978 resultados para BR 205


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional traits and in vitro digestibility of silages from different corn cultivars harvested at two cutting heights. It was evaluated 11 cultivars (Dina 766, Dina 657, Dina 1000, P 3021, P 3041, C 805, C 333, AG 5011, FO 01, Dina co 9621 and BR 205) harvest 5 cm above ground (low) and 5 cm below the intersection of the first ear (high). It was used a random block design (three blocks), arranged in a 11 × 2 factorial scheme. Silages from plants harvested at high cutting height presented average content of dry matter significantly superior to silages from plants harvested at low height. Cultivars FO 01, AG 5011, Dina co 9621 and Dina 766 presented greater content of crude protein than cultivars C 805, P 3041 and P 3021, which presented the lowest contents of this nutrient. The raise in the cut height increased in vitro dry matter true digestibility coefficients and in vitro dry matter digestibility of silage evaluated. The increase in cut height improved nutritive value of silages by decreasing concentrations of fibrous fractions and increasing in vitro dry matter digestibility.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics, bromatological-chemical composition and digestibility of 11 corn cultivars (Zea mays) harvested at two cutting heights. Cultivars D 766, D 657, D 1000, P 3021, P 3041, C 805, C 333, AG 5011, FO 01, CO 9621 and BR 205 were evaluated when they were harvested 5 cm above ground (low) and 5 cm below the insertion of the first ear (high). The experiment was designed as random blocks, with three replicates, arranged in an 11 x 2 factorial scheme. Cultivars presented similar productions of forage dry matter and grains. Percentages of stalk, leaf, straw, cob and kernel fractions were different among cultivars, as well as dry matter content of the whole plant at harvest. Considering the whole plant, only the contents of gross energy, nitrogen in neutral detergent fiber, and in vitro neutral and acid detergent fiber digestibility did not differ among cultivars. Increase on the cutting height improved forage quality due to the reduction of stalk and leaf fractions and contents of cell wall constituents.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar as respostas do eucalipto e do milho cultivados em sistemas silviagrícolas, implantou-se um experimento em Paracatu, MG, constituído por quatro clones de eucalipto (dois clones de Eucalyptus camaldulensis, códigos 137 e 180; dois clones de Eucalyptus urophylla, códigos 13 e 44), dispostos no espaçamento de 10 m x 4 m, consorciados nas entre linhas com a cultura do milho. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados (DBC), com quatro tratamentos (quatro clones de eucalipto) e seis blocos. Para a cultura do milho (cultivar BR 205), empregou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados (seis blocos), no esquema de parcelas subdivididas (4 x 2 mais um monocultivo, num total de nove tratamentos). As parcelas foram constituídas pelos sistemas consorciados de milho com quatro clones de eucalipto e pela cultura solteira de milho. As subparcelas foram constituídas por duas distâncias das linhas de plantio de milho em relação às linhas de plantio dos clones de eucalipto: primeira e segunda linhas de plantio do milho, adjacentes à linha do eucalipto (1,8 e 2,7 m) e quarta e quinta linhas de plantio de milho, central à linha do eucalipto (4,5 e 5,4 m). Os clones de E. camaldulensis apresentaram sobrevivência, altura, volume/árvore e volume/ha superiores aos de E. urophylla. As maiores médias de diâmetro à altura do peito, volume/árvore e volume/ha e forma retilínea do fuste foram observadas no clone de E. camaldulensis 137, assim como o menor rendimento do milho. A produção de milho nos sistemas consorciados com clones de eucalipto foi menor que a obtida em monocultivo. O maior rendimento de grãos de milho nos sistemas consorciados com clones de eucalipto foi obtido nas linhas centrais de plantio.


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One of the very important components in the organic maize production costs refers to spending on weed control. In this research were assessed the effects of maize hybrids (AG 1051 and BR 205) in an intercropping with Gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) and mechanical hoeing on weed control. The treatments assessed were: A - maize monocropping + two hoeings (20 and 40 days after sowing); B - maize with one hoeing at 20 days + intercropping with gliricidia sowed after hoeing; C - maize sowing intercropped with gliricidia at the time of maize sowing + hoeing at 40 days; D - maize sowing intercropped with gliricidia at the time of maize sowing without hoeing; E - monocropping maize without hoeing. In the intercroppings, gliricidia was sowed in broadcast seeding with 30 viable seeds m-2. Maize hybrids did not differ in their effects on weed growth and grain yield. Treatments A, B and C have reduced weed growth, compared to treatments D and E. The highest grain yield was obtained with treatment A and the lowest with treatment E. It was concluded that intercropping maize and gliricidia is not a good alternative for an integrated weed management in maize crops in the conditions assessed.


