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The electronic structure and mechanical properties Of UC2 and U2C3 have been systematically investigated using first-principles calculations by the projector-augmented-wave (PAW) method. Furthermore, in order to describe precisely the strong on-site Coulomb repulsion among the localized U 5f electrons, we adopt the generalized gradient approximation +U formalisms for the exchange-correlation term. We show that our calculated structural parameters and electronic properties for UC2 and U2C3 are in good agreement with the experimental data by choosing an appropriate Hubbard U = 3 eV. As for the chemical bonding nature, the contour plot of charge density and total density of states suggest that UC2 and U2C3 are metallic mainly contributed by the 5f electrons, mixed with significant covalent component resulted from the strong C-C bonds. The present results also illustrate that the metal-carbon (U-C) bonding and the carbon-carbon covalent bonding in U2C3 are somewhat weaker than those in UC2, leading to the weaker thermodynamic stability at high temperature as observed by experiments.


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Phononische Kristalle sind strukturierte Materialien mit sich periodisch ändernden elastischen Moduln auf der Wellenlängenskala. Die Interaktion zwischen Schallwellen und periodischer Struktur erzeugt interessante Interferenzphänomene, und phononische Kristalle erschließen neue Funktionalitäten, die in unstrukturierter Materie unzugänglich sind. Hypersonische phononische Kristalle im Speziellen, die bei GHz Frequenzen arbeiten, haben Periodizitäten in der Größenordnung der Wellenlänge sichtbaren Lichts und zeigen daher die Wege auf, gleichzeitig Licht- und Schallausbreitung und -lokalisation zu kontrollieren, und dadurch die Realisierung neuartiger akusto-optischer Anordnungen. Bisher bekannte hypersonische phononische Kristalle basieren auf thermoplastischen Polymeren oder Epoxiden und haben nur eingeschränkte thermische und mechanische Stabilität und mechanischen Kontrast. Phononische Kristalle, die aus mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten zylindrischen Kanälen in harter Matrix bestehen, zeigen einen sehr hohen elastischen Kontrast und sind bislang noch unerforscht. In dieser Dissertation wird die experimentelle Untersuchung zweidimensionaler hypersonischer phononischer Kristalle mit hexagonaler Anordnung zylindrischer Nanoporen basierend auf der Selbstorganisation anodischen Aluminiumoxids (AAO) beschrieben. Dazu wird die Technik der hochauflösenden inelastischen Brillouin Lichtstreuung (BLS) verwendet. AAO ist ein vielsetiges Modellsystem für die Untersuchung reicher phononischer Phänomene im GHz-Bereich, die eng mit den sich in den Nanoporen befindlichen Flüssigkeiten und deren Interaktion mit der Porenwand verknüpft sind. Gerichteter Fluss elastischer Energie parallel und orthogonal zu der Kanalachse, Lokalisierung von Phononen und Beeinflussung der phononischen Bandstruktur bei gleichzeitig präziser Kontrolle des Volumenbruchs der Kanäle (Porosität) werden erörtert. Außerdem ermöglicht die thermische Stabilität von AAO ein temperaturabhängiges Schalten phononischer Eigenschaften infolge temperaturinduzierter Phasenübergänge in den Nanoporen. In monokristallinen zweidimensionalen phononischen AAO Kristallen unterscheiden sich die Dispersionsrelationen empfindlich entlang zweier hoch symmetrischer Richtungen in der Brillouinzone, abhängig davon, ob die Poren leer oder gefüllt sind. Alle experimentellen Dispersionsrelationen werden unter Zuhilfenahme theoretische Ergebnisse durch finite Elemente Analyse (FDTD) gedeutet. Die Zuordnung der Verschiebungsfelder der elastischen Wellen erklärt die Natur aller phononischen Moden.


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The electronic structure of sodium tungsten bronzes NaxWO3 is investigated by high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The ARPES spectra measured in both insulating and metallic phases of NaxWO3 reveals the origin of metal-insulator transition (MIT) in sodium tungsten bronze system. It is found that in insulating NaxWO3 the states near the Fermi level (E-F) are localized due to the strong disorder caused by the random distribution of Na+ ions in WO3 lattice. Due to the presence of disorder and long-range Coulomb interaction of conduction electrons, a soft Coulomb gap arises, where the density of states vanishes exactly at E-F. In the metallic regime the states near E-F are populated and the Fermi level shifts upward rigidly with increasing electron doping (x). Volume of electron-like Fermi surface (FS) at the Gamma(X) point of the Brillouin zone gradually increases with increasing Na concentration due to W 5d t(2g) band filling. A rigid shift of the Fermi energy is found to give a qualitatively good description of the Fermi surface evolution. As we move from bulk-sensitive to more surface sensitive photon energy, we found the emergence of Fermi surfaces at X(M) and M(R) point similar to the one at the Gamma(X) point in the metallic regime, suggesting that the reconstruction of surface was due to rotation/deformation of WO6 octahedra.


