Vendors' perspectives of coordination in the information technology offshore outsourcing industry : An exploratory study from the Philippines

Autoria(s): Ambe, Aloha May Hufana; Brereton, Margot F.; Rittenbruch, Markus

Gergle, Darren

Morris, Meredith Ringel




This study investigates how offshore information technology (IT) service providers (vendors) coordinate work with their clients (employers) in order to succeed in the global IT offshore outsourcing industry. We reviewed literature on coordination studies, interviewed offshore service providers in the Philippines, and used thematic analysis to analyse coordination practices from the point of view of these individual vendors in a newly industrialized country. We used Olson and Olson's framework on 'collaboration at a distance' as a lens to structure the results. The study provides an understanding of vendors' individual attitudes towards the coordination of distributed work and draws attention to how differences in power affect the work situation of vendors, and by implication all stakeholders. We offer this insight as a way to enhance existing CSCW frameworks, by imbuing them with the perspective of non-equal relationships. The study found that vendors were generally able to produce outputs that satisfy their clients, however these results were only achieved because individuals were willing to take risks and make sacrifices in their personal lives. The relationship was further characterised by a complex interplay between the client's control of the overall work arrangements and the vendors' ability to establish a level of autonomy in their work practices and their flexible use of coordination tools.





Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)



Ambe, Aloha May Hufana, Brereton, Margot F., & Rittenbruch, Markus (2016) Vendors' perspectives of coordination in the information technology offshore outsourcing industry : An exploratory study from the Philippines. In Gergle, Darren & Morris, Meredith Ringel (Eds.) Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing - CSCW '16, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), San Francisco, CA, pp. 319-333.


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School of Design; School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Creative Industries Faculty; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #Coordination #Coordination practices #CSCW #Global software development #Information technology outsourcing #Ito vendor #Virtual team

Conference Paper