878 resultados para Ampliação de capacidade


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Through a detailed study of each component, the structural part and various technologies for highway weighing scales, a project was developed in order to implement a modern system of axle weighing in a company pursuing to expand its cargo door capacity, which was restricted to weighing and inspection of the maximum load of each vehicle, and especially to extinguish the number of notifications that the company has been suffering, by having their transportation logistics vehicles caught traveling with poorly distributed load per axle, what it caused damage to roads and vehicles and denigrated the company image in terms of marketing. To achieve these results, the project went through a study of all relevant national legislation, seeking to put the company always in agreement. Moreover, it had investments and its physical space available for its implementation. The payback of such investments would be about less than three years


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The article refers to the collective construction performed from the Multicentric Research on Humanization Training of SUS. It is about production and building consensus on different interpretations of the superfamily "expansion of the analysis capability." The methodological approach is related to the creation of analytical reports coming from four sources: Intervention Plans built at the time of training courses offered in three states (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo) by the institutional supporters in training.Also, there were questionnaires answered via Form-SUS by graduated supporters after four years of the course closing; data and analysis produced by supporters in focus groups and interviews, conducted as the research final stage in the three states.Thus, considering the inclusive methodological framework not only from the courses, but also the research that evaluated them, the participants (graduates from the training courses) produced data and started to play the active role of researchers/panelists because they got “surprised" by partial analyzes.Therefore, the article discusses the analysis capability of demand required by supporters before their working areas and the relationship of that capability with concepts and elements of Institutional Analysis.It was possible to highlight the inseparability between demands of emergency and the exercise of being next to another person and his/her interests. The conclusion is that the methodology proposed by the course allowed the supporters in training to stimulate and develop a critical capacity on their work.However, it is noticed that the expansion of such analytical capability often remained linked to the supporter, without the contagion of other workers in the territories.It was also possible to see that the course and political framework of PNH could equip the supporters, promoting empowerment from their analysis, which is essential to the interventions performance.


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Analisa os impactos ambientais decorrentes das obras de construção e ampliação de portos marítimos no Brasil, abrangendo também as atividades de dragagem, sejam elas relativas à manutenção da profundidade do canal de navegação ou à ampliação de capacidade. Pela importância da atividade pesqueira no cenário nacional, será dada ênfase a esse aspecto.


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After years of stagnation, the naval construction industry in Brazil has been experiencing a period of recovery caused by investments in the oil and gas sector and the implementation of governmental programs that aimed to regenerate it. However, efforts in learning and innovations are needed in order to reinsert the country in this activity and achieve international levels of competitiveness. Based on literature about learning processes and continuous improvement practices and their impact in the innovative and productive processes, this paper aims to identify the main tendencies, mechanisms and procedures to improve the construction and management processes in the Brazilian naval construction industry. The methodology used for the data analysis classifies obtained information from magazines and annals of congresses of the sector, according to the established analysis categories (phenomena). Such categories study information related to the productive and technological processes of the industry, the main internal and external relations of the industrial park, the management of resources and processes, policies, investments, etc. The data was collected in the period 2004-2010, and more than 500 registers that show a dominance of the investment phenomenon, especially in the increase of productive capacity, were catalogued. In addition to this, there is evidence of modernization in the manufacturing plan and the equipment, diverse forms of cooperation, implementation of human resources management practices and engineering or processes and products. Hence, a process of catching up governs and is guided by modernization and increase training in this industry.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, Área de Especialização em Tecnologias do Conhecimento e da Decisão


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Este trabalho coloca em análise algumas concepções sobre arte, obra de arte, atitude estética e experiência estética com o intuito de propor o exercício da racionalidade estética como uma ampliação da capacidade dos sujeitos para orientar sua percepção e compreensão ante as infinitas possibilidades da existência. A razão estética habilita o sujeito para que se concebam mundos não apenas a partir de e/ou sobre esquemas referenciais, mas, a partir de e sobre a experiência da presentificação do que existe, do ser-aí, da história efeitual e da desrealização dos limites estabelecidos pelas formas tradicionais de racionalidade. Postulo a idéia da experiência estética como uma oportunidade de ampliação, de desvelamento e de expansão da subjetividade na medida que representa uma abertura para a coleção de exemplos que são a arte e a vida. A atitude estética é uma atitude desinteressada, é uma abertura, uma disponibilidade não tanto para a coisa ou o acontecimento “em si”, naquilo que ele tem de consistência, mas para os efeitos que ele pode produzir.