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This article is a review of our work related to Raman studies of single layer and bilayer graphenes as a function Fermi level shift achieved by electrochemically top gating a field effect transistor. Combining the transport and in situ Raman studies of the field effect devices, a quantitative understanding is obtained of the phonon renormalization due to doping of graphene. Results are discussed in the light of time dependent perturbation theory, with electron phonon coupling parameter as an input from the density functional theory. It is seen that phonons near and Gamma and K points of the Brillouin zone are renormalized very differently by doping. Further, Gamma-phonon renormalization is different in bilayer graphene as compared to single layer, originating from their different electronic band structures near the zone boundary K-point. Thus Raman spectroscopy is not only a powerful probe to characterize the number of layers and their quality in a graphene sample, but also to quantitatively evaluate electron phonon coupling required to understand the performance of graphene devices.


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We formulate a low energy effective Hamiltonian to study superlattices in bilayer graphene (BLG) using a minimal model which supports quadratic band touching points. We show that a one dimensional (1D) periodic modulation of the chemical potential or the electric field perpendicular to the layers leads to the generation of zero-energy anisotropic massless Dirac fermions and finite energy Dirac points with tunable velocities. The electric field superlattice maps onto a coupled chain model comprised of ``topological'' edge modes. 2D superlattice modulations are shown to lead to gaps on the mini-Brillouin zone boundary but do not, for certain symmetries, gap out the quadratic band touching point. Such potential variations, induced by impurities and rippling in biased BLG, could lead to subgap modes which are argued to be relevant to understanding transport measurements.


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Combination of femtosecond Kerr, two photon absorption, and impulsive stimulated Raman scattering (ISRS) experiments have been carried out to investigate the effect of pulse energy and crystal temperature on the generation of coherent polaritons and phonons in 〈110〉 cut ZnTe single crystals of three different resistivities. We demonstrate that the effect of two photon induced free carriers on the creation of both the polaritons and phonons is largest at 4 K where the free carrier lifetime is enhanced. The temperature dependant ISRS on high and low purity ZnTe crystals allows us to unambiguously assign the phonon mode at 3.5 THz to the longitudinal acoustic mode at X-point in the Brillouin zone, LA(X).


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Temperature dependent photoemission studies on lightly doped (x = 0.025) sodium tungsten bronzes, NaxWO3 have been investigated by high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy. The experimental results show evidence for polaron formation at the valence band edge and the photoemission spectra taken in different modes of the electron analyzer suggest that the density of states at the valence band edge gradually moves to other k-points in the Brillouin zone with increasing temperature and explain the dynamics of polarons in the insulating disordered sodium tungsten bronzes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report resonant Raman scattering of MoS2 layers comprising of single, bi, four and seven layers, showing a strong dependence on the layer thickness. Indirect band gap MoS2 in bulk becomes a direct band gap semiconductor in the monolayer form. New Raman modes are seen in the spectra of single- and few-layer MoS2 samples which are absent in the bulk. The Raman mode at similar to 230 cm(-1) appears for two, four and seven layers. This mode has been attributed to the longitudinal acoustic phonon branch at the M point (LA(M)) of the Brillouin zone. The mode at similar to 179 cm(-1) shows asymmetric character for a few-layer sample. The asymmetry is explained by the dispersion of the LA(M) branch along the G-M direction. The most intense spectral region near 455 cm(-1) shows a layer-dependent variation of peak positions and relative intensities. The high energy region between 510 and 645 cm(-1) is marked by the appearance of prominent new Raman bands, varying in intensity with layer numbers. Resonant Raman spectroscopy thus serves as a promising non invasive technique to accurately estimate the thickness of MoS2 layers down to a few atoms thick. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We employed in situ pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) to investigate the mechanism of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in NdNiO3 (NNO) thin films, grown on NdGaO3(110) and LaAlO3(100) substrates. In the metallic phase, we observe three-dimensional hole and electron Fermi surface (FS) pockets formed from strongly renormalized bands with well-defined quasiparticles. Upon cooling across the MIT in NNO/NGO sample, the quasiparticles lose coherence via a spectral weight transfer from near the Fermi level to localized states forming at higher binding energies. In the case of NNO/LAO, the bands are apparently shifted upward with an additional holelike pocket forming at the corner of the Brillouin zone. We find that the renormalization effects are strongly anisotropic and are stronger in NNO/NGO than NNO/LAO. Our study reveals that substrate-induced strain tunes the crystal field splitting, which changes the FS properties, nesting conditions, and spin-fluctuation strength, and thereby controls the MIT via the formation of an electronic order parameter with QAF similar to (1/4,1/4,1/4 +/- delta).


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Quantum wires with spin-orbit coupling provide a unique opportunity to simultaneously control the coupling strength and the screened Coulomb interactions where new exotic phases of matter can be explored. Here we report on the observation of an exotic spin-orbit density wave in Pb-atomic wires on Si(557) surfaces by mapping out the evolution of the modulated spin-texture at various conditions with spin-and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. The results are independently quantified by surface transport measurements. The spin polarization, coherence length, spin dephasing rate and the associated quasiparticle gap decrease simultaneously as the screened Coulomb interaction decreases with increasing excess coverage, providing a new mechanism for generating and manipulating a spin-orbit entanglement effect via electronic interaction. Despite clear evidence of spontaneous spin-rotation symmetry breaking and modulation of spin-momentum structure as a function of excess coverage, the average spin polarization over the Brillouin zone vanishes, indicating that time-reversal symmetry is intact as theoretically predicted.