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ABSTRACT The combination of crop residues or crop extracts is often more advantageous in controlling weeds, than the application of each residue or extract singly. This suggests that in intercropping with maize, the combination of tree species can be more advantageous than species isolated in weed control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of intercropping with a combination of leguminous on the weed growth and corn yield. A randomized-block design with split plots (cultivars in plots) and five replicates was established. The cultivars BR 205 and AG 1041 were subject to the following treatments: two weedings (A), intercropping with sabiá (B), gliricidia (C), gliricidia + sabiá (D) and no weeding (E). In the B and C, 30 viable seeds m-2 of the leguminous were sown. In the D, 15 seeds of each species were sown m-2. The legumes were sown by random casting during corn planting. The sequence of the best treatments in reducing the growth of weeds is A > B = C = D = E. The sequence of the best treatments when are considered the yields of baby corn, green corn and grain is A > B > C > D > E. The cultivars do not differ in regards to the reduction in weed growth. In terms of corn yield cultivar BR 205 is the best.


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Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar as características agronômicas, a composição químico-bromatológica e a digestibilidade de 11 cultivares de milho (Zea mays) colhido em duas alturas de corte. As cultivares D 766, D 657, D 1000, P 3021, P 3041, C 805, C 333, AG 5011, FO 01, CO 9621 e BR 205 foram avaliadas quando colhidas 5 cm acima do solo (baixa) e 5 cm abaixo da inserção da primeira espiga (alta). O experimento foi delineado como blocos casualizados, com três repetições, arranjados em esquema fatorial 11 x 2. Os cultivares apresentaram produções semelhantes de matéria seca de forragem e de grãos. As porcentagens das frações colmo, folha, palha, sabugo e grão diferiram entre os cultivares, assim como os teores de matéria seca da planta inteira no momento da colheita. Considerando a planta inteira, apenas os teores de energia bruta, nitrogênio da fração fibra em detergente neutro e a digestibilidade in vitro da fibra em detergente neutro e detergente ácido não diferiram entre os cultivares. O aumento da altura de corte melhorou a qualidade da forragem, devido à redução das frações colmo e folha e dos teores dos constituintes da parede celular.


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Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar as características nutricionais e a digestibilidade in vitro de silagens de diferentes cultivares de milho colhidas em duas alturas de corte. Foram avaliadas 11 cultivares (Dina 766, Dina 657, Dina 1000, P 3021, P 3041, C 805, C 333, AG 5011, FO 01, Dina co 9621 e BR 205) colhidas 5 cm acima do solo (baixa) e 5 cm abaixo da inserção da primeira espiga (alta). O experimento foi delineado em blocos casualizados (três blocos), arranjados em esquema fatorial 11 × 2. As silagens das plantas colhidas na altura de corte alta apresentaram teor médio de matéria seca significativamente superior às silagens das plantas colhidas na altura de corte baixa. As cultivares FO 01, AG 5011, Dina co 9621 e Dina 766 apresentaram maior teor de proteína bruta, que as cultivares C 805, P 3041 e P 3021, as quais apresentaram os menores teores deste nutriente. A elevação da altura de corte aumentou os coeficientes de digestibilidade verdadeira in vitro da matéria seca e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca das silagens avaliadas. O aumento da altura de corte melhorou o valor nutritivo das silagens, diminuindo as concentrações das frações fibrosas e aumentando a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and dry matter in vitro digestibility of stem, leaf, straw, cob and kernel fractions of eleven corn (Zea mays) cultivars, harvested at two cutting heights. The experiment was designed as randomized blocks, with three replicates, in a 2 × 11 factorial arrangement (eleven cultivars and two cutting heights). The corn cultivars evaluated were D 766, D 657, D 1000, P 3021, P 3041, C 805, C 333, AG 5011, FOR 01, CO 9621 and BR 205, harvested at a low cutting height (5 cm above ground) and a high cutting height (5 cm below the first ear insertion). Cutting height influenced the dry matter content of the stem fraction, which was lower (23.95%) in plants harvested at the low, than in plants harvested at the high cutting height (26.28%). The kernel fraction had the highest dry matter in vitro digestibility (85.13%), while cultivars did not differ between each other. Cob and straw were the fractions with the highest level of neutral detergent fiber (80.74 and 79.77%, respectively) and the lowest level of crude protein (3.84% and 3.69%, respectively). The leaf fraction had the highest crude protein content, both for plants of low and high cuttings (15.55% and 16.20%, respectively). The increase in the plant cutting height enhanced the dry matter content and dry matter in vitro digestibility of stem fraction, but did not affect the DM content of the leaf fraction.


