814 resultados para Bellesa personal


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En este texto se presenta el cuerpo de la mujer como forma e identidad de la belleza. La belleza del cuerpo no proviene de los adornos, sino que reside en la "apariencia" y la "presencia" de las mujeres. La "apariencia" del cuerpo femenino se vincula con la omnipotencia, porque permite el "aparecer" de otra vida, la cadena de la vida, la continuidad del ser. Y la "presencia" de la belleza, generadora de admiración, es constructora de la alteridad que relaciona la mujer con el que mira, el admirador o admiradora. Por lo tanto, la autora otorga una dimensión casi mística a la belleza del cuerpo de la mujer, la cual es constructora de un orden simbólico y de una competencia simbólica que sólo puede ser femenina.


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La belleza femenina no es simplemente una cusetión estética, sino también política. Históricamente, la mujer ha sido el objeto pasivo de la mirada masculina, el objeto de sueño y de deseo de los hombres. Los cánones estéticos establecidos por pintores, escultures, fotógrafos, poetas -aunque variables según las épocas y la evolución de los gustos- llevaron siempre implícita una visión patriarcal del papel de la mujer en la sociedad y han conformado una imagen de la mujer que ésta ha asumido. Para la ensayista estadounidense Naomi Wolf, el "mito de la belleza" es un arma ideológica que frena el progreso de las mujeres, las aisla y genera hostilidad entre ellas mismas...


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En este texto se presenta el cuerpo de la mujer como forma e identidad de la belleza. La belleza del cuerpo no proviene de los adornos, sino que reside en la "apariencia" y la "presencia" de las mujeres. La "apariencia" del cuerpo femenino se vincula con la omnipotencia, porque permite el "aparecer" de otra vida, la cadena de la vida, la continuidad del ser. Y la "presencia" de la belleza, generadora de admiración, es constructora de la alteridad que relaciona la mujer con el que mira, el admirador o admiradora. Por lo tanto, la autora otorga una dimensión casi mística a la belleza del cuerpo de la mujer, la cual es constructora de un orden simbólico y de una competencia simbólica que sólo puede ser femenina.


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La belleza femenina no es simplemente una cusetión estética, sino también política. Históricamente, la mujer ha sido el objeto pasivo de la mirada masculina, el objeto de sueño y de deseo de los hombres. Los cánones estéticos establecidos por pintores, escultures, fotógrafos, poetas -aunque variables según las épocas y la evolución de los gustos- llevaron siempre implícita una visión patriarcal del papel de la mujer en la sociedad y han conformado una imagen de la mujer que ésta ha asumido. Para la ensayista estadounidense Naomi Wolf, el "mito de la belleza" es un arma ideológica que frena el progreso de las mujeres, las aisla y genera hostilidad entre ellas mismas...


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La belleza femenina no es simplemente una cusetión estética, sino también política. Históricamente, la mujer ha sido el objeto pasivo de la mirada masculina, el objeto de sueño y de deseo de los hombres. Los cánones estéticos establecidos por pintores, escultures, fotógrafos, poetas -aunque variables según las épocas y la evolución de los gustos- llevaron siempre implícita una visión patriarcal del papel de la mujer en la sociedad y han conformado una imagen de la mujer que ésta ha asumido. Para la ensayista estadounidense Naomi Wolf, el "mito de la belleza" es un arma ideológica que frena el progreso de las mujeres, las aisla y genera hostilidad entre ellas mismas...


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A study was performed regarding the effect of the relation between fill time, volume treated per cycle, and influent concentration at different applied organic loadings on the stability and efficiency of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass on polyurethane foam with recirculation of the liquid phase (AnSBBR) applied to the treatment of wastewater from a personal care industry. Total cycle length of the reactor was 8 h (480 min). Fill times were 10 min in the batch operation, 4 h in the fed-batch operation, and a 10-min batch followed by a 4-h fed batch in the mixed operation. Settling time was not necessary since the biomass was immobilized and decant time was 10 min. Volume of liquid medium in the reactor was 2.5 L, whereas volume treated per cycle ranged from 0.88 to 2.5 L in accordance with fill time. Influent concentration varied from 300 to 1,425 mg COD/L, resulting in an applied volumetric organic load of 0.9 and 1.5 g COD/L.d. Recirculation flow rate was 20 L/h, and the reactor was maintained at 30 A degrees C. Values of organic matter removal efficiency of filtered effluent samples were below 71% in the batch operations and above 74% in the operations of fed batch followed by batch. Feeding wastewater during part of the operational cycle was beneficial to the system, as it resulted in indirect control over the conversion of substrate into intermediates that would negatively interfere with the biochemical reactions regarding the degradation of organic matter. As a result, the average substrate consumption increased, leading to higher organic removal efficiencies in the fed-batch operations.


