22 resultados para Bioadhesion


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Viele Tiere wie etwa Geckos oder Laubfrösche können mittels ihrer Haftscheiben an Oberflächen kleben. Diese Haftscheiben ermöglichen es den Tieren, sich während ihrerrnFortbewegung an Oberflächen anzuheften und wieder zu lösen unabhängig von denrnvorherrschenden Umweltbedingungen. Frösche besitzen mikro- und nanostrukturierternsowie charakteristisch geformte Haftscheiben an Finger- und Zehenenden. Ihre besonderernevolutionäre Errungenschaft, sich stark und zugleich reversibel in sowohl trockenen alsrnauch feuchten Umgebungen anzuhaften, hat die Wissenschaft zur Nachahmung und Untersuchungrndieser Strukturen inspiriert. Zum besseren Verständnis der Mechanismen vonrnAnhaftung und Loslösung bei Laubfröschen wurden weiche, elastische und mikrostrukturierternOberflächen hergestellt, indem PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxan) auf einer Siliziummaskernmit Hexagonstruktur aufgetragen und vernetzt wurde. Dadurch wurden Anordnungenrnvon hexagonalen Mikrosäulen mit spezifischen geometrischen Eigenschaften undrnunterschiedlichen Kontaktgeometrien (normale, flache Form, T-Form und konkave Formrnder Säulenenden) erhalten. Um den Einfluss der van-der-Waals, hydrodynamischen,rnKapillar-und Adhäsionskräfte zu verstehen, wurden verschiedene experimentelle Ansätzernverfolgt: Die auf eine einzelne Säule wirkenden Adhäsionskräfte wurden mittelsrnRasterkraftmikroskopie gemessen. Dazu wurden speziell hergestellte kolloidale Sensorenrnverwendet. Diese Experimente wurden sowohl mit als auch ohne Flüssigkeitsfilm auf derrnSäule durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten den Beitrag von Kapillarkraft und direktenrnKontaktkräften zur Adhäsionskraft bei Vorliegen eines Flüssigkeitsfilms. Die Adhäsionrnfiel umso größer aus, je weniger Flüssigkeit zwischen Sensor und Säule vorhanden war.rnIm Falle einer trockenen Adhäsion zeigte die Säule mit T-Form die höchste Adhäsion. Darndie Haftscheiben der Laubfrösche weich sind, können sie dynamisch ihre Form ändern,rnwas zu einer Änderung der hydrodynamischen Kraft zwischen Scheibe und Oberflächernführt. Der Einfluss der Oberflächenverformbarkeit auf die hydrodynamische Kraft wurderndaher am Modellsystem einer Kugel untersucht, welche sich einer weichen und ebenenrnOberfläche annähert. Dieses System wurde sowohl theoretisch über die Simulation finiterrnElemente als auch experimentell über die Messung mit kolloidalen Sonden untersucht.rnSowohl experimentelle Ergebnisse als auch die Simulationen ergaben eine Abnahme derrnhydrodynamischen Kraft bei Annäherung des kolloidalen Sensors an eine weiche undrnelastische Oberfläche. Beim Entfernen der Sensors von der Oberfläche verstärkte sichrndie hydrodynamische Anziehungskraft. Die Kraft, die zur Trennung eines Partikels von einer Oberfläche in Flüssigkeit notwendig ist, ist für weiche und elastischen Oberflächenrngrößer als für harte Oberflächen. In Bezug zur Bioadhäsion bei Laubfröschen konnternfestgestellt somit festgestellt werden, dass sich der hydrodynamische Anteil zur feuchtenrnBioadhäsion aufgrund der weichen Oberfläche erhöht. Weiterhin wurde der Einflussrndes Aspektverhältnisses der Säulen auf die Reibungskraft mittels eines kolloidalen Sensorsrnuntersucht. Gestreckte Säulen zeigten dabei eine höhere Reibung im Vergleich zu.rnSäulen mit einem gestreckten Hexagon als Querschnitt.


