remoção de matéria orgânica, nitrogênio e fósforo do efluente oriundo do processamento de pescado. A análise dos resultados mostrou que a temperatura influenciou significativamente na remoção de DQO, NTK, N-NH4 + e P-PO4 -3 . Para os experimentos a 20 e 30ºC todos os limites estabelecidos para os parâmetros avaliados foram atingidos. O segundo artigo intitulado “Efeito de coagulantes no efluente da indústria da pesca visando à separação de biomassa quando tratado por cianobactéria” avaliou o efeito da concentração e pH de dois tipos de coagulantes, cloreto férrico (FeCl3) e sulfato de alumínio (Al2(SO4)3), na separação da biomassa da cianobactéria Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli cultivada em efluente da indústria da pesca, assim como a remoção de matéria orgânica e nutrientes do efluente. Os resultados indicaram que o coagulante FeCl3 foi mais eficaz na remoção de todos os parâmetros testados. No que concerne à separação da biomassa, com um número de seis lavagens foi removido cerca de 97,6% da concentração de FeCl3 adicionado inicialmente. O terceiro artigo com o título “Caracterização da biomassa de Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli gerada no efluente da indústria da pesca em diferentes temperaturas de cultivo” avaliou a composição química da biomassa da cianobactéria Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli quando desenvolvida em meio de cultivo padrão BG11 e no efluente do processamento de pescado. O quarto artigo teve como título “Influência do meio de cultivo e temperatura em compostos nitrogenados na cianobactéria Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli” objetivou avaliar o teor de compostos nitrogenados presentes na biomassa da cianobactéria Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli quando cultivada em meio padrão e no efluente da indústria da pesca nas diferentes fases de crescimento. Para o estudo da composição química e nitrogenados no efluente foram realizados experimentos nas temperaturas de 10, 20 e 30ºC. As concentrações de proteína, cinzas e pigmentos aumentaram com o aumento da temperatura. Por outro lado, foi observada uma redução do teor de lipídios e carboidratos com o aumento da temperatura. O íon amônio juntamente com os ácidos nucléicos representa uma importante fração do nitrogênio não protéico presente na biomassa da cianobactéria Aphanothece. Ficou demonstrada a influência do meio de cultivo na concentração de nitrogênio, bem como a determinação de proteína pelo método de Kjeldahl superestima a concentração protéica em cianobactérias. O quinto artigo intitulado “Produção de proteína unicelular a partir do efluente do processamento do pescado: modelagem preditiva e simulação” avaliou a produção de proteína unicelular através do cultivo da cianobactéria Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli no efluente da indústria da pesca. Os dados cinéticos de crescimento celular foram ajustados a quatro modelos matemáticos (Logístico, Gompertz, Gompertz Modificado e Baranyi). Os resultados demonstraram que o modelo Logístico foi considerado o mais adequado para descrever a formação de biomassa. A análise preditiva mostrou a possibilidade da obtenção de 1,66, 18,96 e 57,36 kg.m-3.d-1 de biomassa por volume do reator em 1000 h de processo contínuo, para as temperaturas de 10, 20 e 30ºC, respectivamente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The performance of an anaerobic sequencing-batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR-laboratory scale- 14L) containing biomass immobilized on coal was evaluated for the removal of elevated concentrations of sulfate (between 200 and 3,000 mg SO4-2.L-1) from industrial wastewater effluents. The ASBBR was shown to be efficient for removal of organic material (between 90% and 45%) and sulfate (between 95% and 85%). The microbiota adhering to the support medium was analyzed by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA). The ARDRA profiles for the Bacteria and Archaea domains proved to be sensitive for the determination of microbial diversity and were consistent with the physical-chemical monitoring analysis of the reactor. At 3,000 mg SO4-2.L-1, there was a reduction in the microbial diversity of both domains and also in the removal efficiencies of organic material and sulfate.


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The performance of an anaerobic sequencing-batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR- laboratory scale- 14L )containing biomass immobilized on coal was evaluated for the removal of elevated concentrations of sulfate (between 200 and 3,000 mg SO4-2·L-1) from industrial wastewater effluents. The ASBBR was shown to be efficient for removal of organic material (between 90% and 45%) and sulfate (between 95% and 85%). The microbiota adhering to the support medium was analyzed by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA). The ARDRA profiles for the Bacteria and Archaea domains proved to be sensitive for the determination of microbial diversity and were consistent with the physical-chemical monitoring analysis of the reactor. At 3,000 mg SO4-2·L-1, there was a reduction in the microbial diversity of both domains and also in the removal efficiencies of organic material and sulfate.


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There is interest in the use of sugar cane waste biomass for electricity cogeneration, by integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) processes. This paper describes one aspect of an overall investigation into the reactivity of cane wastes under pressurized IGGC conditions, for input into process design. There is currently a gap in understanding the morphological transformations experienced by cane waste biomass undergoing conversion to char during pressurized gasification, which is addressed by this work. Char residuals remaining after pressurized pyrolysis and carbon dioxide gasification were analysed by optical microscope, nitrogen (BET) adsorption analysis, SEM/EDS, TEM/EDS and XPS techniques. The amorphous cane plant silica structures were found to remain physically intact during entrained flow gasification, but chemically altered in the presence of other inorganic species. The resulting crystalline silicates were mesoporous (with surface areas of the order of 20 m(2) g(-1)) and contributed to much of the otherwise limited pore volume present in the residual chars. Coke deposition and intimate blending of the carbonaceous and inorganic species was identified. Progressive sintering of the silicates appeared to trap coke deposits in the pore network. As a result ash residuals showed significant organic contents, even after extensive additional oxidation in air. The implications of the findings are that full conversion of cane trash materials under pressurized IGCC conditions may be significantly hampered by the silica structures inherent in these biomass materials and that further research of the contributing phenomena is recommended.


