13 resultados para Biofortificação


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SELENATE and SELENITE on YIELD, MINERAL NUTRITION and BIOFORTIFICATION WITH SELENIUM IN LETTUCE CULTIVARSSelenium is an important antioxidant element associated with physiological processes in plants, microorganisms, animals, and humans. However, its mode of action and essentiality in plants are still disputed. In Brazil, information on Se in agricultural crops is extremely scarce, though there are indications that low levels of Se are being consumed by the population. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of selenate and selenite on yield, mineral nutrition and biofortification with Se of lettuce cultivars. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized factorial design 5 x 3 x 2, with five lettuce cultivars (Maravilha de Verao, Rafaela, Great Lakes, Veneranda, and Vera), three Se concentrations (0, 10 and 20 mu mol L(-1)) and two forms of Se (selenate and selenite), with four replicates. Results indicate that selenate application is more appropriate for biofortification of lettuce cultivars, while the effect of selenite proved to be more toxic. The application of selenate results in increased S shoot concentrations, while selenite reduced P concentrations, and both Se forms decreased micronutrient concentrations. No genotypic variation among lettuce cultivars was observed for Se concentration, and little variation was observed for shoot dry matter yield and S, Mg, Mn, and Fe levels.


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The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), a staple food in nutritional diet of Brazilians and populations in developing countries, is a nutritionally rich legume with potential for biofortification. Approximately one third of the world population suffers from nutritional deficiencies, being necessary to increase the nutrient content in vegetables, especially iron (Fe), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn), which are important micronutrients for plants and human health. In this context, three studies were carried out aiming to evaluate the potential of common bean cultivars to biofortification with Fe, Se and Zn, and verify the interaction between these minerals and iron bioavailability, in order to contribute to increased nutritional quality of grains, reducing the micronutrients deficiency and improving human health. In the first study, experiments were conducted in a greenhouse, with ten common bean cultivars in nutrient solution under different treatments with Fe, Se and Zn. The plant growth and the mineral content of the beans were evaluated in addition to verify the influence of polyphenol and phytate levels on Fe bioavailability in grains fortified with Zn and Se. The evaluated beans cultivars have proved promising for simultaneous biofortification with these nutrients without greatly affecting Fe bioavailability. In the second study, the aim was evaluate the interaction between Fe, Se and Zn in cultivars consumed in Brazil or in USA. Gene expression and root microscopy analysis were performed in order to understand the positive effect of Zn supply on the Fe uptake by roots. The expression of genes related to the transport and uptake of Fe and Zn did not clearly explain the influence of Zn in Fe nutrition. The roots microscopy and the evaluation of nutrient solutions used showed that, in the presence of Zn, there was Fe accumulation in epidermis of the roots and not in the vascular system, prone to be precipitated when it goes through the root membrane. In the latest study, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of Zn fertilization via soil and foliar, in the content and accumulation of Fe and Zn in grains and in the yield of common bean cultivars, in addition to verify the amount of these micronutrients supplied by biofortified beans. The fertilization with Zn did not affect the yield, but provided high levels of this nutrient in grains of the cultivars analyzed, representing 27% of the recommended daily intake of Zn. The higher Fe content in beans, obtained when there was no application of foliar Zn, supplies 56% of the daily requirement of Fe.


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O trabalho objetivou avaliar formas de aplicação de Zn e sua relação com a qualidade nutricional dos grãos e aspectos agronômicos em cultivares de feijão-caupi.


