191 resultados para Bartha s respirometer
Para avaliar a possibilidade de biorremediação em áreas contaminadas, é necessário determinar a biodegradação dos poluentes no solo. Para esta determinação, emprega-se comumente no Brasil, o método respirométrico de Bartha, adaptado de uma norma holandesa. Porém, os solos tropicais possuem características bem diferentes dos solos de regiões de clima temperado. Neste trabalho, foi estudada a aplicabilidade de tal método para um latossolo, tipo de solo predominante no Estado de São Paulo. A partir dos resultados obtidos, foi possível verificar que reações abióticas geram gás carbônico em quantidades significativas. Constatou-se, também, a dificuldade de esterilização do solo em autoclave, o que impossibilita a avaliação da remoção dos poluentes por outros mecanismos ou a biodegradação dos mesmos por microrganismos exógenos somente. Portanto, não se recomenda a aplicação do teste respirométrico de Bartha para a determinação da biodegradabilidade de poluentes em latossolos.
Measurement of nitrifiable nitrogen contained in wastewater by combining the existing respirometric and titrimetric principles is reported. During an in-sensor-experiment using nitrifying activated sludge. both the dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH in the mixed liquor were measured, and the FH was controlled at a set-point through titration of base or acid. A combination of the oxygen uptake rate (OUR), which was obtained from the measured DO signal, and the titration data allowed calculation of the nitrifiable nitrogen and the short-term biological oxygen demand (BOD) of the wastewater sample that was initially added to the sludge. The calculation was based solely on stoichiometric relationships. The approach was preliminarily tested with two types of wastewaters using a prototype sensor. Good correlation was obtained. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Blends of synthetic and biodegradable polymers can be important in attaining material plastic degradation in the environment. Biodegradation using soil and chorume (liquid waste from landfill) microorganisms is a promising area these days. This paper intends to study the PVC/PCL blend degradation in soil using aerobic biodegradation (Bartha respirometer). The morphology and structural changes of the blends were studied by FTIR, scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and contact angle measurements. Blend films prepared by the casting of dichloroethane solutions were buried in a Bartha respirometer containing soil and soil plus chorume and kept there for 120 days. During this time CO2 evolution was measured from time to time. The results showed that PCL films degrade faster than PVC/PCL and PVC films.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Body size is a key determinant of metabolic rate, but logistical constraints have led to a paucity of energetics measurements from large water-breathing animals. As a result, estimating energy requirements of large fish generally relies on extrapolation of metabolic rate from individuals of lower body mass using allometric relationships that are notoriously variable. Swim-tunnel respirometry is the ‘gold standard’ for measuring active metabolic rates in water-breathing animals, yet previous data are entirely derived from body masses <10 kg – at least one order of magnitude lower than the body masses of many top-order marine predators. Here, we describe the design and testing of a new method for measuring metabolic rates of large water-breathing animals: a c. 26 000 L seagoing ‘mega-flume’ swim-tunnel respirometer. We measured the swimming metabolic rate of a 2·1-m, 36-kg zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum within this new mega-flume and compared the results to data we collected from other S. fasciatum (3·8–47·7 kg body mass) swimming in static respirometers and previously published measurements of active metabolic rate measurements from other shark species. The mega-flume performed well during initial tests, with intra- and interspecific comparisons suggesting accurate metabolic rate measurements can be obtained with this new tool. Inclusion of our data showed that the scaling exponent of active metabolic rate with mass for sharks ranging from 0·13 to 47·7 kg was 0·79; a similar value to previous estimates for resting metabolic rates in smaller fishes. We describe the operation and usefulness of this new method in the context of our current uncertainties surrounding energy requirements of large water-breathing animals. We also highlight the sensitivity of mass-extrapolated energetic estimates in large aquatic animals and discuss the consequences for predicting ecosystem impacts such as trophic cascades.
Body size is a key determinant of metabolic rate, but logistical constraints have led to a paucity of energetics measurements from large water-breathing animals. As a result, estimating energy requirements of large fish generally relies on extrapolation of metabolic rate from individuals of lower body mass using allometric relationships that are notoriously variable. Swim-tunnel respirometry is the ‘gold standard’ for measuring active metabolic rates in water-breathing animals, yet previous data are entirely derived from body masses <10 kg – at least one order of magnitude lower than the body masses of many top-order marine predators. Here, we describe the design and testing of a new method for measuring metabolic rates of large water-breathing animals: a c. 26 000 L seagoing ‘mega-flume’ swim-tunnel respirometer. We measured the swimming metabolic rate of a 2·1-m, 36-kg zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum within this new mega-flume and compared the results to data we collected from other S. fasciatum (3·8–47·7 kg body mass) swimming in static respirometers and previously published measurements of active metabolic rate measurements from other shark species. The mega-flume performed well during initial tests, with intra- and interspecific comparisons suggesting accurate metabolic rate measurements can be obtained with this new tool. Inclusion of our data showed that the scaling exponent of active metabolic rate with mass for sharks ranging from 0·13 to 47·7 kg was 0·79; a similar value to previous estimates for resting metabolic rates in smaller fishes. We describe the operation and usefulness of this new method in the context of our current uncertainties surrounding energy requirements of large water-breathing animals. We also highlight the sensitivity of mass-extrapolated energetic estimates in large aquatic animals and discuss the consequences for predicting ecosystem impacts such as trophic cascades.
