32 resultados para Bertiella studeri
SUMMARY Cestodes of the Bertiella genus are parasites of non-human primates found in Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas. Species Bertiella studeri and Bertiella mucronatacould, accidentally, infect human beings. The infection occurs from ingestion of mites from the Oribatida order containing cysticercoid larvae of the parasite. The objective of this report is to register the first case of human infection by Bertiella studeri in Brazil. Proglottids of the parasite, found in the stool sample of a two-and-a-half-year-old child, were fixed, stained and microscopically observed to evaluate its morphological characteristics. Eggs obtained from the proglottids were also studied. The gravid proglottids examined matched the description of the genus Bertiella. The eggs presented a round shape, with the average diameter of 43.7 µm, clearly showing the typical pyriform apparatus of B. studeri. The authors concluded that the child was infected with Bertiella studeri,based on Stunkard's (1940) description of the species. This is the fifth case of human Bertiellosis described in Brazil through morphometric analysis of the parasite, the third in Minas Gerais State and the first diagnosed case of Bertiella studeriin Brazil.
The presence of Bertiella mucronata and Bertiella studeri (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) in humans is reviewed, and international infection rates and a bibliography included. Taxonomic, biological, epidemiological, pathological, diagnostic, control, prevention and therapeutic aspects of the zoonosis are analyzed, and the increase in zoonotic potentiality of the parasitosis is discussed
The authors report on a new case of human Bertiellosis in a 2-year old female patient who was born in Goiânia-Goiás (Brazil) and has had history of permanent dwelling in an area frequently visited by simians in Mato Grosso (Brazil). At the time of diagnosis the patient showed inappetence, abdominal pain, and loss of weight. Eggs and proglottids were found in her stool and were identified as Bertiella sp. The objective of this report is to register the third case of human Bertiellosis in Brazil, characterizing one more case of helminthic zoonosis.
One of the major factors threatening chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Guinea-Bissau is habitat fragmentation. Such fragmentation may cause changes in symbiont dynamics resulting in increased susceptibility to infection, changes in host specificity and virulence. We monitored gastrointestinal symbiotic fauna of three chimpanzee subpopulations living within Cantanhez National Park (CNP) in Guinea Bissau in the areas with different levels of anthropogenic fragmentation. Using standard coproscopical methods (merthiolate-iodine formalin concentration and Sheather's flotation) we examined 102 fecal samples and identified at least 13 different symbiotic genera (Troglodytella abrassarti, Troglocorys cava, Blastocystis spp., Entamoeba spp., Iodamoeba butschlii, Giardia intestinalis, Chilomastix mesnili, Bertiella sp., Probstmayria gombensis, unidentified strongylids, Strongyloides stercoralis, Strongyloides fuelleborni, and Trichuris sp.). The symbiotic fauna of the CNP chimpanzees is comparable to that reported for other wild chimpanzee populations, although CNP chimpanzees have a higher prevalence of Trichuris sp. Symbiont richness was higher in chimpanzee subpopulations living in fragmented forests compared to the community inhabiting continuous forest area. We reported significantly higher prevalence of G. intestinalis in chimpanzees from fragmented areas, which could be attributed to increased contact with humans and livestock.
Succession was already studied over decades. The present thesis investigated the succession on hard substrate at two different study sites within the fjord Comau, Chile. Nine plates were installed at both sites (mouth of fjord and inner fjord) and photographed over three years. Additionally the natural community was recorded and a ground truthing was carried out to verify the analyzed species. Respectively at both sites over 50 different species were identified. Abundance data decreased with only one exception continuously, whereas the percentage cover increased. But the communities on the recruitment plates do still not reach the community structure of the natural environment. The present data showed that the hard-bottom succession in the fjord Comau is best described by the TOLERANCE MODEL (Connell & Slatyer, 1977). An important species of the natural community is the stony coral Desmophyllum dianthus, which normally (outside the fjord) grows beneath 1000 m water depth. The results of this work indicate that the mature community is not reached after 36 months.
In this study isopod species of the Ross Sea were investigated. Literature until May 2008 was checked to provide an overview of all known and described species in the Ross Sea. This species checklist was then enlarged through material of the 19th Italica expedition in 2004. During this expedition for the first time a small mesh net (500 µm) was used. Nine thousand four hundred and eighty one isopod specimens were collected during this expedition. Through this material the number of isopod species in the Ross Sea increased from 42 to 117 species, which belong to 20 families and 49 genera. Fifty-six percentage of the isopods species collected during the Italica expedition are new to science. The zoogeography of the 117 species was investigated. A non-transformed binary presence-absence data matrix was constructed using the Bray-Curtis coefficient. The results were displayed in a cluster analysis and by nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS). This paper gives a first insight into the occurrence and distribution of the isopod species of the Ross Sea.