997 resultados para Beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test
Chronic beryllium disease (CBD) is clinically similar to other granulomatous diseases such as sarcoidosis. It is often misdiagnosed if a thorough occupational history is not taken. When appropriate, a beryllium lymphocyte proliferation tests (BeLPT) need to be performed. We aimed to search for CBD among currently diagnosed pulmonary sarcoidosis patients and to identify the occupations and exposures in Ontario leading to CBD. Questionnaire items included work history and details of possible exposure to beryllium. Participants who provided a history of previous work with metals underwent BeLPTs and an ELISPOT on the basis of having a higher pretest probability of CBD. Among 121 sarcoid patients enrolled, 87 (72%) reported no known previous metal dust or fume exposure, while 34 (28%) had metal exposure, including 17 (14%) with beryllium exposure at work or home. However, none of these 34 who underwent testing had positive test results. Self-reported exposure to beryllium or metals was relatively common in these patients with clinical sarcoidosis, but CBD was not confirmed using blood assays in this population.
Background: Beryllium sensitization (BeS) is caused by exposure to beryllium in the workplace and may progress to chronic beryllium disease (CBD). This granulomatous lung disorder mimicks sarcoidosis clinically, but is characterized by beryllium specific CD4+ T-cells immune response. BeS is classically detected by beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test (BeLPT), but this assay requires radioactivity and is not very sensitive. In the context of a study aiming to evaluate if CBD patients are misdiagnosed as sarcoidosis patients in Switzerland, we developed EliSpot and CFSE beryllium flow cytometric test. Methods: 23 patients considered as having sarcoidosis (n = 21), CBD (n = 1) and possible CBD (n = 1) were enrolled. Elispot was performed using plate covered with gamma-IFN mAb. Cells were added to wells and incubated overnight at 37 °C with medium (neg ctrl), SEB (pos ctrl) or BeSO4 at 1, 10 and 100 microM. Anti-IFN-gamma biotinylated mAb were added and spots were visualized using streptavidinhorseradish peroxidase and AEC substrate reagent. Results were reported as spot forming unit (SFU). For Beryllium specific CFSE flow cytometry analysis, CFSE labelled cells were cultured in the presence of SEB and 1, 10 or 100 microM BeSO4. Unstimulated CFSE labeled cells were defined as controls. The cells were incubated for 6 days at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Surface labelling of T-lymphocytes and vivid as control of cells viability was performed at the time of harvest. Results: Using EliSpot technology, we were able to detect a BeS in 1/23 enrolled patients with a mean of 780 SFU (cut off value at 50 SFU). This positive result was confirmed using different concentration of BeSO4. Among the 23 patients tested, 22 showed negative results with EliSpot. Using CFSE flow cytometry, 1/7 tested patients showed a positive result with a beryllium specific CD4+ count around 30% versus 45% for SEB stimulation as positif control and 0.6 % for negative control. This patient was the one with a positive EliSpot assay. Conclusions: The preliminary data demonstrated the feasibility of Elispot and CFSE flow cytometry to detect BeS. The patient with a beryllium specific positive EliSpot and CFSE flow cytometry result had been exposed to beryllium at her workplace 20 years ago and is still regularly controlled for her pulmonary status. A positive BeLPT had already been described in 2001 in France for this patient. Further validation of these techniques are in progress.
Background. Lymphocyte proliferation testing (LPT) has some advantages over patch testing to diagnose allergic contact dermatitis. It is harmless, objective and can be used in clinical situations where patch testing is not recommended. Unfortunately, significant success has only been achieved with nickel. There are few studies on chromium LPT and they were performed with different methods, leading to inconsistent results. Methods. To determine the best parameters for chromium LPT, we tested 20 patients with allergic contact dermatitis to the metal and 20 controls, using various protocols. Results. The best sensitivity and specificity ratios were achieved with 6-day cultures stimulated with a range from 7.5 x 10(-4) to 5 x 10(-3) mol/L of nonfiltered chromium chloride solutions. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy values found within this range were 65%, 95% and 80%, respectively. Conclusion. Further investigation is necessary to achieve better sensitivity values.
