994 resultados para Apis melífera


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi coletar espécimes de Apis melífera em três tipos de meloeiro em diferentes horários, buscando identificar os horários de coleta de pólen.


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La Loque Americana es la enfermedad de origen bacteriano más grave de la etapa larval de la abeja (Apis melífera). Desde su detección en el país en 1989 ya se ha establecido en 11 provincias incluida Córdoba. Su agente causal es Paenibacillus larvae White y su efecto final, la muerte de todo cría en su estadio de propupa. Es muy contagiosa, puede eliminar a toda la colmena y una vez establecida en una región difícilmente pueda ser erradicada por tratarse de una bacteria formadora de esporas que se diseminan: a través de determinados comportamientos de las abejas, con el polen o la miel y por la actividad del apicultor. Siendo Córdoba una provincia con posibilidades para incrementar esta actividad productiva donde ya la enfermedad está establecida, debe tenerse en cuenta que el manejo intensivo de las colmenas es factor desencadenante de diseminación. Se requiere, por lo tanto, contar con técnicas de control de probada efectividad, factibles de ser utilizadas por los productores en sus apiarios. Una manera de disminuir el grado de difusión es mantener lo más bajo posible los niveles de infección. (...) En Argentina, hasta el presente ninguna técnica por sí sola ha resultado eficaz. Este trabajo tiene como hipótesis demostrar que el enjambrado artificial, con la aplicación de un antibiótico durante el desarrollo inmediato posterior al trasvase de las colonias, puede resultar un método efectivo para el control de la enfermedad y la recuperación de los apiarios afectados de Loque Americana. El Objetivo del proyecto es determinar la eficiencia del Cepillado como método alternativo factible de ser usado para controlar la enfermedad y recuperar las colonias infectadas.


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Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o padrão de floração, ao longo do ano, de plantas melíferas na Borda Oeste do Pantanal, no Maciço do Urucum, MS, bem como o tipo de recurso oferecido pela flora melífera, para elaborar um calendário floral para a região. A floração das plantas melíferas visitadas pelas abelhas nativas e africanizadas foi acompanhada quinzenalmente, por 3 anos consecutivos, tendo-se anotado a data de florescimento, o hábito de crescimento e os recursos coletados pelos insetos. Foram identificadas 160 espécies florescendo e sendo visitadas pelas abelhas, mas somente 73 espécies foram consideradas como plantas melíferas e incluídas no calendário floral, das quais 34 eram ervas, 17 árvores, 15 arbustos e 7 lianas. Foram observadas plantas melíferas em flor ao longo de todo o ano, com maior número no verão e menor no inverno. As ervas florescem mais intensamente no verão e no outono (janeiro-junho), enquanto as árvores e os arbustos, na primavera (final de setembro-dezembro). As lianas florescem, principalmente, no final do verão (março-abril). Néctar e pólen são oferecidos às abelhas ao longo de todo o ano, com diminuição da oferta nos meses de inverno (julho-setembro).


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Las abejas, principalmente la especie Apis mellifera, desarrollan una función biológica muy importante puesto que se encargan de polinizar diversos cultivos agrícolas y la flora silvestre de todo el mundo. No obstante, existen numerosos factores que influyen en el estado sanitario de las colonias de abejas y presentan además un alto grado de interacciones entre ellos. Algunos de los potenciales riesgos para la apicultura española ya han sido identificados, como por ejemplo las dos especies de microsporidios, Nosema apis y N. ceranae, que actúan como parásitos intracelulares obligados o los ectoparásitos Varroa destructor, Acarapis woodi o Braula coeca; así como numerosos virus capaces de infectar a Apis melífera, de los cuales los principales son el virus de las alas deformadas (DWV), el virus de las realeras negras (BQCV), el virus Kashmir (KBV), el virus de la parálisis aguda (ABPV) y su variante israelí (IAPV). Otras enfermedades que afectan fundamentalmente a la cría de abejas son la loque americana y la loque europea, ambas de origen bacteriano (Paenibacillus larvae y Melissococcus plutonius respectivamente), así como la ascosferosis causada por el hongo Ascosphaera apis. Otro riesgo potencial para las abejas es la posible entrada de agentes exóticos como el coleóptero Aethina tumida o el ácaro Tropilaelaps clareae cuya presencia en Europa debe ser declarada según la OIE (2015). Recientemente se ha incluido a los neogregarinos y tripanosomátidos como posibles agentes patógenos. Actualmente, N. ceranae junto con V. destructor son los principales agentes patógenos que producen problemas sanitarios de las colonias de abejas en Europa. Además, se considera que los patógenos podrían jugar un papel primordial en el incremento de mortalidad de las abejas detectado en distintos países durante los últimos años...


