977 resultados para BUILDING COSTS


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A domus romana provincial constitui um contexto privilegiado para analisar a adoção dos modelos arquitetónicos e construtivos clássicos, a riqueza das elites urbanas e o quotidiano familiar, que se estruturava nas múltiplas relações de sociabilidade entre os membros da família, entre o paterfamilias e os seus clientes, ou entre a família e os serviçais. A casa era também o contexto onde se definiam e afirmavam diferentes identidades, bem como a estatuto social da família. Tendo por base a domus das Carvalheiras, o único exemplar de casa romana de elite totalmente escavado em Braga, procuraremos proceder a uma análise da sua arquitetura, tendo em vista compreender os seus custos de construção e caracterizar os diversos espaços onde se desenvolviam as relações de sociabilidade do agregado familiar.


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Digital libraries (DL) are seen as a hope to developing countries in their struggle for accessing bibliographic resources, especially in a context where the traditional distribution mechanisms failed tragically. Several difficulties are however faced by these countries to build and use digital libraries, due mainly to its high development costs and to the poor existing ICT resources in these countries. This paper discusses the importance of digital libraries for developing countries and introduces the main challenges they face in building and using such libraries. The current alternatives and major initiatives for making digital information accessible to developing countries are also addressed.


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Tutkimuksen aihe liittyy kunnallisten toimitilojen yhtiöittämiskysymykseen, joka on ollut esillä monissa kunnissa useita vuosia ja laajentunut nyt seudulliseksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella, mitä hyötyä tai haittaa kunnallisen tai seudullisen toimitilahallinnosta vastaavan yksikön yhtiöittämisestä olisi. Parantaakseen tuottavuutta kunta voi järjestää toimintansa perinteisen kunnallisen organisoinnin sijaan liikelaitoksena tai osakeyhtiönä silloin, kun toiminnan laatu on liiketoiminnan luonteista. Suurin osa kuntien toimitilakiinteistöistä toimii kuntien palvelutuotannon suoranaisena tuotantovälineenä. Kuntien välisen yhteistoiminnan lisääminen voidaan nähdä mahdollisuutena julkisella sektorilla. Sen lisääminen edesauttaa tuottavuuden kasvua ja mahdollistaa palvelujen jatkuvan kehittämisen. Yhtiöittäminen tuo toimintaan mukaan asioita, jotka varmasti tehostavat toimintaa, kuten päätöksenteon nopeutuminen, toiminnan joustavuus, joustava ja kilpailukykyinen henkilöstöhallinto sekä yhtiön toiminnan ja päätösten ei-julkisuus jne. Huonoja puolia yhtiöittämisessä on kuntien kiinteistömenojen mahdollinen nousu käyttötalouspuolella sekä se, että yhtiöllä olisi käytännössä vain muutama asiakas. Suomessa kuntien toimitilahallinto on todennäköisesti menossa kohti yhtiömallia. Vaihtoehtoina yhtiöittämiselle ovat siis liikelaitosmallin kehittäminen ja joissain tapauksissa keskinäinen kiinteistöyhtiömalli. Joka tapauksessa kuntien toimitilahallintoyksiköiden toimintaa ja toimintamallia pitää kehittää, jotta niiden tuottavuus kasvaa sekä toiminta säilyy kannattavana ja järkevänä. Ulkoisten tekijöiden vaikutus kuntien toimitilahallinnon toimintaan kasvaa koko ajan.


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Pretende-se no presente artigo apresentar uma metodologia que combine os custos diretos e indiretos inerentes a qualquer empreitada, de modo a obter o prazo de execução que permita minorar o somatório de todas as parcelas de custo. A análise efetuada considera os custos diretos de cada atividade como sendo dependentes da sua duração, contemplando ainda a valorização ou o prejuízo da imagem da empresa. Deste modo, partindo do prazo ótimo de execução da empreitada considerando apenas o fator tempo, chega-se a resultados melhores quando se considera a otimização que contempla os fatores tempo e custo, estando neste último englobados os custos indiretos. Por último é apresentado um caso concreto onde se aplicaram os procedimentos propostos.


