896 resultados para Analisi settore mercato software information technology


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The objective of this report is to understand the rationality that underpins public and business policies for promoting the IT and SIS industries and to determine whether they incorporate gender equality and/or provide incentives for women’s participation. The report also explores how this group of women is symbolically constructed within the firms, what issues are emphasized by the women themselves and what solutions or resources they propose for overcoming the problems. It then contrasts this discourse and intervention with the experiences, visions and demands of women leaders in the SIS sector. For this purpose, the policies, programmes and best practices of Europe are analysed and compared with instruments currently in place in Latin America and the Caribbean, in terms of their specific characteristics and degree of progress. Special attention is given to the cases of Argentina, Costa Rica and Colombia.


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Security-critical communications devices must be evaluated to the highest possible standards before they can be deployed. This process includes tracing potential information flow through the device's electronic circuitry, for each of the device's operating modes. Increasingly, however, security functionality is being entrusted to embedded software running on microprocessors within such devices, so new strategies are needed for integrating information flow analyses of embedded program code with hardware analyses. Here we show how standard compiler principles can augment high-integrity security evaluations to allow seamless tracing of information flow through both the hardware and software of embedded systems. This is done by unifying input/output statements in embedded program execution paths with the hardware pins they access, and by associating significant software states with corresponding operating modes of the surrounding electronic circuitry.


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In this paper, technology is described as involving processes whereby resources are utilised to satisfy human needs or to take advantage of opportunities, to develop practical solutions to problems. This study, set within one type of technology context, information technology, investigated how, through a one semester undergraduate university course, elements of technological processes were made explicit to students. While it was acknowledged in the development and implementation of this course that students needed to learn technical skills, technological skills and knowledge, including design, were seen as vital also, to enable students to think about information technology from a perspective that was not confined and limited to `technology as hardware and software'. This paper describes how the course, set within a three year program of study, was aimed at helping students to develop their thinking and their knowledge about design processes in an explicit way. An interpretive research approach was used and data sources included a repertory grid `survey'; student interviews; video recordings of classroom interactions, audio recordings of lectures, observations of classroom interactions made by researchers; and artefacts which included students' journals and portfolios. The development of students' knowledge about design practices is discussed and reflections upon student knowledge development in conjunction with their learning experiences are made. Implications for ensuring explicitness of design practice within information technology contexts are presented, and the need to identify what constitutes design knowledge is argued.


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This study investigates how offshore information technology (IT) service providers (vendors) coordinate work with their clients (employers) in order to succeed in the global IT offshore outsourcing industry. We reviewed literature on coordination studies, interviewed offshore service providers in the Philippines, and used thematic analysis to analyse coordination practices from the point of view of these individual vendors in a newly industrialized country. We used Olson and Olson's framework on 'collaboration at a distance' as a lens to structure the results. The study provides an understanding of vendors' individual attitudes towards the coordination of distributed work and draws attention to how differences in power affect the work situation of vendors, and by implication all stakeholders. We offer this insight as a way to enhance existing CSCW frameworks, by imbuing them with the perspective of non-equal relationships. The study found that vendors were generally able to produce outputs that satisfy their clients, however these results were only achieved because individuals were willing to take risks and make sacrifices in their personal lives. The relationship was further characterised by a complex interplay between the client's control of the overall work arrangements and the vendors' ability to establish a level of autonomy in their work practices and their flexible use of coordination tools.


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El programa BTEC es un programa de estudios que permite obtener una cualificación profesional o laboral. Este recurso está preparado para ayudar al alumno en el curso BTEC First, nivel 2, sector profesional tecnología de la información y se divide en diez unidades: la comunicación en la industria de las TI;trabajar en la industria de las TI; sistemas informáticos; personalización del software; creación de una red informática; sistemas de base de datos; desarrollo de sitios web; gráficos por ordenador y desarrollo de los juegos de ordenador. Incluye actividades de evaluación en cada unidad que cubren todos los criterios de ésta para ofrecer a los estudiantes la oportunidad de practicar sus tareas y profundizar en el conocimiento y la comprensión de la materia.


