995 resultados para B-carotene
Objectives: Cilostazol improves walking distance in peripheral arterial disease (PAD) patients. The study objectives were to assess the effects of cilostazol on walking distance, followed by the additional assessment of cilostazol on exercise-induced ischaemiaereperfusion injury in such patients.
Methods: PAD patients were prospectively recruited to a double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Patients were randomised to receive either cilostazol 100 mg or placebo twice a day. The primary end-point was an improvement in walking distance. Secondary end-points included the assessment of oxygen-derived free-radical generation, antioxidant consumption and other markers of the in?ammatory cascade. Initial and absolute claudication distances (ICDs and ACDs, respectively) were measured on a treadmill. In?ammatory response was assessed before and 30 min post-exercise by measuring lipid hydroperoxide, ascorbate, atocopherol, b-carotene, P-selectin, intracellular and vascular cell-adhesion molecules (I-CAM and V-CAM), thromboxane B2 (TXB2), interleukin-6, interleukin-10, high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP), albuminecreatinine ratio (ACR) and urinary levels of p75TNF receptor. All tests were performed at baseline and 6 and 24 weeks.
Results: One hundred and six PAD patients (of whom 73 were males) were recruited and successfully randomised from December 2004 to January 2006. Patients who received cilostazol demonstrated a more signi?cant improvement in the mean percentage change from baseline in ACD (77.2% vs. 26.6% at 6 weeks, pZ0.026 and 161.7% vs. 79.0% at 24 weeks, pZ0.048) as compared to the placebo. Cilostazol reduced lipid hydroperoxide levels compared to a placebo-related increase before and after exercise (6 weeks: pre-exercise: 11.8% vs.
The effect of peel and seed removal, two commonly practiced procedures either at home or by the processing industry, on the physicochemical properties, bioactive compounds contents and antioxidant capacity of tomato fruits of four typical Portuguese cultivars (cereja, chucha, rama and redondo) were appraised. Both procedures caused significant nutritional and antioxidant activity losses in fruits of every cultivar. In general, peeling was more detrimental, since it caused a higher decrease in lycopene, bcarotene, ascorbic acid and phenolics contents (averages of 71%, 50%, 14%, and 32%, respectively) and significantly lowered the antioxidant capacity of the fruits (8% and 10%, using DPPH. and b-carotene linoleate model assays, correspondingly). Although seeds removal favored the increase of both color and sweetness, some bioactive compounds (11% of carotenoids and 24% of phenolics) as well as antioxidant capacity (5%) were loss. The studied cultivars were differently influenced by these procedures. The fruits most affected by peeling were those from redondo cultivar (-66% lycopene, -44% b-carotene, -26% ascorbic acid and -38% phenolics). Seeds removal, in turn, was more injurious for cereja tomatoes (-10% lycopene, -38% b-carotene, -25% ascorbic acid and -63% phenolics). Comparatively with the remaining ones, the rama fruits were less affected by the trimming procedures.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Background and Aims: Anthropogenic depletion of stratospheric ozone in Arctic latitudes has resulted in an increase of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) reaching the biosphere. UV-B exposure is known to reduce aboveground biomass and plant height, to increase DNA damage and cause accumulation of UV-absorbing compounds in polar plants. However, many studies on Arctic mosses tended to be inconclusive. The importance of different water availability in influencing UV-B impacts on lower plants in the Arctic has been poorly explored and might partially explain the observed wide variation of responses, given the importance of water in controlling bryophyte physiology. This study aimed to assess the long-term responses of three common sub-Arctic bryophytes to enhanced UV-B radiation (+UV-B) and to elucidate the influence of water supply on those responses. Results: Responses were species specific: H. splendens responded most to +UV-B, with reduction in both annual growth (-22%) and sporophyte production (-44%), together with increased b-carotene, violaxanthin, total chlorophyll and NPQ, and decreased zeaxanthin and de-epoxidation of the xanthophyll cycle pool (DES). Barbilophozia lycopodioides responded less to +UV-B, showing increased b-carotene and sclerophylly and decreased UV-absorbing compounds. Polytrichum commune only showed small morphogenetic changes. No effect of UV-B on bryophyte cover was observed. Water availability had profound effects on bryophyte ecophysiology, and plants showed, in general, lower growth and ETR, together with a higher photoprotection in the drier site. Water availability also influenced bryophyte responses to +UV-B and, in particular, responses were less detectable in the drier site. Conclusions: Impacts of UV-B exposure on Arctic bryophytes were significant, in contrast to modest or absent UV-B effects measured in previous studies. The impacts were more easily detectable in species with high plasticity such as H. splendens and less obvious, or more subtle, under drier conditions. Species biology and water supply greatly influences the impact of UV-B on at least some Arctic bryophytes and could contribute to the wide variation of responses observed previously.