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Land value bears significant weight in house prices in historical town centers. An essential aim for regulating the mortgage market, particularly in the financial and property crisis that countries such as Spain are undergoing, is to have at hand objective procedures for its valuation, whatever the conditions (location, construction, planning). Of all the factors contributing to house price make-up, the land is the only one whose value does not depend on acquisition cost, but rather on the location-time binomial. That is to say, the specific circumstances at that point and at the exact moment of valuation. For this reason, the most commonly applied procedure for land valuation in town centers is the use of the residual method: once the selling price of new housing in a district is known, the other necessary costs and expenses of development are deducted, including those of building and the developer’s profit. The value left is that of the land. To apply these procedures it is vital to have figures such as building costs, technical fees, tax costs, etc. But, above all, it is essential to obtain the selling price of the new housing. This is not always feasible, on account of the lack of newbuild development in this location. This shortage of information occurs in historical town cities, where urban renewal is slight due to the heritage-protection policies, and where, nevertheless there is substantial activity in the secondary market. In these circumstances, as an alternative for land valuation in consolidated urban areas, we have the adaptation of the residual method to the particular characteristics of the secondary market. To these ends, there is the proposal for the appreciation of the dwelling which follows, in a backwards direction, the application of traditional depreciation methods proposed by the various valuation manuals and guidelines. The reliability of the results obtained is analyzed by contrasting it with published figures for newly-built properties, according to different rules applied in administrative appraisals in Spain and the incidence of an eventual correction due to conservation state.


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En la coyuntura actual, en la que existe por un lado, exceso en la oferta de vivienda (de alto precio o de segunda residencia), y aparece por otro demanda de vivienda (de bajo precio y/o social), el mercado inmobiliario se encuentra paradójicamente bloqueado. Así, surge esta investigación como fruto de este momento histórico, en el cual se somete a debate económico el producto vivienda, no solo como consecuencia de la profunda crisis económica, sino también para la correcta gestión de los recursos desde el punto de vista de lo eficiente y sostenible. Se parte de la hipótesis de que es necesario determinar un estimador de costes de construcción de vivienda autopromovida como una de las soluciones a la habitación en el medio rural de Extremadura, para lo cual se ha tomado como modelo de análisis concretamente la Vivienda Autopromovida subvencionada por la Junta de Extremadura en el marco de la provincia de Cáceres. Con esta investigación se pretende establecer una herramienta matemática precisa que permita determinar la inversión a los promotores, el posible margen de beneficios a los contratistas y el valor real de la garantía en el préstamo a las entidades financieras. Pero el objetivo de mayor proyección social de esta investigación consiste en facilitar una herramienta sencilla a la Junta de Extremadura para que pueda establecer las ayudas de una manera proporcional. De este modo se ayuda a optimizar los recursos, lo cual en época de crisis resulta aun más acuciante, ya que conociendo previamente y con bastante exactitud el importe de las obras se pueden dirigir las ayudas de forma proporcional a las necesidades reales de la ejecución. De hecho, ciertas características difíciles de cuantificar para determinar las ayudas en materia de vivienda, como la influencia del número de miembros familiares o la atención a la discapacidad, se verían contempladas de forma indirecta en el coste estimado con el método aquí propuesto, ya que suponen siempre un aumento de las superficies construidas y útiles, de los huecos de fachadas o del tamaño de locales húmedos y por tanto se contemplan en la ecuación del modelo determinado. Por último, contar con un estimador de costes potencia la forma de asentamiento de la construcción mediante autopromocion de viviendas ya que ayuda a la toma de decisiones al particular, subvencionado o no. En efecto, la herramienta es valida en cierta medida para cualquier autopromocion, constituye un sistema de construcción con las menores posibilidades especulativas y lo más sostenible, es abundante en toda Extremadura, y consigue que el sector de la construcción sea un sistema más eficiente al optimizar su proceso económico de producción. SUMMARY Under the present circumstances, in which