999 resultados para Arts - Psychology


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The world of classical ballet exerts considerable physical and psychological stress upon those who participate, and yet the process of coping with such stressors is not well understood. The purpose of the present investigation was to examine relationships between coping strategies and competitive trait anxiety among ballet dancers. Participants were 104 classical dancers (81 females and 23 males) ranging in age from 15 to 35 years (M = 19.4 yr., SD = 3.8 yr.) from three professional ballet companies, two private dance schools, and two full-time, university dance courses in Australia. Participants had a mean of 11.5 years of classical dance training (SD = 5.2 yr.), having started dance training at 6.6 years of age (SD = 3.4 yr.). Coping strategies were assessed using the Modified COPE scale (MCOPE: Crocker & Graham, 1995), a 48-item measure comprising 12 coping subscales (Seeking Social Support for Instrumental Reasons, Seeking Social Support for Emotional Reasons, Behavioral Disengagement, Planning, Suppression of Competing Activities, Venting of Emotions, Humor, Active Coping, Denial, Self-Blame, Effort, and Wishful Thinking). Competitive trait anxiety was assessed using the Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS: Smith, Smoll, & Schutz, 1990), a 21-item measure comprising three anxiety subscales (Somatic Anxiety, Worry, Concentration Disruption). Standard multiple regression analyses showed that trait anxiety scores, in particular for Somatic Anxiety and Worry, were significant predictors of seven of the 12 coping strategies (Suppression of Competing Activities: R2 = 27.1%; Venting of Emotions: R2 = 23.2%; Active Coping: R2 = 14.3%; Denial: R2 = 17.7%; Self-Blame: R2 = 35.7%; Effort: R2 = 16.6%; Wishful Thinking: R2 = 42.3%). High trait anxious dancers reported more frequent use of all categories of coping strategies. A separate two-way MANOVA showed no significant main effect for gender nor status (professional versus students) and no significant interaction effect. The present findings are generally consistent with previous research in the sport psychology domain (Crocker & Graham, 1995; Giacobbi & Weinberg, 2000) which has shown that high trait anxious athletes tend, in particular, to use more maladaptive, emotion-focused coping strategies when compared to low trait anxious athletes; a tendency which has been proposed to lead to negative performance effects. The present results emphasize the need for the effectiveness of specific coping strategies to be considered during the process of preparing young classical dancers for a career in professional ballet. In particular, the results suggest that dancers who are, by nature, anxious about performance may need special attention to help them to learn to cope with performance-related stress. Given the absence of differences in coping strategies between student and professional dancers and between males and females, it appears that such educational efforts should begin at an early career stage for all dancers.


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Motivation has an important role in academic learning for learning is regulated by motivation. Further motivation is centrally manifested by goals. Goals reflect values and regulate individual s orientation and what they strive for. In spite of the central role of motivation in academic learning, discussions on post-graduate education has somewhat overlooked motivational processes and concentrated on the excellence of performance. The aim of this study was to investigate what kind of goals PhD students have and how they experience their role in their own scientific community. It was also purpose to study how these goals and experienced roles are in relation with study each other, context, possible intentions of quitting studies and prolongation of studies. Furthermore, the aim was to investigate how different postgraduates differ in terms of how they experience their learning environment. The data was collected with the From PhD students to academic experts survey (Pyhältö & Lonka, 2006) from four complementary domains: medicine, arts, psychology and education. The survey consisted of both likert-scaled items and open ended questions. The participants were 601 postgraduate students. The goals and the experienced role in scientific community were analysed in terms of qualitative content analysis. The relation between goals and experienced role and background variables were tested using ?² and the differences between different postgraduate groups using one way analysis of variances (ANOVA). The results indicated that postgraduates goals varied based on whether they brought up goals related to the product (outcome of the thesis process), the process (thesis process as whole) or both the product and the process. Product goals consisted of for example career qualification and better status as process goals consisted for example of learning and influencing ones own discipline. The experienced role of the postgraduates differed in terms of whether the conception was organised, unorganised or controversial. Both the goals and the experienced roles were in relation with study context and commitment to the studies. The different postgraduate groups also differed in terms of how they experienced their own learning environment.


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[No Abstract]