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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As propriedades biológicas da própolis de Apis mellifera são amplamente relatadas sendo comuns variações nas mesmas em função da região onde foram produzidas. A ação antimicrobiana de própolis obtidas em três regiões do Brasil (Botucatu-SP, Mossoró-RN e Urubici-SC) foi investigada sobre linhagens isoladas de infecções clínicas humanas (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus sp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Candida albicans). Foram preparados extratos alcoólicos de própolis (EAP) e determinada a Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) seguida do cálculo da CIM90%. A própolis de Botucatu foi a mais eficiente sobre S. aureus (0,3%v/v), Enterococcus sp (1,1%v/v) e C. albicans (2,1% v/v). Para E. coli, a própolis eficiente foi de Urubici (7,0%v/v) e para P. aeruginosa a de Mossoró (5,3%v/v). Os resultados mostram maior sensibilidade das bactérias Gram positivas e levedura em relação às Gram negativas. É possível concluir que, para os microrganismos testados e amostras de própolis testadas, há diferenças na atividade antimicrobiana em função do local de produção e que isso se explica pela diferença de composição química da própolis.


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A necessidade de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a morfologia da abelha melífera portuguesa (Apis mellifera iberiensis) originou o presente estudo. A amostragem definiu-se com base no banco de amostras existentes no Laboratório de Patologia Apícola da ESA-IPB, relativas ao ano de 2015. Cada amostra foi constituída por cinco obreiras adultas conservadas pelo frio (-18 °C). Foram analisadas 124 amostras distribuídas por 16 concelhos (aproximadamente oito por concelho) pertencentes aos distritos de Bragança e Vila Real. As medições efetuadas em cada uma das obreiras foram: peso (PA), comprimento (CA) e largura (LA) do corpo; comprimento (CAA) e largura (LAA) da asa anterior; comprimento (CAP) e largura da asa posterior (LAP); comprimento do fêmur (CF), da tíbia (CT), do basitarso (CBT), do tarso (CTA) e da probóscide (CP) e a largura do basitarso (LBT). Para avaliação destas medidas utilizou-se uma balança analítica de precisão (0,01g) e um paquímetro eletrónico digital (0-100mm±0,02mm). As diferentes variáveis estudadas compararam-se por análise de variância (ANOVA), sendo o teste de Tukey-Kramer HSD utilizado para a comparação múltipla de médias. O peso médio das obreiras do concelho de Vila Pouca de Aguiar (0,123±0,018 g) foi mais elevado (p<0,05) do que o das obreiras dos concelhos de Torre de Moncorvo e Ribeira de Pena (0,106±0,023 g em ambos os casos). Também, as obreiras do concelho de Vila Pouca de Aguiar apresentaram um comprimento médio do corpo (13,065±0,890 mm) superior (p<0,05) às obreiras do concelho de Boticas (12,228±0,958 mm) e uma largura média (4,565 ± 0,392 mm) superior às obreiras de Vila Flor (4,089 ±0,288 mm). Porém, o CAP (6,333±0,303 mm) e o CT (3,179±0,183mm) das obreiras de Vila Pouca de Aguiar foi mais baixo (p<0,05) ao observado nos concelhos de Torre de Moncorvo (6,616±0,361 mm) e Vila Flor (3,358±0,146 mm). As variáveis LAA, LAP, CF, CBT e CP não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p>0,05) entre os concelhos estudados.


