130 resultados para Ampulla ductus deferentis
This study describes the male reproductive cycle of Sibynomorphus mikanii from southeastern Brazil considering macroscopic and microscopic variables. Spermatogenesis occurs during spring-summer (September-December) and spermiogenesis or maturation occurs in summer (December-February). The length and width of the kidney, the tubular diameter, and the epithelium height of the sexual segment of the kidney (SSK) are larger in summer-autumn (December-May). Histochemical reaction of the SSK [periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and bromophenol blue (BB)] shows stronger results during summer-autumn, indicating an increase in the secretory activity of the granules. Testicular regression is observed in autumn and early winter (March-June) when a peak in the width of the ductus deferens occurs. The distal ductus deferens as well as the ampulla ductus deferentis exhibit secretory activities with positive reaction for PAS and BB. These results suggest that this secretion may nourish the spermatozoa while they are being stored in the ductus deferens. The increase in the Leydig cell nuclear diameter in association with SSK hypertrophy and the presence of sperm in the female indicate that the mating season occurs in autumn when testes begin to decrease their activity. The peak activity of Leydig cells and SSK exhibits an associated pattern with the mating season. However, spermatogenesis is dissociated of the copulation characterizing a complex reproductive cycle. At the individual level, S. mikanii males present a continuous cyclical reproductive pattern in the testes and kidneys (SSK), whereas at the populational level the reproductive pattern may be classified as seasonal semisynchronous. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Introducción El ductus arterioso persistente (DAP) es una de las complicaciones más frecuente en recién nacidos pretérmino (RNPT). Desde 1976 el uso de Indometacina para su cierre farmacológico ha cambiado el pronóstico en cuanto a morbimortalidad; sin embargo, su uso se ha visto asociado a efectos adversos como disminución del flujo sanguíneo cerebral, renal e intestinal. Por esta razón se han buscado tratamientos alternativos como el Ibuprofeno endovenoso evidenciando una disminución de efectos colaterales, sin afectar significativamente la efectividad del cierre ductal. En nuestro medio el uso de Ibuprofeno endovenoso se dificulta por la no disponibilidad actual y alto costo del medicamento; por lo cual se ha recurrido al uso de ibuprofeno oral. Sin embargo, la efectividad y seguridad del ibuprofeno oral como opción terapéutica para el cierre del DAP no ha sido demostrada y existe aún incertidumbre al respecto.
En la Fundación CardioInfantil desde hace varios años se viene realizando el cierre de ductus arterioso persistente (DAP) por cateterismo utilizando Coils o el método de Amplatzer, pero desconocemos la tasa real de complicaciones o de cortocircuito residual en cada uno de los métodos, información esencial para el grupo de cardiología pediátrica.
El ductus venoso refleja el ciclo cardiaco, pero actualmente no se conoce como se comporta cada onda del ductus venoso en los diferentes grupos de cardiopatías congénitas. Se pretende evaluar la importancia de la morfología de las ondas del ductus venoso en el diagnóstico de los diferentes tipos de cardiopatías congénita, teniendo en cuenta las pacientes atendidas en la Unidad De Medicina Materno Fetal de la clínica Colombia entre enero 2012 y julio de 2014.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Programa de doctorado: Perspectivas actuales en la investigación en Perinatología, Ginecología y Pediatría. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
Carcinomas of the Vaterian system are rare and presumably arise from pre-existing adenomas. According to the cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis, only a small subset of tumor cells has the ability to initiate and develop tumor growth. In colorectal cancer, CD44, CD133, CD166 and EpCAM have been proposed to represent CSC marker proteins and their expression has been shown to correlate with patient survival.
Ein persistierender Ductus arteriosus (Ductus Botalli) ist seit Jahren als Ursache eines plötzlichen und unerwarteten Neugeborenentods und pulmonaler Hämorrhagien identifiziert. Insbesondere Frühgeborene weisen ein erhöhtes Risiko zur Entwicklung eines hämodynamisch signifikanten persistierenden Ductus arteriosus auf. Vorgestellt wird der plötzliche und unerwartete Todesfall eines 4 Tage alt gewordenen Säuglings, der 2 Wochen vor dem errechneten Termin geboren worden war. Bei der Obduktion zeigte sich ein sehr muskelkräftiger arterieller Gefäßkurzschluss zwischen der A. pulmonalis und dem Aortenbogen mit einem Durchmesser knapp unter dem der A. pulmonalis. Als Folge der pulmonalen Hyperperfusion fanden sich eine massive akute Blutstauung und kongestives Herzversagen infolge des „shunting“ von der systemischen in die pulmonale Zirkulation.
BACKGROUND There is no agreement of the influence of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) on outcomes in patients with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). In this study, we assessed the influence of PDA on NEC outcomes. METHODS A retrospective study of 131 infants with established NEC was performed. Outcomes (death, disease severity, need for surgery, hospitalization duration), as well as multiple clinical parameters were compared between NEC patients with no congenital heart disease (n=102) and those with isolated PDA (n=29). Univariate, multivariate and stepwise logistic regression analyses were performed. RESULTS Birth weight and gestational age were significantly lower in patients with PDA [median (95% CI): 1120 g (1009-1562 g), 28.4 wk (27.8-30.5 wk)] than in those without PDA [median (95% CI): 1580 g (1593-1905 g), 32.4 wk (31.8-33.5 wk); P<0.05]. The risk of NEC-attributable fatality was higher in NEC patients with PDA (35%) than in NEC patients without PDA (14%)[univariate odds ratio (OR)=3.3, 95% CI: 1.8-8.6, P<0.05; multivariate OR=2.4, 95% CI: 0.82-2.39, P=0.111]. Significant independent predictors for nonsurvival within the entire cohort were advanced disease severity stage III (OR=27.9, 95% CI: 7.4-105, P<0.001) and birth weight below 1100 g (OR=5.7, 95% CI: 1.7-19.4, P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS In patients with NEC, the presence of PDA is associated with an increased risk of death. However, when important differences between the two study groups are controlled, only birth weight and disease severity may independently predict mortality.