Background: Beryllium (Be) is increasingly used worldwide for numerous industrial applications. Occupational exposure to Be may lead to Be sensitization (BeS), a CD4-mediated immune response. BeS may progress to chronic beryllium disease (CBD), a granulomatous lung disorder closely resembling sarcoidosis. The recognition of CBD requires detection of Be exposure at occupational history, and detection of BeS on blood or BAL lymphocytes. Since methods for CBD detection are not routinely available in Switzerland, we hypothesized that CBD cases are not recognized but misdiagnosis as sarcoidosis. Objective: To present an ongoing Swiss study screening patients with sarcoidosis in search of Be exposure, BeS, and CBD. Methods: Both a prospective and a retrospective cohort are being studied. In the prospective cohort, the main steps include: 1) recruitment of 100 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary sarcoidosis at 2 centers (Lausanne, Bern). 2) screening for possible occupational Be exposure by self-administered patient questionnaire. 3) standardized detailed occupational interview and clinical visit by occupational health specialist. If step 3 is positive, then 4) blood and BAL sampling for detection of BeS by specifically developed Elispot assay and CFSE flow cytometry, with subsequent comparison to the classical Be lymphocyte proliferation test. If step 4 is positive, then 5) review of medical records and diagnostic revision from sarcoidosis to CBD. 6) appropriate measures for exposure cessation and case reporting to SUVA as occupational disease. The retrospective cohort will include 400 patients with previously diagnosed pulmonary sarcoidosis, either treated or untreated, recruited through the SIOLD Registries. Steps 2 to 5 will be peformed as above, except for a) end of study after step 2 if screening questionnaire does not reveal Be exposure, and b) step 4 done on blood sample only (BAL not needed). Current status: Self-administered screening questionnaire and tools for standardized occupational interview have been developed. BeS testing has been implemented and undergoes validation. Inclusions in the prospective phase have started at both study sites. The retrospective phase is in preparation. Conclusion: The current study status allows to conclude to technical feasibility of the project. The prospective phase if this study is funded by the SUVA. The SIOLD Registries are supported by the Swiss Pulmonary League.
Occupational exposure to beryllium (Be) may lead to development of Be-specific CD4+ T-cell immune response and occurrence of a granulomatous disorder called chronic beryllium disease (CBD). Due to similar clinical pictures, CBD may be misdiagnosed as sarcoidosis if Be exposure (BeE) and Be sensitization (BeS) are not looked for. To determine whether some patients diagnosed as sarcoidosis may have undetected CBD, we screened a retrospective cohort of patients with sarcoidosis for BeE and BeS. BeE was assessed through a self-administered questionnaire and a standardized occupational health interview. BeS was assessed using CFSE flow cytometry developed as an alternative to the classical Be lymphocyte proliferation test (BeLPT). 159 patients recorded in a Swiss interstitial lung disease registry with a diagnosis of sarcoidosis were enrolled through their pulmonary physician and received a screening questionnaire. 68 filled questionnaires were returned. 28/68 patients had positive screening. 24/28 underwent an occupational health interview. BeE was considered probable in 6/24 and possible in 18/24. Using CFSE flow cytometry, BeS was detected in 7/24 of these patients (4/6 with probable BeE and 3/18 with possible BeE). BeS testing by CFSE flow cytometry was positive in 5/6 controls with proven CBD and positive BeLPT, and negative in 10 healthy subjects. Conclusions: the minimal rate of BeE and BeS in an unselected population of patients with sarcoidosis was 7/159 (4.4%), suggesting misdiagnosed CBD. A screening questionnaire could help to detect BeE in patients diagnosed with sarcoidosis, and prompt investigations in search of CBD. CFSE flow cytometry may be an alternative to BeLPT to document BeS.
Background: The lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) is used for in vitro diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity reactions. While its specificity is over 90%, sensitivity is limited and depends on the type of reaction, drug and possibly time interval between the event and analysis. Removal of regulatory T cells (Treg/CD25(hi)) from in vitro stimulated cell cultures was previously reported to be a promising method to increase the sensitivity of proliferation tests. Objective: The aim of this investigation is to evaluate the effect of removal of regulatory T cells on the sensitivity of the LTT. Methods: Patients with well-documented drug hypersensitivity were recruited. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells, isolated CD3(+) and CD3(+) T cells depleted of the CD25(hi) fraction were used as effector cells in the LTT. Irrelevant drugs were also included to determine specificity. (3)H-thymidine incorporation was utilized as the detection system and results were expressed as a stimulation index (SI). Results: SIs of 7/11 LTTs were reduced after a mean time interval of 10.5 months (LTT 1 vs. LTT 2). Removal of the CD25(hi) fraction, which was FOXP3(+) and had a suppressive effect on drug-induced proliferation, resulted in an increased response to the relevant drugs. Sensitivity was increased from 25 to 82.35% with dramatically enhanced SI (2.05 to 6.02). Specificity was not affected. Conclusion: Removal of Treg/CD25(hi) cells can increase the frequency and strengths of drug-specific proliferation without affecting specificity. This approach might be useful in certain drug hypersensitivity reactions with borderline responses or long time interval since the hypersensitivity reaction. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.