BARROSO, Lourdes Quiala. Melhoria das ações de prevenção dos cânceres de colo de útero e de mama na UBS Simão Mansou Bartha, Brasileia/AC. 2015. 59f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. A neoplasia de mama assim como outras doenças malignas, resulta da proliferação incontrolável de células anormais que surgem em função de alterações genéticas sejam hereditárias ou adquiridas por exposição a fatores ambientais ou fisiológicos e constitui a primeira causa de morte por câncer das mulheres a nível mundial. A neoplasia de colo uterino é um tumor que afeta à porção inferior do útero, chamada colo ou cérvix, este câncer ocupa o segundo lugar nos cânceres feminino antecedido apenas pela neoplasia de mama. No Brasil, segundo os dados do Instituto Nacional do Câncer em 2014 se encontra em terceiro lugar perdendo para o câncer de mama, intestino (colón e reto) com uma taxa de incidência de 15 novos casos em 100.000 mulheres ao ano. A mortalidade pode chegar a cinco casos em 100.000 ao ano. Melhorar a qualidade da atenção de usuárias em idades de risco através da prevenção e promoção de saúde forma parte importante do trabalho na atenção básica de saúde. Na UBS Simão Mansou Bartha do município fronteiriço de Brasiléia com a Bolívia, Estado do Acre, identificava-se uma baixa cobertura no programa do câncer de colo de útero e câncer de mama, existiam usuárias sem cadastro, faltosas a consulta, sem seguimento adequado, não existiam registros nem conhecimento de quantas mulheres eram pesquisadas no rastreamento de câncer de mama, Fatos que motivaram a realização de nosso trabalho, que envolveram 453 usuárias da faixa etária entre 25 a 64 anos e 121 entre 50 a 69 anos, alcançando uma cobertura de atenção de 94,4% para o câncer de colo de útero e 100% para câncer de mama. Todos os indicadores qualitativos e quantitativos avaliados na intervenção foram alcançados e melhorados, superando algumas metas propostas para a intervenção, mais não foi possível alcançar o indicador de realização de mamografia que só foi possível alcançar 33,1%. A intervenção exigiu a capacitação de toda a equipe de acordo com as recomendações do Ministério da Saúde relativas a acolhimento, rastreamento, registro, diagnóstico, tratamento, e monitoramento das usuárias em idades de risco. As ações foram incorporadas à rotina de trabalho da UBS. A comunidade foi favorecida, os indicadores de saúde melhorados e aumentou a adesão das usuárias demonstrando satisfação com os atendimentos.
Estudos relacionados à obtenção e avaliação de sêmen de Tayassu tajacu são escassos, sendo necessárias pesquisas a respeito. Os objetivos do estudo foram avaliar a biometria testicular de caititus adultos cativos, testar a eficiência da eletroejaculação para obtenção de sêmen e avaliar suas características seminais ao longo do ano. Procedeu-se à eletroejaculação em oito animais adultos e as amostras de sêmen colhidas foram avaliadas quanto às características físicas e morfológicas. Os animais tinham testículo esquerdo com 3,8 ± 0,4 cm X 2,6 ± 0,3 cm e 2,3 ± 0,2 de consistência, e testículo direito com 3,8 ± 0,5 cm X 2,7 ± 0,3 cm e 2,3 ± 0,2 de consistência. A taxa de sucesso nas colheitas foi de 75,21%. O sêmen possuiu: volume 0,81 ± 0,86 mL, concentração 137,44 ± 153 x 106 sptz mL-1, pH 7,92 ± 0,73, motilidade 52,66 ± 28,79%, vigor 2,2 ± 0,8, integridade de membrana plasmática 55,84 ± 28,55%, defeitos maiores 22,87 ± 12,93%, defeitos menores 9,11 ± 5,88% e defeitos totais 31,52 ± 13,81%. Os animais apresentaram simetria testicular, a eletroejaculação se mostrou eficiente para a obtenção de ejaculados em caititus e as flutuações observadas na produção seminal não foram suficientes para caracterizá-los como animais de reprodução sazonal.
