905 resultados para Basic operations
Novel input modalities such as touch, tangibles or gestures try to exploit human's innate skills rather than imposing new learning processes. However, despite the recent boom of different natural interaction paradigms, it hasn't been systematically evaluated how these interfaces influence a user's performance or whether each interface could be more or less appropriate when it comes to: 1) different age groups; and 2) different basic operations, as data selection, insertion or manipulation. This work presents the first step of an exploratory evaluation about whether or not the users' performance is indeed influenced by the different interfaces. The key point is to understand how different interaction paradigms affect specific target-audiences (children, adults and older adults) when dealing with a selection task. 60 participants took part in this study to assess how different interfaces may influence the interaction of specific groups of users with regard to their age. Four input modalities were used to perform a selection task and the methodology was based on usability testing (speed, accuracy and user preference). The study suggests a statistically significant difference between mean selection times for each group of users, and also raises new issues regarding the “old” mouse input versus the “new” input modalities.
En aquest treball s'amplia la implementació en Java de les estructures de dades iniciada per Esteve Mariné, utilitzant el seu disseny bàsic. Concretament, s'ha fet la programació de les estructures de a) classes disjuntes, utilitzant els algorismes de llistes encadenades i amb estructura d'arbre, b) monticles, amb els algorismes binari, binomial i de Fibonacci, i c) arbres de recerca basats en l'algorisme d'arbre binari vermell-negre, el qual complementa els dos ja existents amb algorismes d'encadenaments i AVL. Per a examinar l'evolució de les estructures, s'ha preparat un visualitzador gràfic interactiu amb l'usuari que permet fer les operacions bàsiques de l'estructura. Amb aquest entorn és possible desar les estructures, tornar a reproduir-les i desfer i tornar a repetir les operacions fetes sobre l'estructura. Finalment, aporta una metodologia, amb visualització mitjançant gràfics, de l'avaluació comparativa dels algorismes implementats, que permet modificar els paràmetres d'avaluació com ara nombre d'elements que s'han de tractar, algorismes que s'han de comparar i nombre de repeticions. Les dades obtingudes es poden exportar per a analitzar-les posteriorment.
As stated in Aitchison (1986), a proper study of relative variation in a compositional data set should be based on logratios, and dealing with logratios excludes dealing with zeros. Nevertheless, it is clear that zero observations might be present in real data sets, either because the corresponding part is completelyabsent –essential zeros– or because it is below detection limit –rounded zeros. Because the second kind of zeros is usually understood as “a trace too small to measure”, it seems reasonable to replace them by a suitable small value, and this has been the traditional approach. As stated, e.g. by Tauber (1999) and byMartín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000), the principal problem in compositional data analysis is related to rounded zeros. One should be careful to use a replacement strategy that does not seriously distort the general structure of the data. In particular, the covariance structure of the involvedparts –and thus the metric properties– should be preserved, as otherwise further analysis on subpopulations could be misleading. Following this point of view, a non-parametric imputation method isintroduced in Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000). This method is analyzed in depth by Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2003) where it is shown that thetheoretical drawbacks of the additive zero replacement method proposed in Aitchison (1986) can be overcome using a new multiplicative approach on the non-zero parts of a composition. The new approachhas reasonable properties from a compositional point of view. In particular, it is “natural” in the sense thatit recovers the “true” composition if replacement values are identical to the missing values, and it is coherent with the basic operations on the simplex. This coherence implies that the covariance structure of subcompositions with no zeros is preserved. As a generalization of the multiplicative replacement, in thesame paper a substitution method for missing values on compositional data sets is introduced
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ollut selvittää millaisia ongelmia teollisessa alihankintayhteistyössä toimivat yritykset kohtaavat suhteen kehittyessä kohti kumppanuutta. Keskeisinä teemoina tutkimuksessa ovat olleet alihankinnan toimintamallien kartoitus, hyötyjen ja haittojen käsittely ostajan ja toimittajan näkökulmista, sekä yritystenvälisen rutiinitiedonkulun tehostamiseen liittyvät asiat. Tutkimus on koostettu teoreettisesta ja empiirisestä osasta. Teoriaosuus muodostaa aiheeseen liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta viitekehyksen, johon empiiristä osaa on peilattu. Empiirisen osuuden lähdeaineisto on hankittu haastatteluilla kahdessa case-yrityksessä, sisäisillä dokumenteilla ja havainnoinnilla. Aineistoa käsitellään laadullisen tutkimuksen keinoin. Tutkimustuloksista selvisi, että pienen ja suuren yrityksen kumppanuussuhteen luominen vaatii paljon aikaa ja ponnisteluja. Muutos kohti kumppanuutta voi tapahtua vain askel kerrallaan. Myös perustoiminnan tulee olla kunnossa, ennen kuin tiiviimpää yhteistyötä voi syntyä. Rutiinitiedonkulku tiiviissä teollisessa yhteistyössä on tehokkainta hoitaa integroiduilla sähköisillä tietojärjestelmillä.
