729 resultados para Archer, Margaret S
Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Socjologii
Margaret S. Archer (s. 1943) on tunnettu sosiologi ja yhteiskuntateoreetikko, niin kutsutun kriittisen realismin koulukunnan johtavia edustajia. Leimallisinta hänen teorialleen on erottaa ihmisten toiminta ja sosiaaliset rakenteet toisistaan ja mieltää ne dualistiseen tapaan kahdeksi emergentiksi todellisuuden tasoksi. Kummankin tason olioilla on omanlaisensa olemukset ja omia, mihinkään muuhun palautumattomia voimia, joiden ansiosta ne voivat olla aidoissa vuorovaikutuksissa muiden olioiden kanssa. Archerin mukaan tämä ontologinen oppi ja siihen tukeutuva analyyttinen dualismi on tärkeää yhteiskuntatieteiden metodologian kannalta, sillä toiminnan ja rakenteiden välistä vuorovaikutusta ei voida oikein ymmärtää, ellei niitä tällä tavoin eroteta toisistaan. Tässä tutkielmassa Archerin yhteiskuntateoriaa esitellään, eritellään ja arvioidaan kriittisesti pragmatistisesta, eritoten John Deweyn (1859– 1952) ajattelusta ammentavasta näkökulmasta, josta on luontevaa kyseenalaistaa monet perinteiset filosofiset dualismit. Samalla kun Archerin teoria paikannetaan yhteiskuntateorioiden kenttään, sen enemmän tai vähemmän julkilausutut käsitykset yhteiskunnasta ja kollektiiveista, ihmisyydestä, toimijuudesta, mielestä, kielestä ja sosiaalisista mekanismeista sekä niitä etsivistä tieteenaloista nostetaan tarkasteltaviksi. Archerin teorian vertailu monessa suhteessa erilaiseen pragmatistiseen lähestymistapaan, joka ei erota toimintaa ja rakenteita ontologisesti toisistaan vaan kannustaa ymmärtämään ne olennaisesti toisistaan riippuvaisiksi, valaisee Archerin teorian kriittisiä pisteitä ja paikoin kiistanalaisia oletuksia. Tutkielma paitsi selventää, myös haastaa ja koettelee Archerin teoriaa ja puntaroi parhaita argumentteja sen puolesta ja sitä vastaan.
Index to correspondence and manuscript material on literary and historical matters, mostly in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia held in the Fryer Library, University of Queensland - UQFL2. Authors and subjects include J.H.M. Abbott, Archer Family, E. Armitage, R. Bedford, H.S. Bloxome, E.J. Brady, 'Broadside', F. Broomfield, A.H. Chisholm, C.B. Christesen, R.H. Croll, Z. Cross, F.W.S. Cumbrae-Stewart, E. Dark, D. Deamer, C.J. Dennis, J. Devaney, E.M. England, P. Fitzgerald, R.D. Fitzgerald, Dame Mary Gilmore, C. Gittins, A.L. Gordon (criticism), P. Grano, M. Haley, W.A. Horn, R.G. Howarth, J. Howlett Ross, E.H. Lane, H. Lane, F.J. McAuley, D. McConnel, G. McCrae, K. (S) Mackenzie, P. Miles, J.K. Moir, C.P. Mountford, A. Muir, D.A. O'Brien, J.H. O'Dwyer, W.H. Ogilvie, M. Potter, T. Playford, H. Power, Queensland Authors' and Artists' Association, I. Southall, W. Sowden, A.G. Stephens, P.R. Stephensen, H. Tyron, A.J. Vogan, B. Vrepont, T. Welsby, H.R. White and Duke of Windsor. Also personal papers of Father Hayes, relating to his activities as parish priest.
