888 resultados para Autonomous maintenance


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This article presents a work performed in the maintenance department of a furniture company in Portugal, in order to develop and implement autonomous maintenance. The main objective of the project was related to the objective to increase and make effective the autonomous maintenance tasks performed by production operators, and in this way avoiding unplanned downtime due to equipment failures. Although some autonomous maintenance tasks were already carried out within the company, a preliminary study revealed weaknesses in the application of this tool. In the initial phase of this pilot project, the main problems encountered at the level of autonomous maintenance were related to the lack of time to carry out these tasks, showing that the stipulated procedures were far from the real needs of the company. To solve these problems a pilot project was conducted, making several changes in the performance of autonomous maintenance tasks, making them standard and adapted to reality of each production line. There was a general improvement in the factory indicators, and essentially there was a behavioral change, since the operators felt that their opinions were taking into account and began to understand the importance of small tasks performed by them.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutustua kokonaisvaltaisen tuottavan kunnossapidon teoriaan ja soveltaa sitä Abloy Oy Joensuun tehtaalla pilottikohteeksi valittuun koneeseen. Pilottikohteeksi oli valittu uusi Sveitsiläinen Hydromat-monitoimityöstökeskus, jonka kokonaistehokkuutta (OEE) pyrittiin parantamaan kokonaisvaltaisella tuottavalla kunnossapidolla (TPM). Työn kirjallisuusosuudessa tarkastellaan teoriatietoja, jotka liittyvät yleisesti kunnossapitoon ja tarkemmin TPM-toimintaan. Lisäksi käsitellään kunnossapidon mittareita ja tietojärjestelmiä. Työn empiirisessä osassa selvitetään, kuinka TPM-toiminta otettiin käyttöön Hydromat-monitoimityöstökeskuksen osalta. Eniten resursseja käytettiin koneen asetusaikojen lyhentämiseen. Lisäksi koneen käyttäjien itsenäiseen kunnossapitoon siirtyminen kuului työn sisältöön. Työssä on selvitetty myös uuden tuotannon seurantataulun käyttöönotto. Seurantataulusta nähdään useita tuotantotietoja kuten kokonaistehokkuus. Työn merkittävimmät tulokset osoittavat, että asetusajat ovat tällä hekellä hyvin pitkiä tavoitteisiin nähden. Asetusaikojen lyhentyminen halutulle tasolle vaatii koneen käyttäjien pitkän oppimisprosessin sekä optimaaliset toimintaolosuhteet. Lisäksi havaittiin, että uuden toimintamallin esitteleminen ja sen käyttöönotto valmistavassa teollisuudessa on vaativa prosessi.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver e implantar um sistema gerencial voltado à manutenção. Atualmente, é inadmissível imaginar que seja possível gerenciar um setor sem haver criado um sistema que gere informações e meios de se atingir metas – pré-definidas. Para fundamentar o projeto, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica nas ferramentas gerenciais, nos sistemas de gestão da manutenção e na relação entre a estratégia produtiva e a estratégia de atuação da manutenção. Primeiramente, será apresentada uma proposta do sistema gerencial da manutenção, demonstrando sua lógica de estruturação. A idéia consiste em criá-lo levando-se em consideração alguns aspectos básicos que agem como pilares, dando suporte ao modelo gerencial. Os denominados pilares do Sistema de Implantação e Gestão da Manutenção são os 5S’s, o fluxo organizado de informações, a manutenção planejada, a padronização, os colaboradores capacitados e motivados, a determinação de indicadores e metas e o aplicativo. A partir dos pilares foi desenvolvida a Estrutura o Sistema Gerencial em forma de diagrama de árvore, contendo todas as tarefas necessárias a sua implantação. Posteriormente, apresentar-se-á a aplicação prática do sistema através de um estudo de caso em um hospital. Este estudo de caso contém a descrição minuciosa do realizado em cada tarefa, esclarecendo e ampliando a compreensão do leitor diante do sistema gerencial.