Lautanauhatekniikka on monipuolinen menetelmä esimerkiksi kuvioitujen nauhojen kutomiseen, mutta uusien kuvioaiheiden suunnittelu, tai aloittelijalle jo valmiiden ohjeettomien kuviomallien jäljittely, voi helposti käydä työlääksi menetelmän ominaispiirteiden johdosta. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli kehittää ohjelmallinen työkalu auttamaan näissä ongelmissa automatisoimalla kudontaohjeen etsintä käyttäjän laatimalle tavoitekuviolle. Ratkaisumenetelmän perustaksi valittiin geneettinen algoritmi, minkä johdosta työn keskeisintutkimusongelma oli kartoittaa algoritmin perusoperaatioiden parametrien ja tavoitekuvion kompleksisuuden keskinäisiä riippuvuuksia riittävästi toimivien arvosuositusten antamiseen ohjelman tulevassa käytännön käytössä. Työssä ei kehitetty sovellusalueeseen mukautettuja evoluutiooperaatioita, vaan keskityttiin luomaan hyvin tunnetuista elementeistä perusta, jota voi myöhemmin kehittää eteenpäin.
Asunto-osakeyhtiölain mukaan asunto-osakeyhtiössä ei tarvitse valita tilintarkastajaa, jos yhtiössä on alle 30 huoneistoa. Lisäksi tilintarkastajan valitsematta jättäminen edellyttää, että tilintarkastuslain mukaiset rajat eivät ylity eikä yhtiöjärjestys velvoita valitsemaan tilintarkastajaa. Jos tilintarkastajaa ei valita eikä yhtiöjärjestyksessä toisin määrätä, on asunto-osakeyhtiöön valittava aiemman maallikkotilintarkastajan korvaava toiminnantarkastaja. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli osoittaa asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastuksen erityispiirteet. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia, onko asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastus tarpeellista. Empiirinen osuus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineistoa kerättiin teemahaastattelemalla asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastajaa, toiminnantarkastajaa, kirjanpitäjää, osakkeenomistajaa ja pankin edustajaa. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastus ei eroa osakeyhtiön tilintarkastuksesta perusasioissaan. Asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastuksen erityispiirteet muodostuvat sääntelyn lisäksi asunto-osakeyhtiöille ominaisista laskelmista kuten lainaosuus-, hankeosuus- ja vastikerahoituslaskelmista sekä talousarviovertailusta. Asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastukseen tuovat erityispiirteitä myös osakeyhtiöstä poikkeavat tuloksenjärjestelykeinot kuten poistojen vapaaehtoisuus, erilaiset rahastoinnit ja asuintalovaraus. Lisäksi asunto-osakeyhtiöissä korostuu osakkeenomistajien yhdenvertaisuus. Tutkimus osoitti, että pienissä asunto-osakeyhtiöissä tilintarkastajan vapaaehtoinen valinta ei ole tarpeellista, jos asunto-osakeyhtiössä on vain perustoimintaa. Tilintarkastaja kannattaa valita vapaaehtoisesti, jos asunto-osakeyhtiössä on suuria remontteja tai lainaosuuslaskelmia. Tilintarkastuksesta hyötyvät erityisesti osakkeenomistajat, mutta myös isännöitsijä, hallitus, kirjanpitäjä ja verottaja.