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O sorgo biomassa possui elevada produção de biomassa lignocelulósica, surgindo como alternativa de cultivo visando produção de energia renovável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar cultivares de sorgo biomassa visando a geração de energia para região Norte de MT. Para tal, implantou-se em 04/12/2014, em Sinop-MT, um experimento no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, composto por 36 genótipos de sorgo (34 biomassas e 2 forrageiros). As características avaliadas foram: florescimento, altura de plantas, acamamento, população de plantas, produção de massa verde, produção de massa seca, porcentagem de massa seca e umidade. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância e as médias dos genótipos foram agrupadas pelo teste de Scott-Knott. Os materiais forrageiros floresceram, em média, aos 77 dias, enquanto que os genótipos de biomassa floresceram dos 101 aos 130 dias. Enquanto o melhor genótipo forrageiro (Volumax) produziu 11,6 t de massa seca ha -1, 15 genótipos de sorgo biomassa produziram, em média, 24 t. Demonstrando estes serem os de maior interesse de cultivo na região de estudo. A matéria seca produzida pelos genótipos de sorgo biomassa associado a seu poder calorífico demonstram potencial da cultura para produção de energia renovável.


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Catalytic decomposition is a very attractive way to convert tar components into H2, CO and other useful chemicals. The performance of Fe3Ni8/PG (palygorskite, PG) reduced in hydrogen at different temperatures for the catalytic decomposition of benzene has been assessed. Benzene was used as the model biomass tar. The effects of calcination atmosphere, temperatures and benzene concentration on catalytic cracking of benzene were measured. The results of XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope), TPR (Temperature Program Reduction), TPSR (Temperature Program Surface Reduction), TC (Total Carbon), the reactivity component and reaction mechanism over Fe3Ni8/PG for catalytic cracking of benzene are discussed. The results showed particles of awaruite (Fe, Ni) about 2–30 nm were found on the surface of palygorskite by TEM when the calcination temperature was 600 °C. Particles with size smaller than 30 nm were obtained on all prepared Fe3Ni8/PG catalysts as shown by XRD. The nanoparticles proved to be the reactive component for catalytic cracking of benzene and the increase of active particle size caused the decrease in the reactivity of Fe3Ni8/PG. Fe3Ni8/PG annealed in hydrogen at 600 °C was proved to have the best reactivity in experiments (45% hydrogen yield). High concentration benzene (448 g/m3) accelerated the formation of carbon deposition. However, iron oxide decreases carbon deposition and increases the stability of catalyst for catalytic cracking of benzene. The application of Fe3Ni8/PG catalysts was proved a very effective catalyst for the catalytic cracking of benzene.


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Locally available different bbiomass solid wastes, pine seed, date seed, plum seed, nutshell, hay of catkin, rice husk, jute stick, saw-dust, wheat straw and linseed residue in the particle form have been pyrolyzed in laboratory scale fixed bed reactor. The products obtained are pyrolysis oil, solid char and gas. The oil and char are collected while the gas is flared into atmosphere. The variation of oil yield for different biomass feedstock with reaction parameters like, reactor bed temperature, feed size and running time is presented in a comparative way in the paper. A maximum liquid yield of 55 wt% of dry feedstock is obtained at an optimum temperature of 500 °C for a feed size of 300-600 μm with a running time of 55 min with nutshell as the feedstock while the minimum liquid yield is found to be 30 wt% of feedstock at an optimum temperature of 400 °C for a feed size of 2.36 mm with a running time of 65 min for linseed residue. A detailed study on the variation of product yields with reaction parameters is presented for the latest investigation with pine seed as the feedstock where a maximum liquid yield of 40 wt% of dry feedstock is obtained at an optimum temperature of 500 °C for a feed size of 2.36-2.76 mm with a running time of 120 min. The characterization of the pyrolysis oil is carried out and a comparison of some selected properties of the oil is presented. From the study it is exhibited that the biomass solid wastes have the potential to be converted into liquid oil as a source of renewable energy with some further upgrading of the products.


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During the post-rainy (rabi) season in India around 3 million tonnes of sorghum grain is produced from 5.7 million ha of cropping. This underpins the livelihood of about 5 million households. Severe drought is common as the crop grown in these areas relies largely on soil moisture stored during the preceding rainy season. Improvement of rabi sorghum cultivars through breeding has been slow but could be accelerated if drought scenarios in the production regions were better understood. The sorghum crop model within the APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator) platform was used to simulate crop growth and yield and the pattern of crop water status through each season using available historical weather data. The current model reproduced credibly the observed yield variation across the production region (R2=0.73). The simulated trajectories of drought stress through each crop season were clustered into five different drought stress patterns. A majority of trajectories indicated terminal drought (43%) with various timings of onset during the crop cycle. The most severe droughts (25% of seasons) were when stress began before flowering and resulted in failure of grain production in most cases, although biomass production was not affected so severely. The frequencies of drought stress types were analyzed for selected locations throughout the rabi tract and showed different zones had different predominating stress patterns. This knowledge can help better focus the search for adaptive traits and management practices to specific stress situations and thus accelerate improvement of rabi sorghum via targeted specific adaptation. The case study presented here is applicable to other sorghum growing environments. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.