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Este trabalho coloca em análise algumas concepções sobre arte, obra de arte, atitude estética e experiência estética com o intuito de propor o exercício da racionalidade estética como uma ampliação da capacidade dos sujeitos para orientar sua percepção e compreensão ante as infinitas possibilidades da existência. A razão estética habilita o sujeito para que se concebam mundos não apenas a partir de e/ou sobre esquemas referenciais, mas, a partir de e sobre a experiência da presentificação do que existe, do ser-aí, da história efeitual e da desrealização dos limites estabelecidos pelas formas tradicionais de racionalidade. Postulo a idéia da experiência estética como uma oportunidade de ampliação, de desvelamento e de expansão da subjetividade na medida que representa uma abertura para a coleção de exemplos que são a arte e a vida. A atitude estética é uma atitude desinteressada, é uma abertura, uma disponibilidade não tanto para a coisa ou o acontecimento “em si”, naquilo que ele tem de consistência, mas para os efeitos que ele pode produzir.


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A presente pesquisa investigou os procedimentos musicais usados por cinco alunas de nove a treze anos, em trabalhos de criação musical em grupo, buscando entender e analisar os processos que implicaram na construção do conhecimento musical. Os dados para a pesquisa foram obtidos a partir da observação e transcrições de quinze aulas com periodicidade semanal. Para a realização deste trabalho, utilizou-se a abordagem cognitiva em música e, a prática pedagógica, enfatizou a epistemologia da natureza do conhecimento musical com ênfase do sujeito no processo de aprendizagem. Verificou-se que o grupo realizou, a partir de um desafio lançado pela professora, a estruturação e organização sonora sendo usados para isto elementos musicais e extra-musicais. Esta organização sonora, deu origem a quatro procedimentos básicos: exploração sonora, estruturação sonora, estruturação performática e estruturação gráfica. Foram caracterizadas, três fases no processo de criação: improvisação, composição e interpretação. De certo modo, estas etapas demonstraram a forma pela qual o grupo construiu o conhecimento musical O modo de expressar este conhecimento se deu tanto na forma instrumental e corporal, como na escrita da partitura. Nesta partitura, o grupo relacionou conteúdos e conceitos e esboçou, pelas representações gráficas, uma relação do som produzido com a sua representação em forma analógica. A organização do objeto sonoro levou a uma ampliação dos fatores musicais previstos ao início da pesquisa. Entre eles, houve uma ampliação da capacidade de identificar, relacionar e modificar este objeto a partir de atividades de apreciação. Ao acompanhar o trabalho pode-se pensar em um novo paradigma na educação musical, com base na complexidade do percurso construído pelo grupo para a organização do material sonoro. Nesta perspectiva, a abordagem criativa atribuiu uma nova maneira de construir este conhecimento musical.


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Este trabalho apresenta como objetivo principal a construção de proposta que vise acelerar a oferta de vagas em creches na Cidade de São Paulo. Desenvolvido a partir de Termo de Referência organizado pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo (SME), tem como objeto a política pública de creches nesse município, que atende a cerca de 190 mil crianças, mas enfrenta o expressivo déficit de aproximadamente 127 mil vagas frente a um universo de 736 mil crianças entre 0 e 3 anos. À luz da base teórica e empírica da área da gestão e políticas públicas, contextualizamos o problema e indicamos alternativas para a expansão. Inicialmente, buscou-se percorrer a contextualização histórica e o marco legal referente à provisão de creches. Com base em entrevistas com especialistas e levantamento de dados secundários, foi avaliado o atual desenho e implementação da política de creches. A partir desse diagnóstico, identificamos como principais gargalos a serem superados: (i) a aceleração da expansão da quantidade de vagas em creches; (ii) a equalização da distribuição da expansão de acordo com a vulnerabilidade socioeconômica; (iii) o aumento da qualidade do atendimento das entidades e redução da desigualdade de padrões de qualidade entre as modalidades direta e conveniada; (iv) o aprimoramento da capacidade gerencial e de planejamento da SME; e (v) a constituição de visão integrada da política de primeira infância para o município de São Paulo. A proposta sugere, portanto, investimentos para ampliação da capacidade gerencial da SME – incluindo o potencial de articulação com outras entidades e atores –, mudanças no atual desenho da política de creches, e ferramentais de planejamento, acompanhamento e avaliação da política. Foi elaborada, para fins ilustrativos, a simulação da concretização de planejamento estratégico para a política de creches, que abrange dois conjuntos de medidas alternativas para a expansão de vagas e suas necessidades orçamentárias associadas.


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Trata-se de algorítmo que permite indicar, em termos logístico empresariais, a alternativa mais interessante para uma ampliação industrial. Para tanto, compara os custos marinais de aumento de capacidade de fábricas existentes com aqueles de uma nova unidade. Tal comparação é feita em termos dos valores presentes dos fluxos de caixa, descontados ao custo de capital, ao longo de um horizonte compreendido pelos gastos pré-operacionais até a entrada em operação da ampliação subsequente.


