1000 resultados para Arte pop
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Este trabalho consiste numa série de ilustrações digitais criadas com base na influência da cultura pop japonesa sobre a cultura brasileira contemporânea. A ideia por trás da série surgiu de uma observação e autoanálise da poética, repertório e inspiração da artista, que também foi influenciada pelo oriente. Isto se deu tendo em vista como a cultura japonesa, nas duas últimas décadas, se tornou parte do cotidiano e imaginário de uma geração (mais especificamente no Brasil), sendo consumida em massa e assimilada pela população ocidental, criando novas hibridações de culturas. O trabalho teórico discute a influência e a vivência dessa cultura, salientando a sua importância para as gerações a partir dos anos 90. Neste trabalho, são apresentados os estilos de comportamento e moda que surgiram no Japão desde a época do pós-segunda guerra (mas aparecendo mesmo na década de 60), mostra também o epicentro desta cultura: o bairro de Harajuku, localizado em Tóquio e famoso por reunir jovens desfilando com estilos extravagantes e originais. Assim como resgata como essas influências chegaram até o Brasil e se tornaram parte importante do comportamento e cotidiano de muitos brasileiros, criando no bairro da Liberdade (em São Paulo) a equivalência com Harajuku.
A partir de un proyecto sobre el cómic y el arte pop, que dura todo el curso, y de la celebración de fechas significativas, se resalta el papel de las mujeres en todos los ámbitos y en diferentes momentos de la historia, al tiempo que se corrigen estereotipos y prejuicios. Esta experiencia la realiza el CEIP Baladre catalogado como centro de Acción Educativa Singular y ubicado en un barrio de acción preferente.
Se cuenta la experiencia de un grupo de alumnos de 5 a??os de la Escuela Infantil Punta Sabinar, en El Ejido (Almer??a). Se trata de la puesta en pr??ctica de un proyecto sobre Andy Warhol como figura representativa del arte pop. Se ponen un especial ??nfasis en la evaluaci??n que debe estar siempre al servicio del aprendiz en un marco como el actual basado en las competencias. Entre las herramientas mencionadas destacan asambleas grupales, di??logos docente alumno, grabaciones en v??deo, an??lisis de producciones individuales y grupales o exposiciones orales.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
La tesis estudia en detalle la Hunstanton Secondary School y su trascendencia. Así, se trata de analizar el conjunto de procesos que hace que esta obra sea entendida como el manifiesto construido del Nuevo Brutalismo en Inglaterra. La Escuela en Hunstanton fue la primera obra proyectada y construida por los Smithson y, si se considera que el legado que dejaron Alison y Peter fue más de carácter teórico que constructivo, ésta se ha convertido en un edificio relevante dentro de su trayectoria profesional. Además, el rigor con el que fue realizado el proyecto y la ratificación de las ideas que subyacían tras él, a pesar del extenso intervalo temporal que caracterizó su proceso constructivo, hacen que esta obra se convierta en una síntesis de la filosofía arquitectónica gestada en Inglaterra tras la guerra. Por otro lado, hay que contemplar que la sencillez del lenguaje constructivo empleado, viene dada por la compleja reiteración de los sistemas proyectuales tipo que formulan para este proyecto y el establecimiento de una gramática casi matemática. La sistematización de su vocabulario hace que, tras el análisis de su arquitectura, se encuentren nuevos parámetros capaces de documentar este momento de la historia de la arquitectura en Inglaterra. La envolvente del edificio constituye al tiempo fachada y estructura. Esta característica ha pasado inadvertida cuando, en numerosas ocasiones y durante seis décadas, se han venido publicando las fotografías de la obra terminada y los dibujos que los Smithson habían realizado en la fase de proyecto. Como consecuencia, ha proliferado el conocimiento de la arquitectura de la escuela a un nivel más superficial, mostrando el resultado formal de la misma y con ello, simplemente se ha dejado intuir la gran influencia que Mies Van der Rohe provocó en los Smithson en los primeros años de desarrollo de su labor como arquitectos. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es, por tanto, facilitar el entendimiento del espacio que propusieron los Smithson a partir del análisis pormenorizado de los distintos sistemas constructivos empleados y del equipo personal que se vio implicado en su construcción. Para ello, es necesario abordar el estudio de los materiales y mecanismos proyectuales que hicieron posible que este conjunto de espacios –interiores y exteriores- resultase definido a través de la relación entre dos variables: una evidente austeridad en la utilización de los materiales y la combinación de los distintos sistemas intervinientes a partir del recurso de la repetición. La Escuela de Hunstanton, a pesar de las inoportunas intervenciones realizadas para adaptar el centro a unas necesidades derivadas de su número de alumnos actual (el doble que en su inicio), continúa proclamando su integridad espacial. Partiendo de la hipótesis de que la arquitectura de la Secondary School en Hunstanton, representa el manifiesto construido del Nuevo Brutalismo en Inglaterra, se concluye que el resultado de su construcción fue consecuencia de numerosas influencias que, en relación con los Smithson, estuvieron presentes durante los años en que se gestó. Algo que va más allá de la conclusión de aquellos debates arquitectónicos que se habían emprendido, por escrito, en las distintas revistas locales de arquitectura. Los mecanismos compositivos empleados, también habían tenido mucho que ver con lo que los historiadores del arte habían venido aportando a la historia de la arquitectura hasta ese momento. Desde los años 40, éstos últimos habían emprendido una nueva manera de contar la historia en la que quedaba fuertemente involucrada su capacidad crítica, provocando interferencias en la mentalidad de los arquitectos de nueva generación y otorgándoles un bagaje cultural subliminalmente determinado y subjetivo. Por supuesto, en el resultado arquitectónico final, también tuvieron mucho que ver los recursos materiales de que se disponía en aquel momento. Así como la optimización de los mismos a través de la adopción de nuevas metodologías de trabajo como puede ser la organización multidisciplinar. La inclusión del ingeniero Ronald Jenkins en el equipo de trabajo de los Smithson supuso una gran oportunidad. Este ingeniero, propuso poner en práctica la entonces innovadora Teoría Plástica en la metodología de cálculo estructural y, con ello consiguió enriquecer el resultado espacial, posibilitando la percepción de una arquitectura ligera –a pesar de sus grandes dimensiones- y vinculada al paisaje donde se inserta. Pero todos estos condicionantes fueron pasados a su vez por el filtro del deseo de una regeneración social, que buscaba el modelo de la sociedad americana. El Buen Vivir que propugnaban los americanos, viajaba a Europa de la mano de la publicidad. Y, al igual que la componente publicitaria tuvo algo que ver en el proceso creativo de la arquitectura de la escuela, también lo tuvo el conocimiento del arte pop y sus recursos compositivos. ABSTRACT The thesis examines in detail the project of Hunstanton Secondary School and the architectural language’s significance used in it. Thus, it is reinterpreting the set of processes that makes this work to be understood as the “built manifesto” of the English New Brutalism. Hunstanton School’s project was the first work designed and built by the Smithsons and, considering their legacy -more theoretical than constructed-, make of this building an important work within their career. In addition, the rigor with which it was carried out the project and the ratification of the ideas lying behind him, make this work becomes a synthesis of the architectural philosophy gestated in England after the war, despite the extensive time interval that characterized its construction process. On the other hand, it must be considered the simplicity of the constructive language used in this project. It is given by the complex projective repetition of the type systems and by the establishment of a quasi-mathematical grammar. The systematization of its vocabulary makes, after a deep analysis of its architecture, to recognize new parameters able to document this moment in the history of English architecture. The building envelope is, at the same time, facade and structure. This feature has been overlooked when many photographs of the finished work and its drawings -made by the Smithsons during the design phase- has been exposed over six decades. As a result, it has proliferated the knowledge of Hunstanton Secondary Modern School’s architecture as a more superficial level, just by showing the formal outcome of its project and thus simply been left the sensation of the great influence that Mies Van der Rohe provocated in the Smithson thinking during their first years of developing his work as architects. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to facilitate an understanding of the Smithsons’ proposed space. This is made possible through the detailed analysis of the different systems used in it and, by understanding the knowledge of the team involved in its construction. To prove this, it is necessary to pay attention to the study of the materials and to different project mechanisms that make possible to this group of spaces -inner and outer- be defined through the game played by two variables: an apparent austerity in the use of materials and the combination of the various participant systems through the resource of repetition. Despite the untimely interventions made in order to adapt the center to the new needs (the large increase in the number of students), Hunstanton School’s building continues proclaiming its spatial integrity. Assuming that Hunstanton Secondary School’s architecture represents the manifesto of New Brutalism in England, it is concluded that the result of its construction was the result of numerous influences that, in connection with the Smithsons, were present during the years in which its project was conceived. This meaning goes beyond the conclusions made from the architectural debate that was published in many of local architectural magazines. The compositional mechanisms employed, are also linked to what art historians had contributed to the history of architecture until then. Since the 40s, historians had undertaken a new way to tell History. This new mode strongly implied its critical capacity. All this, was causing interferences in the mentality of the architects of the new generation and, giving them a subliminally determined and very subjective cultural background. Of course, the final architectural result had much to do with the material resources available at that time and, with its optimization through the adoption of new working methods as the multidisciplinary organization. The inclusion of engineer Ronald Jenkins in the team of the Smithsons was a great opportunity. He proposed to implement the new Plastic Theory in the structural calculation and thereby he got enrich the spatial results achieved, by enabling the perception of a lightweight construction, despite its large size and, linked to the landscape where it is inserted. But all these conditions were passed through the filter of social regeneration’s desire, following the American society’s model. This American model travelled to Europe in the hands of advertising. And, in the same way that publicity had something to do with the creative process of this architecture, also had a lot to do the knowledge of pop art and its compositional resources.
A série Cadernos FGV DIREITO RIO possui uma dimensão de diário de bordo, isto é, de registro para a posteridade das atividades pedagógicas, de pesquisa jurídica e de perspectiva sobre o mercado profissional do direito. Neste contexto, o presente volume registra uma experiência inovadora das escolas FGV DIREITO e RIO e FGV DIREITO SP, descrevendo e celebrando uma década de ensino jurídico por meio da cultura pop. Os docentes pioneiros nesta empreitada são os professores Gabriel Lacerda e José Garcez Ghirardi, que lecionam cursos respectivamente sobre ‘Direito e Cinema’ no Rio de Janeiro e sobre ‘Direito e Artes’ em São Paulo. Ensaios originais de ambos os professores se encontram neste volume, complementados por uma série de experiências docentes realizadas por outros professores das escolas FGV DIREITO RIO e FGV DIREITO SP. Além das experiências realizadas no Brasil, reunimos ensaios de duas referências internacionais sobre o ensino jurídico e a cultura pop, a saber, os professores Michael Asimow, da Stanford Law School, e Kathryn Brown, da Universidade de Tilburg.
A série Cadernos FGV DIREITO RIO está publicando simultaneamente dois volumes sobre a relação entre o fenômeno jurídico e a manifestação artística, seja popular ou clássica. Este volume 12 cuida da relação entre Direito, Cultura Pop e Cultura Clássica, ao passo que o volume 11 discorreu sobre experiências inovadoras de Ensino Jurídico, Cultura Pop e Cultura Clássica. Assim, estamos celebrando o pioneirismo dos professores Gabriel Lacerda e José Garcez Ghirardi, que lecionam cursos respectivamente sobre ‘Direito e Cinema’ no Rio de Janeiro e sobre ‘Direito e Artes’, em São Paulo. Se o volume anterior apresentou experiências pedagógicas inovadoras, o presente título traz ensaios com reflexões profundas sobre a relação entre o direito e mídias, fotografia, videogames, rock, jazz, poesia, literatura, ópera, teatro, séries de televisão e cinema. Esta coleção de ensaios apresenta uma série de trabalhos de professores renomados do Brasil e do exterior com reflexões sobre a reflexividade entre o fenômeno jurídico e a expressão artística.