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This work presents a project of Action Search in a consumption industry of the sector of personal care, health and beauty. Following the implementation steps of Autonomous Maintenance Pillar of TPM methodology, stands for Total Productive Maintenance, this work aims to ensure the advancement of some machines in a production line of the company to the next steps of the methodology implementation, demonstrating the results achieved by the TPM. In the company in question, the TPM has been implemented in the past but lost strength over the years and some of its concepts were abandoned, producing then a drop in the equipments efficiency, increased wastes and breaks in the processes, as well as loss in product quality. Then, the need arose to restart the implementation process from the beginning, to strictly follow all the steps of the methodology, ensuring increased efficiency of equipment and processes. Through training and a changing in the company culture, it was possible a joint effort between Operation and Maintenance in order to enhance the knowledge of the operators on their machines. Initially, it was developed a general cleanliness program of equipments so that it could be possible to find the anomalies in the process. Subsequently, operators and maintainers were trained to detect anomalies, enabling equipments to work under their basic conditions of operation and subsequently building provisional standards of equipment cleaning, lubrication and inspection. Through the improvement presented by some indicators such as OEE, wastes, bankruptcies and unavailability, it was proved the importance and the positive effects of TPM implementation in manufacturing


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Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a procedure used to determine the location of a mobile vehicle in an unknown environment, while constructing a map of the unknown environment at the same time. Mobile platforms, which make use of SLAM algorithms, have industrial applications in autonomous maintenance, such as the inspection of flaws and defects in oil pipelines and storage tanks. A typical SLAM consists of four main components, namely, experimental setup (data gathering), vehicle pose estimation, feature extraction, and filtering. Feature extraction is the process of realizing significant features from the unknown environment such as corners, edges, walls, and interior features. In this work, an original feature extraction algorithm specific to distance measurements obtained through SONAR sensor data is presented. This algorithm has been constructed by combining the SONAR Salient Feature Extraction Algorithm and the Triangulation Hough Based Fusion with point-in-polygon detection. The reconstructed maps obtained through simulations and experimental data with the fusion algorithm are compared to the maps obtained with existing feature extraction algorithms. Based on the results obtained, it is suggested that the proposed algorithm can be employed as an option for data obtained from SONAR sensors in environment, where other forms of sensing are not viable. The algorithm fusion for feature extraction requires the vehicle pose estimation as an input, which is obtained from a vehicle pose estimation model. For the vehicle pose estimation, the author uses sensor integration to estimate the pose of the mobile vehicle. Different combinations of these sensors are studied (e.g., encoder, gyroscope, or encoder and gyroscope). The different sensor fusion techniques for the pose estimation are experimentally studied and compared. The vehicle pose estimation model, which produces the least amount of error, is used to generate inputs for the feature extraction algorithm fusion. In the experimental studies, two different environmental configurations are used, one without interior features and another one with two interior features. Numerical and experimental findings are discussed. Finally, the SLAM algorithm is implemented along with the algorithms for feature extraction and vehicle pose estimation. Three different cases are experimentally studied, with the floor of the environment intentionally altered to induce slipping. Results obtained for implementations with and without SLAM are compared and discussed. The present work represents a step towards the realization of autonomous inspection platforms for performing concurrent localization and mapping in harsh environments.


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Dado a globalização dos negócios e o aumento da competitividade dos produtos, é cada vez mais difícil para as grandes empresas manter a sua posição no mercado. Este processo quer-se rápido, eficaz e com o menor custo possível. Para este efeito, a metodologia Lean tem oferecido respostas bastante interessantes às empresas, com a aplicação de ferramentas da metodologia muito simples mas muito eficientes. Garantir características no produto final que façam á empresa manter ou ganhar cota no mercado é fundamental. Como tal, as empresas tentam ao máximo garantir a qualidade e o aspecto visual do produto. Posto isto, foram efetuados vários trabalhos para fazer frente às situações acima apresentadas e fazer com que o produto continue competitivo, para que possa aumentar a sua margem de lucro, mantendo o seu valor no mercado. Os trabalhos efetuados foram: plano de manutenção autónoma, um estudo do efeito da velocidade do misturador no produto final e um balanceamento à linha de aglomeração. Com a aplicação do Plano de Manutenção Autónoma, foi possível eliminar desperdícios, tornar a linha mais organizada e limpa e instruir os operadores a serem mais responsáveis, organizados e críticos ao seu trabalho. Quanto ao estudo do efeito da velocidade do misturador no produto final, os resultados não foram os esperados, dado que com o ensaio industrial efetuado não foi possível melhorar significativamente o aspeto visual do produto. Apesar de não ter sido possível a sua implementação, com o estudo do Balanceamento da linha, junto com os dados recolhidos foi possível obter um conhecimento mais pormenorizado da linha, foi criada uma possibilidade de proteger a linha de possíveis flutuações do mercado e eliminação de desperdício e uma possibilidade de listagem de tarefas estandartizadas e equilibradas, promovendo um menor esforço aos operadores. Em síntese, com a elaboração destes trabalhos, foi possível provocar um impacto positivo na linha, tornando-a mais organizada, reduzindo desperdício, protegendo de flutuações do mercado e aumentando o conhecimento da mesma.


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Through analysis of mice with spatially and temporally restricted inactivation of Lpin1, we characterized its cell autonomous function in both white (WAT) and brown (BAT) adipocyte development and maintenance. We observed that the lipin 1 inactivation in adipocytes of aP2(Cre/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice resulted in lipodystrophy and the presence of adipocytes with multilocular lipid droplets. We further showed that time-specific loss of lipin 1 in mature adipocytes in aP2(Cre-ERT2/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice led to their replacement by newly formed Lpin1-positive adipocytes, thus establishing a role for lipin 1 in mature adipocyte maintenance. Importantly, we observed that the presence of newly formed Lpin1-positive adipocytes in aP2(Cre-ERT2/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice protected these animals against WAT inflammation and hepatic steatosis induced by a high-fat diet. Loss of lipin 1 also affected BAT development and function, as revealed by histological changes, defects in the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα), PGC-1α, and UCP1, and functionally by altered cold sensitivity. Finally, our data indicate that phosphatidic acid, which accumulates in WAT of animals lacking lipin 1 function, specifically inhibits differentiation of preadipocytes. Together, these observations firmly demonstrate a cell autonomous role of lipin 1 in WAT and BAT biology and indicate its potential as a therapeutical target for the treatment of obesity.


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A data warehouse is a data repository which collects and maintains a large amount of data from multiple distributed, autonomous and possibly heterogeneous data sources. Often the data is stored in the form of materialized views in order to provide fast access to the integrated data. One of the most important decisions in designing a data warehouse is the selection of views for materialization. The objective is to select an appropriate set of views that minimizes the total query response time with the constraint that the total maintenance time for these materialized views is within a given bound. This view selection problem is totally different from the view selection problem under the disk space constraint. In this paper the view selection problem under the maintenance time constraint is investigated. Two efficient, heuristic algorithms for the problem are proposed. The key to devising the proposed algorithms is to define good heuristic functions and to reduce the problem to some well-solved optimization problems. As a result, an approximate solution of the known optimization problem will give a feasible solution of the original problem. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chaotic traffic, prevalent in many countries, is marked by a large number of vehicles driving with different speeds without following any predefined speed lanes. Such traffic rules out using any planning algorithm for these vehicles which is based upon the maintenance of speed lanes and lane changes. The absence of speed lanes may imply more bandwidth and easier overtaking in cases where vehicles vary considerably in both their size and speed. Inspired by the performance of artificial potential fields in the planning of mobile robots, we propose here lateral potentials as measures to enable vehicles to decide about their lateral positions on the road. Each vehicle is subjected to a potential from obstacles and vehicles in front, road boundaries, obstacles and vehicles to the side and higher speed vehicles to the rear. All these potentials are lateral and only govern steering the vehicle. A speed control mechanism is also used for longitudinal control of vehicle. The proposed system is shown to perform well for obstacle avoidance, vehicle following and overtaking behaviors.


