995 resultados para Arts, French
No 1-24 have sub-title: Sons, idées, couleurs, formes. Cf. ULS.
First published in 1788 (?) under title: The new royal encyclopaedia.
"Proverbs d'elite ... " "Proverbi gli più scelti nella lingua italiana ... " "Refranes ... " "Diharebion Cymraeg ... " and "Divers centuries of nevv sayings ... " preceded by half-title pages.
Niebuhr's description of Arabia.--Mariti's travels.--M. De Beauchamp's travels in Persia.--Travels of M. De Ferriers Sauveboeuf.
Early illustrated book about fish, fishing and fisheries by one of the preeminent scientific investigators of the French enlightenment. This work deals extensively with the species of fish found in Europe and beyond, their habits and habitats, techniques and equipment used in fishing and fish processing, and many other aspects of these endeavours. Roughly 185 engraved plates illustrate the text. The scans for this version come from 3 volumes bound in two parts in folio.
This dissertation project explored the spheres of influence on art song by Nadia Boulanger, Erik Satie, and Claude Debussy within Boulangeries, Les Six, and Les Apaches. After World War I, American composers flocked to Paris to study with Boulanger. Boulanger gave her students the confidence to explore their native talents instead of mimicking foreign models. Works by Aaron Copland, Virgil Thomson, Theodore Chanler, John Duke, and Richard Hundley were included in the first dissertation recital on January 31, 2010: The Legacy of Nadia Boulanger: Her Influence on American Song Composers. Satie established a new modern French musical style, and was a catalyst for the formation of Les Six. Ned Rorem came to Paris, and had a close association with Les Six. Works by Satie, and three members of Les Six, Francis Poulenc, Arthur Honegger, Darius Milhaud; and Rorem were featured in the second recital on September 1, 2010: Satie, Selected Members of Les Six, and Rorem in Paris. Debussy was one of the most significant French composers in the late nineteenth century, predating Boulanger and Satie. Young composers exploring new directions were inspired by Debussy, forming the group Les Apaches. The final recital, April 7, 2011, featured works by Debussy and two members of Les Apaches, Maurice Ravel and Manuel de Falla: Debussy: A Catalyst for Les Apaches, Ravel and Falla. Falla‘s less well-known repertoire was presented. This dissertation showed the influence of these three major figures and that they embraced innovation in their own time, along with their followers. Recordings of these three performances may be obtained from the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library in Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland, College Park.
French music flourished from the last quarter of the nineteenth century into the early twentieth century, especially in the genres of opera and orchestral music. Although French keyboard music enjoyed less popularity, being overshadowed by these predominant genres, prominent impressionist figures Claude Debussy (1862-1918) and Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) . . brought its revival to the French music. Scholars consider Debussy to be a frontrunner of Impressionism, and his influence had a major impact on subsequent composers. As a result of his popularity, other significant works by French composers seem to be overlooked by pianists and audiences and are not as often performed. Because keyboard works by Debussy and Ravel are a popular performance choice among pianists, I was eager to examine music by other French composers. Through my resea,rch, I found many great works that warranted further study and deserve a place in the keyboard repertoire. This recording project contains works by lesser-known French composers written between the years of 1880 and 1950, namely Emmanuel Chabrier (1841-1894), Gabriel-Urbain Faure (1845-1924), Charles Koechlin (1867-1950), Albert Roussel (1869-1937), Erik Satie (1866-1925), Francis Poulenc (1899-1963), Darius Milhaud (1892-1974), Robert Casadesus (1899-1972) and Henri Dutilleux (b.1916). Since piano repertoire is abundant, it is sometimes difficult to create a performance program. Therefore, it frequently becomes the default to choosing familiar repertoire rather than using the opportunity to expand the repertoire. As a pianist, I feel responsible to search for hidden musical treasures with which pianists and audiences alike are not so well acquainted. This recording project explores nine lesser-known French compositions written between 1880 and 1950. I expect this to be an opportunity to introduce both pianists and audiences to outstanding but unfamiliar works by French composers. This dissertation was recorded on two compact discs in Dekelboum Concert Hall at Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center of the University of Maryland. The recordings are archived in the University of Maryland Library.
Review of ICA exhibition by Loris Gréaud
Thomas Würtenberger, Dieter K. Tscheulin, Jean-Claude Usunier, Dominique Jeannerod, Eric Davoine (Hrsg.):
Wahrnehmungs- und Betätigungsformen des Vertrauens im deutsch-französischen Vergleich
Berlin, Berlin GmbH, 2002
Reacting against the assumption that ill people ‘surrender’ their bodies to medicine, first-person illness narratives attempt to restore the patient’s voice to an often dehumanizing and bewildering medical experience. This special issue complements recent medical humanities scholarship on English-language illness narratives by investigating a distinctly rich tradition of French autopathography. Diverse approaches and methodologies will be used to consider first-person perspectives on a range of illnesses, disabilities and disorders, including AIDS, cancer, physical pain, mental health issues, anorexia, and locked-in syndrome. The issue aims to promote interdisciplinary dialogue across genres (literature, film, philosophy) and examine the creative potential that lies at the interface of medicine and the arts.
L’étude proposée dans ce mémoire porte sur le processus de visite des adolescents de 14-16 ans au Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal. Je mobilise principalement les concepts de « médiateurs » et « médiations », entendus selon la définition proposée par Hennion (1988, 2000). En effet, Hennion propose de voir la médiation non comme un pont entre deux entités, vision commune de la médiation, mais comme un processus en construction. Ainsi, le médiateur est un élément qui va capter l’attention du jeune visiteur et la médiation est l’action qui va se développer dans cette relation médiateur-visiteur. L’analyse vise plus particulièrement à identifier les médiateurs qui agissent durant cette visite et à comprendre les médiations qui se mettent en place. Cette étude a été réalisée au moyen d’entrevues semi-structurées et d’observations participantes, auprès de six adolescents, âgés de 14 à 16 ans. Une première entrevue permettait de connaître les antécédents de ces jeunes à l’égard des musées et de comprendre suite à quelles mises en condition ils se rendaient à l’exposition. Une observation, par groupe de deux participants, a ensuite été menée lors de l’exposition du Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal : Il était une fois l’impressionnisme. Une histoire de l’impressionnisme : chefs-d’œuvre de la peinture française du Clark. Ces observations ont permis de repérer les moments qui ont capté l’attention des participants durant leur visite. Enfin, une seconde entrevue a été l’occasion de revenir sur leur expérience de visite et de dégager les médiations qui se sont mises en place. Sur les bases de ce terrain, ce mémoire met en avant un ensemble de médiateurs (les autres visiteurs, l’environnement physique, l’œuvre et le récit) et de médiations (rêver, comprendre, se projeter, admirer, comparer et refuser) qui se sont développées chez ces adolescents. Suite à cela, ce mémoire propose une explication du processus de visite tel qu’analysé chez ces adolescents à travers la représentation de la « spirale coquillage ». Cette représentation souligne le fait que le processus de visite n’est pas un phénomène linéaire mais se fait par la confrontation des antécédents de l’adolescent avec sa nouvelle expérience de visite. Il s’agit donc d’un processus circulaire qui se base sur ses antécédents pour construire progressivement de nouvelles strates, qui conditionneront ses prochaines expériences au musée.