BACKGROUND Patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are often exposed simultaneously to a few potentially culprit drugs. However, both the standard lymphocyte transformation tests (LTT) with proliferation as the assay end-point as well as skin tests, if done, are often negative. OBJECTIVE As provocation tests are considered too dangerous, there is an urgent need to identify the relevant drug in SJS/TEN and to improve sensitivity of tests able to identify the causative drug. METHODS Fifteen patients with SJS/TEN with the ALDEN score ≥ 6 and 18 drug-exposed controls were included. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated and cultured under defined conditions with drugs. LTT was compared to the following end-points: cytokine levels in cell culture supernatant, number of granzyme B secreting cells by ELISpot and intracellular staining for granulysin and IFNγ in CD3(+) CD4(+), CD3(+) CD8(+) and NKp46(+) cells. To further enhance sensitivity, the effect of IL-7/IL-15 pre-incubation of PBMC was evaluated. RESULTS Lymphocyte transformation tests was positive in only 4/15 patients (sensitivity 27%, CI: 8-55%). Similarly, with granzyme B-ELISpot culprit drugs were positive in 5/15 patients (sensitivity 33%, CI: 12-62%). The expression of granulysin was significantly induced in NKp46(+) and CD3(+) CD4(+) cells (sensitivity 40%, CI: 16-68% and 53%, CI: 27-79% respectively). Cytokine production could be demonstrated in 38%, CI: 14-68% and 43%, CI: 18-71% of patients for IL-2 and IL-5, respectively, and in 55%, CI: 23-83% for IFNγ. Pre-incubation with IL-7/IL-15 enhanced drug-specific response only in a few patients. Specificities of tested assays were in the range of 95 (CI: 80-99%)-100% (CI: 90-100%). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Granulysin expression in CD3(+) CD4(+) , Granzyme B-ELISpot and IFNγ production considered together provided a sensitivity of 80% (CI: 52-96%) and specificity of 95% (80-99%). Thus, this study demonstrated that combining different assays may be a feasible approach to identify the causative drug of SJS/TEN reactions; however, confirmation on another group of patients is necessary.
Toxoplasmosis is frequently acquired through the oral route by the ingestion of cysts or oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii. Once ingested, the parasites penetrate the intestinal epithelial cells and rapidly disseminate to all organs in the host. During T. gondii infection, the intestinal microbiota plays an important role in stimulating a protective immune response against the parasite. In this sense the use of probiotics is worthy of note since they are live microorganisms that have beneficial effects on the host through stimulation of the immune response that can be important in the control of T. gondii proliferation and dissemination in the host. In the present study, the action of the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis was investigated in C57BL/6 mice infected with oocysts of ME49 strain of T. gondii. The probiotic had an immunomodulatory action, inducing CD19 lymphocyte proliferation and consequently increasing anti-T. gondii antibody level.Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactisprovided protection in supplemented mice, compared to the control group. In addition, supplemented animals had milder inflammatory process in the small intestine, indicating that the probiotic protects the intestinal mucosa during infection with T. gondii. It was concluded that the probioticB. animalis subsp. lactis induces humoral immune response capable of providing protection against T. gondii infection.
Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen (Ag)-presenting cells that activate and stimulate effective immune responses by T cells, but can also act as negative regulators of these responses and thus play important roles in immune regulation. Pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been shown to cause defective DC differentiation and maturation. Previous studies have demonstrated that the addition of VEGF to DC cultures renders these cells weak stimulators of Ag-specific T cells due to the inhibitory effects mediated by VEGF receptor 1 (VEGFR1) and/or VEGFR2 signalling. As the enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is recognised as an important negative regulator of immune responses, this study aimed to investigate whether VEGF affects the expression of IDO by DCs and whether VEGF-matured DCs acquire a suppressor phenotype. Our results are the first to demonstrate that VEGF increases the expression and activity of IDO in DCs, which has a suppressive effect on Ag-specific and mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte proliferation. These mechanisms have broad implications for the study of immunological responses and tolerance under conditions as diverse as cancer, graft rejection and autoimmunity.
Human Ag-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes are heterogeneous and include functionally distinct populations. In this study, we report that at least two distinct mechanisms control the expansion of circulating naive, memory, and effector CD8(+) T lymphocytes when exposed to mitogen or Ag stimulation. The first one leads to apoptosis and occurs shortly after in vitro stimulation. Susceptibility to cell death is prominent among primed T cell subsets, and it is inversely correlated with the size of the ex vivo Bcl-2(high) population within these subsets. Importantly, the Bcl-2(high) phenotype is associated to the proportion of responsive CD8(+) T cells, independently of their differentiation stage. The second one depends on the expression of newly synthesized cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16(INK4a) that occurs in a significant fraction of T cells that had been actively cycling, leading to their cell cycle arrest upon stimulation. Strikingly, accumulation of p16(INK4a) protein preferentially occurs in naive as opposed to primed derived T lymphocytes and is not related to apoptosis. Significant levels of p16 are readily detectable in a small number of ex vivo CD8(+) T cells. Our observations reveal that activation-induced p16 expression represents an alternative process to apoptosis, limiting the proliferation potential of activated naive derived T lymphocytes.
