975 resultados para Biology, Neuroscience|Biology, Genetics
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2014
Evolutionary biologists have long endeavored to document how many species exist on Earth, to understand the processes by which biodiversity waxes and wanes, to document and interpret spatial patterns of biodiversity, and to infer evolutionary relationships. Despite the great potential of this knowledge to improve biodiversity science, conservation, and policy, evolutionary biologists have generally devoted limited attention to these broader implications. Likewise, many workers in biodiversity science have underappreciated the fundamental relevance of evolutionary biology. The aim of this article is to summarize and illustrate some ways in which evolutionary biology is directly relevant We do so in the context of four broad areas: (1) discovering and documenting biodiversity, (2) understanding the causes of diversification, (3) evaluating evolutionary responses to human disturbances, and (4) implications for ecological communities, ecosystems, and humans We also introduce bioGENESIS, a new project within DIVERSITAS launched to explore the potential practical contributions of evolutionary biology In addition to fostering the integration of evolutionary thinking into biodiversity science, bioGENESIS provides practical recommendations to policy makers for incorporating evolutionary perspectives into biodiversity agendas and conservation. We solicit your involvement in developing innovative ways of using evolutionary biology to better comprehend and stem the loss of biodiversity.
The Xylella fastidiosa comparative genomic database is a scientific resource with the aim to provide a user-friendly interface for accessing high-quality manually curated genomic annotation and comparative sequence analysis, as well as for identifying and mapping prophage-like elements, a marked feature of Xylella genomes. Here we describe a database and tools for exploring the biology of this important plant pathogen. The hallmarks of this database are the high quality genomic annotation, the functional and comparative genomic analysis and the identification and mapping of prophage-like elements. It is available from web site http://www.xylella.lncc.br.
[EUS] Hizkuntzaren sustrai biologikoen ikerketak aurrerapausu handiak egin ditu azken urteotan. Ikerketa hau alorrartekoa da nahitaez, eta hizkuntzalaritza, psikologia, neurozientzia eta genetikaren arteko bilbatura batek osatzen du «biohizkuntzalaritza» eta hizkuntzaren neurokognizioa itxuratzea xede duen eremu berri hau. Artikulu honetan ezagutza eremu honen hastapeneko itxurapen bat eskainzen da, hizkuntzaren genetikan eta neurokognizioan azken urteotan egin diren zenbait urrats aurkeztuaz.
During ecological speciation, divergent natural selection drives evolution of ecological specialization and genetic differentiation of populations on alternate environments. Populations diverging onto the same alternate environments may be geographically widespread, so that divergence may occur at an array of locations simultaneously. Spatial variation in the process of divergence may produce a pattern of differences in divergence among locations called the Geographic Mosaic of Divergence. Diverging populations may vary in their degree of genetic differentiation and ecological specialization among locations. My dissertation examines the pattern and evolutionary processes of divergence in pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) on alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and clover (Trifolium pretense). In Chapter One, I examined differences among North American aphid populations in genetic differentiation at nuclear, sequence-based markers and in ecological specialization, measured as aphid fecundity on each host plant. In the East, aphids showed high host-plant associated ecological specialization and high genetic differentiation. In the West, aphids from clover were genetically indistinguishable from aphids on alfalfa, and aphids from clover were less specialized. Thus, the pattern of divergence differed among locations, suggesting a Geographic Mosaic of Divergence. In Chapter Two, I examined genomic heterogeneity in divergence in aphids on alfalfa and clover across North America using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). The degree of genetic differentiation varied greatly among markers, suggesting that divergent natural selection drives aphid divergence in all geographic locations. Three of the same genetic markers were identified as evolving under divergent selection in the eastern and western regions, and additional divergent markers were identified in the East. In Chapter Three, I investigated population structure of aphids in North America, France, and Sweden using AFLPs. Aphids on the same host plant were genetically similar across many parts of their range, so the evolution of host plant specialization does not appear to have occurred independently in every location. While aphids on alfalfa and clover were genetically differentiated in most locations, aphids from alfalfa and clover were genetically similar in both western North America and Sweden. High gene flow from alfalfa onto clover may constrain divergence in these locations.
La sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA) est la maladie des neurones moteurs la plus fréquente, affectant 4-6 individus par 100,000 habitants à l’échelle mondiale. La maladie se caractérise par une faiblesse et une atrophie musculaire suite à la dégénérescence des neurones du cortex moteur, tronc cérébral et moelle épinière. Les personnes atteintes développent les premiers symptômes à l’âge adulte et la maladie progresse sur une période de trois à cinq ans. Il a été répertorié qu’environ 10% des patients ont une histoire familiale de SLA; 90% des gens affectés le sont donc de façon sporadique. La découverte il y a 19 ans de mutations dans le gène zinc/copper superoxide dismutase (SOD1), présentes dans 15-20% des cas familiaux de SLA et environ 2% du total des individus affectés, a été l’événement déclencheur pour la découverte de variations génétiques responsables de la maladie. La recherche sur la génétique de la SLA a connu une progression rapide ces quatre dernières années avec l’identification de mutations dans de nouveaux gènes. Toutefois, même si certains de ces gènes ont été démontrés comme réellement liés à la maladie, la contribution d’autres gènes demeure incertaine puisque les résultats publiés de ceux-ci n’ont pas, à ce jour, été répliqués. Une portion substantielle de cas reste cependant à être génétiquement expliquée, et aucun traitement à ce jour n’a été démontré comme étant efficace pour remédier, atténuer ou prévenir la maladie. Le but du projet de recherche de doctorat était d’identifier de nouveaux gènes mutés dans la SLA, tout en évaluant la contribution de gènes nouvellement identifiés chez une importante cohorte multiethnique de cas familiaux et sporadiques. Les résultats présentés sont organisés en trois sections différentes. Dans un premier temps, la contribution de mutations présentes dans le gène FUS est évaluée chez les patients familiaux, sporadiques et juvéniles de SLA. Précisément, de nouvelles mutations sont rapportées et la proportion de mutations retrouvées chez les cas familiaux et sporadiques de SLA est évaluée. De plus, une nouvelle mutation est rapportée dans un cas juvénile de SLA; cette étude de cas est discutée. Dans un deuxième temps, de nouvelles avenues génétiques sont explorées concernant le gène SOD1. En effet, une nouvelle mutation complexe est rapportée chez une famille française de SLA. De plus, la possibilité qu’une mutation présente dans un autre gène impliqué dans la SLA ait un impact sur l’épissage du gène SOD1 est évaluée. Finalement, la dernière section explique la contribution de nouveaux gènes candidats chez les patients atteints de SLA. Spécifiquement, le rôle des gènes OPTN, SIGMAR1 et SORT1 dans le phénotype de SLA est évalué. Il est souhaité que nos résultats combinés avec les récents développements en génétique et biologie moléculaire permettent une meilleure compréhension du mécanisme pathologique responsable de cette terrible maladie tout en guidant le déploiement de thérapies suite à l’identification des cibles appropriées.
Les champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires (CMA) sont très répandus dans le sol où ils forment des associations symbiotiques avec la majorité des plantes appelées mycorhizes arbusculaires. Le développement des CMA dépend fortement de la plante hôte, de telle sorte qu'ils ne peuvent vivre à l'état saprotrophique, par conséquent ils sont considérés comme des biotrophes obligatoires. Les CMA forment une lignée évolutive basale des champignons et ils appartiennent au phylum Glomeromycota. Leurs mycélia sont formés d’un réseau d’hyphes cénocytiques dans lesquelles les noyaux et les organites cellulaires peuvent se déplacer librement d’un compartiment à l’autre. Les CMA permettent à la plante hôte de bénéficier d'une meilleure nutrition minérale, grâce au réseau d'hyphes extraradiculaires, qui s'étend au-delà de la zone du sol explorée par les racines. Ces hyphes possèdent une grande capacité d'absorption d’éléments nutritifs qui vont être transportés par ceux-ci jusqu’aux racines. De ce fait, les CMA améliorent la croissance des plantes tout en les protégeant des stresses biotiques et abiotiques. Malgré l’importance des CMA, leurs génétique et évolution demeurent peu connues. Leurs études sont ardues à cause de leur mode de vie qui empêche leur culture en absence des plantes hôtes. En plus leur diversité génétique intra-isolat des génomes nucléaires, complique d’avantage ces études, en particulier le développement des marqueurs moléculaires pour des études biologiques, écologiques ainsi que les fonctions des CMA. C’est pour ces raisons que les génomes mitochondriaux offrent des opportunités et alternatives intéressantes pour étudier les CMA. En effet, les génomes mitochondriaux (mt) publiés à date, ne montrent pas de polymorphismes génétique intra-isolats. Cependant, des exceptions peuvent exister. Pour aller de l’avant avec la génomique mitochondriale, nous avons besoin de générer beaucoup de données de séquençages de l’ADN mitochondrial (ADNmt) afin d’étudier les méchanismes évolutifs, la génétique des population, l’écologie des communautés et la fonction des CMA. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de mon projet de doctorat consiste à: 1) étudier l’évolution des génomes mt en utilisant l’approche de la génomique comparative au niveau des espèces proches, des isolats ainsi que des espèces phylogénétiquement éloignées chez les CMA; 2) étudier l’hérédité génétique des génomes mt au sein des isolats de l’espèce modèle Rhizophagus irregularis par le biais des anastomoses ; 3) étudier l’organisation des ADNmt et les gènes mt pour le développement des marqueurs moléculaires pour des études phylogénétiques. Nous avons utilisé l’approche dite ‘whole genome shotgun’ en pyroséquençage 454 et Illumina HiSeq pour séquencer plusieurs taxons de CMA sélectionnés selon leur importance et leur disponibilité. Les assemblages de novo, le séquençage conventionnel Sanger, l’annotation et la génomique comparative ont été réalisés pour caractériser des ADNmt complets. Nous avons découvert plusieurs mécanismes évolutifs intéressant chez l’espèce Gigaspora rosea dans laquelle le génome mt est complètement remanié en comparaison avec Rhizophagus irregularis isolat DAOM 197198. En plus nous avons mis en évidence que deux gènes cox1 et rns sont fragmentés en deux morceaux. Nous avons démontré que les ARN transcrits les deux fragments de cox1 se relient entre eux par épissage en trans ‘Trans-splicing’ à l’aide de l’ARN du gene nad5 I3 qui met ensemble les deux ARN cox1.1 et cox1.2 en formant un ARN complet et fonctionnel. Nous avons aussi trouvé une organisation de l’ADNmt très particulière chez l’espèce Rhizophagus sp. Isolat DAOM 213198 dont le génome mt est constitué par deux chromosomes circulaires. En plus nous avons trouvé une quantité considérable des séquences apparentées aux plasmides ‘plasmid-related sequences’ chez les Glomeraceae par rapport aux Gigasporaceae, contribuant ainsi à une évolution rapide des ADNmt chez les Glomeromycota. Nous avons aussi séquencé plusieurs isolats de l’espèces R. irregularis et Rhizophagus sp. pour décortiquer leur position phylogénéque et inférer des relations évolutives entre celles-ci. La comparaison génomique mt nous montré l’existence de plusieurs éléments mobiles comme : des cadres de lecture ‘open reading frames (mORFs)’, des séquences courtes inversées ‘short inverted repeats (SIRs)’, et des séquences apparentées aux plasimdes ‘plasmid-related sequences (dpo)’ qui impactent l’ordre des gènes mt et permettent le remaniement chromosomiques des ADNmt. Tous ces divers mécanismes évolutifs observés au niveau des isolats, nous permettent de développer des marqueurs moléculaires spécifiques à chaque isolat ou espèce de CMA. Les données générées dans mon projet de doctorat ont permis d’avancer les connaissances fondamentales des génomes mitochondriaux non seulement chez les Glomeromycètes, mais aussi de chez le règne des Fungi et les eucaryotes en général. Les trousses moléculaires développées dans ce projet peuvent servir à des études de la génétique des populations, des échanges génétiques et l’écologie des CMA ce qui va contribuer à la compréhension du rôle primorial des CMA en agriculture et environnement.
The male and female homosexual orientation has substantial prevalence in humans and can be explained by determinants of various levels: biological, genetic, psychological, social and cultural. However, the biological and genetic evidence have been the main hypotheses tested in scientific research in the world. This article aims to review research studies about the existence of genetic and biological evidence that determine homosexual orientation. Was conducted a review of the literature, using the database MedLine/PubMed and Google scholar. The papers and books were searched in Portuguese and English, using the following keywords: sexual orientation, sexual behavior, homosexuality, developmental Biology and genetics. Was selected papers of the last 22 years. Were found five main theories about the biological components: (1) fraternal birth order, (2) brain androgenization and 2D:4D ratio; (3) brain activation by pheromones; and (4) epigenetic inheritance; and four theories about the genetic components: (1) genetic polymorphism; (2) pattern of X-linked inheritance; (3) monozygotic twins; and (4) sexual antagonistic selection. Concluded that there were many scientific evidence found over time to explain some of biological and genetic components of homosexuality, especially in males. However, today, there is no definitive explanation about what are the determinants of homosexual orientation components.