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An increase in the pace of technological change has revolutionised the way accountants perform their jobs. In response to this challenge, the identification of a new comprehensive set of information technology competencies combined with information technology skills and other skills (namely, soft skills) are necessary. This study uses mixed methods to identify which information technology skills and competencies are required for accountants from the perspective of academics in Malaysia. Findings indicate that spreadsheets, word processing and accounting software were ranked as much-needed skills to be acquired by accountants while communication skills were ranked as the most required skills, and delegation skills as the least required. Although academics have an important role to determine accountants’ information technology skills and competencies, they are still unfamiliar with the exact soft skills that should be blended in utilising information technology.


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Quando si parla di green information technology si fa riferimento a un nuovo filone di ricerche focalizzate sulle tecnologie ecologiche o verdi rivolte al rispetto ambientale. In prima battuta ci si potrebbe chiedere quali siano le reali motivazioni che possono portare allo studio di tecnologie green nel settore dell’information technology: sono così inquinanti i computer? Non sono le automobili, le industrie, gli aerei, le discariche ad avere un impatto inquinante maggiore sull’ambiente? Certamente sì, ma non bisogna sottovalutare l’impronta inquinante settore IT; secondo una recente indagine condotta dal centro di ricerche statunitense Gartner nel 2007, i sistemi IT sono tra le maggiori fonti di emissione di CO2 e di altri gas a effetto serra , con una percentuale del 2% sulle emissioni totali del pianeta, eguagliando il tasso di inquinamento del settore aeromobile. Il numero enorme di computer disseminato in tutto il mondo assorbe ingenti quantità di energia elettrica e le centrali che li alimentano emettono tonnellate di anidride carbonica inquinando l’atmosfera. Con questa tesi si vuole sottolineare l’impatto ambientale del settore verificando, attraverso l’analisi del bilancio sociale ed ambientale, quali misure siano state adottate dai leader del settore informatico. La ricerca è volta a dimostrare che le più grandi multinazionali informatiche siano consapevoli dell’inquinamento prodotto, tuttavia non adottano abbastanza soluzioni per limitare le emissioni, fissando futili obiettivi futuri.


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The use of information technology (IT) in dentistry is far ranging. In order to produce a working document for the dental educator, this paper focuses on those methods where IT can assist in the education and competence development of dental students and dentists (e.g. e-learning, distance learning, simulations and computer-based assessment). Web pages and other information-gathering devices have become an essential part of our daily life, as they provide extensive information on all aspects of our society. This is mirrored in dental education where there are many different tools available, as listed in this report. IT offers added value to traditional teaching methods and examples are provided. In spite of the continuing debate on the learning effectiveness of e-learning applications, students request such approaches as an adjunct to the traditional delivery of learning materials. Faculty require support to enable them to effectively use the technology to the benefit of their students. This support should be provided by the institution and it is suggested that, where possible, institutions should appoint an e-learning champion with good interpersonal skills to support and encourage faculty change. From a global prospective, all students and faculty should have access to e-learning tools. This report encourages open access to e-learning material, platforms and programs. The quality of such learning materials must have well defined learning objectives and involve peer review to ensure content validity, accuracy, currency, the use of evidence-based data and the use of best practices. To ensure that the developers' intellectual rights are protected, the original content needs to be secure from unauthorized changes. Strategies and recommendations on how to improve the quality of e-learning are outlined. In the area of assessment, traditional examination schemes can be enriched by IT, whilst the Internet can provide many innovative approaches. Future trends in IT will evolve around improved uptake and access facilitated by the technology (hardware and software). The use of Web 2.0 shows considerable promise and this may have implications on a global level. For example, the one-laptop-per-child project is the best example of what Web 2.0 can do: minimal use of hardware to maximize use of the Internet structure. In essence, simple technology can overcome many of the barriers to learning. IT will always remain exciting, as it is always changing and the users, whether dental students, educators or patients are like chameleons adapting to the ever-changing landscape.


