184 resultados para Apocrine metaplasia
Simple mucin-type carbohydrate antigens (T, sialosyl T, Tn and sialosyl-Tn) in breast carcinogenesis
Immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of simple mucin-type carbohydrate antigens (Tn, sialyl-Tn and T) was performed in a series of 43 cases of intraductal hyperplasia without atypia, 9 cases of intraductal hyperplasia with atypia, 54 cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and 26 cases of invasive breast carcinoma. We also studied 36 cases of isolated breast normal epithelium, 20 cases of 'normal' breast epithelium adjacent to neoplasms and 14 cases of apocrine metaplasia. All antigens were detected in different frequencies in normal, hyperplastic, metaplastic and neoplastic breast epithelium. Tn and sialyl-Tn are expressed more frequently in malignant than in benign breast epithelium; while Tn expression increases from normal to invasive carcinomas, sialyl-Tn increases until DCIS and drops in invasive carcinomas, suggesting that either there is a failure of a proportion of DCIS to progress to invasive carcinoma or loss of expression of sialyl-Tn when some carcinomas become invasive. The high frequency of Tn and sialyl-Tn expression in breast intraductal proliferations probably reflects incomplete glycosylation in these lesions, which is a well-known tumour-associated phenomenon and supports the assumption that such lesions are putative precursors of breast cancer. T antigen was expressed in all groups studied, but its prevalence differed significantly between normal and neoplastic epithelium. The expression of these antigens in epithelium adjacent to carcinomas is similar to that found in isolated normal breast epithelium, whereas apocrine metaplasia has a pattern of simple mucin-type glycosylation that is specific and distinct from that of the normal breast epithelium, with a high frequency of marked expression of Tn and sialyl-Tn. The similarity of the pattern of expression of simple mucin-type antigens in metaplasia and malignant neoplasia reduces the usefulness of these markers from a diagnostic standpoint.
Background: Some ovarian metaplasias may contain bone or osteoid tissue. The most common tumors presenting these alterations are teratomas and mixed mesodermal tumors with heterologous elements. Case report: We report the case of a woman who, during gynecologic follow-up for chronic anovulation at the age of 31 years, presented a solid ovarian ultrasonographic image with calcifications. After laparoscopy and histological examination it was found to be an isolated ovarian osseous metaplasia. Conclusion: A rarely occurring condition, ovarian osseous metaplasia continues to be of uncertain clinical significance.
Beginning the study of chronic pathologic changes in pancreas of hamsters experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi Vic strain, hepatocyte metaplasia was observed in one animal from infected group. This is the first report of oncocytes in Chagas' disease, which could be due to aberrant regenerative response to pancreas inflammatory process.
La Enfermedad de Reflujo Gastroesofágico (ERGE) constituye en gastroenterología, junto con el síndrome de intestino irritable y la dispepsia, la patología de más alta prevalencia. El reflujo gastroesofágico (RGE) crónico y severo puede conducir a lesiones de la mucosa del esófago distal, objetivables endoscópicamente, como Erosiones, Estenosis, Ulceras y Metaplasia Columnar. La Metaplasia Columnar (reemplazo del epitelio esofágico por epitelio columnar) puede ser del tipo Cardial (transicional), Gástrico Fúndico o Intestinal. La Metaplasia Intestinal (MI) se denomina Esófago de Barrett, y es una condición precancerosa con alta prevalencia (del 5 al 20%). En nuestra casuística de los últimos años gira siempre alrededor del 20%. La historia natural de la Enfermedad por Reflujo Gastroesofágico es la siguiente: RGE – metaplasia cardial del epitelio esofágico – carditis por reflujo - metaplasia intestinal – displasia – adenocarcinoma. ¿Cómo se podría modificar esta historia natural?. A través de la prevención, la detección precoz y el desarrollo de terapéuticas efectivas. La lesión histológica que aparece precediendo, y/o acompañando al adenocarcinoma (ACa) , es la displasia (D), definida como una alteración citoarquitectural de los tejidos y de las células, muchas veces imprecisa y subjetiva, y que puede ser de bajo (DBG) y de alto grado (DAG). Como acercamiento al diagnóstico temprano del ACa, además de la búsqueda de displasia, es posible detectar alteraciones moleculares o genéticas en los tejidos, mediante técnicas inmunohistoquímicas, utilizando ciertos tipos de Marcadores Tumorales (MT). El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la detección precoz (diagnóstico temprano del cáncer) en el esófago de Barrett en nuestro medio, mediante la utilización de los mencionados MT.