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Diatom biofilms are abundant in the marine environment. It is assumed (but untested) that extracellular polymeric substances(EPS), produced by diatoms, enable cells to cope with fluctuating salinity. To determine the protective role of EPS, Cylindrotheca closterium was grown in xanthan gum at salinities of 35, 50, 70 and 90 ppt. A xanthan matrix significantly increased cell viability (determined by SYTOX-Green), growth rate and population density by up to 300, 2, 300 and 200%, respectively. Diatoms grown in 0.75% w/v xanthan, subjected to acute salinity shock treatments (at salinities 17.5, 50, 70 and 90 ppt) maintained photosynthetic capacity, Fq′/Fm′, within 4% of pre-shock values, whereas Fq′/Fm′ in cells grown without xanthan declined by up to 64% with hypersaline shock. Biofilms that developed in xanthan at standard salinity helped cells to maintain function during salinity shock. These results provide evidence of the benefits of living in an EPS matrix for biofilm diatoms.


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This study described the drug release, rheological (dynamic and flow) and textural/mechanical properties of a series of formulations composed of 15% w/w polymethylvinylether-co-maleic anhydride (PMVE-MA), 0-9% w/w polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and containing 1-5% w/w tetracycline hydrochloride, designed for the treatment of periodontal disease. All formulations exhibited pseudoplastic flow with minimal thixotropy. Increasing the concentration of PVP sequentially increased the zero-rate viscosity (derived from the Cross model) and the hardness and compressibility of the formulations (derived from texture profile analysis). These affects may be accredited to increased polymer entanglement and, in light of the observed synergy between the two polymers with respect to their textural and rheological properties, interaction between PVP and PMVE-MA. Increasing the concentration of PVP increased the storage and loss moduli yet decreased the loss tangent of all formulations, indicative of increased elastic behaviour. Synergy between the two polymers with respect to their viscoelastic properties was observed. Increased adhesiveness, associated with increased concentrations of PVP was ascribed to the increasing bioadhesion and tack of the formulations. The effect of increasing drug concentration on the rheological and textural properties was dependent on PVP concentration. At lower concentrations (0, 3% w/w) no effect was observed whereas, in the presence of 9% w/w PVP, increasing drug concentration increased formulation elasticity, zero rate viscosity, hardness and compressibility. These observations were ascribed to the greater mass of suspended drug in formulations containing the highest concentration of PVP. Drug release from formulations containing 6 and 9% PVP (and 5% w/w drug) was prolonged and swelling/diffusion controlled. Based on the drug release, rheological and textural properties, it is suggested that the formulation containing 15% w/w PMVE-MA, 6% w/w PVP and tetracycline hydrochloride (5% w/w) may be useful for the treatment of periodontal disease.


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Poly(methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic anhydride) formed films from aqueous formulations with characteristics that are ideal as a basis for producing a drug-containing bioadhesive delivery system when plasticized with a monohydroxyl functionalized plasticizer. Hence, films containing a novel plasticizer, tripropylene glycol methyl ether (TPME), maintained their adhesive strength and tensile properties when packaged in aluminized foil for extended periods of time. Films plasticized with commonly used polyhydric alcohols, such as the glycerol in this study, underwent an esterification reaction that led to polymer crosslinking, as shown in NMR studies. These revealed the presence of peaks in the ester/carbonyl region, suggesting that glyceride residue formation had been initiated. Given the polyfunctional nature of glycerol, progressive esterification would result in a polyester network and an accompanying profound alteration in the physical characteristics. Indeed, films became brittle over time with a loss of both the aqueous solubility and bioadhesion to porcine skin. In addition, a swelling index was measurable after 7 days, a property not seen with those films containing TPME. This change in bioadhesive strength and pliability was independent of the packaging conditions, rendering the films that contain glycerol as unsuitable as a basis for topical bioadhesive delivery of drug substances. Consequently, films containing TPME have potential as an alternative formulation strategy.