HIV latency is a major obstacle to curing infection. Current strategies to eradicate HIV aim at increasing transcription of the latent provirus. In the present study we observed that latently infected CD4+ T cells from HIV-infected individuals failed to produce viral particles upon ex vivo exposure to SAHA (vorinostat), despite effective inhibition of histone deacetylases. To identify steps that were not susceptible to the action of SAHA or other latency reverting agents, we used a primary CD4+ T cell model, joint host and viral RNA sequencing, and a viral-encoded reporter. This model served to investigate the characteristics of latently infected cells, the dynamics of HIV latency, and the process of reactivation induced by various stimuli. During latency, we observed persistence of viral transcripts but only limited viral translation. Similarly, the reactivating agents SAHA and disulfiram successfully increased viral transcription, but failed to effectively enhance viral translation, mirroring the ex vivo data. This study highlights the importance of post-transcriptional blocks as one mechanism leading to HIV latency that needs to be relieved in order to purge the viral reservoir.
BACKGROUND: Superinfection with drug resistant HIV strains could potentially contribute to compromised therapy in patients initially infected with drug-sensitive virus and receiving antiretroviral therapy. To investigate the importance of this potential route to drug resistance, we developed a bioinformatics pipeline to detect superinfection from routinely collected genotyping data, and assessed whether superinfection contributed to increased drug resistance in a large European cohort of viremic, drug treated patients. METHODS: We used sequence data from routine genotypic tests spanning the protease and partial reverse transcriptase regions in the Virolab and EuResist databases that collated data from five European countries. Superinfection was indicated when sequences of a patient failed to cluster together in phylogenetic trees constructed with selected sets of control sequences. A subset of the indicated cases was validated by re-sequencing pol and env regions from the original samples. RESULTS: 4425 patients had at least two sequences in the database, with a total of 13816 distinct sequence entries (of which 86% belonged to subtype B). We identified 107 patients with phylogenetic evidence for superinfection. In 14 of these cases, we analyzed newly amplified sequences from the original samples for validation purposes: only 2 cases were verified as superinfections in the repeated analyses, the other 12 cases turned out to involve sample or sequence misidentification. Resistance to drugs used at the time of strain replacement did not change in these two patients. A third case could not be validated by re-sequencing, but was supported as superinfection by an intermediate sequence with high degenerate base pair count within the time frame of strain switching. Drug resistance increased in this single patient. CONCLUSIONS: Routine genotyping data are informative for the detection of HIV superinfection; however, most cases of non-monophyletic clustering in patient phylogenies arise from sample or sequence mix-up rather than from superinfection, which emphasizes the importance of validation. Non-transient superinfection was rare in our mainly treatment experienced cohort, and we found a single case of possible transmitted drug resistance by this route. We therefore conclude that in our large cohort, superinfection with drug resistant HIV did not compromise the efficiency of antiretroviral treatment.
Loss-of-function variants in innate immunity genes are associated with Mendelian disorders in the form of primary immunodeficiencies. Recent resequencing projects report that stop-gains and frameshifts are collectively prevalent in humans and could be responsible for some of the inter-individual variability in innate immune response. Current computational approaches evaluating loss-of-function in genes carrying these variants rely on gene-level characteristics such as evolutionary conservation and functional redundancy across the genome. However, innate immunity genes represent a particular case because they are more likely to be under positive selection and duplicated. To create a ranking of severity that would be applicable to innate immunity genes we evaluated 17,764 stop-gain and 13,915 frameshift variants from the NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project and 1,000 Genomes Project. Sequence-based features such as loss of functional domains, isoform-specific truncation and nonsense-mediated decay were found to correlate with variant allele frequency and validated with gene expression data. We integrated these features in a Bayesian classification scheme and benchmarked its use in predicting pathogenic variants against Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) disease stop-gains and frameshifts. The classification scheme was applied in the assessment of 335 stop-gains and 236 frameshifts affecting 227 interferon-stimulated genes. The sequence-based score ranks variants in innate immunity genes according to their potential to cause disease, and complements existing gene-based pathogenicity scores. Specifically, the sequence-based score improves measurement of functional gene impairment, discriminates across different variants in a given gene and appears particularly useful for analysis of less conserved genes.
HIV-1 infects CD4+ T cells and completes its replication cycle in approximately 24 hours. We employed repeated measurements in a standardized cell system and rigorous mathematical modeling to characterize the emergence of the viral replication intermediates and their impact on the cellular transcriptional response with high temporal resolution. We observed 7,991 (73%) of the 10,958 expressed genes to be modulated in concordance with key steps of viral replication. Fifty-two percent of the overall variability in the host transcriptome was explained by linear regression on the viral life cycle. This profound perturbation of cellular physiology was investigated in the light of several regulatory mechanisms, including transcription factors, miRNAs, host-pathogen interaction, and proviral integration. Key features were validated in primary CD4+ T cells, and with viral constructs using alternative entry strategies. We propose a model of early massive cellular shutdown and progressive upregulation of the cellular machinery to complete the viral life cycle.