there is, on one hand, an excess in the supply of housing (high-price or second-home), and on the other hand a demand for housing (low cost and/or social), paradoxically the property market is at a standstill. This research has come about as a result of this moment in time, in which the product: housing, is undergoing economic debate, not only on account of this serious economic crisis, but for the proper management of resources from the point of view of efficiency and sustainability. A building-costs estimator for owner-developed housing is deemed necessary as one of the solutions for the rural environment that is Extremadura. To this end, it is the Owner-Developed House which has been taken as analysis model. It is subsidized by the Extremadura Regional Government in Caceres Province. This research establishes an accurate mathematical tool to work out the developers’ investment, the builder’s potential profit margin and the reality of the loan for the Financial Institution. But the result of most social relevance in this research is to provide the Extremadura Regional Government with a simple tool, so that it can draw up the Subventions proportionally. Thus, the resources are optimized, an even more vital matter in times of economic slump, due to the fact that if the cost of the building works is known with some accuracy beforehand, the subventions can be allocated in a way that is proportional to the real needs of execution. In fact certain elements related to housing subventions which are hard to quantify, such as the influence of number of family members or disability support, would be covered indirectly in cost estimate with the proposed method, since they inevitably involve an increase in built area, exterior wall openings and the size of plumbed rooms. As such they are covered in the determined model equation. Lastly, the availability of a cost-estimator reinforces the ownerdeveloped building model, since it assists decision-making by the individual, whether subsidized or not. This is because the tool is valid to some extent in any owner-development, and this building scheme, which is common in Extremadura, is the most sustainable, and the least liable to speculation. It makes the building sector more efficient by optimizing the economic production process.


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Resulta difícil definir una profesión que surge por la necesidad de adaptar los espacios de trabajo a las nuevas tendencias de las organizaciones, a la productividad, a las nuevas tecnologías que continúan modificando y facilitando desde las últimas décadas el modo y forma de trabajar. Mucho más complicado resulta definir una profesión casi invisible. Cuando todo funciona en un edificio, en un inmueble, en un activo. Todo está correcto. He ahí la dificultad de su definición. Lo que no se ve, no se valora. Las reuniones, las visitas, un puesto de trabajo, una sala de trabajo, una zona de descanso. La climatización, la protección contra incendios, la legionela, el suministro eléctrico, una evacuación. La organización, sus necesidades, su filosofía. Los informes, los análisis, las mejoras. Las personas, el espacio, los procesos, la tecnología. En la actualidad, todo se asocia a su coste. A su rentabilidad. En la difícil tarea de realizar el proyecto de un edificio, participan multitud de aspectos que deben estar perfectamente organizados. El arquitecto proyecta y aúna en el proyecto: pasado (experiencia), presente (tendencias) y futuro (perdurabilidad). Y es en ese momento, cuando al considerar el futuro del edificio, su perdurabilidad, hace que su ciclo de vida sea criterio fundamental al proyectar. Que deba considerarse desde el primer esbozo del proyecto. Para que un edificio perdure en el tiempo existen gran número de factores condicionantes. Empezando por su uso apropiado, su nivel de actividad, pasando por las distintas propiedades que pueda tener, y terminando por los responsables de su mantenimiento en su día a día. Esa profesión invisible, es la disciplina conocida como Facility Management. Otra disciplina no tan novedosa –sus inicios fueron a finales del siglo XIX-, y que en la actualidad se empieza a valorar en gran medida es la Responsabilidad Social. Todo lo que de forma voluntaria, una organización realiza por encima de lo estrictamente legal con objeto de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible (económico, social y medio ambiental). Ambas disciplinas destacan por su continuo dinamismo. Reflejando la evolución de distintas inquietudes: • Personas, procesos, espacios, tecnología • Económica, social, medio-ambiental Y que sólo puede gestionarse con una correcta gestión del cambio. Elemento bisagra entre ambas disciplinas. El presente trabajo de investigación se ha basado en el estudio del grado de sensibilización que existe para con la Responsabilidad Social dentro del sector de la Facility Management en España. Para ello, se han estructurado varios ejercicios con objeto