Genetic evidence has indicated that the segmentation gene runt plays a key role in regulating gene expression of the pair-rule genes hairy, even-skipped, and fushi tarazu. In contrast to other pair-rule genes, sequence data of the runt open reading frame did not reveal homologies to DNA-binding motifs of known transcriptional regulatory proteins. This thesis project examined several properties of the runt gene based on the sequence of the transcription unit, including the subcellular localization of the protein in vivo, its ability to bind DNA, and the functionality of a putative nucleotide binding domain.^ A runt-specific antibody was generated and used to demonstrate that runt is localized in the nucleus. Since the precise overlap of the pair-rule stripes is thought to be critical for the determination of cellular identity along the anterior-posterior axis, phasing of early runt expression in the blastoderm was examined with regard to the segmentation genes hairy, even-skipped, and fushi tarazu. runt was also expressed at later stages of embryogenesis, including expression in neuroblasts, and ganglion mother cells of the developing nervous system. Expression at this stage was required for the subsequent formation of specific neurons and runt was extensively expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems.^ Several experiments were done to address the biochemical function of the runt protein. A direct interaction of runt with DNA was first examined. Although bacterial expressed runt was found to bind dsDNA-cellulose, subsequent experiments failed to detect sequence-specific interactions with DNA. Inter-species conservation of the putative nucleotide binding domain suggested that this region was functionally important, and runt protein bound a labeled ATP analog with high affinity in vitro. Finally, the effect of substitution of a critical residue of the nucleotide binding domain on runt activity was examined in vivo. Ectopic expression of the mutant protein indicated that this conserved substitution altered, but did not eliminate, runt activity as evaluated by segmentation phenotype and viability. ^
Molecular and cytogenetic analyses of human glioblastomas have revealed frequent genetic alterations, including major deletions in chromosomes 9, 10, and 17, suggesting the presence of glioma-associated tumor suppressor genes on these chromosomes. To examine this hypothesis, copies of chromosomes 2, 4, and 10 derived from a human fibroblast cell line were independently introduced into a human glioma cell line, U251, by microcell-mediated chromosomal transfer. Successful transfer of chromosomes in each case was confirmed by resistance to the drug G418, indicating the presence of the neomycin-resistance gene previously integrated into each transferred chromosome. The presence of novel chromosomes and or chromosomal fragments was also demonstrated by molecular and karyotypic analyses. The hybrid clones containing either a novel chromosome 4 or chromosome 10 displayed suppression of the tumorigenic phenotype in vivo and suppression of the transformed phenotype in vitro, while cells containing a transferred chromosome 2 failed to alter their tumorigenic phenotype. The hybrid cells containing chromosome 4 or 10 exhibited a significant decrease in their saturation density, altered cellular morphology at high cell density, but only a slight decrease in their exponential growth rate. A dramatic decrease was observed in growth of cells with chromosome 4 or 10 in soft agarose, with the number and size of the colonies being greatly reduced, compared to the parental or chromosome 2 containing cells. The introduction of chromosome 4 or 10 also completely suppressed tumor formation in nude mice. These studies indicate that chromosome 10, as hypothesized, and chromosome 4, a novel finding for gliomas, harbor tumor suppressor loci that may be directly involved in the initiation or progression of normal glial precursors to human glioblastoma multiforme. ^
Variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) are genetic loci at which short sequence motifs are found repeated different numbers of times among chromosomes. To explore the potential utility of VNTR loci in evolutionary studies, I have conducted a series of studies to address the following questions: (1) What are the population genetic properties of these loci? (2) What are the mutational mechanisms of repeat number change at these loci? (3) Can DNA profiles be used to measure the relatedness between a pair of individuals? (4) Can DNA fingerprint be used to measure the relatedness between populations in evolutionary studies? (5) Can microsatellite and short tandem repeat (STR) loci which mutate stepwisely be used in evolutionary analyses?^ A large number of VNTR loci typed in many populations were studied by means of statistical methods developed recently. The results of this work indicate that there is no significant departure from Hardy-Weinberg expectation (HWE) at VNTR loci in most of the human populations examined, and the departure from HWE in some VNTR loci are not solely caused by the presence of population sub-structure.