1000 resultados para Análise DEA


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No mercado energético, o tema eficiência tem-se tornado um pilar fundamental na obtenção de valor estratégico para as organizações deste negócio. Este foco tem muito que ver com as alterações que este mercado tem vindo a sofrer nos últimos anos com a mudança de mercado regulado para um mercado liberalizado. Permitir que novos players entrem no mercado e com eles novas formas de executar o negócio, tem aumentado a competividade entre as várias or-ganizações no ramo da electricidade. Consequentemente, essas organizações focam-se cada vez mais na eficiência, produzindo o mesmo mas utilizando menos recursos, promovendo, em simultâneo, uma maior satisfação dos seus clientes. Paralelamente, as organizações na última década têm-se virado cada vez mais para a gestão de projectos, percebendo que através dela podem concretizar valor estratégico mais facilmente, com menor redundância. Assim, muitas organizações vivem actualmente em ambientes de multi-projecto, em que as iniciativas dos diferentes projectos são inúmeras e na maioria das vezes não existe capital suficiente para as satisfazer na totalidade. Perceber quais os projectos que acrescentam maior valor à organização torna-se fundamental. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação visa avaliar a eficiência na gestão de um tipo de projec-tos da EDP Distribuição, utilizando o método matemático Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Com este método avaliou-se a capacidade que a organização tem em converter inputs em out-puts nos projectos de telecomando da rede de distribuição que levou a cabo durante o ano de 2013. Após um estudo sobre gestão de projectos e da análise DEA, analisou-se a melhor forma de aplicar o método DEA em empresas de electricidade, especificando-se as variáveis do modelo que traduzem melhor o processo a avaliar. Pretende-se fornecer resultados específicos sobre como a organização pode melhorar os seus processos na gestão de projectos de telecomando indicando onde, como e em quanto a empresa é ineficiente, identificando adicionalmente ac-ções de melhoria.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão Empresarial, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar a eficiência relativa dos Tribunais de Justiça estadual do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter exploratório com um enfoque quantitativo e qualitativo, com pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Foram utilizados os dados do relatório Justiça em números, edições 2007 e 2008, publicadas pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça. Os dados foram analisados sob enfoque de um modelo orientado para outputs usando a técnica de Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) para análise da eficiência dos Tribunais. Verificou-se um aumento no número de tribunais que alcançaram o nível máximo da eficiência relativa entre 2007 e 2008. Alguns tribunais foram indicados como referências para os demais. É apresentada, também, a situação do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Ceará junto a uma análise dos fatores que precisariam ser ajustados para o alcance de sua eficiência máxima.


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The increasing use of fossil fuels in line with cities demographic explosion carries out to huge environmental impact in society. For mitigate these social impacts, regulatory requirements have positively influenced the environmental consciousness of society, as well as, the strategic behavior of businesses. Along with this environmental awareness, the regulatory organs have conquered and formulated new laws to control potentially polluting activities, mostly in the gas stations sector. Seeking for increasing market competitiveness, this sector needs to quickly respond to internal and external pressures, adapting to the new standards required in a strategic way to get the Green Badge . Gas stations have incorporated new strategies to attract and retain new customers whom present increasingly social demand. In the social dimension, these projects help the local economy by generating jobs and income distribution. In this survey, the present research aims to align the social, economic and environmental dimensions to set the sustainable performance indicators at Gas Stations sector in the city of Natal/RN. The Sustainable Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) framework was create with a set of indicators for mapping the production process of gas stations. This mapping aimed at identifying operational inefficiencies through multidimensional indicators. To carry out this research, was developed a system for evaluating the sustainability performance with application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) through a quantitative method approach to detect system s efficiency level. In order to understand the systemic complexity, sub organizational processes were analyzed by the technique Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) figuring their micro activities to identify and diagnose the real causes of overall inefficiency. The sample size comprised 33 Gas stations and the conceptual model included 15 indicators distributed in the three dimensions of sustainability: social, environmental and economic. These three dimensions were measured by means of classical models DEA-CCR input oriented. To unify performance score of individual dimensions, was designed a unique grouping index based upon two means: arithmetic and weighted. After this, another analysis was performed to measure the four perspectives of SBSC: learning and growth, internal processes, customers, and financial, unifying, by averaging the performance scores. NDEA results showed that no company was assessed with excellence in sustainability performance. Some NDEA higher efficiency Gas Stations proved to be inefficient under certain perspectives of SBSC. In the sequence, a comparative sustainable performance and assessment analyzes among the gas station was done, enabling entrepreneurs evaluate their performance in the market competitors. Diagnoses were also obtained to support the decision making of entrepreneurs in improving the management of organizational resources and promote guidelines the regulators. Finally, the average index of sustainable performance was 69.42%, representing the efforts of the environmental suitability of the Gas station. This results point out a significant awareness of this segment, but it still needs further action to enhance sustainability in the long term


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This Master s Thesis proposes the application of Data Envelopment Analysis DEA to evaluate economies of scale and economies of scope in the performance of service teams involved with installation of data communication circuits, based on the study of a major telecommunication company in Brazil. Data was collected from the company s Operational Performance Division. Initial analysis of a data set, including nineteen installation teams, was performed considering input oriented methods. Subsequently, the need for restrictions on weights is analyzed using the Assurance Region method, checking for the existence of zero-valued weights. The resulting returns to scale are then verified. Further analyses using the Assurance Region Constant (AR-I-C) and Variable (AR-I-V) models verify the existence of variable, rather than constant, returns to scale. Therefore, all of the final comparisons use scores obtained through the AR-I-V model. In sequence, we verify if the system has economies of scope by analyzing the behavior of the scores in terms of individual or multiple outputs. Finally, conventional results, used by the company in study to evaluate team performance, are compared to those generated using the DEA methodology. The results presented here show that DEA is a useful methodology for assessing team performance and that it may contribute to improvements on the quality of the goal setting procedure.


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This Master s Thesis proposes the application of Data Envelopment Analysis DEA to evaluate the performance of sales teams, based on a study of their coverage areas. Data was collected from the company contracted to distribute the products in the state of Ceará. Analyses of thirteen sales coverage areas were performed considering first the output-oriented constant return to scale method (CCR-O), then this method with assurance region (AR-O-C) and finally the method of variable returns to scale with assurance region (AR-O-V). The method used in the first approach is shown to be inappropriate for this study, since it inconveniently generates zero-valued weights, allowing that an area under evaluation obtain the maximal score by not producing. Using weight restrictions, through the assurance region methods AR-O-C and AR-O-V, decreasing returns to scale are identified, meaning that the improvement in performance is not proportional to the size of the areas being analyzed. Observing data generated by the analysis, a study is carried out, aiming to design improvement goals for the inefficient areas. Complementing this study, GDP data for each area was compared with scores obtained using AR-O-V analysis. The results presented in this work show that DEA is a useful methodology for assessing sales team performance and that it may contribute to improvements on the quality of the management process.


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This Master of Science Thesis deals with applying DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) to the academic performance evaluation of graduate programs in Brazil, exploring it on a Mechanical and Production Engineering Program 2001-2003 data. The data used is that of the national assessment carried by CAPES, the governmental body in charge for graduate program assessment and certification. It is used the CCR output oriented DEA model, the CCR-Output with Assurance Region, and Window Analysis. The main findings are first that the CCR has the concerning problem of zero values of weights of outputs that is not appropriate in a sense that a graduate program has the higher efficiency score zeroing some output (e.g., number of academic papers published). Secondly, the Assurance Region method proved useful. Third, the Window Analysis also gave some light to the consistency of the performance in the time frame analysed. Also, the analysis results in the understanding that the Mechanics and Production Engineering should not be assessed jointly like currently applied by CAPES and rather should be assessed in its own field separately. Finally, the result of the DEA analysis showed some serious inconsistencies with the CAPES method. Graduate programs considered excellent has got low performance score and vice versa. This Thesis provides a strong argument in order to use DEA at least as a complimentary methodology for graduate program performance evaluation in Brazil


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The increasing use of fossil fuels in line with cities demographic explosion carries out to huge environmental impact in society. For mitigate these social impacts, regulatory requirements have positively influenced the environmental consciousness of society, as well as, the strategic behavior of businesses. Along with this environmental awareness, the regulatory organs have conquered and formulated new laws to control potentially polluting activities, mostly in the gas stations sector. Seeking for increasing market competitiveness, this sector needs to quickly respond to internal and external pressures, adapting to the new standards required in a strategic way to get the Green Badge . Gas stations have incorporated new strategies to attract and retain new customers whom present increasingly social demand. In the social dimension, these projects help the local economy by generating jobs and income distribution. In this survey, the present research aims to align the social, economic and environmental dimensions to set the sustainable performance indicators at Gas Stations sector in the city of Natal/RN. The Sustainable Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) framework was create with a set of indicators for mapping the production process of gas stations. This mapping aimed at identifying operational inefficiencies through multidimensional indicators. To carry out this research, was developed a system for evaluating the sustainability performance with application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) through a quantitative method approach to detect system s efficiency level. In order to understand the systemic complexity, sub organizational processes were analyzed by the technique Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) figuring their micro activities to identify and diagnose the real causes of overall inefficiency. The sample size comprised 33 Gas stations and the conceptual model included 15 indicators distributed in the three dimensions of sustainability: social, environmental and economic. These three dimensions were measured by means of classical models DEA-CCR input oriented. To unify performance score of individual dimensions, was designed a unique grouping index based upon two means: arithmetic and weighted. After this, another analysis was performed to measure the four perspectives of SBSC: learning and growth, internal processes, customers, and financial, unifying, by averaging the performance scores. NDEA results showed that no company was assessed with excellence in sustainability performance. Some NDEA higher efficiency Gas Stations proved to be inefficient under certain perspectives of SBSC. In the sequence, a comparative sustainable performance and assessment analyzes among the gas station was done, enabling entrepreneurs evaluate their performance in the market competitors. Diagnoses were also obtained to support the decision making of entrepreneurs in improving the management of organizational resources and promote guidelines the regulators. Finally, the average index of sustainable performance was 69.42%, representing the efforts of the environmental suitability of the Gas station. This results point out a significant awareness of this segment, but it still needs further action to enhance sustainability in the long term


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Neste trabalho de Projeto efetua-se o desenvolvimento do tema da produção de Resíduos Urbanos (RU) no Alentejo Central, utilizando-se o modelo DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) para a análise das metas da recolha seletiva estabelecidas para 2020. Genericamente, quanto maior é o grau de desenvolvimento económico de um território, maior é a taxa de urbanização e maior é também a quantidade de resíduos urbanos produzidos por habitante. O rendimento e a urbanização são variáveis altamente correlacionadas, quando aumenta o rendimento disponível e os padrões de vida, aumenta também o consumo de bens e serviços de modo correspondente, o que leva ao aumento da quantidade de resíduos gerados. Assim, tendo em conta os impactos locais que os RU abandonados trazem, e com o objetivo de quebrar o elo entre crescimento económico e os impactos ambientais associados à produção de resíduos, são implementadas, nos países com elevados níveis de desenvolvimento, políticas baseadas em modelos integrados de gestão de RU que permitem a recuperação, reciclagem e valorização dos materiais, reservando-se a eliminação (deposição em aterro) para frações não valorizáveis, o que gera empregos e riqueza. Em Portugal vigora o Plano Estratégico para os Resíduos Urbanos (PERSU 2020) que define objetivos e metas nacionais, nomeadamente a meta da recolha seletiva, estabelecendo para 2020 um quantitativo nacional mínimo a recuperar de 47 kg por habitante por ano. Deste modo, importa caracterizar, para o período de 2002 a 2012, como evoluiu a produção de RU em comparação com a evolução do PIB em Portugal. A análise foca-se então na produção de RU na região do Alentejo em particular no Alentejo Central que evidencia um elevado nível per capita em comparação com o resto do país, situando-se mesmo acima das regiões do grande Porto e Lisboa. São apresentadas possíveis razões para o registo destes elevados níveis de produção de RU não se conseguindo, no entanto, avançar com evidências. Como o modelo DEA é utilizado no PERSU 2020 para fundamentar a projeção das metas da recolha seletiva por sistema de gestão de resíduos urbanos, fez-se a sua reprodução, o que permitiu uma análise mais detalhada dos dados e o ensaio de novos resultados considerando, para além do nível de produção de RU, o numero de equipamentos de deposição de recolha seletiva como input do modelo; Abstract: Title of the report: Professional career. Emphasis on the analysis of urban waste production in Alentejo Central - Portugal and the use of the DEA in defining the separate collection target This professional report presents the theme of the Urban Waste (UW) production in Central Alentejo, using the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) to analyse the target set for selective collection in 2020. Generally, the higher the degree of economic development of a region, the greater the rate of urbanization and the greater also the amount of municipal waste produced per capita. The variables income and urbanization are highly correlated, if you have an increase in the disposable income and living standards, the consumption of goods and services will increase accordingly, which leads to the increase of the amount of produced waste. Thus, taking into account the local impact that the abandoned UW brings, and in order to break the link between economic growth and the environmental impacts associated with the production of waste, countries with high levels of development implement policies based on integrated UW management models that allow the recovery, recycling and valorisation of materials, restricting the disposal (landfill) to non-recoverable fractions, which creates jobs and wealth. Portugal established a national strategic plan for Urban Waste (PERSU 2020) which defines the goals and national targets, including the selective collection target stating for 2020 a minimum recover of 47 kg per capita per year. Then it is relevant to characterize and compare the evolution of UW production and GDP in Portugal for the period 2002 to 2012. The analysis then focuses on the production of UW in Alentejo, particularly in Central Alentejo region, which shows a high per capita level compared to the rest of the country, placed just above the Greater Porto and Lisbon region. Then we explore several possible reasons for this high level of UW production in this region, but none is successful in producing strong evidence. As the DEA is used in PERSU 2020 to support the projection of the selective collection targets for the municipal waste management systems, in this report we develop the model, which allowed access to the data and a more detailed analyse. Then we introduce and test a new input, the number of separate collection deposition equipment, which gives new results that are compared with the original ones.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo identificar a eficiência técnica e as mudanças quanto à produtividade dos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IF) no período de 2012 e 2013, perfazendo uma amostra formada por 19 unidades. Paralelamente a isso, procedeu-se a uma análise sobre a expansão da Rede Federal e os gastos correntes por aluno envolvido no processo de interiorização do ensino profissional e tecnológico. Como vertente teórica, discutiu-se a teoria do capital humano (SCHULTZ, 1960, 1961, 1962; BECKER, 1960; MINCER, 1958) junto às formas de investimentos em educação no Brasil e a sua política de prestação de contas. Para operacionalizar a pesquisa, verificou-se a eficiência técnica por meio da metodologia Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) utilizando os indicadores elaborados pela Secretaria de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (SETEC) instituídos pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) e apresentados anualmente no Relatório de Prestação de Contas Anual. O resultado referente à eficiência demonstra que apenas 31% dos institutos federais analisados atingiram o escore de eficiência em 2012 e também em 2013. Porém, quando analisada a produtividade através do tempo com o Índice de Malmquist, é possível notar que 63% dos institutos federais estão se deslocando para a fronteira de eficiência demonstrando aumento do produto educação dentro das unidades. Adicionalmente, com o teste de diferença de médias (teste t), ocorreram evidências de que os institutos federais considerados eficientes apresentaram melhores resultados médios de concluintes e menores gastos correntes por aluno matriculado indicando que a obtenção do resultado pode não estar condicionada a maiores dispêndios financeiros.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento de uma carteira de ativos selecionados por meio da Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA), otimizada pela abordagem de Sharpe, e compará-la a carteiras de ativos obtidas somente com a DEA ou abordagem de Sharpe. Para isso, utilizou-se o modelo da DEA para avaliar a eficiência de ações da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (Bovespa), empregando retorno, variância e outros indicadores, como variáveis de entrada e saída. Utilizou-se, ainda, a abordagem de Sharpe para otimizar a composição da carteira. Na comparação das carteiras, observa-se que a resultante da combinação de ambos os modelos apresentou melhor desempenho do que as carteiras otimizadas por apenas um dos modelos.