Avec l’apparition de plus en plus de souches de bactérie résistante aux antibiotiques, le développement de nouveaux antibiotiques est devenu une important problématique pour les agences de santé. C’est pour cela que la création de nouvelles plateformes pour accélérer la découverte de médicaments est devenu un besoin urgent. Dans les dernières décennies, la recherche était principalement orientée sur la modification de molécules préexistantes, la méta-analyse d’organismes produisant des molécules activent et l’analyse de librairies moléculaires pour trouver des molécules synthétiques activent, ce qui s’est avéré relativement inefficace. Notre but était donc de développer de nouvelles molécules avec des effets thérapeutiques de façon plus efficace à une fraction du prix et du temps comparé à ce qui se fait actuellement. Comme structure de base, nous avons utilisé des métabolites secondaires qui pouvaient altérer le fonctionnement des protéines ou l’interaction entre deux protéines. Pour générer ces molécules, j’ai concentré mes efforts sur les terpènes, une classe de métabolites secondaires qui possède un large éventail d’activités biologiques incluant des activités antibactériennes. Nous avons développé un système de chromosome artificiel de levure (YAC) qui permet à la fois l’assemblage directionnel et combinatoire de gènes qui permet la création de voies de biosynthèse artificielles. Comme preuve de concept, j’ai développé des YACs qui contiennent les gènes pour l’expression des enzymes impliquées dans la biosynthèse de la -carotène et de l’albaflavenone et produit ces molécules avec un haut rendement. Finalement, Des YACs produits à partir de librairies de gènes ont permis de créer une grande diversité de molécules.
Avec l’apparition de plus en plus de souches de bactérie résistante aux antibiotiques, le développement de nouveaux antibiotiques est devenu une important problématique pour les agences de santé. C’est pour cela que la création de nouvelles plateformes pour accélérer la découverte de médicaments est devenu un besoin urgent. Dans les dernières décennies, la recherche était principalement orientée sur la modification de molécules préexistantes, la méta-analyse d’organismes produisant des molécules activent et l’analyse de librairies moléculaires pour trouver des molécules synthétiques activent, ce qui s’est avéré relativement inefficace. Notre but était donc de développer de nouvelles molécules avec des effets thérapeutiques de façon plus efficace à une fraction du prix et du temps comparé à ce qui se fait actuellement. Comme structure de base, nous avons utilisé des métabolites secondaires qui pouvaient altérer le fonctionnement des protéines ou l’interaction entre deux protéines. Pour générer ces molécules, j’ai concentré mes efforts sur les terpènes, une classe de métabolites secondaires qui possède un large éventail d’activités biologiques incluant des activités antibactériennes. Nous avons développé un système de chromosome artificiel de levure (YAC) qui permet à la fois l’assemblage directionnel et combinatoire de gènes qui permet la création de voies de biosynthèse artificielles. Comme preuve de concept, j’ai développé des YACs qui contiennent les gènes pour l’expression des enzymes impliquées dans la biosynthèse de la -carotène et de l’albaflavenone et produit ces molécules avec un haut rendement. Finalement, Des YACs produits à partir de librairies de gènes ont permis de créer une grande diversité de molécules.