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Though the replacement of European bees by Africanized honey bees in tropical America has attracted considerable attention, little is known about the temporal changes in morphological and genetic characteristics in these bee populations. We examined the changes in the morphometric and genetic profiles of an Africanized honey bee population collected near where the original African swarms escaped, after 34 years of Africanization. Workers from colonies sampled in 1968 and in 2002 were morphometrically analyzed using relative warps analysis and an Automatic Bee Identification System (ABIS). All the colonies had their mitochondrial DNA identified. The subspecies that mixed to form the Africanized honey bees were used as a comparison for the morphometric analysis. The two morphometric approaches showed great similarity of Africanized bees with the African subspecies, Apis mellifera scutellata, corroborating with other markers. We also found the population of 1968 to have the pattern of wing venation to be more similar to A. m. scutellata than the current population. The mitochondrial DNA of European origin, which was very common in the 1968 population, was not found in the current population, indicating selective pressure replacing the European with the African genome in this tropical region. Both morphometric methodologies were very effective in discriminating the A. mellifera groups; the non-linear analysis of ABIS was the most successful in identifying the bees, with more than 94% correct classifications.


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We examined the sequence, order or steps of hygienic behavior (HB) from pin-killed pupae until the removal of them by the bees. We conducted our study with four colonies of Apis mellifera carnica in Germany and made four repetitions. The pin-killing method was used for evaluation of the HB of bees. The data were collected every 2 h after perforation, totaling 13 observations. Additionally, for one hygienic colony and another non-hygienic colony, individual analyses of each dead pupa were made at every observation, including all details, steps or sequences of HB. The bees recognize the cells containing dead pupae within 2 h after perforation, initially making a hole in the capping, which is the beginning of HB. Uncapping of the dead brood cell reached maximum values from 4 to 6 h after perforation; after 24 h, practically all cells were already uncapped. Another variable, called brood partially removed, was analyzed 4 h after perforation, after the cells had been perforated, which involved uncapping, followed by partial or total removal of the brood. Maximum values of brood partially removed were found 10 h after perforation, though such cells could be found up to 48 h after perforation. The most frequent sequence of events in both colonies was: capped cell -> punctured cell. brood partially removed -> empty cell. A new model of three pairs of recessive genes (uncapping u1, u2 and remover r) was proposed in order to explain the genetic control of the HB in Apis mellifera. We recommend evaluating HB 24 h after perforation and using a correction factor to compensate for control removal levels. We found a series of details of HB, which allow a study of how various factors may affect the sequence of the activities involved in HB and investigation of the genetics that controls this process.


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The pollination effectiveness of the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata and the honey bee Apis mellifera was tested in tomato plots. The experiment was conducted in four greenhouses as well as in an external open plot in Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil. The tomato plants were exposed to visits by M. quadrifasciata in one greenhouse and to A. mellifera in another; two greenhouses were maintained without bees (controls) and an open field plot was exposed to pollinators in an area where both honey bee and stingless bee colonies are abundant. We counted the number of tomatoes produced in each plot. Two hundred tomatoes from each plot were weighed, their vertical and transversal circumferences were measured, and the seeds were counted. We collected 253 Chrysomelidae, 17 Halictidae, one Paratrigona sp, and one honey bee from the flowers of the tomato plants in the open area. The largest number of fruits (1414 tomatoes), the heaviest and largest tomatoes, and the ones with the most seed were collected from the greenhouse with stingless bees. Fruits cultivated in the greenhouse with honey bees had the same weight and size as those produced in one of the control greenhouses. The stingless bee, M. quadrifasciata, was significantly more efficient than honey bees in pollinating greenhouse tomatoes.


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For obtaining accurate and reliable gene expression results it is essential that quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) data are normalized with appropriate reference genes. The current exponential increase in postgenomic studies on the honey bee, Apis mellifera, makes the standardization of qRT-PCR results an important task for ongoing community efforts. For this aim we selected four candidate reference genes (actin, ribosomal protein 49, elongation factor 1-alpha, tbp-association factor) and used three software-based approaches (geNorm, BestKeeper and NormFinder) to evaluate the suitability of these genes as endogenous controls. Their expression was examined during honey bee development, in different tissues, and after juvenile hormone exposure. Furthermore, the importance of choosing an appropriate reference gene was investigated for two developmentally regulated target genes. The results led us to consider all four candidate genes as suitable genes for normalization in A. mellifera. However, each condition evaluated in this study revealed a specific set of genes as the most appropriated ones.


