707 resultados para Arts Study and teaching


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Whilst a variety of studies has appeared over the last decade addressing the gap between the potential promised by computers and the reality experienced in the classroom by teachers and students, few have specifically addressed the situation as it pertains to the visual arts classroom. The aim of this study was to explore the reality of the classroom use of computers for three visual arts highschool teachers and determine how computer technology might enrich visual arts teaching and learning. An action research approach was employed to enable the researcher to understand the situation from the teachers' points of view while contributing to their professional practice. The wider social context surrounding this study is characterised by an increase in visual communications brought about by rapid advances in computer technology. The powerful combination of visual imagery and computer technology is illustrated by continuing developments in the print, film and television industries. In particular, the recent growth of interactive multimedia epitomises this combination and is significant to this study as it represents a new form of publishing of great interest to educators and artists alike. In this social context, visual arts education has a significant role to play. By cultivating a critical awareness of the implications of technology use and promoting a creative approach to the application of computer technology within the visual arts, visual arts education is in a position to provide an essential service to students who will leave high school to participate in a visual information age as both consumers and producers.


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In this chapter, Felicity McArdle provides a framework for planning,implementing and assessing quality experiences in the visual arts. She describes the importance of embedding Indigenous perspectives and knowledge in the curriculum and how to a build a repertoire of resources and practical ideas to assist children to become eff ective communicators through the use of symbol systems for meaning-making.


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Learning to write is a daunting task for many young children. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a combined approach to writing instruction and assessment on the writing performance of students in two grade 3 classes. Five forms and traits of writing were purposefully connected during writing lessons while exhibiting links to the four strands of the grade 3 Ontario science curriculum. Students then had opportunities to engage in the writing process and to self-assess their compositions using either student-developed (experimental group/teacher-researcher's class) or teachercreated (control group/teacher-participant's class) rubrics. Paired samples t-tests revealed that both the experimental and control groups exhibited statistically significant growth from pretest to posttest on all five integrated writing units. Independent samples t-tests showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group on the persuasive + sentence fluency and procedure + word choice writing tasks. Pearson product-moment correlation r tests revealed significant correlations between the experimental group and the teacher-researcher on the recount + ideas and report + organization tasks, while students in the control group showed significant correlations with the teacher-researcher on the narrative + voice and procedure + word choice tasks. Significant correlations between the control group and the teacher-participant were evident on the persuasive + sentence fluency and procedure + word choice tasks. Qualitative analyses revealed five themes that highlighted how students' self-assessments and reflections can be used to guide teachers in their instructional decision making. These findings suggest that educators should adopt an integrated writing program in their classrooms, while working with students to create and utilize purposeful writing assessment tools.


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The Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) Project is a multifaceted initiative that has positively impacted arts education in South Carolina and the nation. Founded in 1987 the ABC Project has become a national model and influenced the advancement of education in and through the arts with a multitude of programs, models, and schemes. This is an overview of the full history. Parts I and II will chronicle events that were foundational to the project from inception in 1987 to the celebration of its 20th anniversary in 2007. Part III gives detailed descriptions of ten of the most important facets of the project.


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L’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior (EEES) centra el procés d’ensenyament/aprenentatge en l’alumne. En aquest marc, adquireix una gran rellevància la planificació de la docència. Aquesta exigeix definir les competències així com la proposta d’activitats a partir de la qual l’alumne ha d’assolir-les. Per tant, per un bon desenvolupament del procés d’ensenyament/aprenentatge es fa necessària la participació activa de l’estudiant. En aquest sentit, aconseguir mantenir el seu interès durant tot el curs és un repte per al professor. En aquesta comunicació el nostre objectiu és donar a conèixer una experiència —del tot satisfactòria, segons la nostra opinió— portada a terme a l’assignatura de Tècniques d’Expressió Oral i Escrita (TEOE), per la qual ha resultat decisiva la implicació activa dels estudiants. Aquesta assignatura es porta a terme a la Facultat de Lletres. Té com a objectiu treballar les competències transversals d’aprofundiment de l’expressió oral i escrita i la lectura crítica. Hi participen estudiants de primer curs de tots els estudis de la facultat. A més a més compta també amb la presència d’estudiants Erasmus i, en aquesta ocasió, també d’un alumne del Programa de la formació universitària per a la gent gran. Tot això provoca que els interessos de l’alumnat siguin molt diversos i fa imprescindible recórrer a estratègies docents per fer sentir a l’alumne responsable d’un projecte comú. Una dificultat afegida de l’assignatura és que tracta qüestions que molts alumnes perceben com a ja assolides, un déjà vu. Es tracta, doncs, de tornar a treballar qüestions que no canvien (llegir i escriure un text) en un món cada vegada més canviant. La llengua vehicular de l’assignatura ha estat el castellà


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Within this booklet, teachers will find instructional resources covering a wide array of genres, including, dance, choral music, general music, instrumental music, media arts, theatre, and the visual arts. These lesson plans are explicitly designed to integrate artistic expression and comprehension with other academic disciplines, such as English, History, and Social Studies. Each submission highlights the grade level, artistic genre, sources, learning objectives, instructional plans, and modes of evaluation. This Arts Integration Supplement to the Teacher’s Guide to African American Historic Places in South Carolina outlines 22 lesson plans that meet the 2010 Visual and Performing Arts Standards of South Carolina and integrates the arts into classroom instruction. Where applicable, other standards, such as those for math and social studies, are listed with each lesson plan. The teaching activities in this supplement are provided to aid in the development of lesson plans or to complement existing lessons. Teaching activities are the simplest means of integrating art in classroom instruction.