de analizar: la comunicación, el marco actual normativo, la opinión del profesional, del facilities manager. Como objetivo, conocer la implicación actual que la Responsabilidad Social ejerce en el ejercicio de la profesión del Facilities Manager. Se hace especial hincapié en la voluntariedad de ambas disciplinas. De ahí que el presente estudio de investigación realice dicho trabajo sobre elementos voluntarios y por tanto sobre el valor añadido que se obtiene al gestionar dichas disciplinas de forma conjunta y voluntaria. Para que una organización pueda desarrollar su actividad principal –su negocio-, el Facilities Manager gestiona el segundo coste que esta organización tiene. Llegando a poder ser el primero si se incluye el coste asociado al personal (nóminas, beneficios, etc.) Entre el (70 – 80)% del coste de un edificio a lo largo de toda su vida útil, se encuentra en su periodo de explotación. En la perdurabilidad. La tecnología facilita la gestión, pero quien gestiona y lleva a cabo esta perdurabilidad son las personas en los distintos niveles de gestión: estratégico, táctico y operacional. En estos momentos de constante competencia, donde la innovación es el uniforme de batalla, el valor añadido del Facilities Manager se construye gestionando el patrimonio inmobiliario con criterios responsables. Su hecho diferenciador: su marca, su reputación. ABSTRACT It comes difficult to define a profession that emerges due to the need of adapting working spaces to new organization’s trends, productivity improvements and new technologies, which have kept changing and making easier the way that we work during the last decades. Defining an invisible profession results much more complicated than that, because everything is fine when everything works in a building, or in an asset, properly. Hence, there is the difficulty of its definition. What it is not seen, it is not worth. Meeting rooms, reception spaces, work spaces, recreational rooms. HVAC, fire protection, power supply, legionnaire’s disease, evacuation. The organization itself, its needs and its philosophy. Reporting, analysis, improvements. People, spaces, process, technology. Today everything is associated to cost and profitability. In the hard task of developing a building project, a lot of issues, that participate, must be perfectly organized. Architects design and gather/put together in the project: the past (experience), the present (trends) and the future (durability). In that moment, considering the future of the building, e. g. its perdurability, Life Cycle turn as the key point of the design. This issue makes LCC a good idea to have into account since the very first draft of the project. A great number of conditioner factors exist in order to the building resist through time. Starting from a suitable use and the level of activity, passing through different characteristics it may have, and ending daily maintenance responsible. That invisible profession, that discipline, is known as Facility Management. Another discipline, not as new as FM –it begun at the end of XIX century- that is becoming more and more valuable is Social Responsibility. It involves everything a company realizes in a voluntary way, above legal regulations contributing sustainable development (financial, social and environmentally). Both disciplines stand out by their continuous dynamism. Reflecting the evolution of different concerning: • People, process, spaces, technology • Financial, social and environmentally It can only be managed from the right change management. This is the linking point between both disciplines. This research work is based on the study of existing level of increasing sensitivity about Social Responsibility within Facility Management’s sector in Spain. In order to do that, several –five- exercises have been studied with the purpose of analyze: communication, law, professional and facility manager’s opinions. The objective is to know the current implication that Social Responsibility has over Facility Management. It is very important the voluntary part of both disciplines, that’s why the present research work is focused over the voluntary elements and about the added value that is obtained managing the before named disciplines as a whole and in voluntary way. In order a company can develop his core business/primary activities, facility managers must operate the second largest company budget/cost centre. Being the first centre cost if we considerer human resources’ costs included (salaries, incentives…) Among 70-80% building costs are produced along its operative life. Durability Technology ease management, but people are who manage and carry out this durability, within different levels: strategic, tactic and operational. In a world of continuing competence, where innovation is the uniform for the battle, facility manager’s added value is provided managing company’s real estate with responsibility criteria. Their distinguishing element: their brand, their reputation.


