864 resultados para Bilateral contracts
Open collaborative projects are moving to the foreground of knowledge production. Some online user communities develop into longterm projects that generate a highly valuable and at the same time freely accessible output. Traditional copyright law that is organized around the idea of a single creative entity is not well equipped to accommodate the needs of these forms of collaboration. In order to enable a peculiar network-type of interaction participants instead draw on public licensing models that determine the freedoms to use individual contributions. With the help of these access rules the operational logic of the project can be implemented successfully. However, as the case of the Wikipedia GFDL-CC license transition demonstrates, the adaptation of access rules in networks to new circumstances raises collective action problems and suffers from pitfalls caused by the fact that public licensing is grounded in individual copyright. Legal governance of open collaboration projects is a largely unexplored field. The article argues that the license steward of a public license assumes the position of a fiduciary of the knowledge commons generated under the license regime. Ultimately, the governance of decentralized networks translates into a composite of organizational and contractual elements. It is concluded that the production of global knowledge commons relies on rules of transnational private law.
The paper presents a method for transmission loss charge allocation in deregulated power systems based on Relative Electrical Distance (RED) concept. Based on RED between the generator and load nodes and the predefined bilateral power contracts, charge evaluation is carried out. Generally through some power exchange mechanism a set of bilateral contracts are determined that facilitate bilateral agreements between the generation and distribution entities. In this paper the possible charges incurred in meeting loads like generation charge, transmission charge and charge due to losses are evaluated. Case studies have been carried out on a few practical equivalent systems. Due to space limitation results for a sample 5 bus system are presented considering ideal load/generation power contracts and deviated load/generation power contracts. Extensive numerical testing indicates that the proposed allocation scheme produces loss allocations that are appropriate and that behave in a physically reasonable manner.
Traditional vertically integrated power utilities around the world have evolved from monopoly structures to open markets that promote competition among suppliers and provide consumers with a choice of services. Market forces drive the price of electricity and reduce the net cost through increased competition. Electricity can be traded in both organized markets or using forward bilateral contracts. This article focuses on bilateral contracts and describes some important features of an agent-based system for bilateral trading in competitive markets. Special attention is devoted to the negotiation process, demand response in bilateral contracting, and risk management. The article also presents a case study on forward bilateral contracting: a retailer agent and a customer agent negotiate a 24h-rate tariff.
An auction model is used to increase the individual profits for market players with products they do not use. A Financial Transmission Rights Auction has the goal of trade transmission rights between Bidders and helps them raise their own profits. The ISO plays a major rule on keep the system in technical limits without interfere on the auctions offers. In some auction models the ISO decide want bids are implemented on the network, always with the objective maximize the individual profits for all bidders in the auction. This paper proposes a methodology for a Financial Transmission Rights Auction and an informatics application. The application receives offers from the purchase and sale side and considers bilateral contracts as Base Case. This goal is maximize the individual profits within the system in their technical limits. The paper includes a case study for the 30 bus IEEE test case.
As it is well known, competitive electricity markets require new computing tools for power companies that operate in retail markets in order to enhance the management of its energy resources. During the last years there has been an increase of the renewable penetration into the micro-generation which begins to co-exist with the other existing power generation, giving rise to a new type of consumers. This paper develops a methodology to be applied to the management of the all the aggregators. The aggregator establishes bilateral contracts with its clients where the energy purchased and selling conditions are negotiated not only in terms of prices but also for other conditions that allow more flexibility in the way generation and consumption is addressed. The aggregator agent needs a tool to support the decision making in order to compose and select its customers' portfolio in an optimal way, for a given level of profitability and risk.
Este estudo apresenta reflexões a respeito das relações Brasil-Angola no período compreendido entre os anos de 1990 e 2002. Tendo como ponto de partida o estabelecimento (e aprofundamento) das relações bilaterais no período entre os anos de 1975 e 1990, o presente estudo fornece subsídios que orientam o teor do contato Brasília-Luanda no período pós-Guerra Fria. Entre esses subsídios encontram-se os condicionantes internos, que em cada país influíram de modo determinante na sua respectiva atuação externa, aliados ao contexto de reestruturação internacional. Assim, pela relevância da adaptação por que passaram esses contatos bilaterais, o trabalho distingue essas relações entre diretas e indiretas, estas últimas efetivadas pela via multilateral, seja no cenário regional (notadamente na implantação da CPLP e possibilidade de concretização da ZOPACAS), seja no cenário internacional, com a atuação conjunta nas Nações Unidas.