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O estresse hídrico afeta profundamente o metabolismo celular vegetal. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se quantificar os efeitos da deficiência hídrica e sua recuperação sobre a atividade das enzimas do metabolismo do nitrogênio: redutase do nitrato (RN), glutamina sintetase (GS) e glutamato sintase (GOGAT) e sobre o acúmulo de prolina em plantas dos genótipos de milho BR 2121 e BR 205. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, sob o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, utilizando-se vasos que continham 14,3kg de solo. Os tratamentos consistiram da combinação dos dois genótipos e quatro intervalos entre irrigações (1, 3, 5 e 7 dias). No dia da avaliação (49 dias após emergência), os tratamentos com intervalos entre 3 e 7 dias, haviam sido irrigados no dia anterior, caracterizando-se portanto como recuperação da deficiência hídrica leve e severa, respectivamente. As extrações e análises foram realizadas utilizando-se a terceira folha basípeta completamente expandida. As atividades das enzimas estudadas não diferiram entre os tratamentos de estresse hídrico, controle e recuperação do estresse moderado, entretanto as plantas sob recuperação do estresse severo apresentaram atividade enzimática superior à das plantas controle. O acúmulo de prolina livre nas folhas aumentou com o estresse hídrico e respondeu à recuperação do estresse apresentando redução. de modo geral, a atividade enzimática e o acúmulo de prolina apresentaram respostas inversas dentro dos tratamentos.


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Final plant population in maize crop was used as a basis to identify the technology level of a given farmer. Final population of 50,000 plants/hectare was considered as an indication of a high technology level farmer; 35,000 of a medium, and 20,000 of a low technology level farmer. These populations were artificially obtained for the hybrids HT-2X, BR-201, and BR-205 from small, medium and large seeds. The results showed the triple cross hybrid HT-2X to be the most indicated for low technology level regions, due to its lesser sensitivity to variations in seed size and also to its significant outyielding of the other two hybrids. The double cross hybrids BR-201 and BR-205 exhibited much higher sensitivity to variations in seed size so that if they have to be used in a low technology region, the most recommended procedure would be to make use of the largest possible seeds. In conclusion, genotype and seed size seem to be factors capable of compensating for plant population reductions in maize crops. The more prolific hybrids and the largess seeds are more indicated for low technology level regions.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and dry matter in vitro digestibility of stem, leaf, straw, cob and kernel fractions of eleven corn (Zea mays) cultivars, harvested at two cutting heights. The experiment was designed as randomized blocks, with three replicates, in a 2 × 11 factorial arrangement (eleven cultivars and two cutting heights). The corn cultivars evaluated were D 766, D 657, D 1000, P 3021, P 3041, C 805, C 333, AG 5011, FOR 01, CO 9621 and BR 205, harvested at a low cutting height (5 cm above ground) and a high cutting height (5 cm below the first ear insertion). Cutting height influenced the dry matter content of the stem fraction, which was lower (23.95%) in plants harvested at the low, than in plants harvested at the high cutting height (26.28%). The kernel fraction had the highest dry matter in vitro digestibility (85.13%), while cultivars did not differ between each other. Cob and straw were the fractions with the highest level of neutral detergent fiber (80.74 and 79.77%, respectively) and the lowest level of crude protein (3.84% and 3.69%, respectively). The leaf fraction had the highest crude protein content, both for plants of low and high cuttings (15.55% and 16.20%, respectively). The increase in the plant cutting height enhanced the dry matter content and dry matter in vitro digestibility of stem fraction, but did not affect the DM content of the leaf fraction.


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Trata-se, neste artigo, de examinar o processo de legitimação que acompanhou a conquista do sertão baiano durante a segunda metade do século XVII, e de explorar as interações entre as dinâmicas locais e imperiais que levaram a uma situação de violência institucionalizada contra as populações indígenas do interior da Bahia.


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O artigo analisa as relações entre os índios e os comerciantes ambulantes que, na Amazônia do século XIX, eram conhecidos como regatões. Com base em documentos da época, constata-se que nem sempre os índios foram vítimas ingênuas e passivas diante dos regatões e que é necessário enfatizar a dimensão simbólica das trocas, a fim de recuperar o protagonismo indígena nas relações estabelecidas com os comerciantes e com as mercadorias que eles vendiam.


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O objetivo deste artigo é problematizar as convenções intelectuais que nortearam a escrita do retrato heróico do humanista João de Barros por Manuel Severim de Faria, em sua “Vida de João de Barros, em que se discorre sobre os preceitos da história e perfeição com que escreveu as suas Décadas”, livro que compõe os Discursos vários políticos, publicado pela primeira vez em 1624. Para isso, consideramos que a confecção da memória dos lugares ocupados por João de Barros responde à demanda de uma sociedade estamental, na qual a dignidade do ofício exercido denota a dignidade de quem o exerce.