1000 resultados para BLACK RATS


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A recent advance in biosecurity surveillance design aims to benefit island conservation through early and improved detection of incursions by non-indigenous species. The novel aspects of the design are that it achieves a specified power of detection in a cost-managed system, while acknowledging heterogeneity of risk in the study area and stratifying the area to target surveillance deployment. The design also utilises a variety of surveillance system components, such as formal scientific surveys, trapping methods, and incidental sightings by non-biologist observers. These advances in design were applied to black rats (Rattus rattus) representing the group of invasive rats including R. norvegicus, and R. exulans, which are potential threats to Barrow Island, Australia, a high value conservation nature reserve where a proposed liquefied natural gas development is a potential source of incursions. Rats are important to consider as they are prevalent invaders worldwide, difficult to detect early when present in low numbers, and able to spread and establish relatively quickly after arrival. The ‘exemplar’ design for the black rat is then applied in a manner that enables the detection of a range of non-indigenous species of rat that could potentially be introduced. Many of the design decisions were based on expert opinion as data gaps exist in empirical data. The surveillance system was able to take into account factors such as collateral effects on native species, the availability of limited resources on an offshore island, financial costs, demands on expertise and other logistical constraints. We demonstrate the flexibility and robustness of the surveillance system and discuss how it could be updated as empirical data are collected to supplement expert opinion and provide a basis for adaptive management. Overall, the surveillance system promotes an efficient use of resources while providing defined power to detect early rat incursions, translating to reduced environmental, resourcing and financial costs.


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Most dietary studies of Powerful Owls Ninox strenua have been from forested habitats or partially disturbed habitats on the urban fringe. The diets of single Powerful Owls roosting in two inner city parks in Melbourne, Victoria, in 2008 and 2009 were analysed. Common Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula and Common Ringtail Possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus were the only prey species recorded in the Fitzroy Gardens (occurring in equal numbers in the Owl’s diet), whereas Common Brushtail Possums and Black Rats Rattus rattus were recorded in the diet of the Flagstaff Gardens bird. This is a less diverse prey selection than recorded in the only other inner city dietary analysis for this species.


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Invasive rodent species have established on 80% of the world's islands causing significant damage to island environments. Insular ecosystems support proportionally more biodiversity than comparative mainland areas, highlighting them as critical for global biodiversity conservation. Few techniques currently exist to adequately detect, with high confidence, species that are trap-adverse such as the black rat, Rattus rattus, in high conservation priority areas where multiple non-target species persist. This study investigates the effectiveness of camera trapping for monitoring invasive rodents in high conservation areas, and the influence of habitat features and density of colonial-nesting seabirds on rodent relative activity levels to provide insights into their potential impacts. A total of 276 camera sites were established and left in situ for 8 days. Identified species were recorded in discrete 15 min intervals, referred to as 'events'. In total, 19 804 events were recorded. From these, 31 species were identified comprising 25 native species and six introduced. Two introduced rodent species were detected: the black rat (90% of sites), and house mouse Mus musculus (56% of sites). Rodent activity of both black rats and house mice were positively associated with the structural density of habitats. Density of seabird burrows was not strongly associated with relative activity levels of rodents, yet rodents were still present in these areas. Camera trapping enabled a large number of rodents to be detected with confidence in site-specific absences and high resolution to quantify relative activity levels. This method enables detection of multiple species simultaneously with low impact (for both target and non-target individuals); an ideal strategy for monitoring trap-adverse invasive rodents in high conservation areas.


