31 resultados para Antepartum
Purpose. The focus of maternal role development, historically, has been on the tasks and processes during pregnancy as they relate to postpartum role transition. The purpose of this study was to investigate how women hospitalized with high-risk pregnancy cognitively construct pregnancy and impending motherhood. ^ Design. The study employed a triangulation design using a convergence model with a dominant focused ethnographic approach. ^ Setting. The antepartum units of two tertiary care centers in a large metropolitan city in southeast Texas. ^ Sample. Data saturation was determined with thirteen (13) primigravid women who had been hospitalized more than 72 hours with preterm labor (PTL) or preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) who subsequently delivered seventeen (17) infants which included 4 sets of twins. ^ Methods. Open-ended, semi-structured interviews and field work were used to explore the development of maternal role in this population. After collecting descriptive data, long individual interviews were conducted and the Prenatal Self Evaluation Questionnaire (PSEQ), an instrument to measure prenatal adaptation to pregnancy, was administered. The interview focused on exploring the woman's experiences of pregnancy and impending motherhood while hospitalized. Interview data and field notes were coded and analyzed using qualitative thematic analytic techniques. The PSEQ was scored and the findings of the qualitative data and PSEQ data were compared. ^ Findings. Thematic analysis of the qualitative data provided an understanding of the cognitive process that occurs as the pregnant woman builds a relationship with the fetus. Thematic analysis resulted in a conceptual model with two complementary components that occur throughout the pregnancy: Establishing a Relationship and Dynamic Equilibrium. Establishing a Relationship includes subthemes of: Courting, Building a Connection, and Engagement. Dynamic equilibrium is the balance between expectations and reality and exists regardless of pregnancy complications. The negotiation of this potential imbalance is triggered by uncertainty, loss of autonomy and control, and isolation and is exacerbated by the high-risk pregnancy and subsequent hospitalization. These triggers can serve as obstacles to maternal role development, but may be mediated by external support from friends and family or health care providers. Support from others may come in the form of anticipatory guidance, presence, or activities that promote self-agency. PSEQ scores were similar to previous reports, but due to the small sample, scores were used primarily for comparison to qualitative data. The qualitative findings were congruent with the PSEQ findings in all of the subscales except in the concern for the well-being of the baby. Interview reports included comments demonstrating significant concern for the well-being of the infant, yet the related subscale did not demonstrate such concern. ^ Conclusions. An understanding of the cognitive process involved in establishing a relationship with the developing fetus related to impending motherhood and the importance of dynamic equilibrium can allow healthcare providers and those who interact with pregnant women to support development of the maternal role and anticipate those barriers that may impede that process. Findings from this study identify those triggers and mediators that influence development of the maternal role and suggest potential intervening strategies for those involved in the care of childbearing families. ^
Analysis of the septic work-up of 194 neonates at Women's College Hospital, Toronto, showed that the only antepartum condition predicting neonatal sepsis was the mother being on antibiotics. The only postnatal condition predicting sepsis was a maternal postpartum white blood cell count over 11,000. The average cost for tests for a septic work-up in these 194 mother-neonate pairs was $71.48 (Canadian dollars), and the average cost of tests to find a septic case was $1,066.77.
Background: With cesarean section rates increasing worldwide, clarity regarding negative effects is essential. This study aimed to investigate the rate of subsequent stillbirth, miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy following primary cesarean section, controlling for confounding by indication. Methods and Findings: We performed a population-based cohort study using Danish national registry data linking various registers. The cohort included primiparous women with a live birth between January 1, 1982, and December 31, 2010 (n = 832,996), with follow-up until the next event (stillbirth, miscarriage, or ectopic pregnancy) or censoring by live birth, death, emigration, or study end. Cox regression models for all types of cesarean sections, sub-group analyses by type of cesarean, and competing risks analyses for the causes of stillbirth were performed. An increased rate of stillbirth (hazard ratio [HR] 1.14, 95% CI 1.01, 1.28) was found in women with primary cesarean section compared to spontaneous vaginal delivery, giving a theoretical absolute risk increase (ARI) of 0.03% for stillbirth, and a number needed to harm (NNH) of 3,333 women. Analyses by type of cesarean section showed similarly increased rates for emergency (HR 1.15, 95% CI 1.01, 1.31) and elective cesarean (HR 1.11, 95% CI 0.91, 1.35), although not statistically significant in the latter case. An increased rate of ectopic pregnancy was found among women with primary cesarean overall (HR 1.09, 95% CI 1.04, 1.15) and by type (emergency cesarean, HR 1.09, 95% CI 1.03, 1.15, and elective cesarean, HR 1.12, 95% CI 1.03, 1.21), yielding an ARI of 0.1% and a NNH of 1,000 women for ectopic pregnancy. No increased rate of miscarriage was found among women with primary cesarean, with maternally requested cesarean section associated with a decreased rate of miscarriage (HR 0.72, 95% CI 0.60, 0.85). Limitations include incomplete data on maternal body mass index, maternal smoking, fertility treatment, causes of stillbirth, and maternally requested cesarean section, as well as lack of data on antepartum/intrapartum stillbirth and gestational age for stillbirth and miscarriage. Conclusions: This study found that cesarean section is associated with a small increased rate of subsequent stillbirth and ectopic pregnancy. Underlying medical conditions, however, and confounding by indication for the primary cesarean delivery account for at least part of this increased rate. These findings will assist women and health-care providers to reach more informed decisions regarding mode of delivery.