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El objetivo de la presente investigación es el desarrollo de un modelo de cálculo rápido, eficiente y preciso, para la estimación de los costes finales de construcción, en las fases preliminares del proyecto arquitectónico. Se trata de una herramienta a utilizar durante el proceso de elaboración de estudios previos, anteproyecto y proyecto básico, no siendo por tanto preciso para calcular el “predimensionado de costes” disponer de la total definición grafica y literal del proyecto. Se parte de la hipótesis de que en la aplicación práctica del modelo no se producirán desviaciones superiores al 10 % sobre el coste final de la obra proyectada. Para ello se formulan en el modelo de predimensionado cinco niveles de estimación de costes, de menor a mayor definición conceptual y gráfica del proyecto arquitectónico. Los cinco niveles de cálculo son: dos que toman como referencia los valores “exógenos” de venta de las viviendas (promoción inicial y promoción básica) y tres basados en cálculos de costes “endógenos” de la obra proyectada (estudios previos, anteproyecto y proyecto básico). El primer nivel de estimación de carácter “exógeno” (nivel .1), se calcula en base a la valoración de mercado de la promoción inmobiliaria y a su porcentaje de repercusión de suelo sobre el valor de venta de las viviendas. El quinto nivel de valoración, también de carácter “exógeno” (nivel .5), se calcula a partir del contraste entre el valor externo básico de mercado, los costes de construcción y los gastos de promoción estimados de la obra proyectada. Este contraste entre la “repercusión del coste de construcción” y el valor de mercado, supone una innovación respecto a los modelos de predimensionado de costes existentes, como proceso metodológico de verificación y validación extrínseca, de la precisión y validez de las estimaciones resultantes de la aplicación práctica del modelo, que se denomina Pcr.5n (Predimensionado costes de referencia con .5niveles de cálculo según fase de definición proyectual / ideación arquitectónica). Los otros tres niveles de predimensionado de costes de construcción “endógenos”, se estiman mediante cálculos analíticos internos por unidades de obra y cálculos sintéticos por sistemas constructivos y espacios funcionales, lo que se lleva a cabo en las etapas iniciales del proyecto correspondientes a estudios previos (nivel .2), anteproyecto (nivel .3) y proyecto básico (nivel .4). Estos cálculos teóricos internos son finalmente evaluados y validados mediante la aplicación práctica del modelo en obras de edificación residencial, de las que se conocen sus costes reales de liquidación final de obra. Según va evolucionando y se incrementa el nivel de definición y desarrollo del proyecto, desde los estudios previos hasta el proyecto básico, el cálculo se va perfeccionando en su nivel de eficiencia y precisión de la estimación, según la metodología aplicada: [aproximaciones sucesivas en intervalos finitos], siendo la hipótesis básica como anteriormente se ha avanzado, lograr una desviación máxima de una décima parte en el cálculo estimativo del predimensionado del coste real de obra. El cálculo del coste de ejecución material de la obra, se desarrolla en base a parámetros cúbicos funcionales “tridimensionales” del espacio proyectado y parámetros métricos constructivos “bidimensionales” de la envolvente exterior de cubierta/fachada y de la huella del edificio sobre el terreno. Los costes funcionales y constructivos se ponderan en cada fase del proceso de cálculo con sus parámetros “temáticos/específicos” de gestión (Pg), proyecto (Pp) y ejecución (Pe) de la concreta obra presupuestada, para finalmente estimar el coste de construcción por contrata, como resultado de incrementar al coste de ejecución material el porcentaje correspondiente al parámetro temático/especifico de la obra proyectada. El modelo de predimensionado de costes de construcción Pcr.5n, será una herramienta de gran interés y utilidad en el ámbito profesional, para la estimación del coste correspondiente al Proyecto Básico previsto en el marco técnico y legal de aplicación. Según el Anejo I del Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE), es de obligado cumplimiento que el proyecto básico contenga una “Valoración aproximada de la ejecución material de la obra proyectada por capítulos”, es decir , que el Proyecto Básico ha de contener al menos un “presupuesto aproximado”, por capítulos, oficios ó tecnologías. El referido cálculo aproximado del presupuesto en el Proyecto Básico, necesariamente se ha de realizar mediante la técnica del predimensionado de costes, dado que en esta fase del proyecto arquitectónico aún no se dispone de cálculos de estructura, planos de acondicionamiento e instalaciones, ni de la resolución constructiva de la envolvente, por cuanto no se han desarrollado las especificaciones propias del posterior proyecto de ejecución. Esta estimación aproximada del coste de la obra, es sencilla de calcular mediante la aplicación práctica del modelo desarrollado, y ello tanto para estudiantes como para profesionales del sector de la construcción. Como se contiene y justifica en el presente trabajo, la aplicación práctica del modelo para el cálculo de costes en las fases preliminares del proyecto, es rápida y