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A mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) é considerada uma espécie relevante como fonte alimentícia para a população mundial, principalmente para os países subdesenvolvidos e emergentes. A mandioca é fornecedora de energia a partir do amido acumulado em suas raízes de reserva, mas é também importante destacar a presença dos carotenóides com atividade antioxidante. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar, por meio de descritores morfológicos, agronômicos e bioquímicos, clones elite de mandioca de mesa de polpa aparelhada e rosada do programa de melhoramento genético de mandioca da Embrapa Cerrados. Foram caracterizados durante duas safras, 13 clones de mandioca de mesa com polpa amarelada e 8 clones com polpa rosada, em comparação com a variedade testemunha IAC 576-70 (BGMC 753). Para avaliar as características morfológicas foram obtidos 40 descritores qualitativos para cada clone. Tanto nos clones de polpas amarelada quanto naqueles de raízes de polpas rosada, houve diferenças morfológicas, demostrando que nenhum clone apresentou 100% de similaridade. O fator ano/safra não influenciou a expressão fenotípica dos caracteres aferidos. Com base no coeficiente cofenético, verificou-se elevado ajuste entre a representação gráfica via dendrograma de r = 0,80 nas raízes de polpa amarelada e r = 0,92 na rosada e a matriz de dissimilaridade genética. Entre os caracteres aferidos, os que apresentaram maior entropia nas raízes amarelada foram, a coloração da epiderme externa, forma do lóbulo central da folha e cor do córtex da raiz, ao passo que na rosada foi à cor do disco, forma do lóbulo central e cor do pecíolo. Foi realizada também a caracterização com base na altura da planta, altura da primeira ramificação, peso da parte aérea sem a cepa, produtividade em raízes, índices de amido nas raízes determinados por meio do método da balança hidrostática, tempo para a cocção e teor de ácido cianídrico nas raízes. Com base nos caracteres avaliados, os clones que se destacaram com polpa amarelada e rosada respectivamente, no caractere altura da primeira ramificação (273/08 e 259/08) e (390/08, 345/08 e a testemunha IAC 576-70), altura da planta (90/08, 272/08, 273/08, 497/08, 259/08 e 450/08) e (390/08, 345/08 e 378/08), peso da parte aérea sem a cepa (94/08 e 272/08) e (390/08, 406/08, 390/08, 378/08 e 341/08), porcentagem de amido nas raízes (26/08, 272/08, 259/08 e 450/08) e (378/08, 413/08, 390/08 e a testemunha IAC 576-70), produtividade de raízes (215/08) e (testemunha IAC 576-70, 341/08, 406/08, 390/08 e 387/08). Com relação ao tempo de cocção na safra 2011/2012, todos os clones necessitaram de tempo inferior a 30 minutos. Em relação ao teor de carotenóides totais nas raízes os clones de amarelada que se destacaram foram 91/08, 94/08, 215/08, 246/08, 272/08 e 497/08, e, naqueles de raízes rosada, os clones 406/08 e 341/08. Em relação ao teor de proteínas nas raízes amarelada, os clones 26/08, 90/08 e 91/08, foram os melhores enquanto nas raízes rosada se destacaram os clones 406/08 e a testemunha IAC 576-70. Os teores de HCN nas raízes de reserva de mandioca foram inferiores a 100 mg kg-1 em todos os clones avaliados. Diferenças significativas entre clones de mandioca de polpas amarelada e rosada foram verificadas para todas as características agronômicas, morfológicas e bioquímicas avaliadas. Os clones tiveram bom desempenho nas avaliações para o cultivo comercial na região do Cerrado e, alguns destes, têm potencial para utilização no melhoramento visando o incremento de carotenóides. ABSTRACT: Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is considered a relevant species as a food source for the world's population, particularly for developing and emerging countries. The cassava is a provider of energy from starch accumulated in their reserve roots, but it is also important to highlight the presence of carotenoids with antioxidant activity. In this context, this study aimed to characterize, using morphological, agronomic and biochemical, descriptors elite clones from sweet cassava of yellowish and pinkish pulps from the cassava breeding program at Embrapa Cerrados. They were characterized for two crops, 13 edible cassava clones with yellowish pulp and 8 clones with pinkish pulp, compared with the control variety IAC 576-70 (BGMC 753). To evaluate the morphological characteristics were obtained 40 qualitative