Objective To determine how long it takes from the decision to achieve delivery by non-elective caesarean section (DDI), the influence on this interval, and the impact on neonatal condition at birth. Design Twelve months prospective data collection on all non-elective caesarean sections. Methods Prospective collection of data relating to all caesarean sections in 1996 in a major teaching hospital obstetric unit was conducted, without the knowledge of the other clinicians providing clinical care. Details of the indication for section, the day and time of the decision and the interval till delivery were recorded as well as the seniority of the surgeon, and condition of the baby at birth. Results The mean time from decision-to-delivery for 100 emergency intrapartum caesarean sections was 42.9 minutes for fetal distress and 71.1 minutes for 230 without fetal distress (P<0.0001). For 22 'crash' sections the mean time from decision-to-delivery was 27.4 minutes; for 13 urgent antepartum deliveries for fetal reasons it was 124.7 minutes and for 21 with maternal reasons it was 97.4 minutes. The seniority of the surgeon managing the patient did not appear to influence the interval, nor did the time of day or day of the week when the delivery occurred. Intrapartum sections were quicker the more advanced the labour, and general anaesthesia was associated with shorter intervals than regional anaesthesia for emergency caesarean section for fetal distress (P<0.001). Babies born within one hour of the decision tended to be more acidaemic than those born later, irrespective of the indication for delivery. Babies tended to be in better condition when a time from decision-to-delivery was not recorded than those for whom the information had been recorded. Conclusion Fewer than 40% intrapartum deliveries by caesarean section for fetal distress were achieved within 30 minutes of the decision, despite that being the unit standard. There was, however, no evidence to indicate that overall an interval up to 120 minutes was detrimental to the neonate unless the delivery was a 'crash' caesarean section. These data thus do not provide evidence to sustain the recommendation of a standard of 30 minutes for intrapartum delivery by caesarean section.
We have investigated the relationship between erythropoietin (Epo) and pH, PaO2 and haematocrit in 100 cord blood samples obtained at Caesarean section prior to labour. Of 82 term (> 37 weeks) infants, 64 were appropriately grown (10th-90th centiles), and their mean cord serum Epo and cord blood Epo was 23 +/- 8 mU/ml (mean +/- SD). Strong inverse correlations were found between cord serum Epo and cord blood pH (r = -0.74; p <0.0001), and between cord serum Epo and cord blood PaO2 (r = -0.55; p <0.0001), but not between cord serum Epo and cord haematocrit (r = 0.02; p <0.9). For the 18 preterm babies (gestation 32.4 +/- 4.1 weeks, birth weight 1,820 +/- 476 g), the Epo level was 36 +/- 8 mU/ml, which was not significantly greater than for the term babies. Strong inverse correlations were again found between Epo and pH (r = -0.87; p <0.0001) and Epo and PaO2 (r = -0.69; p <0.002). Babies from complicated pregnancies (intra-uterine growth retardation, pre-eclampsia, antepartum haemorrhage, diabetes mellitus and fetal distress) tended to have higher Epo levels. Thirteen babies had Epo levels > 40 mU/ml, and 11 (85%) of these required neonatal intensive care. Cord serum Epo correlates better with oxygen tension and pH at birth than with fetal growth and haematocrit, which are measures of chronic stress to the fetus.
