17 resultados para Anticoccidial
A survey was carried out on the occurrence of dinitrocarbanilide (DNC), the marker residue for nicarbazin, in poultry produced in Ireland during 2002-2004. Liver (n = 736) and breast muscle samples (n = 342) were tested. DNC residues were found in 40 and 26% of liver and breast muscle samples at levels greater than 12.5 and 5 mu g kg(-1), respectively. DNC residues were found at >200 mu g kg(-1) in 12 and 0% of liver and muscle samples, respectively. Samples of breast muscle (n = 217) imported from 11 countries were also tested for DNC residues. A lower incidence of DNC residues (6%) was found in imported breast muscle. Egg samples (n = 546) were tested and DNC residues were found in nine samples, with levels ranging between 14 and 122 mu g kg(-1). Analysis of poultry, carried out as part of official food inspection in the period 2004-2006, indicated a reduction in the number of broiler liver samples containing DNC at >200 mu g kg(-1), to approximately 7%. Low levels of DNC residues continue to be found in
Investigations were undertaken to identify causes for the occurrence of high levels of the zootechnical feed additive nicarbazin in broiler liver at slaughter. The first investigation on 32 commercial broiler flocks involved sampling and analysis for nicarbazin ( as dinitrocarbanilide, DNC) in liver from birds during a 3-10-day period after withdrawal of nicarbazin from their feed and before commercial slaughter. DNC residues in liver samples of broilers scheduled as being withdrawn from nicarbazin for >= 6 days ranged from 20 to > 1600 mu g kg(-1) ( the specified withdrawal period for nicarbazin is 5 days and the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)maximum residue limit (MRL) is 200 mu g kg(-1) liver). Further on-farm investigations on 12 of these flocks, selected on the basis of the feeding system in use and the levels of DNC residues determined in liver, identified issues in feed management contributing to elevated residues in broiler liver. A significant correlation (0.81, p
The bottleneck for the complete understanding of the structure-function relationship of flexible membrane-acting peptides is its dynamics. At the same time, not only the structure but also the dynamics are the key points for their mechanism of action. Our model is PW2, a TRP-rich, cationic peptide selected from phage display libraries that shows anticoccidial activity against Eimeria acervulina. In this manuscript we used a combination of several NMR techniques to tackle these difficulties. The structural features of the membrane-acting peptide PW2 was studied in several membrane mimetic environments: we compared the structural features of PW2 in SDS and DPC micelles, that were reported earlier, with the structure properties in different lipid vesicles and the peptide free in water. We were able to unify the structural information obtained in each of these systems. The structural constraints of the peptide free in water were fundamental for the understanding of plasticity necessary for the membrane interaction. Our data suggested that the WWR sequence is the region responsible for anchoring the peptide to the interfaces, and that this same region displays some degree of conformational order in solution. For PW2, we found that affinity is related to the aromatic region, by anchoring the peptide to the membrane, and specificity is related to the N- and C-termini, which are able to accommodate in the membrane due to its plasticity. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the anticoccidial efficacy of a product containing coumestans from Eclipta alba. Experimental conditions were set up as to reproduce the environment conditions for husbandry adopted in commercial broiler farms. Broilers were raised in broiler chicken shed provided with feeders, drinkers, illumination and temperature control systems and floor covering to afford an adequate nourishing environment. Male Cobb broilers (240) were assigned to four experimental groups being each experimental group set apart in rice straw-covered shed isolated with wire mesh. One-day-old broilers were reared in a coccidian-free environment with ad libitum supply of filtered water and freely available standard feed, from the 1st to the 35th day of life. The T1 group received standard feed (negative control); T2 was treated with standard feed supplemented with 66 ppm of salinomycin (positive control); groups T3 and T4 had standard feed supplemented with the ethyl acetate fraction from methanolic extract of E. alba aerial parts, which contains the coumestans WL and DWL (120 and 180 ppm, respectively). The chicken broilers were individually infected with 2 x 104 oocysts of Eimeria tenella when they were 14 days old and were monitored weekly to evaluate zootechnical parameters such as weight gain and food conversion ratio. Counting of coccidial oocyst in chiken feces was assessed from random samples, from the 21st to 28th days of