As stated in Aitchison (1986), a proper study of relative variation in a compositional data set should be based on logratios, and dealing with logratios excludes dealing with zeros. Nevertheless, it is clear that zero observations might be present in real data sets, either because the corresponding part is completely absent –essential zeros– or because it is below detection limit –rounded zeros. Because the second kind of zeros is usually understood as “a trace too small to measure”, it seems reasonable to replace them by a suitable small value, and this has been the traditional approach. As stated, e.g. by Tauber (1999) and by Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000), the principal problem in compositional data analysis is related to rounded zeros. One should be careful to use a replacement strategy that does not seriously distort the general structure of the data. In particular, the covariance structure of the involved parts –and thus the metric properties– should be preserved, as otherwise further analysis on subpopulations could be misleading. Following this point of view, a non-parametric imputation method is introduced in Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000). This method is analyzed in depth by Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2003) where it is shown that the theoretical drawbacks of the additive zero replacement method proposed in Aitchison (1986) can be overcome using a new multiplicative approach on the non-zero parts of a composition. The new approach has reasonable properties from a compositional point of view. In particular, it is “natural” in the sense that it recovers the “true” composition if replacement values are identical to the missing values, and it is coherent with the basic operations on the simplex. This coherence implies that the covariance structure of subcompositions with no zeros is preserved. As a generalization of the multiplicative replacement, in the same paper a substitution method for missing values on compositional data sets is introduced
Many natural and technological applications generate time ordered sequences of networks, defined over a fixed set of nodes; for example time-stamped information about ‘who phoned who’ or ‘who came into contact with who’ arise naturally in studies of communication and the spread of disease. Concepts and algorithms for static networks do not immediately carry through to this dynamic setting. For example, suppose A and B interact in the morning, and then B and C interact in the afternoon. Information, or disease, may then pass from A to C, but not vice versa. This subtlety is lost if we simply summarize using the daily aggregate network given by the chain A-B-C. However, using a natural definition of a walk on an evolving network, we show that classic centrality measures from the static setting can be extended in a computationally convenient manner. In particular, communicability indices can be computed to summarize the ability of each node to broadcast and receive information. The computations involve basic operations in linear algebra, and the asymmetry caused by time’s arrow is captured naturally through the non-mutativity of matrix-matrix multiplication. Illustrative examples are given for both synthetic and real-world communication data sets. We also discuss the use of the new centrality measures for real-time monitoring and prediction.
The current research had as main objective to analyze the possibility of knowledge elaboration/re-elaboration about ideas and algorithmic procedures related to basic operations by pupils of the 6th degree fundamental teaching in a significant learning process. This way the study had as basis a methodological intervention developed in a 6th degree class of a Fundamental Teaching Municipal School in the city of João Pessoa, PB. The research had as central steps the application of pre-tests (1 and 2); the execution of semi-structured interviews with the pupils involved in the theme deep studies; the elaboration and development of teaching activities, having as referential the significant learning and the application of a pre-test. The data collected in the pre-tests (1 and 2) showed a low level of the pupils comprehension about the contents related to the four operations. The answers to the post-test questions were analyzed mainly from the qualitative point of view based on the mathematic concepts comprehension theory proposed by Skemp (1980) having as complementary subsidy data collected through interviews. The analysis of the results obtained in the post-test showed that the major part of pupils reached a relational comprehension about the ideas and algorithmic procedures related to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Such results showed us that the application of a teaching methodology that privileges the content comprehension, considering the pupils previous knowledge and the reflection about the action along the activities proposed, made possible the elaboration or re-elaboration of knowledge by pupils regarding to contents adopted as theme for our research
The present dissertation performs a study about abacus part on the continuous education of Elementary School s Mathematic teachers on what concerns the basic operations of addition and subtraction with (re)unification by using the manipulative and/or informatical abacus. Therefore, the research intends to answer the following question: How does a teacher reframe the pedagogical practice while teaching the Decimal Numeral System and the conventional operations of addition and subtraction with (re)unification through manipulative and informatical abacus? In order to do so, we rely ourselves on the Guy Brousseau s Theory of Didactic Situations (TDS) from 1996 that affirms the necessity to trace a way in accordance with the teaching situations that lead the student s learning; and on the work of Pierre Lévy (1993), in which the poles of communication oral, written and virtual create three ways of communication through which the learning process happens. The methodology of this paper was based on the Strategic Research-Action of Franco (2005). The didactic sequence was elaborated in accordance with TDS and used the manipulative and informatical abacus as didactic resource. With the application of the didactic sequence, it was verified that the continued formation of Elementary School s teachers concerning the operations of addition and subtraction on the initial years/levels is pertinent once it has been observed some difficulties of the teachers concerning this mathematical subject. Besides, the analysis of the didactic sequence has allowed one to realize that teachers had some difficulties concerning the numeric representation with order zero, the resolution of operations of addition and subtraction using the manipulative and informatical abacus and the realization of (re)unification on the subtraction with meaning. These observations has been discussed with the teachers and, after that, it has been done some didactic-methodological routings of the operations of addition and subtraction with re(unification) that contributes with the teaching and learning process.
