852 resultados para Anatomía ocular


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Most studies employing experimental models of unilateral glaucoma have used the normotensive contralateral eye as the normal control. However, some studies have recently reported the activation of the retinal macroglia and microglia in the uninjured eye, suggesting that the eye contralateral to experimental glaucoma should not be used as a control. This review analyzes the studies describing the contralateral findings and discusses some of the routes through which the signals can reach the contralateral eye to initiate the glial reactivation.


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Pupil light reflex can be used as a non-invasive ocular predictor of cephalic autonomic nervous system integrity. Spectral sensitivity of the pupil's response to light has, for some time, been an interesting issue. It has generally, however, only been investigated with the use of white light and studies with monochromatic wavelengths are scarce. This study investigates the effects of wavelength and age within three parameters of the pupil light reflex (amplitude of response, latency, and velocity of constriction) in a large sample of younger and older adults (N = 97), in mesopic conditions. Subjects were exposed to a single light stimulus at four different wavelengths: white (5600° K), blue (450 nm), green (510 nm), and red (600 nm). Data was analyzed appropriately, and, when applicable, using the General Linear Model (GLM), Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), Student's t-test and/or ANCOVA. Across all subjects, pupillary response to light had the greatest amplitude and shortest latency in white and green light conditions. In regards to age, older subjects (46-78 years) showed an increased latency in white light and decreased velocity of constriction in green light compared to younger subjects (18-45 years old). This study provides data patterns on parameters of wavelength-dependent pupil reflexes to light in adults and it contributes to the large body of pupillometric research. It is hoped that this study will add to the overall evaluation of cephalic autonomic nervous system integrity.


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PURPOSE To identify the factors responsible for the poor validity of the most common aniseikonia tests, which involve size comparisons of red-green stimuli presented haploscopically. METHODS Aniseikonia was induced by afocal size lenses placed before one eye. Observers compared the sizes of semicircles presented haploscopically via color filters. The main factor under study was viewing mode (free viewing versus short presentations under central fixation). To eliminate response bias, a three-response format allowed observers to respond if the left, the right, or neither semicircle appeared larger than the other. To control decisional (criterion) bias, measurements were taken with the lens-magnified stimulus placed on the left and on the right. To control for size-color illusions, measurements were made with color filters in both arrangements before the eyes and under binocular vision (without color filters). RESULTS Free viewing resulted in a systematic underestimation of lens-induced aniseikonia that was absent with short presentations. Significant size-color illusions and decisional biases were found that would be mistaken for aniseikonia unless appropriate action is taken. CONCLUSIONS To improve their validity, aniseikonia tests should use short presentations and include control conditions to prevent contamination from decisional/response biases. If anaglyphs are used, presence of size-color illusions must be checked for. TRANSLATIONAL RELEVANCE We identified optimal conditions for administration of aniseikonia tests and appropriate action for differential diagnosis of aniseikonia in the presence of response biases or size-color illusions. Our study has clinical implications for aniseikonia management.


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Purpose. To analyze the levels of the diadenosine polyphosphates Ap4A and Ap5A in tears, in a set of control subjects and in groups of symptomatic and nonsymptomatic persons with dry eye. Methods. Ninety-seven subjects participated in the study. The subjects were divided into five experimental groups: control subjects; symptomatic patients with normal tear secretion; symptomatic patients with low tear secretion; forced blink; and corneal mechanical stimulation provided by a gas esthesiometer. The Schirmer I test was used to measure and collect tear secretions from each subject. All samples were processed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and their Ap4A and Ap5A levels determined. Results. The levels of Ap4A and Ap5A in tears were greater in all symptomatic patients than in control subjects, especially in symptomatic subjects with low tear secretion. Within the symptomatic subjects with normal tear secretion, significant differences in concentrations of Ap4A and Ap5A were found between men and women. In the forced blink experiments, concentrations of the Ap4A and Ap5A rose with increasing blink frequency. When the cornea was mechanically stimulated, the levels of Ap4A and Ap5A rose significantly during both moderate and high-flow rate tests. Conclusions. The increased levels of Ap4A and Ap5A in tears of patients with dry eye allow these dinucleotides to be used as objective biomarkers in dry eye conditions.