Introducción: La Preeclampsia ocurre entre el 2-7% de los embarazos. Previos estudios han sugerido la asociación entre los niveles alterados de PAPP-A y la β-hCG libre con el desarrollo de Preeclampsia (PE) y/o Bajo Peso al Nacer (BPN). Metodología: El diseño del estudio es de Prueba Diagnóstica con enfoque de casos y controles. Las mediciones séricas de PAPP-A y la β-hCG libre, fueron realizadas entre la semana 11-13.6 días durante 2 años. Resultados: La cohorte incluyó 399 pacientes, la incidencia de PE fue de 2,26% y de BPN fue de 14.54%. El punto de corte del percentil 10 fue MoM PAPP-A: 0,368293 y MoM β-hCG libre: 0,412268; la especificidad en PE leve fue de 90,5 y para BPN de 90. Los MoM de la β-hCG libre, la edad y el peso materno se comportan como factores de riesgo, mientras que mayores valores de MoM de la PAPP-A y mayor número de partos factores de protección. Para el BPEG severo la edad materna y la paridad se comportan como factores de riesgo, mientras que un aumento promedio de los valores de los MoM de la PAPP-A y la β-hCG libre, como factores de protección en el desarrollo de BPEG Severo. Conclusiones: Existe una relación significativa entre los valores alterados de PAPP-A y de β-hCG libre, valorados a la semana 11 a 13 con la incidencia de Preeclampsia y de Bajo Peso al nacer en fetos cromosómicamente normales, mostrando unos niveles significativamente más bajos a medida que aumentaba la severidad de la enfermedad.
Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo de anteparto, intraparto y fetales asociados a asfixia perinatal en los recién nacidos del servicio de neonatología del Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi de Bogotá, 2010-2011. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles pareado por fecha de nacimiento, con una relación 1:5(51:306). Las asociaciones se evaluaron con la prueba de ji-cuadrado de Mantel y Haenszel o Test de Fisher para datos pareados, con OR e intervalo de confianza del 95%, el análisis multivariado con un modelo de regresión logística condicional. Resultados: Los factores de riesgo con asociación significativa fueron: - Ante parto: Antecedentes patológicos maternos (OR=6.00,IC95%:1.55-23.19,p=0.013), primigestación (OR=1.91,IC95%:1.02-3.56,p=0,090), -Intraparto: Abruptio de placenta (OR=25,00,IC95%:2.92-213.99,p=0.001), hemorragia del tercer trimestre (OR=12.50,IC95%:2.43-64.43,p=0.001), Oligohidramnios(OR=6.25,IC95%:1.68-23.28,p=0.001), taquicardia fetal (OR=7.66,IC95%:1.67-35.04,p=0.011), monitoreo fetal intraparto anormal (OR=10.33,IC95%:4.38-24.34,p=0.001), expulsivo prolongado(OR=13.00,IC95%:4.63-36.46,p=0.001), fiebre materna(p<0.001), corioamnionitis(p<0.001), convulsiones maternas(p<0.001), bradicardia fetal (p=<0.001), -Fetales: Género masculino(OR=1.87,IC95%:1.02-3.44,p=0.026), edad gestacional por BALLARD igual ó <36semanas(OR=4.78(IC95%:2.21-10.35,p=0.001), vía del nacimiento instrumentado(OR=18,80,IC95%:3.69-39.55,p=0.001), líquido amniótico hemorrágico o teñido de meconio(OR= 9.00,IC95%:3.01-26.85,p=0.001), circular de cordón(OR=9.00,IC95%:3.59-22.52,p=0.001), peso al nacer igual ó <2500 gramos (OR=8.88,IC95%:3.73-21.15,p=0.001). Los subrayados y el síndrome hipertensivo asociado al embarazo se encontraron significativos en análisis multivariado. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo para asfixia perinatal fueron: antecedentes patológicos maternos, primigestación, abruptio de placenta, hemorragia del tercer trimestre, oligohidramnios, monitoreo fetal intraparto anormal, taquicardia y bradicardia fetal, expulsivo prolongado, corioamnionitis, fiebre materna, convulsiones maternas, género masculino, edad gestacional por BALLARD igual ó <36 semanas, vía del nacimiento instrumentado, líquido amniótico hemorrágico o teñido de meconio, circular de cordón, peso al nacer igual ó <2500 gramos.