Pesquizamos, no figado e baço de dez casos puros de ancilostomose, elementos hemocitopoieticos; verificamos o peso do baço em 23 casos de individuos com idades compreendidas entre 3 e 60 anos; não encontramos, em nenhum caso, celulas hemoformadoras no figado. Em sete casos, encontramos, no baço, elementos da série vermelha em adiantado estado de evolução (eritroblastos ortocromaticos de nucleo picnotico). Em alguns destes casos observamos megacariocitos e numerosos mielocitos eosinofilos. Os tres casos que não apresentavam metaplasia mieloide no baço, eram os de individuos acima de 50 anos de idade. Entretanto, em outro caso de um individuo com 59 anos esta metaplasia foi verificada. Em individuos acima de 20 anos, o peso médio do baço, em nove casos, mostrou-se igual ao peso normal. Em 14 casos, compreendidos entre 3 e 14 anos, o peso deste orgão foi sempre sensivelmente mais elevado que nos normais de idade correspondente. Estes resultados sugerem a possibilidade de ser a metaplasia mieloide responsavel pelos aumentos de pezo nos baços de individuos jovens, vitimados pela anemia ancilostomica. A notavel proliferação dos eritroblastos ortocromaticos mostra que o grão e a rapidez da regeneração sanguinea, após a administração de ferro, são devidos, essencialmente, á grande quantidade de hemoglobina já preformada no baço e na medula ossea dos organismos ancilostomados.
We investigated, in the liver and the spleen of ten pures cases of ankylostomiasis haemocytopoietic elements. We verified the weight of spleen in 23 cases of individuals from 3 to 60 years old. In no case did we meet with haemopoietic cells in liver. In seven cases we found in spleen elements of the red series at an advanced evolutional stage (orthochromatic erythroblasts with pyknotic nucleus). In some of these cases we observed megakaryocytes and numerous eosinophilous myelocytes.The three cases which did not show any myeloid metaplasia in spleen were from individuals of over 50 years. Nevertheless, in another case of an individual 59 years old this metaplasia was verified. In individuals of over 20 years, the average weight of spleen in nine cases appeared to be equal to the normal weight. In 14 other cases, between 3 and 14 years of age, the weight of this organ was always sensibly higher than in normal individuals of the corresponding age. These results suggest the possibility of the myeloid metaplasia being the fact responsible for the weight increase of spleen in young individuals victimatized by hookworm anaemia. The remarkable proliferation of orthochromatic erythroblasts shows that the degree and quickness of blood regeneration after iron administration are due, essentially, to the great quantity of haemoglobin previously formed in the spleen and bone marrow of ankylostomized organisms.
Barrett's esophagus is an epithelial metaplasia associated with an increased risk for cancer, but its underlying mechanisms have been debated. Now Wang et al. (2011) suggest an intriguing explanation for this puzzle: a population of residual embryonic cells, lacking the transcription factor p63, migrates and repopulates a normal tissue damaged by inflammation or gastroesophageal reflux.