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A three-year programme to eradicate Feral Cats Felis catus from the island of Baltra in the Galapagos archipelago achieved good results by Initially poisoning with sodium monofluoroacetate (compound 1080) then trapping or shooting the remaining cats. The poisoning campaign removed 90% of the cats, its success being attributable to pre-baiting with unpolsoned baits to accustom cats to eating baits and placing enough baits to ensure that all cats encountered several baits within their home range. This, together with the use of metaclopromide (Pileran) as an anti-emetic, overcame a problem associated with poor retention of 1080 in thawed fish baits that limited the dose available to 1 mg 1080lbait, a quality Insufficient to kill large cats. Removal of the remaining cats was delayed by a weather-Induced irruption of Black Rats Rattus rattus and House Mice Mus musculus that enabled recruitment of kittens in 2002, but made cats more susceptible to trapping and shooting in 2003 when rodent populations collapsed. Since July 2003 no sign of a cat has been detected on Baltra despite extensive searching and monitoring throughout 2004. As cat abundance has decreased there have been more locally-bred Juvenile iguanas (Conolophus subcristatus) seen during annual censuses. However, such recruitment may reflect the increasing maturity and higher fecundity of iguanas repatriated from 1991 onwards rather than being a direct result of reduced cat predation alone. More time is necessary to determine the benefits of reduced cat predation on the Iguana population.


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The mechanisms of how tea and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) lower body fat are not completely understood. This study investigated long-term administration of green tea (GT), black tea (BT), or isolated EGCG (1 mg/kg per day) on body composition, glucose tolerance, and gene expression related to energy metabolism and lipid homeostasis; it was hypothesized that all treatments would improve the indicators of metabolic syndrome. Rats were fed a 15% fat diet for 6 months from 4 weeks of age and were supplied GT, BT, EGCG, or water. GT and BT reduced body fat, whereas GT and EGCG increased lean mass. At 16 weeks GT, BT, and EGCG improved glucose tolerance. In the liver, GT and BT increased the expression of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis (SREBP-1c, FAS, MCD, ACC) and oxidation (PPAR-α, CPT-1, ACO); however, EGCG had no effect. In perirenal fat, genes that mediate adipocyte differentiation were suppressed by GT (Pref-1, C/EBP-β, and PPAR-γ) and BT (C/EBP-β), while decreasing LPL, HSL, and UCP-2 expression; EGCG increased expression of UCP-2 and PPAR-γ genes. Liver triacylglycerol content was unchanged. The results suggest that GT and BT suppressed adipocyte differentiation and fatty acid uptake into adipose tissue, while increasing fat synthesis and oxidation by the liver, without inducing hepatic fat accumulation. In contrast, EGCG increased markers of thermogenesis and differentiation in adipose tissue, while having no effect on liver or muscle tissues at this dose. These results show novel and separate mechanisms by which tea and EGCG may improve glucose tolerance and support a role for these compounds in obesity prevention.


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Altered matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) levels are involved in cardiovascular diseases and increased MMP-9 levels enhance the cardiovascular risk in apparently healthy subjects. We investigated the effects of MMP-9 gene polymorphisms and haplotypes on the circulating MMP-9 levels in healthy black subjects and the effects of an MMP-2 polymorphism on the plasma MMP-2 concentrations. We studied 190 healthy subjects, nonsmokers, self-reported as blacks (18-63 years). Genotypes for the MMP-2 C-1306T polymorphism and the MMP-9 C-1562T, 90(CA)(14-24) and Q279R polymorphisms (rs243865, rs3918242, rs2234681, and rs17576, respectively) were determined by TaqMan (R) Allele Discrimination assay and real-time polymerase chain reaction or restriction fragment length polymorphism. Alleles for the 90(CA)(14-24) polymorphism were grouped as low (L) when there were < 21 and high (H) when there were >= 21 CA repeats. The plasma levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were determined by gelatin zymography. The software PHASE 2.1 was used to estimate the haplotypes frequencies. Although we found no effects of the MMP-9 C-1562T or the Q279R polymorphisms on MMP-9 levels, higher MMP-9 levels were associated with the HH genotype for the -90(CA)(14-24) polymorphism compared with the HL or LL genotypes. Lower MMP-9 levels were found in carriers of the CRL haplotype (combining the C, R, and L alleles for the MMP-9 polymorphisms) compared with the CRH haplotype. Consistent with this finding, the CRL haplotype was more commonly found in subjects with low MMP-9 levels. The MMP-2 C-1306T polymorphism had no effects on the plasma MMP-2 levels. Our results show that MMP-9 genetic variations modify MMP-9 levels in black subjects and may offer biochemical evidence implicating MMP-9 in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases in blacks.