Este estudo tem o objetivo de verificar o tratamento dado aos contratos de Locação Comercial de Devedor Locatário em Recuperação Judicial. A lei 11.101/2005 determina, em seus artigos 117 e 119,VII, que os contratos bilaterais não se resolvem pela falência e que na falência do locatário, o administrador judicial pode, a qualquer tempo, denunciar o contrato. Porém, a lei é lacônica a respeito do processo de Recuperação Judicial. Então, o estudo pretende verificar a aplicabilidade dos artigos pertinentes à falência, aos contratos de Devedor submetido ao processo de Recuperação Judicial. Com o intuito de realizar interpretação congruente com a eficiência que se espera da legislação em comento, a metodologia utilizada no trabalho é a da Análise Econômica do Direito, segundo os contornos conferidos pelo autor THOMAS H. JACKSON. Assim, o trabalho aproveita os conceitos do common pool assets e dos executory contracts para auxiliar na compreensão da função dos contratos de locação no Processo de Recuperação Judicial. Nesse sentido, o estudo é importante, pois estabelece parâmetros de interpretação teleológica da legislação concursal, considerando-se as tensões entre o Direito Material e Concursal aplicáveis a hipótese aqui formulada. Então, constatou-se que o tema gera divergência de entendimentos perante a jurisprudência brasileira, no que se refere a possibilidade, ou não, de despejar locatário Devedor em Recuperação Judicial. A controvérsia ronda, principalmente, em torno de duas questões: (a) a aplicação do principio da preservação da empresa, presente no art. 47. da L.11.101/2005 (b) (i)liquidez da ação de despejo por falta de pagamento para fins do artigo 6 da mesma lei. Por fim, o estudo avalia forma pela qual a jurisprudência trata do tema e a sua compatibilidade com a metodologia de Análise Econômica Aplicável ao Direito Concursal.
Reliability is a key aspect in power system design and planning. Maintaining a reliable power system is a very important issue for their design and operation. Under the new competitive framework of the electricity sector, power systems find ever more and more strained to operate near their limits. Under this new scenario, it is crucial for the system operator to use tools that facilitate an energy dispatch that minimizes possible power cuts. This paper presents a mathematical model to calculate an energy dispatch that considers security constraints (single contingencies in transmission lines and transformers). The model involves pool markets and fixed bilateral contracts. Traditional methodologies that include security constraints are usually based in multistage dispatch processes. In this case, we propose a single-stage model that avoids the economic inefficiencies which result when conventional multi-stage dispatch approaches are applied. The proposed model includes an AC representation of the transport system and allows calculating the cost overruns incurred in due to reliability restrictions. We found that complying with fixed bilateral contracts, when they go above certain levels, might lead to congestion problems in transmission lines.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB
A predição do preço da energia elétrica é uma questão importante para todos os participantes do mercado, para que decidam as estratégias mais adequadas e estabeleçam os contratos bilaterais que maximizem seus lucros e minimizem os seus riscos. O preço da energia tipicamente exibe sazonalidade, alta volatilidade e picos. Além disso, o preço da energia é influenciado por muitos fatores, tais como: demanda de energia, clima e preço de combustíveis. Este trabalho propõe uma nova abordagem híbrida para a predição de preços de energia no mercado de curto prazo. Tal abordagem combina os filtros autorregressivos integrados de médias móveis (ARIMA) e modelos de Redes Neurais (RNA) numa estrutura em cascata e utiliza variáveis explanatórias. Um processo em dois passos é aplicado. Na primeira etapa, as variáveis explanatórias são preditas. Na segunda etapa, os preços de energia são preditos usando os valores futuros das variáveis exploratórias. O modelo proposto considera uma predição de 12 passos (semanas) a frente e é aplicada ao mercado brasileiro, que possui características únicas de comportamento e adota o despacho centralizado baseado em custo. Os resultados mostram uma boa capacidade de predição de picos de preço e uma exatidão satisfatória de acordo com as medidas de erro e testes de perda de cauda quando comparado com técnicas tradicionais. Em caráter complementar, é proposto um modelo classificador composto de árvores de decisão e RNA, com objetivo de explicitar as regras de formação de preços e, em conjunto com o modelo preditor, atuar como uma ferramenta atrativa para mitigar os riscos da comercialização de energia.
In 2004 two trading environment for contracts of purchase and of electricity energy were established, the Regulated Contracting Environment (RGE) and the Free Contracting Environment (FCE). In the first one, consumers can only buy their energy directly from local electricity distribution, and in the second one, consumers can choose their delivery, amount and type of energy that they will burn through bilateral contracts. Thus, before deciding to migrate to the FCE, it is necessary understanding the rules of marketing, the risk involved and the economic viability of the two markets so can determine which environment has more benefits to the consumer. This paper aims to offer tools to support takeover decision of potentially free costumers, who have the option to migrate to market in order to evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of each market. This paper has also considered the new rules of the third rate cycle, where consumers can opt for green tax. The methodology presented is based on calculations of spending with energy and the risk of flag in captive market and free market in one year
In this paper we study the role of incomplete ex ante contracts for ex post trade. Previous experimental evidence indicates that a contract provides a reference point for entitlements when the terms are negotiated in a competitive market. We show that this finding no longer holds when the terms are determined in a non-competitive way. Our results imply that the presence of a "fundamental transformation" (i.e., the transition from a competitive market to a bilateral relationship) is important for a contract to become a reference point. To the best of our knowledge this behavioral aspect of the fundamental transformation has not been shown before.
In the policy debate about the need for legislation to prohibit the use of unfair terms in consumer contracts, substantive unfairness is often distinguished from procedural unfairness. Current consumer protection laws appear to offer the potential for relief on substantive unfairness grounds alone. However, a review of cases involving credit contracts shows this potential is rarely realised. This reluctance to provide relief for substantive injustice reflects a preoccupation with freedom and certainty of contract, the notions underpinning classical contract theories. As a class, consumers are vulnerable in the marketplace, and they do need protection from substantively unfair terms. A new framework for regulating consumer contracts is needed, one that relies less on classical contract theories and takes the reality of consumer contracting and consumer behavior as its starting point. Unfair contract terms legislation will be a step on the path towards this new framework.