Several lines of evidences have suggested that T cell activation could be impaired in the tumor environment, a condition referred to as tumor-induced immunosuppression. We have previously shown that tenascin-C, an extracellular matrix protein highly expressed in the tumor stroma, inhibits T lymphocyte activation in vitro, raising the possibility that this molecule might contribute to tumor-induced immunosuppression in vivo. However, the region of the protein mediating this effect has remained elusive. Here we report the identification of the minimal region of tenascin-C that can inhibit T cell activation. Recombinant fragments corresponding to defined regions of the molecule were tested for their ability to inhibit in vitro activation of human peripheral blood T cells induced by anti-CD3 mAbs in combination with fibronectin or IL-2. A recombinant protein encompassing the alternatively spliced fibronectin type III domains of tenascin-C (TnFnIII A-D) vigorously inhibited both early and late lymphocyte activation events including activation-induced TCR/CD8 down-modulation, cytokine production, and DNA synthesis. In agreement with this, full length recombinant tenascin-C containing the alternatively spliced region suppressed T cell activation, whereas tenascin-C lacking this region did not. Using a series of smaller fragments and deletion mutants issued from this region, we have identified the TnFnIII A1A2 domain as the minimal region suppressing T cell activation. Single TnFnIII A1 or A2 domains were no longer inhibitory, while maximal inhibition required the presence of the TnFnIII A3 domain. Altogether, these data demonstrate that the TnFnIII A1A2 domain mediate the ability of tenascin-C to inhibit in vitro T cell activation and provide insights into the immunosuppressive activity of tenascin-C in vivo.
Lymphocyte homeostasis is a balance between lymphocyte proliferation and lymphocyte death. Tight control of apoptosis is essential for immune function, because its altered regulation can result in cancer and autoimmunity. Signals from members of the tumour-necrosis-factor receptor (TNF-R) family, such as Fas and TNF-R1, activate the caspase cascade and result in lymphocyte death by apoptosis. Anti-apoptotic proteins, such as FLIP (also known as FLICE/caspase-8 inhibitory protein) have recently been identified. FLIP expression is tightly regulated in T cells and might be involved in the control of both T-cell activation and death. Abnormal expression of FLIP might have a role not only in autoimmune diseases, but also in tumour development and cardiovascular disorders.
Ligation of antigen receptors (TCR, BCR) on T and B lymphocytes leads to the activation of new transcriptional programs and cell cycle progression. Antigen receptor-mediated activation of NF-kappa B, required for proliferation of B and T cells, is disrupted in T cells lacking PKC theta and in B and T cells lacking Bcl10, a caspase recruitment domain (CARD)-containing adaptor protein. CARMA1 (also called CARD11 and Bimp3), the only lymphocyte-specific member in a family of membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) scaffolding proteins that interact with Bcl10 by way of CARD-CARD interactions, is required for TCR-induced NF-kappa B activation in Jurkat T lymphoma cells. Here we show that T cells from mice lacking CARMA1 expression were defective in recruitment of Bcl10 to clustered TCR complexes and lipid rafts, in activation of NF-kappa B, and in induction of IL-2 production. Development of CD5(+) peritoneal B cells was disrupted in these mice, as was B cell proliferation in response to both BCR and CD40 ligation. Serum immunoglobulin levels were also markedly reduced in the mutant mice. Together, these results show that CARMA1 has a central role in antigen receptor signaling that results in activation and proliferation of both B and T lymphocytes.
We evaluated propolis influence on polyclonal activation of lymphocytes by concanavalin A (Con A). The in vitro experiments showed that propolis decreases splenocyte proliferation both in the absence or presence of Con A. The supression in mitogen-induced splenocyte proliferation also occurred when mice were treated intraperitoneally with propolis for 3 days. An increased of IFN-gamma production in the culture supernatants of the same cells was, observed. A dual action of propolis on lymphocyte activation was proposed: it decreases splenocyte proliferation in the presence or absence of Con A and stimulates IFN-gamma production by spleen cells. These results are important to understand the immunomodulatory action of propolis on the host's specific and non-specific immunity. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.