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This study examined the mechanical/textural, viscoeiastic and mucoadhesive properties of a range of aqueous gels composed of either hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) or sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na CMC). The mechanical/textural properties of each formulation were determined using texture profile analysis. The viscoelastic properties of each formulation were examined over a defined frequency range (0.01-1.0 Hz) using oscillatory rheometry in conjunction with stainless steel parallel plate geometry. The mucoadhesive properties of the gels were evaluated by measuring the tensile force required to overcome the gel/mucin adhesive interaction. Both gel hardness and compressibility, properties that affect the ease of product removal from a container and spreadability, increased as a function of increasing polymer concentrations. This is attributed to the effects of HEC and Na CMC on gel viscosity. Gel adhesiveness, a property related to bioadhesion, also increased as a function of polymer concentration and is attributed to the reported adhesive nature of these polymers. Increasing frequency of oscillation increased the storage and loss moduli yet decreased bath the dynamic viscosity of each gel type and also the loss tangent of HEC (but not Na CMC) gels. Therefore, following exposure to the range of oscillatory stresses that may be expected in vivo, HEC gels will be more susceptible than Na CMC gels to alterations in these rheological properties. Consequently, it would be expected that the clinical performance of HEC gels will be modified to a greater extent than Na CMC gels. In general, HEC gels exhibited a greater elastic nature than Na CMC gels over the frequency range employed for oscillation The storage and loss moduli and dynamic viscosity of both gel types increased, yet the loss tangent of both gel types decreased as a function of increasing polymer concentration. Gel mucoadhesive strength was dependent on both the time of contact of the formulation with mucin and also on polymer concentration. In conclusion, this study has characterised a number of gels containing either HEC or Na CMC in terms of their mechanical/textural, viscoelastic and mucoadhesive properties. Due to its relevance to the clinical performance, it is suggested that the information derived from these methods may be usefully combined to provide a more rational basis for the selection of polymers and their formulation as topical drug delivery systems. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Poly(vinyl alcohol)-tetrahydroxyborate (PVA-THB) hydrogels are dilatant formulations with potential for topical wound management. To support this contention, the physical properties, rheological behaviour and component release of candidate formulations were investigated. Oscillatory rheometry and texture profile analysis were used at room temperature and 37 °C. Results showed that it was possible to control the rheological and textural properties by altering component concentration and modifying the type of PVA polymer used. Hydrogels made using PVA grades with higher degrees of hydrolysis displayed favourable characteristics from a wound healing perspective. In vitro release of borate and PVA were assessed in order to evaluate potential clinical dosing of free species originating from the hydrogel structure. Component diffusion was influenced by both concentration and molecular weight, where relevant, with up to 5% free PVA cumulative release observed after 30 min. The results of this study demonstrated the importance of poly(vinyl alcohol) selection for ensuring appropriate gel formation in PVA-THB hydrogels. The benefits of higher degrees of hydrolysis, in particular, included lower excipient release and reduced bioadhesion. The unique physical characteristics of these hydrogels make them an appealing delivery vehicle for chronic and acute wound management purposes.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objectives of this work were to study the suitability and highlight the advantages of the use of cross-linked ureasil-polyether hybrid matrices as film-forming systems. The results revealed that ureasil-polyethers are excellent film-forming systems due to specific properties, such as their biocompatibility, their cosmetic attractiveness for being able to form thin and transparent films, their short drying time to form films and their excellent bioadhesion compared to the commercial products known as strong adhesives. Rheological measurements have demonstrated the ability of these hybrid matrices to form a film in only a few seconds and Water Vapor Transmitting Rate (WVTR) showed adequate semi-occlusive properties suggesting that these films could be used as skin and wound protectors. Both the high skin bioadhesion and non-cytotoxic character seems to be improved by the presence of multiple amine groups in the hybrid molecules. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Studies using bio(muco)adhesive drug delivery systems have recently gained great interest, which can promote drug targeting and more specific contact of the drug delivery system with the various absorptive membranes of the body. This technological platform associated with nanotechnology offers potential for controlling drug delivery; therefore, they are excellent strategies to increase the bioavailability of drugs. The objective of this work was to study nanotechnology-based polymeric bio(muco)adhesive platforms for controlling drug delivery, highlighting their properties, how the bio(muco)adhesion can be measured and their potential applications for different routes of administration.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)