3 resultados para Bangana
Most morphological characters diagnostic of the 13 Chinese species of the cyprinid genus Sinilabeo Rendahl, 1932, are identical to those of the genus Bangana Hamilton, 1822. Consequently, these 13 species are transferred to Bangana. A revised diagnosis is provided for the now-expanded genus Bangana, and a dichotomous key and taxonomic and nomenclatural notes are included for the following valid Chinese species: B. decora, B. dero, B. devdevi, B. discognathoides, B. lemassoni, B. lippa, B. rendahli, B. tonkinensis, B. tungting, B. wui, B. xanthogenys, B. yunnanensis, and B. zhui. Literature reports, by Chinese authors, of Sinilabeo dero from the upper Irrawady River basin, in Yunnan, are based on misidentifcations of B. devdevi. Sinilabeo cirrhinoides Wu and Lin in Wu, Lin, Chen, Chen and He, 1977, and S. laticeps Wu and Lin in Wu, Lin, Chen, Chen and He, 1977, are junior subjective synonyms of B. devdevi and B. lippa, respectively. Sinilabeo yunnanensis Wu, Lin, Chen, Chen and He, 1977, is an available name, and a lectotype is designated for the species. Bangana zhui ( Zheng and Chen, 1983) is a valid species distinct from B. yunnanensis.
The type species of the cyprinid genus Sinilabeo was misidentified as Varicorhinus tungting, and the species under the generic name belong to Bangana and Linichthys. In order to make Sinilabeo available, its type species is fixed under Article 70.3.2 of the 1999 edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature as S. hummeli, a new species herein described from the upper Yangtze River basin in Chongqing City and Sichuan Province, South China. A re-definition is provided for Sinilabeo. It resembles Qianlabeo in having an upper lip only present in the side of the upper jaw and uncovered by the rostral fold, but missing in the median part of the upper jaw that, instead, bears a thin, flexible, and cornified sheath, covered by the rostral fold, a character that can separate both from all other existing genera of Asian labeonins. However, Sinilabeo is distinguished from Qianlabeo in the presence of a rostral fold disconnected from the lower lip; a broadly interrupted postlabial groove only restricted to the side of the lower jaw; an upper lip, which is only present in the side of the upper separated from it by a groove; 9-10 branched dorsal-fin rays; two pairs of tiny maxillary barbels.
Zhang 等(2000)根据口唇部结构把鲤形目Cypriniformes 鲤科Cyprinidae 野鲮 亚科Labeoninae 鱼类分为三个类群。其中第二个类群鱼类的特征是吻皮发达向 腹面下包、上唇退化、下唇向复杂的形态演变,有的形成似吸盘状的雏形构造。 在整理广西鱼类标本时,发现来自广西桂林大埠的十余尾标本不能归到野鲮亚科 任何属中,在这里建立一个新属-狭吻鱼属(Stenorhinchus)。狭吻鱼属的口唇部结 构具有野鲮亚科第二类群鱼类的特征。本研究的目的是为了探讨狭吻鱼属的有效 性及其在野鲮亚科第二类群中的系统位置。传统的观点(张鹗,1998)认为异华 鲮属Parasinilabeo 与唇鱼属Semilabeo、泉水鱼属Pseudogyrinocheilus 的亲缘关 系较近,苏瑞凤(2001)认为异华鲮属与华缨鱼属、直口鲮属构成一个单系群, 本研究的另一目的是要探讨异华鲮属在野鲮亚科中的分类地位,同时描述了异华 鲮属一新种-长鳍异华鲮(Parasinilabeo longiventralis)。 基于外部形态和骨骼特征,利用分支系统学原理和方法对野鲮亚科第二类群 鱼类进行系统发育研究。选择野鲮亚科第二类群的直口鲮属(Rectoris)、穗唇鲃 属(Crossocheilus)、角鱼属(Akrokolioplax)、华缨鱼属(Sinocrossocheilus)、拟 缨鱼属(Pseudocrossocheilus)、异华鲮属(Parasinilabeo)、唇鱼属(Semilabeo)、 泉水鱼属( Pseudogyrinocheilus ) 和第一类群的鲮(Cirrhinus) 、舌唇鱼 (Lobocheilus)、脂孟加拉鲮(Bangana)作为内群,以鲃亚科的刺鲃(Spinibarbus caldwelli)、大鳞高须鱼(Hypsibarbus vernayi)作为外群。利用外群比较法选取 性状,进行编码后建立一个性状状态矩阵。然后应用软件MacClade4.0 和Paup4.0 进行分析。本研究选取61 个性状来构建系统发育树。系统发育树结果表明:(1) 野鲮亚科第二类群的鱼类构成一个单系群,在这里把它们命名为穗唇鲃组;(2) 狭吻鱼属是个有效属,应置于野鲮亚科第二类群并与唇鱼属、泉水鱼属的亲缘关 系最近;(3)异华鲮属与狭吻鱼属、唇鱼属、泉水鱼属的亲缘关系较密切,在4 属之中,它是较早分化出来的类群; (4)宽唇华缨鱼和三齿华缨鱼不聚成姐妹 群,华缨鱼属不构成单系群;(5)直口鲮和宽唇华缨鱼的分类地位不稳定,需要 今后进一步的分子生物学研究确认。