certera, siendo de sencilla aplicación tanto en vivienda unifamiliar (aisladas y pareadas), como en viviendas colectivas (bloques y manzanas). También, el modelo es de aplicación en el ámbito de la valoración inmobiliaria, tasaciones, análisis de viabilidad económica de promociones inmobiliarias, estimación de costes de obras terminadas y en general, cuando no se dispone del proyecto de ejecución y sea preciso calcular los costes de construcción de las obras proyectadas. Además, el modelo puede ser de aplicación para el chequeo de presupuestos calculados por el método analítico tradicional (estado de mediciones pormenorizadas por sus precios unitarios y costes descompuestos), tanto en obras de iniciativa privada como en obras promovidas por las Administraciones Públicas. Por último, como líneas abiertas a futuras investigaciones, el modelo de “predimensionado costes de referencia 5 niveles de cálculo”, se podría adaptar y aplicar para otros usos y tipologías diferentes a la residencial, como edificios de equipamientos y dotaciones públicas, valoración de edificios históricos, obras de urbanización interior y exterior de parcela, proyectos de parques y jardines, etc….. Estas lineas de investigación suponen trabajos paralelos al aquí desarrollado, y que a modo de avance parcial se recogen en las comunicaciones presentadas en los Congresos internacionales Scieconf/Junio 2013, Rics‐Cobra/Septiembre 2013 y en el IV Congreso nacional de patología en la edificación‐Ucam/Abril 2014. ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to develop a fast, efficient and accurate calculation model to estimate the final costs of construction, during the preliminary stages of the architectural project. It is a tool to be used during the preliminary study process, drafting and basic project. It is not therefore necessary to have the exact, graphic definition of the project in order to be able to calculate the cost‐scaling. It is assumed that no deviation 10% higher than the final cost of the projected work will occur during the implementation. To that purpose five levels of cost estimation are formulated in the scaling model, from a lower to a higher conceptual and graphic definition of the architectural project. The five calculation levels are: two that take as point of reference the ”exogenous” values of house sales (initial development and basic development), and three based on calculation of endogenous costs (preliminary study, drafting and basic project). The first ”exogenous” estimation level (level.1) is calculated over the market valuation of real estate development and the proportion the cost of land has over the value of the houses. The fifth level of valuation, also an ”exogenous” one (level.5) is calculated from the contrast between the basic external market value, the construction costs, and the estimated development costs of the projected work. This contrast between the ”repercussions of construction costs” and the market value is an innovation regarding the existing cost‐scaling models, as a methodological process of extrinsic verification and validation, of the accuracy and validity of the estimations obtained from the implementation of the model, which is called Pcr.5n (reference cost‐scaling with .5calculation levels according to the stage of project definition/ architectural conceptualization) The other three levels of “endogenous” construction cost‐scaling are estimated from internal analytical calculations by project units and synthetic calculations by construction systems and functional spaces. This is performed during the initial stages of the project corresponding to preliminary study process (level.2), drafting (level.3) and basic project (level.4). These theoretical internal calculations are finally evaluated and validated via implementation of the model in residential buildings, whose real costs on final payment of the works are known. As the level of definition and development of the project evolves, from preliminary study to basic project, the calculation improves in its level of efficiency and estimation accuracy, following the applied methodology: [successive approximations at finite intervals]. The basic hypothesis as above has been made, achieving a maximum deviation of one tenth, in the estimated calculation of the true cost of predimensioning work. The cost calculation for material execution of the works is developed from functional “three‐dimensional” cubic parameters for the planned space and constructive “two dimensional” metric parameters for the surface that envelopes around the facade and the building’s footprint on the plot. The functional and building costs are analyzed at every stage of the process of calculation with “thematic/specific” parameters of management (Pg), project (Pp) and execution (Pe) of the estimated work in question, and finally the cost of contractual construction is estimated, as a consequence of increasing the cost of material execution with the percentage pertaining to the thematic/specific parameter of the projected work. The construction cost‐scaling Pcr.5n model will be a useful tool of great interest in the professional field to estimate the cost of the Basic Project as prescribed in the technical and legal framework of application. According to the appendix of the Technical Building Code (CTE), it