^ A statistical procedure is developed to investigate the mutational mechanisms of VNTR loci by studying the allele frequency distributions of these loci. Comparisons of frequency distribution data on several hundreds VNTR loci with the predictions of two mutation models demonstrated that there are differences among VNTR loci grouped by repeat unit sizes.^ By extending the ITO method, I derived the distribution of the number of shared bands between individuals with any kinship relationship. A maximum likelihood estimation procedure is proposed to estimate the relatedness between individuals from the observed number of shared bands between them.^ It was believed that classical measures of genetic distance are not applicable to analysis of DNA fingerprints which reveal many minisatellite loci simultaneously in the genome, because the information regarding underlying alleles and loci is not available. I proposed a new measure of genetic distance based on band sharing between individuals that is applicable to DNA fingerprint data.^ To address the concern that microsatellite and STR loci may not be useful for evolutionary studies because of the convergent nature of their mutation mechanisms, by a theoretical study as well as by computer simulation, I conclude that the possible bias caused by the convergent mutations can be corrected, and a novel measure of genetic distance that makes the correction is suggested. In summary, I conclude that hypervariable VNTR loci are useful in evolutionary studies of closely related populations or species, especially in the study of human evolution and the history of geographic dispersal of Homo sapiens. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
The genetic etiology of stroke likely reflects the influence of multiple loci with small effects, each modulating different pathophysiological processes. This research project utilized three analytical strategies to address the paucity of information related to the identification and characterization of genetic variation associated with stroke in the general population. ^ First, the general contribution of familial factors to stroke susceptibility was evaluated in a population-based sample of unrelated individuals. Increased risk of subclinical cerebral infarction was observed among individuals with a positive parental history of stroke. This association did not appear to be mediated by established stroke risk factors, specifically blood pressure levels or hypertension status. ^ The need to identify specific gene variation associated with stroke in the general population was addressed by evaluating seven candidate gene polymorphisms in a population-based sample of unrelated individuals. Three polymorphisms were significantly associated with increased subclinical cerebral infarction or incident clinical ischemic stroke risk. These relationships include the G-protein β3 subunit 825C/T polymorphism and clinical stroke in Whites, the lipoprotein lipase S/X447 polymorphism and subclinical and clinical stroke in men, and the angiotensin I-converting enzyme Ins/Del polymorphism and subclinical stroke in White men. These associations did not appear to be obfuscated by the stroke risk factors adjusted for in the analysis models specifically blood pressure levels or anti-hypertensive medication use. ^ The final research strategy considered, on a genome-wide scale, the idea that genetic variation may contribute to the occurrence of hypertension or stroke through a common etiologic pathway. Genomic regions were identified for which significant evidence of heterogeneity was observed among hypertensive sibpairs stratified by family history of stroke information. Regions identified on chromosome 15 in African Americans, and chromosome 13 in Whites and African Americans, suggest the presence of genes influencing hypertension and stroke susceptibility. ^ Insight into the role of genetics in stroke is useful for the potential early identification of individuals at increased risk for stroke and improved understanding of the etiology of the disease. The ultimate goal of these endeavors is to guide the development of therapeutic intervention and informed prevention to provide a lasting and positive impact on public health. ^
The POU domain transcription factor Brn3b/POU4F2 plays a critical role regulating gene expression in mouse retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Previous investigations have shown that Brn3b is not required for initial cell fate specification or migration; however, it is essential for normal RGC differentiation. In contrast to wild type axons, the mutant neurites were phenotypically different: shorter, rougher, disorganized, and poorly fasciculated. Wild type axons stained intensely with axon specific marker tau-1, while mutant projections were weakly stained and the mutant projections showed strong labeling with dendrite specific marker MAP2. Brn-3b mutant axonal projections contained more microtubules and fewer neurofilaments, a dendritic characteristic, than the wild type. The mutant neurites also exhibited significantly weaker staining of neurofilament low-molecular-weight (NF-L) in the axon when compared to the wild type, and NF-L accumulation in the neuron cell body. The absence of Brn-3b results in an inability to form normal axons and enhanced apoptosis in RGCs, suggesting that Brn-3b may control a set of genes involved in axon formation. ^ Brn3b contains several