AIM: To assess the role of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), age, smoking and body weight on the development of intestinal metaplasia of the gastric cardia (IMC).¦METHODS: Two hundred and seventeen patients scheduled for esophagogastroduodenoscopy were enrolled in this study. Endoscopic biopsies from the esophagus, gastroesophageal junction and stomach were evaluated for inflammation, the presence of H. pylori and intestinal metaplasia. The correlation of these factors with the presence of IMC was assessed using logistic regression.¦RESULTS: IMC was observed in 42% of the patients. Patient age, smoking habit and body mass index (BMI) were found as potential contributors to IMC. The risk of developing IMC can be predicted in theory by combining these factors according to the following formula: Risk of IMC = a + s - 2B where a = 2,...6 decade of age, s = 0 for non-smokers or ex-smokers, 1 for < 10 cigarettes/d, 2 for > 10 cigarettes/d and B = 0 for BMI < 25 kg/m² (BMI < 27 kg/m² in females), 1 for BMI > 25 kg/m² (BMI > 27 kg/m² in females). Among potential factors associated with IMC, H. pylori had borderline significance (P = 0.07), while GERD showed no significance.¦CONCLUSION: Age, smoking and BMI are potential factors associated with IMC, while H. pylori and GERD show no significant association. IMC can be predicted in theory by logistic regression analysis.
Keratinizing squamous metaplasia of the bladder is rare and is usually associated with urinary tract infections and chronic irritation. It is considered a precancerous condition of squamous cell carcinoma, especially when more than 50% of the bladder surface is affected. Medical treatment cannot eradicate this lesion. When it is limited to a small area of the bladder, transurethral resection is possible. Annual cystoscopy with multiple biopsies as well as annual upper tract imaging is proposed in the follow up of these patients. We present a preliminary 2-year followup report of a keratinizing squamous metaplasia of the bladder in a 28-year-old female patient with no previous risk factors.
Previous microarray studies on breast cancer identified multiple tumour classes, of which the most prominent, named luminal and basal, differ in expression of the oestrogen receptor alpha gene (ER). We report here the identification of a group of breast tumours with increased androgen signalling and a 'molecular apocrine' gene expression profile. Tumour samples from 49 patients with large operable or locally advanced breast cancers were tested on Affymetrix U133A gene expression microarrays. Principal components analysis and hierarchical clustering split the tumours into three groups: basal, luminal and a group we call molecular apocrine. All of the molecular apocrine tumours have strong apocrine features on histological examination (P=0.0002). The molecular apocrine group is androgen receptor (AR) positive and contains all of the ER-negative tumours outside the basal group. Kolmogorov-Smirnov testing indicates that oestrogen signalling is most active in the luminal group, and androgen signalling is most active in the molecular apocrine group. ERBB2 amplification is commoner in the molecular apocrine than the other groups. Genes that best split the three groups were identified by Wilcoxon test. Correlation of the average expression profile of these genes in our data with the expression profile of individual tumours in four published breast cancer studies suggest that molecular apocrine tumours represent 8-14% of tumours in these studies. Our data show that it is possible with microarray data to divide mammary tumour cells into three groups based on steroid receptor activity: luminal (ER+ AR+), basal (ER- AR-) and molecular apocrine (ER- AR+).
The Barrett's esophagus (BE) is defined as endoscopically visible columnar mucosa at the distal esophagus, of any extension, proved to harbor intestinal metaplasia on biopsy, highlighted by the presence of goblet cells. BE denotes long-standing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and is an important risk factor for the development of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). Therefore, these patients must be on follow-up, in order to diagnose cancer early. BE patients have frequent alterations in esophageal physiologyc studies. Alkaline duodenogastroesophageal reflux seems to have important role. The development BE occurs in steps, initially with formation of cardiac type mucosa subsequent intestinalization. Futher progression can follow a sequence, from low grade dysplasia, to high grade dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma. Current follow-up is based on the presence of dysplasia. It has limitations, grouping patients heterogeneously. Different steps of carcinogenesis have been studied looking for an ideal prognostic marker. Uncontrolled proliferative activity, apoptosis inhibition, angiogenesis, tissue invasion and metastases formation are all implicated in cancer origin. Some cycle cell molecules have been studied in BE, such as retinoblastoma protein, ciclins, kinase dependent ciclins and cell cycle inhibitors. The P53 protein is one of the most investigated in the metaplasia-adenocarcinoma progression. Growth Factors, apoptotic proteins, telomers and DNA ploidy have also been searched. Increased proliferative activity has been implicated in Barrett's carcinogenesis and the Ki-67 antigen, through imunohistochemical analysis, has become the the method of choice. Present in the nucleus, it is found in proliferative cells only. Some studies suport association between Ki-67 activity and the metaplasia-dysplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence.The results, however, are inconclusive and research should follow this way.