is compulsory that the basic project contains an “approximate valuation of the material execution of the work, projected by chapters”, that is, that the basic project must contain at least an “approximate estimate” by chapter, trade or technology. This approximate estimate in the Basic Project is to be performed through the cost‐scaling technique, given that structural calculations, reconditioning plans and definitive contruction details of the envelope are still not available at this stage of the architectural project, insofar as specifications pertaining to the later project have not yet been developed. This approximate estimate of the cost of the works is easy to calculate through the implementation of the given model, both for students and professionals of the building sector. As explained and justified in this work, the implementation of the model for cost‐scaling during the preliminary stage is fast and accurate, as well as easy to apply both in single‐family houses (detached and semi‐detached) and collective housing (blocks). The model can also be applied in the field of the real‐estate valuation, official appraisal, analysis of the economic viability of real estate developments, estimate of the cost of finished projects and, generally, when an implementation project is not available and it is necessary to calculate the building costs of the projected works. The model can also be applied to check estimates calculated by the traditional analytical method (state of measurements broken down into price per unit cost details), both in private works and those promoted by Public Authorities. Finally, as potential lines for future research, the “five levels of calculation cost‐scaling model”, could be adapted and applied to purposes and typologies other than the residential one, such as service buildings and public facilities, valuation of historical buildings, interior and exterior development works, park and garden planning, etc… These lines of investigation are parallel to this one and, by way of a preview, can be found in the dissertations given in the International Congresses Scieconf/June 2013, Rics‐Cobra/September 2013 and in the IV Congress on building pathology ‐Ucam/April 2014.


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Since the last decade of the twentieth century, the healthcare industry is paying attention to the environmental impact of their buildings and therefore new regulations, policy goals and Buildings Sustainability Assessment (HBSA) methods are being developed and implemented. At the present, healthcare is one of the most regulated industries and it is also one of the largest consumers of energy per net floor area. To assess the sustainability of healthcare buildings it is necessary to establish a set of benchmarks related with their life-cycle performance. They are both essential to rate the sustainability of a project and to support designers and other stakeholders in the process of designing and operating a sustainable building, by allowing the comparison to be made between a project and the conventional and best market practices. This research is focused on the methodology to set the benchmarks for resources consumption, waste production, operation costs and potential environmental impacts related to the operational phase of healthcare buildings. It aims at contributing to the reduction of the subjectivity found in the definition of the benchmarks used in Building Sustainability Assessment (BSA) methods, and it is applied in the Portuguese context. These benchmarks will be used in the development of a Portuguese HBSA method.


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The relevance of the building sector in the global energy use as well as in the global carbon emissions, both in the developed and developing countries, makes the improvement of the overall energy performance of existing buildings an important part of the actions to mitigate climate changes. Regardless of this potential for energy and emissions saving, large scale building renovation has been found hard to trigger, mainly because present standards are mainly focused on new buildings, not responding effectively to the numerous technical, functional and economic constraints of the existing ones. One of the common problems in the assessment of building renovation scenarios is that only energy savings and costs are normally considered, despite the fact that it has been long recognized that investment on energy efficiency and low carbon technologies yield several benefits beyond the value of saved energy which can be as important as the energy cost savings process. Based on the analysis of significant literature and several case studies, the relevance of co-benefits achieved in the renovation process is highlighted. These benefits can be felt at the building level by the owner or user (like increased user comfort, fewer problems with building physics, improved aesthetics) and should therefore be considered in the definition of the renovation measures, but also at the level of the society as a whole (like health effects, job creation, energy security, impact on climate change), and from this perspective, policy makers must be aware of the possible crossed impacts among different areas of the society for the development of public policies.