Gastronomy is art. Perhaps the most popular of all, because there is always an achievement for all culinary tastes. In the search for a journalistic product that show the gastronomy not only with recipes and restaurant guides exponents, the creation of the blog - Pop With Farofa - seeks to bring to the newspaper market the gastronomy in its most popular and accessible art. The experimental design reported here seeks to relate the food editor with the culture, revealing to the public and the food is present in various cultura genres
This paper intends to discuss the relationship between psychoanalysis and aesthetic thinking under the prism of the “unbinding” theory – earlier conceived by the psychoanalyst Andre Green –, linking it to some theories proposed by Hal Foster, art historian and art critic, where we can find the lacanian “real” as the linking concept. One could say, in this linkage made here, that both authors are dealing, in a very particular way, with a question that refers to the theory of the real (as it was conceived by Jacques Lacan), even in the case of Green it is not referred directly; Green’s theory, however, seems to discuss some kind of a regredience that could be linked to the death drive. Accessing the psychoanalytical dispositive, and using it as it is appropriated to the (art) object to be interpreted, Foster, for example, advances in both the field of aesthetic reflection and in the more specific field of psychoanalysis. It should be noted that Foster’s reflection refers strictly to the post-pop images, observed mainly in the 1990’s photography. Thus, I think that this intersection between aesthetics and psychoanalysis might allow us to shed some light on a new art reading possibility towards a “non-applied” psychoanalytical paradigm, which, in my opinion, seems to be an appropriate way to understand some of the contemporary art production.
My project explores and compares different forms of gender performance in contemporary art and visual culture according to a perspective centered on photography. Thanks to its attesting power this medium can work as a ready-made. In fact during the 20th century it played a key role in the cultural emancipation of the body which (using a Michel Foucault’s expression) has now become «the zero point of the world». Through performance the body proves to be a living material of expression and communication while photography ensures the recording of any ephemeral event that happens in time and space. My questioning approach considers the gender constructed imagery from the 1990s to the present in order to investigate how photography’s strong aura of realism promotes and allows fantasies of transformation. The contemporary fascination with gender (especially for art and fashion) represents a crucial issue in the global context of postmodernity and is manifested in a variety of visual media, from photography to video and film. Moreover the internet along with its digital transmission of images has deeply affected our world (from culture to everyday life) leading to a postmodern preference for performativity over the more traditional and linear forms of narrativity. As a consequence individual borders get redefined by the skin itself which (dissected through instant vision) turns into a ductile material of mutation and hybridation in the service of identity. My critical assumptions are taken from the most relevant changes occurred in philosophy during the last two decades as a result of the contributions by Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze who developed a cross-disciplinary and comparative approach to interpret the crisis of modernity. They have profoundly influenced feminist studies so that the category of gender has been reassessed in contrast with sex (as a biological connotation) and in relation to history, culture, society. The ideal starting point of my research is the year 1990. I chose it as the approximate historical moment when the intersection of race, class and gender were placed at the forefront of international artistic production concerned with identity, diversity and globalization. Such issues had been explored throughout the 1970s but it was only from the mid-1980s onward that they began to be articulated more consistently. Published in 1990, the book "Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity" by Judith Butler marked an important breakthrough by linking gender to performance as well as investigating the intricate connections between theory and practice, embodiment and representation. It inspired subsequent research in a variety of disciplines, art history included. In the same year Teresa de Lauretis launched the definition of queer theory to challenge the academic perspective in gay and lesbian studies. In the meantime the rise of Third Wave Feminism in the US introduced a racially and sexually inclusive vision over the global situation in order to reflect on subjectivity, new technologies and popular culture in connection with gender representation. These conceptual tools have enabled