A metaplasia óssea do endométrio é uma condição rara e pode ser explicada por uma neoformação no endométrio, com deposição de sais de cálcio. Entretanto, a situação mais comum é a história prévia de abortamento com permanência de ossículos na cavidade uterina. Foi relatado um caso de ossificação endometrial em uma mulher de 31 anos, sem gravidez prévia ou história de aborto, apresentando dismenorréia e infertilidade. A ultra-sonografia pélvica mostrou área hiperecóica no fundo da cavidade uterina. A histeroscopia foi realizada e uma imagem sugestiva de tecido ósseo foi encontrada. Este tecido foi retirado e a histopatologia confirmou a ossificação endometrial.
OBJETIVO: apresentar o quadro clínico das pacientes com metaplasia óssea e avaliar os fatores de risco, as mudanças dos sinais e sintomas após a retirada do fragmento ósseo. MÉTODOS: foi realizado um estudo transversal com 16 pacientes diagnosticadas com fragmentos ósseos na cavidade uterina no período de julho de 2006 a janeiro de 2009. O critério de inclusão foi o achado de fragmento ósseo retirado da cavidade uterina. Todas as pacientes tiveram confirmação histológica de presença de tecido ósseo na cavidade endometrial. Obtivemos os dados de todas as pacientes antes e depois da retirada por meio de um questionário para avaliar o efeito da retirada sobre a sintomatologia das pacientes, além da pesquisa de possíveis fatores relacionados ao aparecimento da doença. RESULTADOS: metade das pacientes (8/16) tinha sintomas hemorrágicos e um terço (6/16) apresentava infertilidade. A retirada dos fragmentos foi efetiva na melhora das queixas, havendo desaparecimento dos sintomas em todos os casos de menorragia e dor pélvica. CONCLUSÃO: A retirada do fragmento ósseo pode restaurar a fertilidade em pacientes selecionadas e que tenham como causa a metaplasia óssea, além de ser bastante efetiva em proporcionar melhora nos casos que cursam com dor pélvica e menorragia.
Whether the regression of gastric metaplasia in the duodenum can be achieved after eradication of Helicobacter pylori is not clear. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between H. pylori infection and gastric metaplasia in patients with endoscopic diffuse nodular duodenitis. Eighty-six patients with endoscopically confirmed nodular duodenitis and 40 control patients with normal duodenal appearance were investigated. The H. pylori-positive patients with duodenitis received anti-H. pylori triple therapy (20 mg omeprazole plus 250 mg clarithromycin and 400 mg metronidazole, all twice daily) for one week. A control endoscopy was performed 6 months after H. pylori treatment. The H. pylori-negative patients with duodenitis received 20 mg omeprazole once daily for 6 months and a control endoscopy was performed 2 weeks after treatment. The prevalence of H. pylori infection was 58.1%, and the prevalence of gastric metaplasia was 57.0%. Seventy-six patients underwent endoscopy again. No influence on the endoscopic appearance of nodular duodenitis was found after eradication of H. pylori or acid suppression therapy. However, gastric metaplasia significantly decreased and complete regression was achieved in 15/28 patients (53.6%) 6 months after eradication of H. pylori, accompanied by significant improvement of other histological alterations. Only mild chronic inflammation, but not gastric metaplasia, was found in the control group, none with H. pylori infection in the duodenal bulb. Therefore, H. pylori infection is related to the extent of gastric metaplasia in the duodenum, but not to the presence of diffuse nodular duodenitis.