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O presente estudo teve por objetivos, descrever as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por praticantes de artes marciais; relacionar as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por praticantes iniciantes em artes marciais com aquelas utilizadas por praticantes formados; e relacionar as estratégias de enfrentamento ao tempo de pratica das artes marciais. Participaram 94 sujeitos do sexo masculino, numa faixa etária de 15 até 56 anos, com nível de instrução médio, praticantes de: Kung Fu Chinês, Kung Fu Vietnamita (Qwan Ki Do), Taekwondo e Karatê, artes marciais de contato semelhantes tecnicamente. Foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 67 praticantes com tempo de pratica superior a 12 meses podendo ser ou não formados faixa-preta, ou seja, aqueles que tiveram experiência, treino e estudo necessários exigidos dentro de sua modalidade marcial e entre esses estão incluídos também os que se formaram e lecionam e o Grupo 2 - 27 praticantes chamados iniciantes, com tempo de prática compreendido até 12 meses. Utilizou-se a Escala de Modos de Enfrentamento de Problemas: EMEP e um Questionário. Os dados foram submetidos ao Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), versão 15.0 para Windows, para analise estatística descritiva e r-Person. Os resultados indicaram que quanto ao uso de estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por estes praticantes de artes marciais não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois diferentes grupos. Numa compreensão conforme o ponto médio da escala pôde-se observar que as estratégias de enfrentamento focado no problema e busca de suporte social, apresentaram uma média de utilização (estável); isso significa que os sujeitos utilizam-nas dentro de um padrão adequado em ambos os grupos. É interessante também observar que com relação à estratégias focadas na emoção, estas estão entre as menores médias observadas. Isto significa que os sujeitos praticantes de artes marciais utilizam menos estas estratégias, denotando pouco mais de controle emocional em relação às outras estratégias. Outros aspectos interessantes, dizem respeito a um índice significativo, ou uma relação entre os anos de ensino e busca de suporte social entre os sujeitos do Grupo 1 (formados que lecionam). Pode-se entender que quanto mais tempo essas pessoas se dedicam ao ensino, mais estratégias de suporte social eles desenvolvem. De um ponto de vista lógico, pode-se dizer que essa convivência com alunos durante os anos que o sujeito leciona, também favorece um melhor contato social.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivos, descrever as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por praticantes de artes marciais; relacionar as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por praticantes iniciantes em artes marciais com aquelas utilizadas por praticantes formados; e relacionar as estratégias de enfrentamento ao tempo de pratica das artes marciais. Participaram 94 sujeitos do sexo masculino, numa faixa etária de 15 até 56 anos, com nível de instrução médio, praticantes de: Kung Fu Chinês, Kung Fu Vietnamita (Qwan Ki Do), Taekwondo e Karatê, artes marciais de contato semelhantes tecnicamente. Foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 67 praticantes com tempo de pratica superior a 12 meses podendo ser ou não formados faixa-preta, ou seja, aqueles que tiveram experiência, treino e estudo necessários exigidos dentro de sua modalidade marcial e entre esses estão incluídos também os que se formaram e lecionam e o Grupo 2 - 27 praticantes chamados iniciantes, com tempo de prática compreendido até 12 meses. Utilizou-se a Escala de Modos de Enfrentamento de Problemas: EMEP e um Questionário. Os dados foram submetidos ao Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), versão 15.0 para Windows, para analise estatística descritiva e r-Person. Os resultados indicaram que quanto ao uso de estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por estes praticantes de artes marciais não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois diferentes grupos. Numa compreensão conforme o ponto médio da escala pôde-se observar que as estratégias de enfrentamento focado no problema e busca de suporte social, apresentaram uma média de utilização (estável); isso significa que os sujeitos utilizam-nas dentro de um padrão adequado em ambos os grupos. É interessante também observar que com relação à estratégias focadas na emoção, estas estão entre as menores médias observadas. Isto significa que os sujeitos praticantes de artes marciais utilizam menos estas estratégias, denotando pouco mais de controle emocional em relação às outras estratégias. Outros aspectos interessantes, dizem respeito a um índice significativo, ou uma relação entre os anos de ensino e busca de suporte social entre os sujeitos do Grupo 1 (formados que lecionam). Pode-se entender que quanto mais tempo essas pessoas se dedicam ao ensino, mais estratégias de suporte social eles desenvolvem. De um ponto de vista lógico, pode-se dizer que essa convivência com alunos durante os anos que o sujeito leciona, também favorece um melhor contato social.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivos, descrever as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por praticantes de artes marciais; relacionar as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por praticantes iniciantes em artes marciais com aquelas utilizadas por praticantes formados; e relacionar as estratégias de enfrentamento ao tempo de pratica das artes marciais. Participaram 94 sujeitos do sexo masculino, numa faixa etária de 15 até 56 anos, com nível de instrução médio, praticantes de: Kung Fu Chinês, Kung Fu Vietnamita (Qwan Ki Do), Taekwondo e Karatê, artes marciais de contato semelhantes tecnicamente. Foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 67 praticantes com tempo de pratica superior a 12 meses podendo ser ou não formados faixa-preta, ou seja, aqueles que tiveram experiência, treino e estudo necessários exigidos dentro de sua modalidade marcial e entre esses estão incluídos também os que se formaram e lecionam e o Grupo 2 - 27 praticantes chamados iniciantes, com tempo de prática compreendido até 12 meses. Utilizou-se a Escala de Modos de Enfrentamento de Problemas: EMEP e um Questionário. Os dados foram submetidos ao Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), versão 15.0 para Windows, para analise estatística descritiva e r-Person. Os resultados indicaram que quanto ao uso de estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por estes praticantes de artes marciais não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois diferentes grupos. Numa compreensão conforme o ponto médio da escala pôde-se observar que as estratégias de enfrentamento focado no problema e busca de suporte social, apresentaram uma média de utilização (estável); isso significa que os sujeitos utilizam-nas dentro de um padrão adequado em ambos os grupos. É interessante também observar que com relação à estratégias focadas na emoção, estas estão entre as menores médias observadas. Isto significa que os sujeitos praticantes de artes marciais utilizam menos estas estratégias, denotando pouco mais de controle emocional em relação às outras estratégias. Outros aspectos interessantes, dizem respeito a um índice significativo, ou uma relação entre os anos de ensino e busca de suporte social entre os sujeitos do Grupo 1 (formados que lecionam). Pode-se entender que quanto mais tempo essas pessoas se dedicam ao ensino, mais estratégias de suporte social eles desenvolvem. De um ponto de vista lógico, pode-se dizer que essa convivência com alunos durante os anos que o sujeito leciona, também favorece um melhor contato social.