distinct sequence motifs: a glycine/serine rich region, two histidine rich regions, and a fifteen amino acid conserved sequence shared by all Brn3 family members in the N-terminus and a POU specific and POU homeodomain in the C-terminus. Brn3b activates a Luciferase reporter over 25 fold in cell culture when binding to native brn3 binding sites upstream of a minimal promoter. When fused to the Gal4 DNA Binding domain (DBD) and driven by either a strong (CMV) or weaker (pAHD) promoter, the N-terminal of Brn3b is capable of similar activation when binding to Gal4 UAS sites, indicating a presumptive activator of transcription. Both full length Brn3b or the C-terminus fused to the Gal4DBD and driven by pCMV repressed a Luciferase reporter downstream of UAS binding sites. Lower levels of expression of the fusion protein driven by pADH resulted in an alleviation of repression. This repression appears to be a limitation of this system of transcriptional analysis and a potential pitfall in conventional pCMV based transfection assays. ^
The molecular mechanisms responsible for the expansion and deletion of trinucleotide repeat sequences (TRS) are the focus of our studies. Several hereditary neurological diseases including Huntington's disease, myotonic dystrophy, and fragile X syndrome are associated with the instability of TRS. Using the well defined and controllable model system of Escherichia coli, the influences of three types of DNA incisions on genetic instability of CTG•CAG repeats were studied: DNA double-strand breaks (DSB), single-strand nicks, and single-strand gaps. The DNA incisions were generated in pUC19 derivatives by in vitro cleavage with restriction endonucleases. The cleaved DNA was then transformed into E. coli parental and mutant strains. Double-strand breaks induced deletions throughout the TRS region in an orientation dependent manner relative to the origin of replication. The extent of instability was enhanced by the repeat length and sequence (CTG•CAG vs. CGG•CCG). Mutations in recA and recBC increased deletions, mutations in recF stabilized the TRS, whereas mutations in ruvA had no effect. DSB were repaired by intramolecular recombination, versus an intermolecular gene conversion or crossover mechanism. 30 nt gaps formed a distinct 30 nt deletion product, whereas single strand nicks and gaps of 15 nts did not induce expansions or deletions. Formation of this deletion product required the CTG•CAG repeats to be present in the single-stranded region and was stimulated by E. coli DNA ligase, but was not dependent upon the RecFOR pathway. Models are presented to explain the DSB induced instabilities and formation of the 30 nucleotide deletion product. In addition to the in vitro creation of DSBs, several attempts to generate this incision in vivo with the use of EcoR I restriction modification systems were conducted. ^
Cell differentiation and pattern formation are fundamental processes in animal development that are under intense investigation. The mouse retina is a good model to study these processes because it has seven distinct cell types, and three well-laminated nuclear layers that form during embryonic and postnatal life. β-catenin functions as both the nuclear effector for the canonical Wnt pathway and a cell adhesion molecule, and is required for the development of various organs. To study the function of β-catenin in retinal development, I used a Cre-loxP system to conditionally ablate β-catenin in the developing retina. Deletion of β-catenin led to disrupted laminar structure but did not affect the differentiation of any of the seven cell types. Eliminating β-catenin did not reduce progenitor cell proliferation, although enhanced apoptosis was observed. Further analysis showed that disruption of cell adhesion was the major cause of the observed patterning defects. Overexpression of β-catenin during retinal development also disrupted the normal retinal lamination and caused a transdifferentiation of neurons into pigmented cells. The results indicate that β-catenin functions as a cell adhesion molecule but not as a Wnt pathway component during retinal neurogenesis, and is essential for lamination but not cell differentiation. The results further imply that retinal lamination and cell differentiation are genetically separable processes. ^ Sonic hedgehog (shh) is expressed in retinal ganglion cells under the control of transcription factor Pou4f2 during retinal development. Previous studies identified a phylogenetically conserved region in the first intron of shh containing a Pou4f2 binding site. Transgenic reporter mice in which reporter gene expression was driven by this region showed that this element can direct gene expression specifically in the retina, but expression was not limited to the ganglion cells. From these data I hypothesized that this element is required for shh expression in the retina but is not sufficient for specific ganglion cell expression. To further test this hypothesis, I created a conditional allele by flanking this region with two loxP sites. Lines carrying this allele will be crossed with retinal-specific Cre lines to remove this element in the retina. My hypothesis predicts that alteration in shh expression and subsequent retinal defects will occur in the retinas of these mice. ^