n.s. no.67(1992)
BACKGROUND: Since 1981 Princess Margaret Hospital has used initial active surveillance (AS) with delayed treatment at relapse as the preferred management for all patients with clinical stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT). OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to report our overall AS experience and compare outcomes over different periods using this non-risk-adapted approach. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Three hundred and seventy-one patients with stage I NSGCT were managed by AS from 1981 to 2005. For analysis by time period, patients were divided into two cohorts by diagnosis date: initial cohort, 1981-1992 (n=157), and recent cohort, 1993-2005 (n=214). INTERVENTION: Patients were followed at regular intervals, and treatment was only given for relapse. MEASUREMENTS: Recurrence rates, time to relapse, risk factors for recurrence, disease-specific survival, and overall survival were determined. RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS: With a median follow-up of 6.3 yr, 104 patients (28%) relapsed: 53 of 157 (33.8%) in the initial group and 51 of 214 (23.8%) in the recent group. Median time to relapse was 7 mo. Lymphovascular invasion (p<0.0001) and pure embryonal carcinoma (p=0.02) were independent predictors of recurrence; 125 patients (33.7%) were designated as high risk based on the presence of one or both factors. In the initial cohort, 66 of 157 patients (42.0%) were high risk and 36 of 66 patients (54.5%) relapsed versus 17 of 91 low-risk patients (18.7%) (p<0.0001). In the recent cohort, 59 of 214 patients (27.6%) were high risk and 29 of 59 had a recurrence (49.2%) versus 22 of 155 low-risk patients (14.2%) (p<0.0001). Three patients (0.8%) died from testis cancer. The estimated 5-yr disease-specific survival was 99.3% in the initial group and 98.9% in the recent one. CONCLUSIONS: Non-risk-adapted surveillance is an effective, simple strategy for the management of all stage I NSGCT.
Barcelona en 1954 se anticipo a todos los homenajes, dedicando a Archer Milton Huntington (New York, 1870- Bathel, Connecticut, 1955) un monumento en reconocimiento a su excepcional figura como coleccionista e hispanófilo y también a su esposa, Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington (Cambridge, 1876 - California, 1973), excelente escultora que generosamente secundo los propósitos filo hispanos de su consorte. De esta manera Barcelona quería dejar constancia de su devoción y tributo a este reconocido coleccionista y filántropo americano que ayudo a vencer el llamado "Paradigma Prescott", historiador que había defendido las tesis sobre la leyenda negra española. A la vez que se reconocía que Archer M. Huntington ocupaba un lugar preeminente en la línea del hispanismo americano conjuntamente con los nombres de George Ticknor (1791 -1871), Washington Irving (1783-1859) y Henry Longfellow (1807-1882).
It was in 1954 that Barcelona became the first city to pay tribute to Archer Milton Huntington (New York, 1870 - Bathel, Connecticut, 1955), by erecting a monument to the memory of this outstanding collector and Hispanist, and to hiswife, Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington (Cambridge, 1876 - California, 1973). An excellent sculptor, Anna Hyatt Huntington was also unstinting in her support of her husband¿s Hispanic interest. The monument was Barcelona's way of recognizing and paying tribute to this greatly respected American collector and philanthropist. Huntington played a major role in refuting "Prescott's Paradigm", named after the historian whose work on Spain did much to further the Black Legend.3 Moreover, Huntington occupied an important place in American Hispanic Studies, along with such other outstanding names as George Ticknor (Boston, 1791 - 1871), Washington Irving (New York, 1783 - 1859) and Henry Longfellow (1807 - 1882).
En el presente artículo se ensaya una aproximación a la obra de la antropóloga Margaret Mead en clave pedagógica. Siendo así que se muestra una interpretación sobre sus pensamientos alrededor de la educación a partir de los estudios, comentarios y opiniones sobre los sistemas educativos, relaciones educativas y procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje que se explicitan, reiteradamente, a lo largo de su obra. A fin de cuentas, y como la propia autora indicaba, estudiar la educación era implícitamente necesario a todo estudio antropológico. Concepción que la llevó a incluir en la mayor parte de sus estudios, variables de análisis educativos, llegando incluso a centralizar la atención en este ámbito como idea central de algunos de sus escritos. Añadir además que, en esta síntesis se ha optado por presentar la evolución de su pensamiento pedagógico en base a momentos singulares y carismáticos, mostrando así las distintas continuidades y discontinuidades de su pensamiento.