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Business strategy is important to all organizations. Nearly all Fortune 500 firms are implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to improve the execution of their business strategy and to improve integration with its information technology (IT) strategy. Successful implementation of these multi-million dollar software systems are requiring new emphasis on change management and on Business and IT strategic alignment. This paper examines business and IT strategic alignment and seeks to explore whether an ERP implementation can drive business process reengineering and business and IT strategic alignment. An overview of business strategy and strategic alignment are followed by an analysis of ERP. The “As-Is/To-Be” process model is then presented and explained as a simple, but vital tool for improving business strategy, strategic alignment, and ERP implementation success.


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In this paper, technology is described as involving processes whereby resources are utilised to satisfy human needs or to take advantage of opportunities, to develop practical solutions to problems. This study, set within one type of technology context, information technology, investigated how, through a one semester undergraduate university course, elements of technological processes were made explicit to students. While it was acknowledged in the development and implementation of this course that students needed to learn technical skills, technological skills and knowledge, including design, were seen as vital also, to enable students to think about information technology from a perspective that was not confined and limited to 'technology as hardware and software'. This paper describes how the course, set within a three year program of study, was aimed at helping students to develop their thinking and their knowledge about design processes in an explicit way. An interpretive research approach was used and data sources included a repertory grid 'survey'; student interviews; video recordings of classroom interactions, audio recordings of lectures, observations of classroom interactions made by researchers; and artefacts which included students' journals and portfolios. The development of students' knowledge about design practices is discussed and reflections upon student knowledge development in conjunction with their learning experiences are made. Implications for ensuring explicitness of design practice within information technology contexts are presented, and the need to identify what constitutes design knowledge is argued.


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The pervasiveness of information systems (IS) in organizations mandates the need for high levels of IS skills. In recognition, professional bodies impose IS course requirements for accreditation. For both students and employers, performance in IS courses has become important. The tertiary entrance overall performance score accounted for 19.7 per cent of the variance in students' passing grades. Thereafter, proficiency in office automation software and programming accounted for 1.5 and 0.8 per cent of the variance, respectively. Students living in a stable, family home-based environment performed better and it is likely that this environment underpinned other factors affecting performance.


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L'analisi di questa tesi si basa sui dati ottenuti contattando direttamente le aziende produttrici e/o di progettazione e riguarda due settori energetici: la cogenerazione e il solare fotovoltaico. Nel primo si sono studiate 60 unità complete di cogenerazione il cui studio si è basato sulla costruzione di grafici che mettono in relazione le potenze uscenti con il prezzo. Si è mostrato così la forte presenza di un fenomeno di economia di scala e la diversa ripartizione della potenza prodotta. Per unità di piccola-media potenza predomina la produzione di energia termica, la quale diminuisce la sua quota percentuale all’aumentare della taglia. Nel settore del solare fotovoltaico l’analisi è stata più diversificata e articolata. Si sono analizzati 70 pannelli di cui 35 monocristallini, 14 europei e 21 asiatici, e 35 policristallini, 26 europei e 9 asiatici, per i quali si sono graficati gli andamenti di resa, potenza specifica e costo specifico. I pannelli monocristallini, intrinsecamente più efficienti grazie al maggior grado di purezza, presentano un andamento crescente dei costi piuttosto ripido anche se non proporzionale con l’aumento delle prestazioni. Tra i pannelli policristallini invece si evidenzia l’assenza di un andamento nettamente crescente delle prestazioni all’aumentare dei costi. Confrontando i moduli divisi in base alla macro-regione di produzione si nota che l’Asia produce i pannelli al Si monocristallino più efficienti e più costosi mentre pannelli al Si policristallino più economici, ma con prestazioni in linea con quelli europei.Con i dati raccolti si è potuta svolgere anche una ristretta analisi sui pannelli al film sottile. Quelli che utilizzano il Si amorfo presentano prestazioni così basse da non permettere loro una vera affermazione sul mercato. Quest’ultima si presume che sarà invece possibile per pannelli basati su diversi materiali semiconduttori che presentano buoni livelli di prestazioni, ma prezzi ancora troppo elevati.