descriptors for each clone. Both clones the yellowish pulp as those the roots the pinkish pulp, there was morphological differences among clones, showing that no clone showed 100% similarity. The year / crop factor did not influence the phenotypic expression of measured characters. Based on cofenetic coefficient, was found high fit between the graphical representation via dendrogram of r = 0.80 in the roots of yellowish pulp and r = 0.92 in the pinkish of genetic dissimilarity matrix. Among the measured characters, those with the highest entropy in the yellowish roots were, the color of the outer epidermis, the central lobe shape of the leaf and root cortex color, whereas the pinkish was the color to disc, central lobe shape and petiole color. We also performed the characterization based on plant height, the first branch point, and shoot weight without strain, productivity in roots, and index of starch in the roots determines by the method of hydrostatic balance, time for cooking and acid cyanide content in the roots. Based on the evaluated characters, clones stood out with pulps yellowish and pinkish respectively, characters height of the first branch (273/08 and 259/08) and (390/08, 345/08 and the witness IAC 576-70), plant height (90 / 08, 272/08, 273/08, 497/08, 259/08 and 450/08) and (390/08, 345/08 and 378/08), shoot weight without strain (94/08 and 272/08) and (390/08, 406/08, 390/08, 378/08 and 341/08), percentage of starch in the roots (26/08, 272/08, 259/08 and 450/08) and (378/08, 413/08, 390/08 and the witness IAC 576-70), roots of productivity (215/08) and (witnesses IAC 576-70, 341/08, 406/08, 390/08 and 387/08). Regarding the cooking time in the 2011/2012 harvest, all clones showed time less than 30 minutes. Regarding the total carotenoid content in the pulps clones of yellowish roots that stood out were 91/08, 94/08, 215/08, 246/08, 272/08 and 497/08, and, those the clones with pulp pinkish 406/08 and 341/08. Regarding the protein content in yellowish roots the clones 26/08, 90/08 and 91/08, was the best while the pinkish roots highlight clones 406/08 and witness IAC 576-70. The levels of HCN in reserve roots of cassava were less than 100 mg kg-1em all evaluated clones. Significant differences between yellowish and pinkish of pulps cassava clones were checked for all agronomic, morphological and biochemical characteristics evaluated. The clones had well in the ratings for commercial cultivation in the Cerrado region and some of these, clones has potential for use in breeding aimed at increase of carotenoids.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar um grupo de 20 genótipos de feijão-caupi, sendo 19 linhagens e uma cultivar, com tamanho extragrande do grão para as concentrações de proteínas, ferro e zinco.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar o ganho genético esperado com a seleção em linhagens elite de feijão-caupi de porte semiprostrado para as concentrações de ferro e zinco no grão.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar sensorialmente formulações de baião-de-dois elaborados a partir de arroz integral e feijão-caupi biofortificados. Foram analisadas amostras de cinco formulações de baião-de-dois: baião padrão (arroz polido comercial + feijão-caupi comercial); baião controle (arroz integral comercial + feijão-caupi comercial); baião 1 (arroz integral Chorinho + feijão-caupi BRS Aracê); baião 2 (arroz integral Chorinho + feijão-caupi BRS Tumucumaque); e baião 3 (arroz integral Chorinho + feijão-caupi BRS Xiquexique).


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O baião-de-dois é um prato tradicional na região Nordeste do Brasil, bastante apreciado pela população, elaborado com arroz e feijão-caupi imaturo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o perfil de aminoácidos de formulações de baião-de-dois elaborados a partir de arroz integral e feijão-caupi biofortificados.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial genético de um cruzamento de feijão-caupi para as concentrações de ferro, zinco e proteína no grão.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar o ganho genético esperado com a seleção em linhagens elite de feijão-caupi de porte semiereto para as concentrações de ferro e zinco no grão.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as concentrações de ferro, zinco e proteína em formulações de baião-de-dois elaborados a partir de arroz integral e feijão-caupi biofortificados.