life, which corresponded to 7-14 days after the infection. Five chickens selected at random from each experimental group were subsequently euthanized at 21, 28 or 35 days of life to determine the lesion score in the cecal region and to excise a cecum portion for histopathological evaluation. The group treated with coumestans from E. alba presented an average weight gain and food conversion ratio higher than the negative control group and similar to the mean value of the positive control group. Coumestan-treated groups showed a significant decrease in the oocyst counting since the 21th day of life and displayed a reduced number of macroscopic lesions. Histopathological evaluations of cecum fragments showed that both treatments induced the migration of defense cells at the site of infection. A severe destruction of the cecal lining was found in the intestinal tract of broilers fed with a coumestans dose of 180 ppm. Overall, our results validate the use of a phytotherapy containing E. alba coumestans at a dose of 120 ppm as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent against avian coccidiosis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Anticoccidials are compounds that are widely used as feed additives to prevent and treat coccidiosis. They are licensed for use in a prescribed concentration and during a certain time interval for broilers and pullets but not for laying hens. It was shown in the past that carry-over at the feeding mill is found to be the main reason for the presence of residues in eggs. An animal experiment was set up to investigate the effect of carry-over at the feeding mill on the presence of residues of anticoccidials in eggs. For the compounds diclazuril, robenidine, halofuginone and nicarbazin in combination with narasin, two concentration levels were tested: the maximum allowed concentration for broilers (100%) and a concentration corresponding to 5% carry-over during feed preparation. Also dimetridazole was included in the experiment but only at one concentration level. Eggs were sampled during treatment (14 days) and for a period of 30 days after withdrawal of the anticoccidial-containing feed. Residues were determined, and deposition and depletion curves were generated. Analyses were performed by ELISA and LC-MS/MS. For all compounds, substantial residues could be found in the 5% groups, which points out the risk of carry-over at the feeding mill. The distribution of the residues between egg yolk and white was determined by analyzing both fractions.
A range of polyclonal antibodies was successfully produced to the coccidiostatic drugs diclazuril and robenidine. Initial attempts to make immunogenic complexes of both drugs were ineffective due to difficulties encountered while trying to couple the compounds to large carrier proteins. Structural mimics, which could act as haptens for each drug, were sought and identified. The compounds identified were more open to chemical manipulation and were conjugated to carrier proteins to produce effective immunogens. The most sensitive antisera produced displayed IC(50)s of 1.5 ng/ml and 13 ng/ml for diclazuril and robenidine respectively. The antibody for diclazuril was shown to be specific, cross-reacting only with clazuril by 15%. The robenidine antibody displayed a low cross-reactivity of 1.2% to the compound used to produce the antibody. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Le problème grandissant de l’antibiorésistance remet en question plusieurs pratiques reliées à l’utilisation des antibiotiques, dont l’usage à grande échelle pour des fins de promotion de la croissance chez les animaux de consommation. Depuis 2006, le retrait des antibiotiques dans les élevages de poulets de chair en Europe a été associé à la résurgence d’entérite nécrotique, une maladie intestinale causée par la bactérie Clostridium perfringens. Alors que la pathogénie de la maladie semblait bien comprise, le retrait des antibiotiques a montré que peu de solutions de remplacement sont disponibles afin de prévenir cette maladie. Très peu d’études se sont intéressées à mieux caractériser la dynamique des populations de C. perfringens dans les élevages avicoles et l’effet que pouvait avoir le retrait des antibiotiques sur l’évolution de ces populations. La présente étude a évalué l’impact du remplacement des antibiotiques promoteurs de croissance et des anticoccidiens pendant une période de 14 mois, dans huit élevages commerciaux de poulets de chair au Québec. Un protocole d’élevage alternatif, combinant des stratégies telles que des produits à base d’huiles essentielles, des acides organiques et inorganique, une vaccination contre la coccidiose ainsi qu’une amélioration des conditions de démarrage des poussins, a été utilisé en remplacement des antimicrobiens. Les performances zootechniques, la santé digestive ainsi que l’occurrence d’entérite nécrotique pour les lots de poulets soumis au protocole d’élevage alternatif ont été comparées avec celles de lots de poulets de chair recevant une ration conventionnelle. Des analyses moléculaires basées sur la PCR et le PFGE ont été utilisées afin de documenter l’impact de la mise en place du protocole d’élevage alternatif sur les populations de C. perfringens. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’aucune différence entre les groupes soumis aux deux types de protocoles n'est observée en ce qui a trait à la viabilité en élevage, à l'âge d'abattage et aux taux de condamnations à l'abattoir. Toutefois, les lots soumis au traitement alternatif ont eu des performances moindres pour le poids moyen à l'abattage, le gain moyen quotidien et la conversion alimentaire. Un peu plus de 27% des lots soumis au protocole alternatif ont connu un épisode d’entérite nécrotique clinique. Les analyses ont aussi montré que l’un ou l’autre des protocoles ne semble pas exercer d’influence particulière sur la dynamique temporelle des populations de C. perfringens. Pour les lots soumis au protocole d’élevage alternatif, une forte diversité génétique pour C. perfringens a été liée à un risque augmenté de vivre un épisode d’entérite nécrotique. À l’opposé, les lots alternatifs ayant vécu des épisodes récurrents de la maladie ont montré une diminution significative de la diversité génétique, ainsi qu’une augmentation marquée du nombre de souches de C. perfringens transportant plusieurs gènes de virulence. La présente étude a permis de mieux documenter, d’un point de vue économique et scientifique, la production de poulets de chair élevés sans antibiotiques ni anticoccidiens au Québec. Cette étude est la seule du genre s’étant intéressée à la caractérisation et à la comparaison dans le temps des flores de C. perfringens retrouvées dans les deux types d’élevages. Elle a révélé que la production à grande échelle de poulets de chair élevés sans antibiotiques ni anticoccidiens est possible au Québec, mais que celle-ci présente des impacts sur les performances zootechniques des oiseaux, sur leur santé digestive et sur la dynamique des populations de C. perfringens. Mots-clés : poulets de chair, antibiotiques, huiles essentielles, acides organiques, vaccination coccidiose, performances zootechniques, santé digestive, entérite nécrotique, Clostridium perfringens, dynamique populationnelle
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito da inclusão de alho em pó (Allium sativum) em rações para frangos, sobre desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e partes, peso de órgãos, níveis de colesterol e triacilgliceróis sangüíneos, e morfometria intestinal. Foram utilizados 720 pintainhos machos Cobb, com um dia de idade, distribuídos em blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos: ração sem promotor de crescimento (PC), sem anticoccidiano (AC) e com 0,00, 0,25, 0,50, 0,75 e 1,00% de alho; e ração com PC+AC, com quatro repetições de 30 aves cada. Peso, ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar e mortalidade foram obtidos aos 21 e 42 dias de idade. Aos 42 dias de idade foram abatidas 20 aves por tratamento para determinação do rendimento de carcaça e 4 aves para avaliação do peso de órgãos e morfometria intestinal. Sangue de 8 aves por tratamento foi colhido para determinação de colesterol e triacilgliceróis. em aves alimentadas até 42 dias de idade com ração sem promotor de crescimento e anticoccidiano, a inclusão de até 1,00% de alho em pó beneficiou a conversão alimentar e não alterou o rendimento de carcaça e partes, peso relativo dos órgãos, mucosa intestinal, nem os níveis séricos de colesterol e triacilgliceróis. O alho não substitui com eficiência o antibiótico usado como promotor de crescimento em rações de frangos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different coccidiosis-preventing programs on performance and intestinal morphology of commercial turkeys. Three hundred fifteen1-d-old female commercial cross turkey poults (British United Turkeys, BUT Big 9) were distributed into 3 treatments with 5 replicates of 21 birds each. Three programs were evaluated from 1 to 70 d of age, where program 1 had no anticoccidial drug and no vaccination against coccidiosis; program 2 had an anticoccidial drug (maduramycin 1%, 5 ppm); and program 3 had a vaccination (commercial vaccine, 4 species of Eimeria). All the groups were challenged with a dose of oocysts sporulated (20,000/bird) of 2 species of Eimeria at 21 d of age. In the growing phase (d 0-28), BW, BW gain, and FCR were significantly greater in treated groups compared with control group. In the fattening phase, the performance was not affected by treatments. Treatments and coccidiosis challenge had no significant effects on intestinal villus height. These observations support other reports that confirm live oocyst vaccination can be used effectively as a preventive against avian coccidiosis in commercially reared turkeys.
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
Programa de doctorado: Sanidad Animal