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Although several postmortem findings in the retina of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) are available, new biomarkers for early diagnosis and follow-up of AD are still lacking. It has been postulated that the defects in the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) may be the earliest sign of AD, even before damage to the hippocampal region that affects memory. This fact may reflect retinal neuronal-ganglion cell death and axonal loss in the optic nerve in addition to aging.


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This study evaluates hypercholesterolemic rabbits, examining the retinal changes in Müller cells and astrocytes as well as their variations after a period of normal blood-cholesterol values induced by a standard diet. New Zealand rabbits were divided into three groups: G0, fed a standard diet; G1A, fed a 0.5% cholesterol-enriched diet for 8 months; and G1B, fed as G1A followed by standard diet for 6 months. Eyes were processed for transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry (GFAP). While G1B resembled G0 more than did G1A, they shared alterations with G1A: a) as in G1A, Müller cells were GFAP+, filled spaces left by axonal degeneration, formed glial scars and their nuclei were displaced to the nerve-fibre layer. The area occupied by the astrocytes associated with the nerve-fibre bundles (AANFB) and by perivascular astrocytes (PVA) in G1A and G1B was significantly lower than in controls. However, no significant differences in PVA were found between G1A and G1B. In G1B, type I PVA was absent and replaced by hypertrophic type II cells; b) Bruch's membrane (BM) was thinner in G1B than in G1A; c) the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cytoplasm contained fewer lipids in G1B than in G1A; d) in G1A and G1B choriocapillaris and retinal vessel showed alterations with respect to G0; e) cell death and axonal degeneration in the retina were similar in G1A and G1B. The substitution of a hyperlipemic diet by a standard one normalizes blood-lipid levels. However, the persistence of damage at retinal vessels and BM-RPE could trigger chronic ischemia.


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Melatonin is a neurohormone mainly produced in the pineal gland; nevertheless, various ocular structures such as the ciliary body, lens and the retina produce it. One of the roles of melatonin in the eye is the modulation of intraocular pressure, although little is known about the mechanisms that causes its presence in the aqueous humour. TRPV4 is a membrane channel which is activated by both physical and chemical stimuli. Therefore, this channel is sensitive to osmotic and hydrostatic pressure. As a consequence, TRPV4 results as an interesting candidate to study the relation between the activation of the TRPV4 channel and the production of melatonin. In this sense we have studied the role of the TRPV4 agonist GSK1016790A to modulate the production of melatonin in a cell line derived from human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells. The stimulation of the TRPV4 produced an increase in the extracellular melatonin levels changing from 8.5 ± 0.6 nM/well/30 min (control) to 23.3 ± 2.1 nM/well/30 min after 10 nM GSK1016790A application, this action being blocked by the selective antagonist RN 1734. The activation of the TRPV4 by GSK1016790A permitted to observe a melatonin increase which was concentration-dependent, and provided a pD2 value of −8.5 ± 0.1 (EC50 of 3.0 nM). In conclusion, the activation of the TRPV4 present in human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells can modulate the presence of extracellular melatonin, this being of relevance since this substance controls the dynamics of the aqueous humour.


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Monográfico con el título: 'Visión y deporte'. Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'Visión y deporte'. Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Purpose: To define a range of normality for the vectorial parameters Ocular Residual Astigmatism (ORA) and topography disparity (TD) and to evaluate their relationship with visual, refractive, anterior and posterior corneal curvature, pachymetric and corneal volume data in normal healthy eyes. Methods: This study comprised a total of 101 consecutive normal healthy eyes of 101 patients ranging in age from 15 to 64 years old. In all cases, a complete corneal analysis was performed using a Scheimpflug photography-based topography system (Pentacam system Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH). Anterior corneal topographic data were imported from the Pentacam system to the iASSORT software (ASSORT Pty. Ltd.), which allowed the calculation of the ocular residual astigmatism (ORA) and topography disparity (TD). Linear regression analysis was used for obtaining a linear expression relating ORA and posterior corneal astigmatism (PCA). Results: Mean magnitude of ORA was 0.79 D (SD: 0.43), with a normality range from 0 to 1.63 D. 90 eyes (89.1%) showed against-the-rule ORA. A weak although statistically significant correlation was found between the magnitudes of posterior corneal astigmatism and ORA (r = 0.34, p < 0.01). Regression analysis showed the presence of a linear relationship between these two variables, although with a very limited predictability (R2: 0.08). Mean magnitude of TD was 0.89 D (SD: 0.50), with a normality range from 0 to 1.87 D. Conclusion: The magnitude of the vector parameters ORA and TD is lower than 1.9 D in the healthy human eye.


