3 resultados para Antiulcerosos
Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de bloqueadores H2 no processo de cicatrização de lesões gástricas suturadas foram estudadas vinte cobaias machos. Após anestesia geral, laparotomia, gastrotomia de 0,5cm de extensão na parede anterior do corpo gástrico e gastrorrafia, os animais foram separados em dois grupos (GI e GII) com dez cobaias cada. As do GI receberam injeções de 0,1ml de água destilada e as do GIl 0,75mg de ranitidina, por via intramuscular, de 12/12 horas, iniciadas imediatamente após a operação e mantidas até as datas de sacrifício, realizado em número igual de cobaias, no segundo e no décimo dias de pós-operatório (PO). As peças operatórias ressecadas foram avaliadas detalhadamente. À macroscopia observou-se deiscência de sutura gástrica em um animal do GI no décimo dia de PO. A face mucosa de todas as peças apresentava enantema na linha de sutura no segundo dia de PO, porém, no décimo dia de PO o aspecto era normal, com pequena cicatriz branca no local. À microscopia, no segundo dia de PO, observou-se processo inflamatório agudo grave em ambos os grupos. No décimo dia de PO evidenciou-se inflamação moderada no GI e leve no Gil. À morfometria não houve diferença significante entre os grupos, em relação ao número de células inflamatórias, mas a densidade volumétrica de fibroblastos e de fibras colágenas foi significativamente maior no GII no décimo dia de PO. Concluiu-se que o tratamento de cobaias com bloqueadores H2 não provocou retardo da cicatrização de feridas gástricas suturadas.
Due to the complexity and instability of clinical conditions of ICU patients, the drug therapy applied in this type of environment requires a combination of several prescribed drugs, which is a favorable condition for drug interaction, toxic synergism and possible iatrogenia. In the possible universe of ICU occurrences, this study aimed at identifying and evaluating the incidence of adverse events in drug therapy at the Intensive Care Therapy Service (SETI) in wards I and II. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive, prospective and quantitative study conducted from August to September, 2011 in the Intensive Care Service of the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital - UNESP. The population consisted of fifteen clinical nurses, including those in the Improvement and Volunteer Internship Programs, who contributed to the investigation after signing an informed consent form and according to approval by the Research Ethics Committee number 10711/CE - FMB. The data were entered on a form and analyzed. Results showed that, on average, 8.9% of events/day occurred, and the highest frequency was observed on August 04, 2011. 63% and 22% were respectively observed in the morning and afternoon shifts, and 15% in the night shift. 48% of these were due to administration time errors, followed by drug prescription and dispensation errors, with percentages of 22% and 18%, respectively. Antibiotics showed the highest frequency of adverse events - 18%, which was followed by 13% for anticoagulant, 11% for antiemetic and 10% for antiulcerative drugs. As regards the occurrence of adverse events related to hospitalization time, the highest frequency occurred in patients who were hospitalized for 10 days. Concerning the ratio between reported events and the number of items in the prescription, the highest frequency of events was related to prescriptions with 20 items... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Doctorado en Gestión Costera.