Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities in the shallow sublitoral of Comau Fjord, Chile

Autoria(s): Laudien, Jürgen; Försterra, Günter; Reichel, Lisa

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -42.271537 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -72.531059 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -42.391000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -72.598580 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -42.162030 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -72.457400 * DATE/TIME START: 2010-04-28T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2012-01-31T00:00:00




Succession was already studied over decades. The present thesis investigated the succession on hard substrate at two different study sites within the fjord Comau, Chile. Nine plates were installed at both sites (mouth of fjord and inner fjord) and photographed over three years. Additionally the natural community was recorded and a ground truthing was carried out to verify the analyzed species. Respectively at both sites over 50 different species were identified. Abundance data decreased with only one exception continuously, whereas the percentage cover increased. But the communities on the recruitment plates do still not reach the community structure of the natural environment. The present data showed that the hard-bottom succession in the fjord Comau is best described by the TOLERANCE MODEL (Connell & Slatyer, 1977). An important species of the natural community is the stony coral Desmophyllum dianthus, which normally (outside the fjord) grows beneath 1000 m water depth. The results of this work indicate that the mature community is not reached after 36 months.


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Reichel, Lisa (2012): Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities in the shallow sublitoral of Comau Fjord, Chile. Master Thesis, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany, 64 pp


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #Actinaria; Actinaria, cover; Actinaria cov; Ascidiacea; Ascidiacea, cover; Ascidiacea cov; Aulacomya atra; Aulacomya atra, cover; Aulacomya atra cov; AWI_BPP; Axynissa sp.; Axynissa sp., cover; Axynissa sp. cov; B. cf. magellanica; B. cf. magellanica cov; Beania cf. magellanica; Beania cf. magellanica, cover; Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI; Bugula sp.; Bugula sp., cover; Bugula sp. cov; C. cf. antofagastensis; C. cf. antofagastensis cov; C. darwini; C. darwini cov; C. eumyota; C. eumyota cov; C. huinayensis; C. huinayensis cov; C. magelhaenica; C. magelhaenica cov; C. malviniensis; C. malviniensis cov; Caberea darwini; Caberea darwini, cover; Caryophyllia huinayensis; Caryophyllia huinayensis, cover; Cellaria malviniensis; Cellaria malviniensis, cover; cf. A. fugiense; cf. A. fugiense cov; cf. A. magellanicum; cf. A. magellanicum cov; cf. A. variable; cf. A. variable cov; cf. Aplidium fugiense; cf. Aplidium fugiense, cover; cf. Aplidium magellanicum; cf. Aplidium magellanicum, cover; cf. Aplidium variable; cf. Aplidium variable, cover; cf. C. nordenskjoldi; cf. C. nordenskjoldi cov; cf. Cnemidocarpa nordenskjoldi; cf. Cnemidocarpa nordenskjoldi, cover; cf. H. phaeotaenia; cf. H. phaeotaenia cov; cf. Hypsicomus phaeotaenia; cf. Hypsicomus phaeotaenia, cover; cf. N. flosculus; cf. N. flosculus cov; cf. Notobalanus flosculus; cf. Notobalanus flosculus, cover; cf. Plagioecia sp.; cf. Plagioecia sp., cover; cf. Plagioecia sp. cov; cf. Styelidae; cf. Styelidae, cover; cf. Styelidae cov; Chaperiopsis sp.; Chaperiopsis sp., cover; Chaperiopsis sp. cov; Clathrina cf. antofagastensis; Clathrina cf. antofagastensis, cover; Clavularia magelhaenica; Clavularia magelhaenica, cover; Comau Fjord, Patagonia, Chile; Corella eumyota; Corella eumyota, cover; Corinactis sp.; Corinactis sp., cover; Corinactis sp. cov; Counting from image; D. dianthus; D. dianthus cov; D. studeri; D. studeri cov; Date/Time; DATE/TIME; Desmophyllum dianthus; Desmophyllum dianthus, cover; Didemnum studeri; Didemnum studeri, cover; Disporella sp.; Disporella sp., cover; Disporella sp. cov; Esperiopsis sp.; Esperiopsis sp., cover; Esperiopsis sp. cov; F. cf. specca; F. cf. specca cov; Fenestrulina cf. specca; Fenestrulina cf. specca, cover; Figularia sp.; Figularia sp., cover; Figularia sp. cov; G. prolifera; G. prolifera cov; Gonactinia prolifera; Gonactinia prolifera, cover; H. pectinata; H. pectinata cov; H. pilatus; H. pilatus cov; Halcurias pilatus; Halcurias pilatus, cover; Haliclona (Reiniera) sp.; Haliclona (Reiniera) sp., cover; Haliclona (Reiniera) sp. cov; Hormathia pectinata; Hormathia pectinata, cover; Hydrozoa, cover; Hydrozoa cov; Label; Liliguapi; Lillihuapy; M. venosa; M. venosa cov; Magellania venosa; Magellania venosa, cover; Monitoring station; MONS; Octocorallia; Octocorallia, cover; Octocorallia cov; Pileolaria sp.; Pileolaria sp., cover; Pileolaria sp. cov; Polychaeta; Polychaeta, cover; Polychaeta cov; Porifera; Porifera, cover; Porifera cov; R. gardineri; R. gardineri cov; Red algae, encrusting; Red algae, encrusting, cover; Red algae encrust; Red algae encrust cov; Rhodelinda gardineri; Rhodelinda gardineri, cover; Rhodophyta indet cov; Rhodophyta indeterminata, cover; Sample code/label; Scleractinia; Scleractinia, cover; Scleractinia cov; Smittina sp.; Smittina sp., cover; Smittina sp. cov; Uniform resource locator/link to file; URL file; Var. I; Var. II; Var. III