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Deficient formation of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) contributes to cardiovascular diseases, and this may be associated with increased circulating levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), as previously shown in white subjects. Because interethnic differences exist with respect to risk factors, prevalence, and severity of cardiovascular diseases, we designed this study to examine whether the circulating levels of nitrites (a marker of endogenous NO formation) are associated with the plasma levels of MMP-9 and MMP-2 in healthy black subjects. We studied 198 healthy subjects self-reported as blacks not taking any medications. Venous blood samples were collected and plasma and whole blood nitrite levels were measured using an ozone-based chemiluminescence assay. Plasma MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels were determined by gelatin zymography. We found a positive correlation between plasma MMP-9 and MMP-2 levels (P < 0.0001, rs = 0.556). Interestingly, we found a negative relationship between the plasma MMP-9 levels and the plasma or whole blood nitrites levels (P = 0.04, rs = -0.149; and P < 0.0001, rs = -0.349, respectively). In parallel, we found similar negative relationships between plasma MMP-2 levels and plasma or whole blood nitrites levels (P = 0.02, rs = -0.172; and P < 0.0001, rs = -0.454, respectively). This is the first study to show that endogenous nitric oxide formation correlates negatively with the circulating levels of both MMP-2 and MMP-9 in black subjects. Our findings suggest a mechanistic link between deficient NO formation and increased MMPs levels, which may promote cardiovascular diseases.


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Funded by UK Government's Overseas Territories Environmental Programme (OTEP)


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The black rat (Rattus rattus) has been shown to be the primary species responsible for causing significant crop losses within the Australian macadamia industry. This species success within macadamia orchards is directly related to the flexibility expressed in its foraging behaviour. In this paper a conceptual foraging model is presented which proposes that the utilisation of resources by rodents within various components of the system is related not only to their relative abundance, but also to predator avoidance behaviour. Nut removal from high predation risk habitats during periods of low resource abundance in low risk compartments of the system is considered an essential behaviour that allows high rodent densities to be maintained throughout the year.


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The ‘black is beautiful’ movement began in the United States in the early sixties, and changed mainstream attitudes towards the body, fashion and personal aesthetics, gaining African American people a new sense of pride in being – and being called – ‘black’. In Australia the movement also had implications for changing the political meanings of ‘black’ in white society. However, it is not until the last decade, through the global influence of Afro-American music, that a distinctly Indigenous sense of black sexiness has captured the attention of mainstream audiences. The article examines such recent developments, and suggests that, through the appropriation of Afro-American aesthetics and styles, Indigenous producers and performers have developed new forms of Indigenous public agency, demonstrating that black is beautiful, and Indigenous.


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Despite the important physiological role of periosteum in the pathogenesis and treatment of osteoporosis, little is known about the structural and cellular characteristics of periosteum in osteoporosis. To study the structural and cellular differences in both diaphyseal and metaphyseal periosteum of osteoporotic rats, samples from the right femur of osteoporotic and normal female Lewis rats were collected and tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, antibodies or staining kit against tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), von Willebrand (vWF), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). The results showed that the osteoporotic rats had much thicker and more cellular cambial layer of metaphyseal periosteum compared with other periosteal areas and normal rats (P\0.001). The number of TRAP? osteoclasts in bone resorption pits, VEGF? cells and the degree of vascularization were found to be greater in the cambial layer of metaphyseal periosteum of osteoporotic rats (P\0.05), while no significant difference was detected in the number of ALP? cells between the two groups. Sympathetic nerve fibers identified by TH staining were predominantly located in the cambial layer of metaphyseal periosteum of osteoporotic rats. No obvious difference in the expression of CGRP between the two groups was found. In conclusion, periosteum may play an important role in the cortical bone resorption in osteoporotic rats and this pathological process may be regulated by the sympathetic nervous system.