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This paper provides some results on the potential to minimize environmental impacts in residential buildings life cycle, through façade design strategies, analyzing also their impact on costs from a lifecycle perspective. On one hand, it assesses the environmental damage produced by the materials of the building envelope, and on the other, the benefits they offer in terms of habitability and liveability in the use phase. The analysis includes several design parameters used both for rehabilitation of existing facades, as for new facades, trying to cover various determinants and proposing project alternatives. With this study we intended to contribute to address the energy challenges for the coming years, trying also to propose pathways for innovative solutions for the building envelope.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to discuss the economic crisis of 2008/2009 and the major impacts on developing nations and food-producing countries Within this macro-environment of food chains, there is concern that food inflation might come back sooner than expected The role of China as one of the major food consumers in the future, and Brazil, as the major food producer, is described as the food bridge, and an agenda of common development of these countries suggested. Design/methodology/approach - This paper reviews literature on muses of food inflation, production shortages, and investigation of programs to solve the problem in the future, it is also based on author`s personal insights and experience of working on this field in the last 15 years, and recent discussions in forums and interviews Findings - The major factors that jointly caused food prices increase in 2007/2008 were population growth, Income distribution, urbanization, dollar devaluations, commodity funds, social programs, production shortages, and bionic`s A list of ten policies is suggested. horizontal expansion of food production, vertical expansion, reduction in transaction costs, in protectionism and other taxes, investment in logistics, technology and better coordination, contracts, new generation of fertilizers and to use the best sources of biofuels. Originality/value - Two major outputs from this paper are the ""food demand model"" that inserts in one model the trends and muses of food inflation and the solutions, and the ""food bridge concept"" that also aligns in one box the imminent major food chain cooperation between China and Brazil


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Outlining the best strategies for seismic risk mitigation requires that both benefits and costs of retrofitting are known in advance. The assessment of the vulnerability of building typologies is a first step of a more extensive effort, concerning the analysis of the viability of seismic risk mitigation and taking into account retrofitting costs. The methodology adopted to obtain the seismic vulnerability of some classes of residential buildings existing in mainland Portugal is presented. This methodology is based on a structural analysis of individual buildings belonging to the same typology. An application example is presented to illustrate the methodology. Fragility curves of “boxed” building typology are also presented and broken down into three height classes: low rise, medium-rise and high-rise. These curves are based on average capacity spectra derived from several individual buildings belonging to the same typology.


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Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Master degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


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The building sector is one of the Europeâ s main energy consumer, making buildings an important target for a wiser energy use, improving indoor comfort conditions and reducing the energy consumption. To achieve the European Union targets for energy consumption and carbon reductions it is crucial to act in new, but also in existing buildings, which constitute the majority of the building stock. In existing buildings, the significant improvement of their efficiency requires important investments. Therefore, costs are a major concern in the decision making process and the analysis of the cost effectiveness of the interventions is an important path in the guidance for the selection of the different renovation scenarios. The Portuguese thermal legislation considers the simple payback method for the calculations of the time for the return of the investment. However, this method does not take into consideration inflation, cash flows and cost of capital, as well as the future costs of energy and the building elements lifetime as it happens in a life cycle cost analysis. In order to understand the impact of the economic analysis method used in the choice of the renovation measures, a case study has been analysed using simple payback calculations and life cycle costs analysis. Overall results show that less far-reaching renovation measures are indicated when using the simple payback calculations which may be leading to solutions less cost-effective in a long run perspective.