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
A aprendizagem é um processo continuo permeado por construções e reconstruções do conhecimento, com a inserção do computador no processo de ensino aprendizagem, juntamente com a análise das abordagens da Psicologia Educacional e Educação Matemática, foi possível, neste trabalho, a elaboração de um prototipo computacional voltado para o auxilio a aprendizagem da matemática. Este prototipo e um ambiente computacional interativo para auxiliar o aprendizado das quatro operações básicas (adição, subtração,multiplicação e divisão). Assunto este de grande repercussão no ambiente escolar, pois se não aprendido adequadamente, apresenta sérios problemas na evolução do aprendizado matemático do estudante. O trabalho envolve quatro etapas: Aspectos teóricos sobre o processo de ensino aprendizagem, dando-se maior ênfase a abordagem construtivista; Processo de ensino aprendizagem de Matemática, suas dificuldades e perspectivas de mudanças mediante ao aprendizado auxiliado por meios computacionais; concepção e modelagem do prototipo seguido dos Resultados obtidos durante aplicações do mesmo, resultados esses favoráveis a proposta inicial do trabalho.
Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida no sentido de contribuir para o ensino e para aprendizagem da Geometria Analítica no ensino superior. Para realizar esta tarefa contamos com o referencial teórico de Raymond Duval - com a teoria dos Registros de Representação Semiótica - em aulas expositivas, atividades em classe e na exploração de um maior número de representações do objeto matemático Vetor. Nosso objetivo foi o de identificar e analisar as dificuldades na produção e no tratamento de representações dos vetores que caracterizam lacunas ao aprendizado do conceito desse objeto. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram alunos de uma turma de Licenciatura em Matemática da Universidade do Estado do Pará – UEPA, Núcleo Regional do Baixo Tocantins – NURBAT localizado em Moju – PA. A pesquisa foi dividida em etapas, onde na primeira, a turma presenciou aulas teóricas com foco principal no estudo de vetores, explorando as várias representações do objeto bem como as operações básicas; a segunda etapa consistiu na resolução de lista de exercícios (atividades 1 e 2), contendo questões retiradas da indicação bibliográfica da disciplina e a avaliação individual. E por último a análise das resoluções feitas pelos sujeitos. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados envolveram questões de representação de vetores nos registros algébrico, figural e da língua natural, assim como, as conversões entre esses registros. Após analisar as resoluções, estas foram agrupadas por categorias as quais: confusão entre coordenadas de ponto e coordenadas de vetor, dificuldade na aplicação da regra do paralelogramo, dificuldade em identificar vetores iguais e conversão entre registros envolvendo o registro geométrico. Ao final das análises apontamos onde os alunos sentem mais dificuldades de acordo com as peculiaridades dos mesmos nas resoluções apresentadas e ainda, propomos a possibilidade de continuidade da pesquisa sobre o mesmo objeto.
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE