54 resultados para Backlash
This paper studies the dynamical properties of a system with distributed backlash and impact phenomena. This means that it is considered a chain of masses that interact with each other solely by means of backlash and impact phenomena. It is observed the emergence of non-linear phenomena resembling those encountered in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem.
The behavior of mechanical manipulators with backlash is analyzed. In order to acquire and study the signals an experimental setup is implemented. The signal processing capabilities of the wavelets are used for de-noising the experimental signals and the energy of the obtained components is analyzed. To evaluate the backlash effect upon the robotic system, it is proposed an index based on the pseudo phase plane representation. Several tests are developed that demonstrate the coherence of the results.
The behavior of robotic manipulators with backlash is analyzed. Based on the pseudo-phase plane two indices are proposed to evaluate the backlash effect upon the robotic system: the root mean square error and the fractal dimension. For the dynamical analysis the noisy signals captured from the system are filtered through wavelets. Several tests are developed that demonstrate the coherence of the results.
This paper analyzes the dynamical properties of systems with backlash and impact phenomena based on the describing function method. It is shown that this type of nonlinearity can be analyzed in the perspective of the fractional calculus theory. The fractional dynamics is compared with that of standard models.
The development of fractional-order controllers is currently one of the most promising fields of research. However, most of the work in this area addresses the case of linear systems. This paper reports on the analysis of fractional-order control of nonlinear systems. The performance of discrete fractional-order PID controllers in the presence of several nonlinearities is discussed. Some results are provided that indicate the superior robustness of such algorithms.
This paper studies the dynamical properties of systems with backlash and impact phenomena. This type of non-linearity can be tackled in the perspective of the fractional calculus theory. Fractional and integer order models are compared and their influence upon the emerging dynamics is analysed. It is demonstrated that fractional models can memorize dynamical effects due to multiple micro-collisions.
This article investigates the limit cycle (LC) prediction of systems with backlash by means of the describing function (DF) when using discrete fractional-order (FO) algorithms. The DF is an approximate method that gives good estimates of LCs. The implementation of FO controllers requires the use of rational approximations, but such realizations produce distinct dynamic types of behavior. This study analyzes the accuracy in the prediction of LCs, namely their amplitude and frequency, when using several different algorithms. To illustrate this problem we use FO-PID algorithms in the control of systems with backlash.
This paper analyses the dynamical properties of systems with backlash and impact phenomena based on the describing function method. The dynamics is illustrated using the Nyquist and Bode plots and the results are compared with those of standard models.
In much of the western world, and particularly in Europe, there is a widespread perception that multiculturalism has ‘failed’ and that governments who once embraced a multicultural approach to diversity are turning away, adopting a strong emphasis on civic integration. This reaction, we are told, “reflects a seismic shift not just in the Netherlands, but in other European countries as well” (JOPPKE 2007). This paper challenges this view. Drawing on an updated version of the Multiculturalism Policy Index introduced earlier (BANTING and KYMLICKA 2006), the paper presents an index of the strength of multicultural policies for European countries and several traditional countries of immigration at three points in time (1980, 2000 and 2010). The results paint a different picture of contemporary experience in Europe. While a small number of countries, including most notably the Netherlands, have weakened established multicultural policies during the 2000s, such a shift is the exception. Most countries that adopted multicultural approaches in the later part of the twentieth century have maintained their programs in the first decade of the new century; and a significant number of countries have added new ones. In much of Europe, multicultural policies are not in general retreat. As a result, the turn to civic integration is often being layered on top of existing multicultural programs, leading to a blended approach to diversity. The paper reflects on the compatibility of multiculturalism policies and civic integration, arguing that more liberal forms of civic integration can be combined with multiculturalism but that more illiberal or coercive forms are incompatible with a multicultural approach.
This paper presents a novel actuator design that ameliorates or eliminates the effects of non-linearities that are characteristically present in geared actuator systems and which are very problematic for low velocity applications. The design centres on the providing an internal rotational element within a single actuator to ensure operation of actuator away from the stiction region, whilst allowing zero velocity external output of the actuator. The construction has the added advantage of substantially reducing backlash. The prototype comprises two commercially available servo-actuators to test the principle of operation and results presented indicate that the concept is worth exploring further.
In order to be successful at creating a welcoming and pluralistic climate, there must be proper attention paid to backlash. Understanding the underlying causes is the root of creating effective coping strategies. This workshop will suggest ways of understanding and dealing with this phenomenon.
Although globalization, through the communications revolution and international law, brings the promise of progressive social change, the concern of this paper is with the backlash against women’s increasing emancipation, a backlash that is evidenced in the United States through making a mockery of women’s bid for equality by turning the principles against some women whose lives are troubled while rewarding others. Meanwhile across the world the victimization of women, personal and cultural, is taking place in both democratic and totalitarian regimes. Two related forms of backlash are institutional and personal. That forces from the global market and the corporate media help fuel this backlash is a major contention of this paper.
Although women are thought to possess sexual power, they risk social and economic penalties (i.e., backlash; Rudman, 1998) when they self-sexualize (i.e., assert their power; Cahoon & Edmonds, 1989; Glick, Larsen, Johnson, & Branstiter, 2005). Why? Drawing on the status incongruity hypothesis (SIH), which predicts backlash against powerful women because they challenge the gender hierarchy, we expected prejudice against self-sexualizing women to be explained by a dominance penalty rather than a communality deficit (Rudman, Moss-Racusin, Phelan, & Nauts, 2012). Two experiments supported this hypothesis, and Experiment 3 further showed that the dominance penalty was explained by ascribing power motives to self-sexualized women. These findings extend the SIH’s utility to the domain of self-sexualization and illuminate the scope of people’s discomfort with female power. Implications for the advancement of gender equality are discussed.