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The electrical transport properties and lattice spacings of simple cubic Te-Au, Te-Au-Fe, and Te-Au-Mn alloys, prepared by rapid quenching from the liquid state, hove been measured and correlated with a proposed bond structure. The variations of superconducting transition temperature, absolute thermoelectric power, and lattice spacing with Te concentration all showed related anomalies in the binary Te-Au alloys. The unusual behavior of these properties has been interpreted by using nearly free electron theory to predict the effect of the second Brillouin zone boundary on the area of the Fermi surface, and the electronic density of states. The behavior of the superconducting transition temperature and the lattice parameter as Fe and Mn ore added further supports the proposed interpretation as well as providing information on the existence of localized magnetic states in the ternary alloys. In addition, it was found that a very distinct bond structure effect on the transition temperatures of the Te-Au-Fe alloys could be identified.


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The lattice anomalies and magnetic states in the (Fe100-xMnx)5Si3 alloys have been investigated. Contrary to what was previously reported, results of x-ray diffraction show a second phase (α') present in Fe-rich alloys and therefore strictly speaking a complete solid solution does not exist. Mössbauer spectra, measured as a function of composition and temperature, indicate the presence of two inequivalent sites, namely 6(g) site (designated as site I) and 4(d) (site II). A two-site model (TSM) has been introduced to interpret the experimental findings. The compositional variation of lattice parameters a and c, determined from the x-ray analysis, exhibits anomalies at x = 22.5 and x = 50, respectively. The former can be attributed to the effect of a ferromagnetic transition; while the latter is due to the effect of preferential substitution between Fe and Mn atoms according to TSM.

The reduced magnetization of these alloys deduced from magnetic hyperfine splittings has been correlated with the magnetic transition temperatures in terms of the molecular field theory. It has been found from both the Mössbauer effect and magnetization measurements that for composition 0 ≤ x ˂ 50 both sites I and II are ferromagnetic at liquid-nitrogen temperature and possess moments parallel to each other. In the composition range 50 ˂ x ≤ 100 , the site II is antiferromagnetic whereas site I is paramagnetic even at a temperature below the bulk Néel temperatures. In the vicinity of x = 50 however, site II is in a state of transition between ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism. The present study also suggests that only Mn in site II are responsible for the antiferromagnetism in Mn5Si3 contrary to a previous report.

Electrical resistance has also been measured as a function of temperature and composition. The resistive anomalies observed in the Mn-rich alloys are believed to result from the effect of the antiferromagnetic Brillouin zone on the mobility of conduction electrons.


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We study the spin Hall effect in the kagome lattice with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The conserved spin Hall conductance sigma(s)(xy) (see text) and its two components, i.e., the conventional term sigma(s0)(xy) and the spin-torque-dipole term sigma(s tau)(xy), are numerically calculated, which show a series of plateaus as a function of the electron Fermi energy epsilon(F). A consistent two-band analysis, as well as a Berry-phase interpretation, is also given. We show that these plateaus are a consequence of various Fermi-surface topologies when tuning epsilon(F). In particular, we predict that compared to the case with the Fermi surface encircling the Gamma point in the Brillouin zone, the amplitude of the spin Hall conductance with the Fermi surface encircling the K points is twice enhanced, which makes it highly meaningful in the future to systematically carry out studies of the K-valley spintronics.


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An edge emitting laser based on two-dimensional photonic crystal slabs is proposed. The device consists of a square lattice microcavity, which is composed of two structures with the same period but different radius of air-holes, and a waveguide. In the cavity, laser resonance in the inner structure benelits from not only the anomalous dispersion characteristic of the first band-edge at the M point in the first Brillouin-zone but also zero photon states in the outer structure. A line defect waveguide is introduced in the outer structure for extracting photons from the inner cavity. Three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain simulations apparently show the in-plane laser output from the waveguide. The microcavity has an effective mode volume of about 3.2(lambda/eta(slab))(3) for oscillation -mode and the quality factor of the device including line defect waveguide is estimated to be as high as 1300.


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The Raman scattering spectra of MBE-grown GaNAs epilayers were investigated. The resonant enhancement of Raman scattering due to the E+ states in the conduction band was observed and the Raman peaks related to the phonons at non-Gamma points of the Brillouin Zone were detected. II was clearly seen that the local vibrational mode induced by nitrogen impurities evolves to the GaN-like lattice phonon mode when the nitrogen content increases. By comparing the Raman spectra measured before and after 850 degreesC rapid thermal annealing, it was tentatively suggested that two weak peaks were induced by the pairing or clustering effect of nitrogen.