prolific readings of contemporary cultural production whether fine arts or mass media. After discussing the appropriate framework of my project and taking into account the postmodern globalization of the visual, I have turned to photography to map gender representation both in art and in fashion. Therefore I have been creating an archive of images around specific topics. I decided to include fashion photography because in the 1990s this genre moved away from the paradigm of an idealized and classical beauty toward a new vernacular allied with lifestyles, art practices, pop and youth culture; as one might expect the dominant narrative modes in fashion photography are now mainly influenced by cinema and snapshot. These strategies originate story lines and interrupted narratives using models’ performance to convey a particular imagery where identity issues emerge as an essential part of fashion spectacle. Focusing on the intersections of gender identities with socially and culturally produced identities, my approach intends to underline how the fashion world has turned to current trends in art photography and in some case turned to the artists themselves. The growing fluidity of the categories that distinguish art from fashion photography represents a particularly fruitful moment of visual exchange. Varying over time the dialogue between these two fields has always been vital; nowadays it can be studied as a result of this close relationship between contemporary art world and consumer culture. Due to the saturation of postmodern imagery the feedback between art and fashion has become much more immediate and then increasingly significant for anyone who wants to investigate the construction of gender identity through performance. In addition to that a lot of magazines founded in the 1990s bridged the worlds of art and fashion because some of their designers and even editors were art-school graduates encouraging innovation. The inclusion of art within such magazines aimed at validating them as a form of art in themselves supporting a dynamic intersection for music, fashion, design and youth culture: an intersection that also contributed to create and spread different gender stereotypes. This general interest in fashion produced many exhibitions of and about fashion itself at major international venues such as the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. Since then this celebrated success of fashion has been regarded as a typical element of postmodern culture. Owing to that I have also based my analysis on some important exhibitions dealing with gender performance like "Féminin-Masculin" at the Centre Pompidou of Paris (1995), "Rrose is a Rrose is a Rrose. Gender performance in photography" at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of New York (1997), "Global Feminisms" at the Brooklyn Museum (2007), "Female Trouble" at the Pinakothek der Moderne in München together with the workshops dedicated to "Performance: gender and identity" in June 2005 at the Tate Modern of London. Since 2003 in Italy we have had Gender Bender - an international festival held annually in Bologna - to explore the gender imagery stemming from contemporary culture. In few days this festival offers a series of events ranging from visual arts, performance, cinema, literature to conferences and music. Being aware that any method of research is neither race nor gender neutral I have traced these critical paths to question gender identity in a multicultural perspective taking account of the political implications too. In fact, if visibility may be equated with exposure, we can also read these images as points of intersection of visibility with social power. Since gender assignations rely so heavily on the visual, the postmodern dismantling of gender certainty through performance has wide-ranging effects that need to be analyzed. In some sense this practice can even contest the dominance of visual within postmodernism. My visual map in contemporary art and fashion photography includes artists like Nan Goldin, Cindy Sherman, Hellen van Meene, Rineke Dijkstra, Ed Templeton, Ryan McGinley, Anne Daems, Miwa Yanagi, Tracey Moffat, Catherine Opie, Tomoko Sawada, Vanessa Beecroft, Yasumasa Morimura, Collier Schorr among others.
La importancia de la circulación de animales en la obra de Copi (desde aquellos que visitan a la mujer sentada en el cómic homónimo, hasta su protagonismo en la novela epistolar La ciudad de las ratas) cobra gran relevancia cuando se considera su producción dentro de la vía minoritaria propiamente kafkiana. El arte es una rata, como los rizomas, porque se construye como un periscopio que ve el mundo (lo concibe) a través de una lógica sincrético-transmutadora: opera sobre él, pero principalmente sobre la máquina antropogénica, invirtiéndolo, desarmándolo y rearmándolo. Este trabajo recorre la figura de la rata, su mirada y lenguaje, y recupera la noción de imaginación pop para pensar la refundación (constante) de los límites entre animal y humano que se da, principalmente, en La ciudad de las ratas