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Sport and exercise psychologists are often sought after to apply their knowledge, skills and experience from a sporting context into other performance-related industries and endeavours. Over the past two decades, this has noticeably expanded out from a natural progression into the performing arts with other ‘typical’ performers (e.g., dancers, actors, musicians, singers) through to people who work in high pressure environments that consist of clear performance outputs and requirements that are usually linked to high impact consequences for non-achievement (e.g., lawyers, surgeons, executives, military personnel, safety professionals). Whilst these areas of application continue to increase in popularity and performance psychology is more readily recognised as an important factor in people performance across industries, the use of psychology within the performing arts continues to deepen and solidify its value as an essential and critical factor for success. This article focuses on the contribution of psychology to the performing arts that I have observed over more than 20 years – obtained through a variety of roles primarily within the dance sector including as performer, educator, health professional, researcher, commentator and senior leader.


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Stories by children’s writer Dr. Seuss have often been utilised as non-traditional narrative reflections regarding the issues of ethics and morality (Greenwood, 2000). Such case studies are viewed as effective teaching and learning tools due to the associated analytical and decision-making frameworks that are represented within the texts, and focus upon the exploration of universally general virtues and approaches to ethics (Hankes, 2012). Whilst Dr. Seuss did not create a story directly related to the sport, exercise or performance domains, many of his narratives possess psychological implications that are applicable in any situation that requires ethical consideration of the thinking and choices people make. The following exploration of the ‘ethical places you’ll go’ draws upon references to his work as a guide to navigating this interesting and sometimes challenging landscape for sport, exercise, and performance psychologists (SEPP).


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Psychology of place is theoretical territory shared by a wide range of disciplines. Currently, while environmental psychology addresses such questions as how people interact with and make meaning in places, clinical psychology has paid scant attention to the role of place in mental health. This paper focuses on two concepts from place psychology - place attachment and place identity. Place attachment is here defined as a sense of positively-valanced emotional connection to a familiar place (Morgan 2010). Place identity implies a stronger sense of belonging: the person as part of the place and the place as part of the person (Memmot & Long 2002). Both place attachment and place identity can be seen as relating to notions of ‘home’. My PhD is a work of interdisciplinary practice-based research using creative writing as a methodology to explore how place attachment, place identity and notions of home may support recovery from psychological trauma. A novel provides a site of imaginative encounter between author and reader, in which the two parties collaboratively create place and character through the medium of language. This paper links theory with practice by outlining some choices involved in exploring psychological constructs through narrative fiction.


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With an ever changing landscape including National Registration, endorsed areas of practice, establishment of Sport and Exercise Psychology coordinators within National Sporting Organisations, changes to the National and State Sporting Insitutions, this forum looks to explore through collegiate discussion the impacts, current and future implications for our profession across training, supervision, research and applied practice in Australia.


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The recent interest in the area of performance psychology has included a focus on applied practice within the performing arts. The use of psychology within this field has been occurring for many years, although practice has been observed to originate primarily from within clinical psychology in dealing with ‘problems’ (e.g. eating disorders). During the past 15 years, increased interest and focus has come from the field of sport psychology and its application to fields such as dance. Experience with the application of sport psychology in the dance profession has shown that dancers identify primarily with the concept of performance psychology. The focus of applied performance psychology practice with dancers has been observed to incorporate principles from across sport, clinical and organisational psychology, yet packaged together in such a way that the focus is on performance enhancement – whether that be in terms of dance technique, artistry, creativity, or personal skill development both on and off the stage. This paper focuses upon sharing the practitioner’s experience of the delivery of performance psychology to dancers (both professionals and dancers-in-training), and discussion of the considerations related to this undertaking within this unique population.


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Similar to the focus on training in the technical, physical and artistic areas of dance, dance professionals, students and educators alike appear to be developing an increased awareness of how important training in psychology is to their success within dance. Over the past 4 years, lectures in performance psychology have been incorporated as part of a compulsory professional skills subject for second and third year students within a University dance program. The following presentation aims to share practitioner experience and learnings regarding the implementation of this subject within this context, its perceived effectiveness, and recommendations for future use.