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Susceptible-infective-removed (SIR) models are commonly used for representing the spread of contagious diseases. A SIR model can be described in terms of a probabilistic cellular automaton (PCA), where each individual (corresponding to a cell of the PCA lattice) is connected to others by a random network favoring local contacts. Here, this framework is employed for investigating the consequences of applying vaccine against the propagation of a contagious infection, by considering vaccination as a game, in the sense of game theory. In this game, the players are the government and the susceptible newborns. In order to maximize their own payoffs, the government attempts to reduce the costs for combating the epidemic, and the newborns may be vaccinated only when infective individuals are found in their neighborhoods and/or the government promotes an immunization program. As a consequence of these strategies supported by cost-benefit analysis and perceived risk, numerical simulations show that the disease is not fully eliminated and the government implements quasi-periodic vaccination campaigns. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This was an early pre-Catalyst collaboration about developing reflexivity in student engineers. It was funded by (then) CUTSD.


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In this paper, a theory of charismatic relationships is examined with reference to the follower's personal characteristics. It is argued that a leader's charismatic message and personal charisma occupy different roles for individuals who vary in national culture and level of self-monitoring. In an empirical test of the theory, 387 undergraduates of Chinese and Australian cultural backgrounds completed self-monitoring and charismatic leadership instruments. High self-monitors placed more importance on personal charisma than the charismatic message. Chinese participants relied more than the Australians on the charismatic message, although this preference depended on self-monitoring orientation. These results indicate the influence of both individual-and cultural-level variables on leader-member relationships, and the need to consider these effects in future developments of a theory of charismatic leadership.


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Background. A sustainable pattern of participation in physical activity is important in the maintenance of health and prevention of disease, College students are in transition from an active youth to a more sedentary adult behavior pattern. Methods. We assessed self-reported physical activity and other characteristics in a sample of 2,729 male and female students (median age was 20 years) recruited from representative courses and year levels at four Australian College campuses. They were categorized as sufficiently or insufficiently active, using estimates of energy expenditure (kcal/week) derived from self-reported physical activity, Personal factors (self-efficacy, job status, enjoyment), social factors (social support from family/friends), and environmental factors (awareness of facilities, gym membership) were also assessed. Results. Forty-seven percent of females and 32% of males were insufficiently active. For females, the significant independent predictors of being insufficiently active were lower social support from family and friends, lower enjoyment of activity, and not working. For males, predictors were lower social support from family and friends, lower enjoyment of activity, and being older. Conclusions. Factors associated with physical activity participation (particularly social support from family and friends) can inform physical activity strategies directed at young adults in the college setting. (C) 1999 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.


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This article has addressed the following research problem: what consumers` personal values most influence the country-of-origin effect? Furthermore, it has verified whether there are differences on this influence, in terms of consumers` demographic characteristics such as gender, age and country familiarity. A descriptive and quantitative empirical research has been used to analyse the product category of Chinese home appliances, using a sample of Brazilian executives. Results have shown that consumers` personal values exert different influences on the evaluation of foreign products. Most influences of personal values on the country-of-origin effect are negative; the more important the personal values, the more negative the products are evaluated. Exceptions are for women. With the results of this research, marketing professionals and theoreticians may better manage the use of a product`s country of origin as a marketing tool in international marketing activities.


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An important segmentation basis used by firms is related to consumers` personal values which are investigated in this study. It was used a descriptive research with the survey method of data collection in a sample of executives from Sao Paulo who are considered to be potential buyers of high value and innovative goods. An exploratory factor analysis was employed in order to reduce the values scale used and a cluster analysis was performed to identify the groups of executives according to the importance attached to different person values. Concluding, it was observed that there was a similarity among the three personal values dimensions, named as Civility (concerns about having a good conduct before society according to social rules of interaction), Self-Direction (intellectual aspects and practical orientation in their conducts) and Conformity (restriction of actions, inclinations and impulses, that are likely to harm others and would violate expectations) and the ones reported in the theory Rokeach`s theory about instrumental personal values. Furthermore, three groups of executives were identified (good conduct group, low restriction group and high restriction group). The differences observed in the importance of personal values here presented by the dimensions called Civility, Self-Direction and Conformity can lead to different buying behaviors and product preferences. From the results found in this study the companies could adapt their current and new products offers, as well as their communication in order to better serve these segments of executives from Sao Paulo.