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Lectures about the course module "Advanced techniques for the human eye study: ocular aberrometry".


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Purpose: To compare the manifest refractive cylinder (MRC) predictability of myopic astigmatism laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) between eyes with low and high ocular residual astigmatism (ORA). Setting: London Vision Clinic, London, United Kingdom. Design: Retrospective case study. Methods: The ORA was considered the vector difference between the MRC and the corneal astigmatism. The index of success (IoS), difference vector ÷ MRC, was analyzed for different groups as follows: stage 1, low ORA (ORA ÷ MRC <1), high ORA (ORA ÷ MRC ≥1); stage 2, low ORA group reduced to match the high ORA group for MRC; stage 3, grouped by ORA magnitude with low ORA (<0.50 diopters [D]), mid ORA (0.50 to 1.24 D), and high ORA (≥1.25 D); stage 4, high ORA group subdivided into low (<0.75 D) and high (≥0.75 D) corneal astigmatism. Results: For stage 1, the mean preoperative MRC and mean IoS were −1.32 D ± 0.65 (SD) (range −0.55 to −3.77 D) and 0.27, respectively, for low ORA and −0.79 ± 0.20 D (range −0.56 to −2.05 D) and 0.37, respectively, for high ORA. For stage 2, the mean IoS increased to 0.32 for low ORA. For stage 3, the mean IoS was 0.28, 0.29, and 0.31 for low ORA, mid ORA, and high ORA, respectively. For stage 4, the mean IoS was 0.20 for high ORA/low corneal astigmatism and 0.35 for high ORA/high corneal astigmatism. Conclusions: The MRC predictability was slightly worse in eyes with high ORA when grouped by the ORA ÷ MRC. Matching for the MRC and grouping by ORA magnitude resulted in similar predictability; however, eyes with high ORA and high corneal astigmatism were less predictable.


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Purpose. We aimed to characterize the distribution of the vector parameters ocular residual astigmatism (ORA) and topography disparity (TD) in a sample of clinical and subclinical keratoconus eyes, and to evaluate their diagnostic value to discriminate between these conditions and healthy corneas. Methods. This study comprised a total of 43 keratoconic eyes (27 patients, 17–73 years) (keratoconus group), 11 subclinical keratoconus eyes (eight patients, 11–54 years) (subclinical keratoconus group) and 101 healthy eyes (101 patients, 15–64 years) (control group). In all cases, a complete corneal analysis was performed using a Scheimpflug photography-based topography system. Anterior corneal topographic data was imported from it to the iASSORT software (ASSORT Pty. Ltd), which allowed the calculation of ORA and TD. Results. Mean magnitude of the ORA was 3.23 ± 2.38, 1.16 ± 0.50 and 0.79 ± 0.43 D in the keratoconus, subclinical keratoconus and control groups, respectively (p < 0.001). Mean magnitude of the TD was 9.04 ± 8.08, 2.69 ± 2.42 and 0.89 ± 0.50 D in the keratoconus, subclinical keratoconus and control groups, respectively (p < 0.001). Good diagnostic performance of ORA (cutoff point: 1.21 D, sensitivity 83.7 %, specificity 87.1 %) and TD (cutoff point: 1.64 D, sensitivity 93.3 %, specificity 92.1 %) was found for the detection of keratoconus. The diagnostic ability of these parameters for the detection of subclinical keratoconus was more limited (ORA: cutoff 1.17 D, sensitivity 60.0 %, specificity 84.2 %; TD: cutoff 1.29 D, sensitivity 80.0 %, specificity 80.2 %). Conclusion. The vector parameters ORA and TD are able to discriminate with good levels of precision between keratoconus and healthy corneas. For the detection of subclinical keratoconus, only TD seems to be valid.