22 resultados para Anfernet de Bures
We examine the physical significance of fidelity as a measure of similarity for Gaussian states by drawing a comparison with its classical counterpart. We find that the relationship between these classical and quantum fidelities is not straightforward, and in general does not seem to provide insight into the physical significance of quantum fidelity. To avoid this ambiguity we propose that the efficacy of quantum information protocols be characterized by determining their transfer function and then calculating the fidelity achievable for a hypothetical pure reference input state. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Navigation by means of cognitive maps appears to require the hippocampus; hippocampal place cells (PCs) appear to store spatial memories because their discharge is confined to cell-specific places called firing fields (FFs). Experiments with rats manipulated idiothetic and landmark-related information to understand the relationship between PC activity and spatial rotation. Rotating a circular arena in the caused a discrepancy between these cuse. This discrepancy caused most FFs to disappear in both the arena and room reference frames. However, FFs persisted in the rotating arena frame when the discrepancy was reduced by darkness or by a card in the arena. The discrepancy was increased by "field clamping" the rat in a room-defined FF location by rotations that countered its locomotion. Most FFs disspared and reappeared an hour or more after the clamp. Place-avoidance experiments showed that navigation uses independent idiothetic and exteroceptive memories. Rats learned to avoid the unmarked footshock region within a circular arena. When acquired on the stable arena in the light, the location of the punishment was learned by using both room and idiothetic cues; extinction in the dark transferred to the following session in the light. If, however, extinction occured during rotation, only the arena-frame avoidance was extinguished in darkness; the room-defined location was avoided when the light were turned back on. Idiothetic memory of room-defined avoidance was not formed during rotation in light; regardless of rotation with a randomly dispersed pellet. The resulting behaviour alternated between random pellet searching and target-directed navigation, making it possible to examine PC correlates of these two classes of spatial behaviour. The independence of idiothetic and exteroceptive spatial memories and the disruption of PC firing during rotation suggest that PCs may not be necessary for spatial cognition; this idea can be tested by recording during place-avoidance and preference tasks.
This study describes a task that combines random searching with goal directed navigation. The testing was conducted on a circular elevated open field (80 cm in diameter), with an unmarked target area (20 cm in diameter) in the center of 1 of the 4 quadrants. Whenever the rat entered the target area, the computerized tracking system released a pellet to a random point on the open field. Rats were able to learn the task under light and in total darkness, and on a stable or a rotating arena. Visual information was important in light, but idiothetic information became crucial in darkness. Learning of a new position was quicker under light than in total darkness on a rotating arena. The place preference task should make it possible to study place cells (PCs) when the rats use an allothetic (room frame) or idiothetic (arena frame) representation of space and to compare the behavioral response with the PCs' activity.
Contribution of visual and nonvisual mechanisms to spatial behavior of rats in the Morris water maze was studied with a computerized infrared tracking system, which switched off the room lights when the subject entered the inner circular area of the pool with an escape platform. Naive rats trained under light-dark conditions (L-D) found the escape platform more slowly than rats trained in permanent light (L). After group members were swapped, the L-pretrained rats found under L-D conditions the same target faster and eventually approached latencies attained during L navigation. Performance of L-D-trained rats deteriorated in permanent darkness (D) but improved with continued D training. Thus L-D navigation improves gradually by procedural learning (extrapolation of the start-target azimuth into the zero-visibility zone) but remains impaired by lack of immediate visual feedback rather than by absence of the snapshot memory of the target view.
Durand (Jean). Album amicorum (1583-1592)
Contient : 1 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... Escript à Reims, ce XXVIme jour de septembre » ; 2 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Gendrecourt, le IIIIe jour de mars » ; 3 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Joinville, le XVIe jour d'octobre » ; 4 Lettre de « CLAUDE... DE LORENNE [duc DE GUISE],... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Joinville, le XXVIIIe jour de novembre » ; 5 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE LORRAINE,... [duc] DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Joinville, le dernier jour de janvier » ; 6 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc] DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Joinville, le Xe jour de febvrier » ; 7 Lettre de « CLAUDE... DE LORRENNE,... [duc DE GUISE]... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... De Moustier sur Saulx, le XXVIIe jour d'aoust » ; 8 Lettre de « CLAUDE... DE LORENNE [duc DE GUISE]... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Bloys, le XXIXe jour de mars » ; 9 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grand maistre... De Joinville, le IIIIe jour de jung » ; 10 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE LORRAINE,... [duc] DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grand maistre... De Joinville, le XXIIe juillet » ; 11 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... A Bar, le XIIIme jour de fevrier » ; 12 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc DE GUISE]... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Paris, le XXVIe jour de novembre » ; 13 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc DE GUISE]... à monseigneur... le connestable... De Joynville, le VIe jour d'octobre V.C.XLI » ; 14 Lettre de « CLAUDE... DE LORRENNE [duc DE GUISE]... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Joinville, le Xe jour de novembre » ; 15 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Joinville, le Xe jour de novembre » ; 16 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... A Joinville, ce XIIIme de septembre » ; 17 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Joinville, le IXe jour de septembre » ; 18 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUISE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Joinville, le IIIe jour de jung » ; 19 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Nogent le Roy, le XIIe jour de janvier » ; 20 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... A Joinville, le IXme jour de decembre » ; 21 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Dolevant, ce VIe de may » ; 22 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Bar le Duc, le XIIe jour de novembre » ; 23 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant mestre » ; 24 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Moustier sur Saulx, le XXVe jour d'aoust » ; 25 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant mestre... D'Esclaron, le VIe jour de may » ; 26 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUISE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Dolevant le Chastel, le XIIe jour d'apvril » ; 27 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Bures, le XXVIIIe jour de novembre » ; 28 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUISE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De St Dizier, le XXV mars » ; 29 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE LORRAINE [duc DE GUISE]... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Joinville, le XVIIe jour de decembre » ; 30 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... D'Esclarron, le XVe jour de may » ; 31 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... D'Esclaron, le IIe jour de may » ; 32 Lettre de « CLAUDE » DE LORRAINE, duc DE GUISE, à « monseigneur le grant maistre... Escript à Esclarron, le XXVIe jour de janvier » ; 33 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le gran mestre » ; 34 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE LORRAINE,... [duc] DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... D'Esclarron, ce IIe jour de janvier » ; 35 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Moustiers sur Saulx, le XIIe jour d'aoust » ; 36 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE LORRAINE [duc DE GUISE]... De Mouzon, le XXIIIIe jour de mars » ; 37 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc DE GUISE]... à monseigneur le connetable... De Beaulne, ce XVe jour d'avril » ; 38 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE LORRAINE,... [duc] DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... Du Pavillon, le XXIe jour d'aoust » ; 39 Lettre de « CLAUDE... DE LORENNE [duc DE GUISE]... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Chaalons, le XXVIIe jour de mars » ; 40 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE LORRAINE,... [duc] DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... D'Angoulesme... le XXIIIe jour de mars » ; 41 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE LORRAINE,... [duc] DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Joinville, le XXVIIe jour de janvier... V.C.XXVII » ; 42 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc DE GUISE]... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Dollevant, ce XIXe d'octobre » ; 43 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc DE GUISE]... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Dolevant, ce XXVe jour d'octobre » ; 44 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE LORRAINE,... [duc] DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le gran mestre » ; 45 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre » ; 46 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... A Guyse, ce XXIXme jour de may » ; 47 Lettre de « CLAUDE [DE LORRAINE, duc]... DE GUYSE,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Bar, le VIIe jour [de] febvrier »
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è cercare un'evidenza quantitativa a supporto dell'idea idea che la nonlinearità sia una risorsa per generare nonclassicità. Ci si concentrerà su sistemi unidimensionali bosonici, cercando soprattutto di connettere la nonlinearità di un oscillatore anarmonico, definito dalla forma del suo potenziale, alla nonclassicità del relativo ground state. Tra le numerose misure di nonclassicità esistenti, verranno impiegate il volume della parte negativa della funzione di Wigner e l'entanglement potential, ovvero la misura dell'entanglement prodotto dallo stato dopo il passaggio attraverso un beam splitter bilanciato avente come altro stato in ingresso il vuoto. La nonlinearità di un potenziale verrà invece caratterizzata studiando alcune proprietà del suo ground state, in particolare se ne misurerà la non-Gaussianità e la distanza di Bures rispetto al ground state di un oscillatore armonico di riferimento. Come principale misura di non-Gaussianità verrà utilizzata l'entropia relativa fra lo stato e il corrispettivo stato di riferimento Gaussiano, avente la medesima matrice di covarianza. Il primo caso che considereremo sarà quello di un potenziale armonico con due termini polinomiali aggiuntivi e il ground state ottenuto con la teoria perturbativa. Si analizzeranno poi alcuni potenziali il cui ground state è ottenibile analiticamente: l'oscillatore armonico modificato, il potenziale di Morse e il potenziale di Posch-Teller. Si andrà infine a studiare l'effetto della nonlinearità in un contesto dinamico, considerando l'evoluzione unitaria di uno stato in ingresso in un mezzo che presenta una nonlinearità di tipo Kerr. Nell'insieme, i risultati ottenuti con tutti i potenziali analizzati forniscono una forte evidenza quantitativa a supporto dell'idea iniziale. Anche i risultati del caso dinamico, dove la nonlinearità costituisce una risorsa utile per generare nonclassicità solo se lo stato iniziale è classico, confermano la pittura complessiva. Si sono inoltre studiate in dettaglio le differenze nel comportamento delle due misure di nonclassicità.
Stockpiled kura clover samples harvested on three different winter dates were used to determine changes in chemical composition and N digestion kinetics. Kura clover was harvested from four different plots at 14 d intervals and analyzed for neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude protein (CP), acid detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN), and in vitro digestible dry matter (IVDMD), and in situ digestion kinetics of N. Crude protein concentrations decreased, but ADIN concentrations increased with later date of harvest. Digestible N pool-size and the rate of digestion was the lowest in third-harvest kura clover. Although the proportion of protein that is soluble or nondigestible increased, proportion of protein that is potentially digestible decreased with maturity.
We investigate the consequences of one extra spatial dimension for the stability and energy spectrum of the non-relativistic hydrogen atom with a potential defined by Gauss' law, i.e. proportional to 1 /| x | 2 . The additional spatial dimension is considered to be either infinite or curled-up in a circle of radius R. In both cases, the energy spectrum is bounded from below for charges smaller than the same critical value and unbounded from below otherwise. As a consequence of compactification, negative energy eigenstates appear: if R is smaller than a quarter of the Bohr radius, the corresponding Hamiltonian possesses an infinite number of bound states with minimal energy extending at least to the ground state of the hydrogen atom.
Unilateral intrahippocampal injections of tetrodotoxin were used to temporarily inactivate one hippocampus during specific phases of training in an active allothetic place avoidance task. The rat was required to use landmarks in the room to avoid a room-defined sector of a slowly rotating circular arena. The continuous rotation dissociated room cues from arena cues and moved the arena surface through a part of the room in which foot-shock was delivered. The rat had to move away from the shock zone to prevent being transported there by the rotation. Unilateral hippocampal inactivations profoundly impaired acquisition and retrieval of the allothetic place avoidance. Posttraining unilateral hippocampal inactivation also impaired performance in subsequent sessions. This allothetic place avoidance task seems more sensitive to hippocampal disruption than the standard water maze task because the same unilateral hippocampal inactivation does not impair performance of the variable-start, fixed hidden goal task after procedural training. The results suggest that the hippocampus not only encodes allothetic relationships amongst landmarks, it also organizes perceived allothetic stimuli into systems of mutually stable coordinates. The latter function apparently requires greater hippocampal integrity.
The spatial orientation of vertebrates is implemented by two complementary mechanisms: allothesis, processing the information about spatial relationships between the animal and perceptible landmarks, and idiothesis, processing the substratal and inertial information produced by the animal's active or passive movement through the environment. Both systems allow the animal to compute its position with respect to perceptible landmarks and to the already traversed portion of the path. In the present study, we examined the properties of substratal idiothesis deprived of relevant exteroceptive information. Rats searching for food pellets in an arena formed by a movable inner disk and a peripheral immobile belt were trained in darkness to avoid a 60° sector; rats that entered this sector received a mild foot shock. The punished sector was defined in the substratal idiothetic frame, and the rats had to determine the location of the shock sector with the use of substratal idiothesis only, because all putative intramaze cues were made irrelevant by angular displacements of the disk relative to the belt. Striking impairment of place avoidance by this “shuffling procedure” indicates that effective substratal idiothesis must be updated by exteroceptive intramaze cues.