Esta investigación analiza el impacto del Programa de Alimentación Escolar en el trabajo infantil en Colombia a través de varias técnicas de evaluación de impacto que incluyen emparejamiento simple, emparejamiento genético y emparejamiento con reducción de sesgo. En particular, se encuentra que este programa disminuye la probabilidad de que los escolares trabajen alrededor de un 4%. Además, se explora que el trabajo infantil se reduce gracias a que el programa aumenta la seguridad alimentaria, lo que consecuentemente cambia las decisiones de los hogares y anula la carga laboral en los infantes. Son numerosos los avances en primera infancia llevados a cabo por el Estado, sin embargo, estos resultados sirven de base para construir un marco conceptual en el que se deben rescatar y promover las políticas públicas alimentarias en toda la edad escolar.
Neste relatório são, primeiramente, descritas as atividades desenvolvidas durante o Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora, no âmbito de clínica e cirurgia de espécies pecuárias. Pretendeu-se, depois, determinar se a suplementação de bovinos de aptidão leiteira com β-caroteno injetável contribui para reduzir o número de inseminações artificiais necessárias para uma gestação. Por outro lado avaliou-se a influência que podem ter algumas variáveis, como sejam a estação do ano ou o número de partos da vaca. Procurou-se, ainda, estudar a evolução dos teores séricos de β-caroteno nos animais suplementados e não suplementados com Dalmafertyl®, utilizando a técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficácia ultravioleta. A suplementação parenteral de β-caroteno, nomeadamente com Dalmafertyl®, na Primavera, mostra resultados benéficos na reprodução de vacas e novilhas de aptidão leiteira, aumentando a produtividade e diminuindo custos; ABSTRACT: LARGE ANIMAL SURGERY AND CLINICS On the following report are described the activities that took place during the Curricular Externship as part of the Veterinary Medicine Integrated Masters from University of Évora, in large animal surgery and clinics. Also, it was intended to determine if injectable β-carotene supplementation on dairy cattle can be a decreasing factor on the artificial insemination number needed to result in pregnancy. On the other hand, it was assessed its influence on some variables that can affect pregnancy, such as seasons and calving number. It has been studied the evolution of β-carotene serum levels on Dalmafertyl® supplemented and non-supplemented animals using the high-performance liquid chromatography ultraviolet detection method, as well. β-carotene parenteral supplementation using Dalmafertyl® seems to have benefic results on dairy cattle reproduction when it comes to Spring, which leads to productivity increase and cost decrease
A carotenoid gene (crtR-B) from the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis, encoding beta-carotene hydroxylase that was able to catalyze the conversion of beta-carotene to zeaxanthin and canthaxanthin to astaxanthin, was cloned into Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast expression vector p64D to yield plasmid p64DcrtR-B. The vector p64DcrtR-B was transferred to the chloroplast genome of C. reinhardtii using micro-particle bombardment. PCR and Southern blot analyses indicated that crtR-B was integrated into the chloroplast genome of the transformants. RTPCR assays showed that the H. pluvialis crt R-B gene was expressed in C. reinhardtii transformants. The transformants rapidly synthesized carotenoids in larger quantities than the wild-type upon being transferred from moderate to high-intensity white light. This research provides a foundation for further study to elucidate the possible mechanism of photo-protection by xanthophylls and other carotenoids in high light conditions or through exposure to UV radiation.