Introducción La preeclampsia hace parte del espectro de los trastornos hipertensivos asociados al embarazo y es causa de alta morbimortalidad materna. La edad gestacional ha sido relacionada con la presentación más severa de esta cuando ocurren lejanas al término. Hoy en día existe la posibilidad de proporcionar manejo expectante en estos casos en unidades de cuidado obstétrico especializadas, con el fin de disminuir el riesgo de morbimortalidad asociada a la prematurez extrema. Metodología Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal que incluyó pacientes con preeclampsia lejos del término entre las 24 y 34 semanas que recibieron manejo expectante entre 2009 y 2012 en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Obstétrico de la Clínica Colsubsidio Orquídeas. Resultados Se incluyeron 121 pacientes con preeclampsia lejos del término, quienes recibieron manejo expectante. La edad promedio fue 29.8, el promedio de días de manejo expectante fue 4 días, con una mediana de tres días. La edad gestacional de ingreso fue 30 1/7 semanas y la edad promedio de terminación 30 5/7 semanas. El 88.4% recibieron esquema de maduración completo. El 81.6% presentaron preeclampsia severa. El desenlace materno más frecuente fue Síndrome Hellp (37%) y el desenlace fetal fue restricción de crecimiento intrauterino (29%). Discusión Se debe considerar el manejo expectante en toda paciente con preeclampsia previa a la semana 34 para manejo antenatal con corticoesteroides, el cual demostró ser un factor protector para muerte perinatal temprana. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la aparición de complicaciones y la cantidad de días de manejo expectante.
Introducción: La aparición de vasodilatación aislada de la arteria cerebral media en fetos pequeños para la edad gestacional sin otros cambios en el doppler puede interpretarse como fisiológica o podría ser la manifestación inicial de una restricción de crecimiento intrauterino de inicio tardío. Se pretende evaluar la asociación de la disminución del índice de pulsatibilidad de la arteria cerebral media, como predictor de desenlaces perinatales adversos, en fetos con bajo peso para edad gestacional. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte analítica de temporalidad histórica para determinar si el hallazgo de disminución de la pulsatibilidad en el doppler de arteria cerebral media se asocia con el pronóstico perinatal adverso, en fetos pequeños para edad gestacional mediante un muestreo no probabilístico. Resultados: Se recolectaron un total de 325 flujometría doppler de fetos pequeños para edad gestacional. El riesgo de parto pretérmino fue RR 2.6 IC95% 1.6-4.1, de hospitalización fue RR 1.4 IC95%1.1-1.9 y de muerte fue 2.1 IC95%1.5-3.2 cuando hay índice de pulsatilidad alterada en la arteria cerebral media. La regresión logística mostró que el riesgo de desenlaces desfavorables con alteraciones en la arteria cerebral media fue de RR 4.2 IC95% 2.5-7.1 ajustado por edad materna, edad gestacional y bajo peso al nacer. Discusión Los pacientes expuestos presentan mayor riesgo de desenlaces desfavorables con diferencias significativas, no así en otros estudios publicados. El presente estudio muestra asociaciones significativas que debe ser evaluada con estudios más amplios.
Objetivo: relacionar a qualidade do controle metabólico com os resultados da cardiotocografia (CTG) anteparto e avaliar sua capacidade preditiva no prognóstico perinatal de gestações associadas ao diabete. Pacientes e Métodos: estudo retrospectivo de 125 gestantes, portadoras de diabete gestacional ou clínico, no qual se relacionou a última CTG anteparto (intervalo máximo de 48 horas) à qualidade do controle metabólico materno e aos resultados perinatais. A qualidade do controle metabólico foi definida pela média glicêmica do dia do exame (MGd) e da gestação (MG) e pelo comportamento da requisição de insulina (R/insulina). Para os resultados perinatais foram analisados os índices de Apgar de 1º e 5º minuto, a classificação peso/idade gestacional, o tempo de internação, a necessidade de cuidados de UTI e a ocorrência de óbito neonatal (ONN) precoce. A capacidade diagnóstica da CTG anteparto foi avaliada pelos índices de sensibilidade, especificidade e valor preditivo positivo e negativo. Resultados: a MGd adequada (<120 mg/dL) associou-se a 2,9% dos resultados de CTG anteparto alterados e a inadequada ( > ou = 120 mg/dL), a 26,1% (p<0,005). A MG mantida inadequada se relacionou a 13,7% de CTG anteparto alterada e a adequada, a apenas 2,7% (p<0,005). O comportamento da requisição de insulina não interferiu nos resultados da CTG anteparto. Os índices de Apgar de 1º e 5º minuto, a necessidade de cuidados de UTI e a ocorrência de ONN precoce não dependeram do último traçado da CTG anteparto. O exame diferenciou o tempo de internação dos recém-nascidos: quando normal, 46,4% tiveram alta hospitalar até o 3º dia de vida e, quando alterado, 62,5% deles ficaram internados por mais de sete dias. Conclusões: os resultados alterados da última CTG anteparto relacionaram-se com níveis inadequados de MG, diária e da gestação, e não dependeram da R/insulina. O resultado normal da CTG anteparto foi adequado para garantir a saúde neonatal. Ao contrário, os resultados alterados indicaram risco de complicações nos filhos de mães diabéticas.
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB