104 resultados para Aristolochia trilobata
Analysis of the volatile fraction of Aristolochia trilobata stem led to the identification of 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-yl acetate (23.31 ± 0.28%), limonene (15.43 ± 0.030%), linalool (8.70 ± 0.29%), p-cymene (7.81 ± 0.12%), bicyclogermacrene (4.21 ± 0.11%), and spathulenol (4.17 ± 0.14%) as the major constituents of the essential oil. Linalool (29.51 ± 0.49%), 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol (19.54 ± 0.82%), 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-yl acetate (8.92 ± 0.16%), and a-terpineol (4.62 ± 0.05%) were identified as major constituents of the hydrolate. The compound 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-yl acetate was isolated for the first time from this plant and was identified as the major component of the volatile fraction.
Tuberculosis (TB - Mycobacterium tuberculosis) is an ancient infectious disease that has appeared once again as a serious worldwide health problem and now comprises the second leading cause of death resulting from a single infection. The prevalence of multidrug resistance (MDR) TB is increasing and therapeutic options for treatment are not always accessible; in fact, some patients do not respond to the available drugs. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop novel anti-TB agents. The aim of the present study was to screen extracts of Aristolochia taliscana, a plant used in traditional Mexican medicine to treat cough and snake bites, for antimycobacterial activity. The hexanic extract of A. taliscana was tested by microdilution alamar blue assay against Mycobacterium strains and bioguided fractionation led to the isolation of the neolignans licarin A, licarin B and eupomatenoid-7, all of which had antimycobacterial activity. Licarin A was the most active compound, with minimum inhibitory concentrations of 3.12-12.5 μg/mL against the following M. tuberculosis strains: H37Rv, four mono-resistant H37Rv variants and 12 clinical MDR isolates, as well as against five non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) strains. In conclusion, licarin A represents a potentially active anti-TB agent to treat MDR M. tuberculosis and NTM strains.
From the ethanolic extract of the stem of A. esperanzae ethyl and methyl fatty acid esters, fatty acids, aristolochic I and II acids, and β-cubebin were isolated. In addiction asarinin, populifolic and 2-oxo-populifolic acids, aristolactams AIa and AII, and sitosterol 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside were also isolated and firstly described in the species. Asarinin and β-cubebin showed antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus and aristolochic acid I against Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocitogenes.
A phytochemical study of Aristolochia melastoma Manso has led to the isolation and identification of 20 known compounds, including aristolochic acids, sodium aristolochates, lignan, flavonoids, and nitro phenylethyl derivatives. Their structures were established by spectroscopic analysis. The presence of thalictricoside and secoisolariciresinol dimethyl ether diacetate is reported for the first time in the Aristolochiaceae family. In addition, the presence of nitro compounds in this species is significant.
From the ethanol extract of the stems of Aristolochia chamissonis, spathulenol, sitosterol, beta-sitosteryl-D-glucoside, kolavelool, 13-epi-2-oxo-kolavelool, trans-N-p-coumaroyltyramine, allantoin, aristolochic acid I, and aristolactam AII were isolated. The structures of aristolactam AII and piperolactam A have been revised by means of spectroscopic methods and chemical derivatizations.
The allelopathic effect studied in many cultures has currently generated great expectations that displayed a natural and environmentally friendly tool for weed management using bioherbicides. The objective of this work was to assess allelopathic influence of residues of S. trilobata on the germination and growth of weeds, as well as their relation with some crops and effects on soil properties. Results show that residues from S. trilobata have inhibited the germination of weeds (31.6 - 72%), increasingly with the applied dose. All residue doses of this specie have inhibited dicotyledonous germination, but only maximum concentration has affected monocotyledons. The residues did not affect onion germination, but stimulated it in radish and tomato, while the dose applied at 50% produced tomato stimulation and inhibition of cabbage. The effects of residues on hypocotyl growth in different crops showed changes in species response. For onion, the three doses had negative effects on the growth of hypocotyl, while tomato was stimulated. For radish, the growth was hindered by any dose applied, and were only different (50 and 100%) compared to control. For cabbage, only hypocotyl length was stimulated, when maximum dose (100%) was applied. For the radicle growth, in onion and radish no differences were found compared to control. While the tomato radicle growth was inhibited, in cabbage, all doses encouraged the elongation of the radicle. The dry mass of weed was affected by increased dose of residue (0.49 - 8.8 g m-2), however the soil microflora was stimulated, while the population of Azotobacter spp. was not affect. Some soil properties were affected, the level of organic material, Na+ and electrical conductivity were increased, while pH (H2O) decreased a bit, however it remained basic.
Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias Especialidad Química de produc tos Naturales). U.A.N.L.
'Aristolochia pistolochia'.
Avaliou-se a segurança de um fitoterápico, constituído de extratos fluidos de Aristolochia cymbifera (“cassaú”), Plantago major L.(“transagem”), Luehea grandiflora Mart.(“açoita-cavalo”), Myrocarpus frondosus Allemão (“cabreúva”), Piptadenia colubrina Benth (“angico”) (Cassaú Composto® ), através de estudos de toxicidade aguda e subcrônica, tendo como base a resolução Nº 90, de 16 de março de 2004 da ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária). Para o teste de toxicidade aguda, ratos Wistar de ambos os sexos foram tratados por via oral com uma única dose de 26 ml/kg, correspondendo a 20 vezes a dose terapêutica indicada pelo fabricante para seres humanos adultos. Os resultados revelaram haver sinais de toxicidade sistêmica com o aparecimento de ataxia, porém de forma transitória e reversível, não causando interferência no desenvolvimento ponderal dos animais, nos consumos de água e ração, nas produções de urina e fezes, bem como alterações macroscópicas nos órgãos dos animais. Avaliou-se também a exposição a doses repetidas do fitoterápico (toxicidade subcrônica). Constituiram-se 4 grupos experimentais (10 animais/sexo/dose), onde administrou-se por via oral a ratos Wistar, durante 30 dias, doses diárias de 1,3 ml/kg, 6,5 ml/kg e 13 ml/kg, respectivamente a dose terapêutica indicada pelo fabricante para seres humanos adultos, 5 vezes, e 10 vezes a dose terapêutica, além de um grupo controle, onde administrou-se o veículo do fitoterápico. Os resultados revelaram ausência de toxicidade sistêmica, fundamentados na ausência de alterações hematológicas e bioquímicas sangüíneas, bem como peso e análises histopatológicas dos órgãos, nos diferentes grupos. As flutuações nos consumos de água e ração, bem como produções de urina e fezes, não influenciaram de maneira negativa o desenvolvimento ponderal dos animais. Concluiu-se portanto, que a utilização do fitoterápico nas doses e períodos referidos pode ser considerado segura.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The insecticidal activity of hexane extracts from the roots and leaves of Aristolochia malmeana was evaluated against Anticarsia gemmatalis larvae by topical application. Extract from the roots was the most active and caused 50% mortality in larvae at 308.4 mu g/mu L. From this extract, a clerodane diterpene, (-)-kolavenic acid, and three lignans, (-)-kusunokinin, (-)-hinokinin, and (8S,8'R,9S)cubebin, were isolated by chromatography and partition procedures and then evaluated for their insecticidal activities either individually or in pairs. (-)-Kusunokinin showed higher activity against A. gemmatalis (LD10 = 9.3, LD50 = 230.1 mu g/mu L) than the crude extract, and its activity was dosedependent, whereas the other constituents did not exhibit any significant activity. Together with (-)kusunokinin and (-)-hinokinin, (-)-copalic acid, (-)-2-oxokolavenic acid, (-)-ent-6-beta-hydroxy-copalic acid, (8R,8'R,9R)- and (8R,8'R,9S)-cubebins, (-)-fargesin, and (-)-phillygenin were isolated from the hexane extract of the leaves. The compounds were identified on the basis of spectroscopic analysis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Biflavones, a chalcone-flavone, and a tetraflavonoid with a new carbon skeleton were isolated from the leaves of Aristolochia ridicula. Their structures were determined by chemical derivatizations and spectrometric analyses. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)