We have conducted an intervention trial to assess the effects of antioxidants and B-group vitamins on the susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to oxidation. A total of 509 men aged 30-49 from a local workforce were screened for total plasma homocysteine. The 132 selected (homocysteine concentration > or = 8.34 mumol/l) men were randomly assigned, using a factorial design, to one of four groups receiving supplementation with B group vitamins alone (1 mg folic acid, 7.2 mg pyridoxine, 0.02 mg cyanocobalamin), antioxidant vitamins (150 mg ascorbic acid, 67 mg alpha-tocopherol, 9 mg beta-carotene), B vitamins with antioxidant vitamins, or placebo. Intervention was double-blind. A total of 101 men completed the 8-week study. The lag time of LDL isolated ex vivo to oxidation (induced by 2 mumol/l cupric chloride) was increased in the two groups receiving antioxidants whether with (6.88 +/- 1.65 min) or without (8.51 +/- 1.77 min) B-vitamins, compared with placebo (-2.03 +/- 1.50) or B-vitamins alone (-3.34 +/- 1.08) (Mean +/- S.E., P <0.001). Antibodies to malondialdehyde (MDA) modified LDL were also measured, but there were no significant changes in titers of these antibodies in any group of subjects whether receiving antioxidants or not. Contrast analysis showed that there was no interaction between antioxidants and B-group vitamins. This study indicates that while B-group vitamins lower plasma homocysteine they do not have an antioxidant effect. Thus B-group vitamins and antioxidants appear to have separate, independent effects in reducing cardiovascular risk.
Mild hyperhomocysteinemia is accepted as a risk factor for premature cardiovascular disease. In a population with a high prevalence of cardiovascular disease, we screened a group of clinically healthy working men aged 30-49 y (n = 509) for plasma homocysteine and 5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) genotype status. Those with mildly elevated homocysteine concentrations (> or = 8.34 micromol/L) were selected for intervention. In a randomized, factorial-design, controlled trial we assessed the effects of B-group vitamins and antioxidant vitamin supplementation on homocysteine concentrations. The 132 men were randomly assigned to one of four groups: supplementation with B-group vitamins alone (1 mg folic acid, 7.2 mg pyridoxine, and 0.02 mg cyanocobalamin), antioxidant vitamins alone (150 mg ascorbic acid, 67 mg RRR-alpha-tocopherol, and 9 mg beta-carotene), B-group vitamins with antioxidant vitamins, or placebo. Intervention was double-blind. A total of 101 men completed the 8-wk intervention. When homocysteine concentrations were analyzed by group, significant (P <0.001) decreases (32.0% and 30.0%, respectively) were observed in both groups receiving B-group vitamins either with or without antioxidants. The effect of B-group vitamins alone over 8 wk was a reduction in homocysteine concentrations of 27.9% (95% CI: 22.0%, 33.3%; P <0.001) whereas antioxidants alone produced a nonsignificant increase of 5.1% (95% CI: -2.8%, 13.6%; P = 0.21). There was no evidence of any interaction between the two groups of vitamins. The effect of B-group vitamin supplementation seemed to depend on MTHFR genotype. Supplementation with the B-group vitamins with or without antioxidants reduced homocysteine in the men with mildly elevated concentrations, and hence may be effective in reducing cardiovascular risk.
Two cleavage pathways of beta-carotene have been proposed, one by central cleavage and the other by random (excentric) cleavage. The central cleavage pathway involves the metabolism of beta-carotene at the central double bond (15, 15') to produce retinal by beta-carotene 15, 15'-dioxygenase (E.C.888990988). The random cleavage of beta-carotene produces beta-apo-carotenoids, but the mechanism is not clear. To understand the various mechanisms of beta-carotene cleavage, beta-carotene was incubated with the intestinal postmitochondrial fractions of 10-week-old male rats for 1 h and cleavage products of beta-carotene were analyzed using reverse-phase, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). We also studied the effects of alpha-tocopherol and NAD(+)/NADH on beta-carotene cleavage. In addition to beta-carotene, we used retinal and beta-apo-14'-carotenoic acid as substrates in these incubations. Beta-apo-14'-carotenoic acid is the two-carbon longer homologue of retinoic acid. In the presence of alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene was converted exclusively to retinal, whereas in the absence of alpha-tocopherol, both retinal and beta-apo-carotenoids were formed. Retinoic acid was produced from both retinal and beta-apo-14'-carotenoic acid incubations only in the presence of NAD(+). Our data suggest that in the presence of an antioxidant such as alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene is converted exclusively to retinal by central cleavage. In the absence of an antioxidant, beta-carotene is cleaved randomly by enzyme-related radicals to produce beta-apo-carotenoids, and these beta-apo-carotenoids can be oxidized further to retinoic acid via retinal. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V.