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The national railway administrations in Scandinavia, Germany, and Austria mainly resort to manual inspections to control vegetation growth along railway embankments. Manually inspecting railways is slow and time consuming. A more worrying aspect concerns the fact that human observers are often unable to estimate the true cover of vegetation on railway embankments. Further human observers often tend to disagree with each other when more than one observer is engaged for inspection. Lack of proper techniques to identify the true cover of vegetation even result in the excess usage of herbicides; seriously harming the environment and threating the ecology. Hence work in this study has investigated aspects relevant to human variationand agreement to be able to report better inspection routines. This was studied by mainly carrying out two separate yet relevant investigations.First, thirteen observers were separately asked to estimate the vegetation cover in nine imagesacquired (in nadir view) over the railway tracks. All such estimates were compared relatively and an analysis of variance resulted in a significant difference on the observers’ cover estimates (p<0.05). Bearing in difference between the observers, a second follow-up field-study on the railway tracks was initiated and properly investigated. Two railway segments (strata) representingdifferent levels of vegetationwere carefully selected. Five sample plots (each covering an area of one-by-one meter) were randomizedfrom each stratumalong the rails from the aforementioned segments and ten images were acquired in nadir view. Further three observers (with knowledge in the railway maintenance domain) were separately asked to estimate the plant cover by visually examining theplots. Again an analysis of variance resulted in a significant difference on the observers’ cover estimates (p<0.05) confirming the result from the first investigation.The differences in observations are compared against a computer vision algorithm which detects the "true" cover of vegetation in a given image. The true cover is defined as the amount of greenish pixels in each image as detected by the computer vision algorithm. Results achieved through comparison strongly indicate that inconsistency is prevalent among the estimates reported by the observers. Hence, an automated approach reporting the use of computer vision is suggested, thus transferring the manual inspections into objective monitored inspections


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With the constant grow of enterprises and the need to share information across departments and business areas becomes more critical, companies are turning to integration to provide a method for interconnecting heterogeneous, distributed and autonomous systems. Whether the sales application needs to interface with the inventory application, the procurement application connect to an auction site, it seems that any application can be made better by integrating it with other applications. Integration between applications can face several troublesome due the fact that applications may not have been designed and implemented having integration in mind. Regarding to integration issues, two tier software systems, composed by the database tier and by the “front-end” tier (interface), have shown some limitations. As a solution to overcome the two tier limitations, three tier systems were proposed in the literature. Thus, by adding a middle-tier (referred as middleware) between the database tier and the “front-end” tier (or simply referred application), three main benefits emerge. The first benefit is related with the fact that the division of software systems in three tiers enables increased integration capabilities with other systems. The second benefit is related with the fact that any modifications to the individual tiers may be carried out without necessarily affecting the other tiers and integrated systems and the third benefit, consequence of the others, is related with less maintenance tasks in software system and in all integrated systems. Concerning software development in three tiers, this dissertation focus on two emerging technologies, Semantic Web and Service Oriented Architecture, combined with middleware. These two technologies blended with middleware, which resulted in the development of Swoat framework (Service and Semantic Web Oriented ArchiTecture), lead to the following four synergic advantages: (1) allow the creation of loosely-coupled systems, decoupling the database from “front-end” tiers, therefore reducing maintenance; (2) the database schema is transparent to “front-end” tiers which are aware of the information model (or domain model) that describes what data is accessible; (3) integration with other heterogeneous systems is allowed by providing services provided by the middleware; (4) the service request by the “frontend” tier focus on ‘what’ data and not on ‘where’ and ‘how’ related issues, reducing this way the application development time by developers.


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The present and subsequent editions of the Bulletin will deal with the issue of road maintenance, its close connection with transport costs and its impact upon the international competitiveness of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. When roads are in poor condition, vehicle operating costs increase by 30 to 50% or even more. Autonomous, adequate and regular funding contributes to effective road maintenance and, consequently, to reducing vehicle operating costs.