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Cuticle renewal is a complex biological process that depends on the cross talk between hormone levels and gene expression. This study characterized the expression of two genes encoding cuticle proteins sharing the four conserved amino acid blocks of the Tweedle family, AmelTwdl1 and AmelTwdl2, and a gene encoding a cuticle peroxidase containing the Animal haem peroxidase domain, Ampxd, in the honey bee. Gene sequencing and annotation validated the formerly predicted tweedle genes, and revealed a novel gene, Ampxd, in the honey bee genome. Expression of these genes was studied in the context of the ecdysteroid-coordinated pupal-to-adult molt, and in different tissues. Higher transcript levels were detected in the integument after the ecdysteroid peak that induces apolysis, coinciding with the synthesis and deposition of the adult exoskeleton and its early differentiation. The effect of this hormone was confirmed in vivo by tying a ligature between the thorax and abdomen of early pupae to prevent the abdominal integument from coming in contact with ecdysteroids released from the prothoracic gland. This procedure impaired the natural increase in transcript levels in the abdominal integument. Both tweedle genes were expressed at higher levels in the empty gut than in the thoracic integument and trachea of pharate adults. In contrast, Ampxd transcripts were found in higher levels in the thoracic integument and trachea than in the gut. Together, the data strongly suggest that these three genes play roles in ecdysteroid-dependent exoskeleton construction and differentiation and also point to a possible role for the two tweedle genes in the formation of the cuticle (peritrophic membrane) that internally lines the gut.


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We developed a method for rearing larvae of Africanized bees under laboratory conditions to determine the amount of diet needed during larval development to obtain a worker bee. We started with larvae 18-24 h old, which were transferred to polyethylene cell cups and fed for five days. We found that the amount of diet needed for successful larval development was: 4, 15, 25, 50, and 70 mu L during the first to fifth days, respectively. The survival rate to the adult stage was 88.6% when the larvae received the daily amount of diet divided into two feedings, and 80% when they received only one feeding per day. The adult weight obtained in the laboratory, when the larvae received the daily amount of diet in a single dose, did not differ from those that were developed under field conditions (our control). All adults that we obtained in laboratory appeared to be normal. This technique has the potential to facilitate studies on brood pathogens, resistance mechanisms to diseases and also might be useful to test the impacts of transgenic products on honey bee brood.


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The mating sign that each drone leaves when mating with a queen essentially consists of mucus gland proteins. We employed a Representational Difference Analysis (RDA) methodology to identify genes that are differentially expressed in mucus glands during sexual maturation of drones. The RDA library for mucus glands of newly emerged drones was more complex than that of 8 day-old drones, with matches to 20 predicted genes. Another 26 reads matched to the Apis genome but not to any predicted gene. Since these ESTs were located within ORFs they may represent novel honey bee genes, possibly fast evolving mucus gland proteins. In the RDA library for mucus glands of 8 day-old drones, most reads corresponded to a capsid protein of deformed wing virus, indicating high viral loads in these glands. The expression of two genes encoding venom allergens, acid phosphatase-1 and hyaluronidase, in drone mucus glands argues for their homology with the female venom glands, both associated with the reproductive system.


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The superiority of Africanized over European honey bees in tropical and subtropical regions of the New World is both well documented and poorly understood. As part of an effort to try to understand the process by which the displacement of European bees occurred, we examined the ability of these two types of bees and of hybrids between the two to convert natural and artificial diets into usable protein. Newly emerged bees from colonies of tropically adapted Africanized and temperate-origin Carniolan bees and first-generation hybrids between the two were caged and fed artificial and natural protein diets for six days to determine whether there were differences in their ability to use these diets. The Africanized bees developed significantly higher protein levels in the hemolymph than did the Carniolan bees. The difference was 31% when the bees were fed bee bread (37.5 and 28.56 mu g protein/mu L hemolymph, respectively). The hybrids developed protein levels intermediate between the two parental types. These were approximately 10 times the levels found in bees fed with sucrose alone. Superior food conversion efficiency of the Africanized bees may be one of the reasons for their superiority both in the wild and for beekeeping in tropical and subtropical Latin America.