195 resultados para Bernoulli-Autologistic
Facing the lateral vibration problem of a machine rotor as a beam on elastic supports in bending, the authors deal with the free vibration of elastically restrained Bernoulli-Euler beams carrying a finite number of concentrated elements along their length. Based on Rayleigh's quotient, an iterative strategy is developed to find the approximated torsional stiffness coefficients, which allows the reconciliation between the theoretical model results and the experimental ones, obtained through impact tests. The mentioned algorithm treats the vibration of continuous beams under a determined set of boundary and continuity conditions, including different torsional stiffness coefficients and the effect of attached concentrated masses and rotational inertias, not only in the energetic terms of the Rayleigh's quotient but also on the mode shapes, considering the shape functions defined in branches. Several loading cases are examined and examples are given to illustrate the validity of the model and accuracy of the obtained natural frequencies.
Industrial rotating machines may be exposed to severe dynamic excitations due to resonant working regimes. Dealing with the bending vibration, problem of a machine rotor, the shaft - and attached discs - can be simply modelled using the Bernoulli-Euler beam theory, as a continuous beam subjected to a specific set of boundary conditions. In this study, the authors recall Rayleigh's method to propose an iterative strategy, which allows for the determination of natural frequencies and mode shapes of continuous beams taking into account the effect of attached concentrated masses and rotational inertias, including different stiffness coefficients at the right and the left end sides. The algorithm starts with the exact solutions from Bernoulli-Euler's beam theory, which are then updated through Rayleigh's quotient parameters. Several loading cases are examined in comparison with the experimental data and examples are presented to illustrate the validity of the model and the accuracy of the obtained values.
[...]. Na área da matemática e da física, a família Bernoulli destacou-se por ter dado ao mundo, durante um século, oito eminentes matemáticos, um caso ímpar na História da Humanidade. O pai Nicolau (1623-1708) vivia em Antuérpia, na Bélgica, mas por ser protestante foi forçado a abandonar o país, por infl uência da Inquisição espanhola. Mudou-se para Basileia, na Suíça, onde continuou a dedicar-se ao negócio das especiarias. Casou-se com Margarette Schoenauer, descendente de uma das grandes famílias de banqueiros e conselheiros da cidade, tornando-se um mercador de sucesso. [...].
El 1696 el Marquès de L'Hôpital publicà el primer tractat sistemàtic sobre càlcul diferencial, l'"Analyse des infiniments petits", que es basava en les "Lectiones de calculo differentialium" de Johann Bernoulli. Però podem parlar d'aportacions originals per part de L'Hôpital? L'objectiu d'aquest treball de recerca és comparar el contingut i la forma de l'Analyse i de les Lectiones i detectar possibles influències d'altres autors per intentar, finalment, donar una resposta a aquesta qüestió.
We experimentally question the assertion of Prospect Theory that people display risk attraction in choices involving high-probability losses. Indeed, our experimental participants tend to avoid fair risks for large (up to ? 90), high-probability (80%) losses. Our research hinges on a novel experimental method designed to alleviate the house-money bias that pervades experiments with real (not hypothetical) loses.Our results vindicate Daniel Bernoulli?s view that risk aversion is the dominant attitude,But, contrary to the Bernoulli-inspired canonical expected utility theory, we do find frequent risk attraction for small amounts of money at stake.In any event, we attempt neither to test expected utility versus nonexpected utility theories, nor to contribute to the important literature that estimates value and weighting functions. The question that we ask is more basic, namely: do people display risk aversion when facing large losses, or large gains? And, at the risk of oversimplifying, our answer is yes.
For a massless fluid (density = 0), the steady flow along a duct is governed exclusively by viscous losses. In this paper, we show that the velocity profile obtained in this limit can be used to calculate the pressure drop up to the first order in density. This method has been applied to the particular case of a duct, defined by two plane-parallel discs. For this case, the first-order approximation results in a simple analytical solution which has been favorably checked against numerical simulations. Finally, an experiment has been carried out with water flowing between the discs. The experimental results show good agreement with the approximate solution
Aproximación a la figura de Jacob Bernoulli, matemático muy relacionado con esta disciplina. Se hace énfasis en la resolución de Bernoulli de un problema relacionado con la determinación de las curvas. También se hace referencia a las espirales, por las que Bernoulli sentía gran atracción. Finalmente, antes de morir Bernoulli estuvo trabajando en las probabilidades introduciendo la distribución binomial.
We study weak solutions for a class of free-boundary problems which includes as a special case the classical problem of travelling gravity waves on water of finite depth. We show that such problems are equivalent to problems in fixed domains and study the regularity of their solutions. We also prove that in very general situations the free boundary is necessarily the graph of a function.
Neste trabalho, foram analisadas, implementadas e mostradas as características de uma interface com estrutura de programação genérica para o ambiente Windows, criando facilidades de rapidez, confiabilidade e a apresentação de resultados aos usuários do sistema matemático Maple na criação e uso de aplicações matemáticas. A interface utilizou como modelo de implementação cálculos modais de vigas clássicas de Euler-Bernoulli. O usuário encontra, em um único sistema, cálculo para vigas clássicas, terá uma entrada de dados facilitada de variáveis que serão substituídas automaticamente no programa fonte da viga e a geração de resultados em um ambiente amigável com dados e gráficos mostrados de forma organizados.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)