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The present study investigated the management of social, environmental and economic sustainability practices employed by 72 oil companies in Rio Grande do Norte state in Brazil associated to Joint Business Network for Enhancing the Competitive Ability of Suppliers of Goods and Services to the Gas and Oil Industry in Rio Grande do Norte (REDEPETRO-RN). Thus, our investigation aimed to determine the extent to which sustainability practices of companies associated to REDEPETRO-RN are developed through their own efforts or influenced by the Triple Helix interorganizational arrangement (governamental organizations, education and research institutions, and industries). The research instrument used was a questionnaire in order to map and characterize the sustainability practices. The research subjects were business owners and managers. The data collected supported the descriptive, correspondence and correlation analyzes. Were identified a greater emphasis of the companies surveyed in developing sustainability practices and greater economic influence of business organizations in the construction of sustainability status. It was concluded with confirmation of thesis of the REDEPETRO-RN arrangement exhibits the characteristics and functioning of a common Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement, not those of a triple helix interorganizational arrangement, given that the influences exerted for the development of social, environmental and economical sustainability on the part of teaching and research institutions, and government and business organizations do not interact with one another sufficiently to create a virtuous circle of cooperation among the associated companies. By contrast, the Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement plays an important role in strengthening the competitiveness of companies affiliated to REDEPETRO-RN, by combining different competencies in an attempt at supporting the adoption of sustainability practices, a role reinforced by the scope of PETROBRAS, which, due to its economic importance, has considerable weight in the managerial decisions of associated companies


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This dissertation focuses on the theme of urban revitalization in historical centers. It starts from a survey of international and national concepts and experiences about the subject, in special, the historical center of Ribeira, in Natal, Brazil. It gives more attention to local management and it is dedicated to the study of objectives and actions developed, basically, by two segments that manage works in the district. Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte aims at the economical development of the state and it implies the enlargement of capacity of loading and unloading of the harbor of Natal and the Natal city counsil aims at urban preservation and revitalization. It was analysed speeches ans projects related to Ribeira and it was discovered that Natal has done very little to revitalize its historical center in the last two dacades. It analyses what seemed, or at least, should be a conflict of interests between incompatible projects, revealing both conciliatory proceedings and connivance between the participants in decision making. The conclusion directs attentions to the threat to historical building in the city and the importance of enhancing discussion about the future of our historical sites


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This work focuses on the creation and applications of a dynamic simulation software in order to study the hard metal structure (WC-Co). The technological ground used to increase the GPU hardware capacity was Geforce 9600 GT along with the PhysX chip created to make games more realistic. The software simulates the three-dimensional carbide structure to the shape of a cubic box where tungsten carbide (WC) are modeled as triangular prisms and truncated triangular prisms. The program was proven effective regarding checking testes, ranging from calculations of parameter measures such as the capacity to increase the number of particles simulated dynamically. It was possible to make an investigation of both the mean parameters and distributions stereological parameters used to characterize the carbide structure through cutting plans. Grounded on the cutting plans concerning the analyzed structures, we have investigated the linear intercepts, the intercepts to the area, and the perimeter section of the intercepted grains as well as the binder phase to the structure by calculating the mean value and distribution of the free path. As literature shows almost consensually that the distribution of the linear intercepts is lognormal, this suggests that the grain distribution is also lognormal. Thus, a routine was developed regarding the program which made possible a more detailed research on this issue. We have observed that it is possible, under certain values for the parameters which define the shape and size of the Prismatic grain to find out the distribution to the linear intercepts that approach the lognormal shape. Regarding a number of developed simulations, we have observed that the distribution curves of the linear and area intercepts as well as the perimeter section are consistent with studies on static computer simulation to these parameters.


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Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most important health problems being faced worldwide. In Brazil, the responsibility for the actions of to diagnosis and control of this disease was transferred to the municipalities within the Primary Health Care (PHC), aiming at improvement in epidemiological indicators, requiring reorientation of the practice of family health teams and requiring methodologies to analyze the extent to which components of the PHC are being achieved. Thus, this study aims to analyze the performance of primary care services in the city of Natal-RN for the diagnosis and control of TB, from the perspective of health professionals (doctors and nurses). The study is descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative. Data collection was conducted from March to July 2011 and involved 121 health professionals working in 52 health units (family health unit, basic health unit and mixed units). The instrument is structured based on the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), validated and adapted to assess attention to TB in Brazil, and includes questions regarding the Structure and Process components of health services. For quantitative analysis, it was constructed indicators, whose response patterns are followed according to the Likert scale between one and five, which meant the degree of preference relation (or agreement) of the claims. Values between 1 and 3 were considered unsatisfactory for the indicator, between 3 and less than 4, regular, and between 4 and 5, satisfactory. With regard to inputs and equipment, the units had satisfactory condition for form (  = 4.26), consultation (  = 4.02) and basic basket (  = 4.24); regular condition to pot (  = 3.56) and unsatisfactory conditions for transportation tickets (  = 1.50) and sputum smear microscopy (  = 2.42) and X-rays (  = 1.07). In relation to actions, there was satisfactory development for those focused on the individual patient. Actions aimed at the collective level, as the search for respiratory symptoms (RS), monitoring of contacts and guidelines for the community ranged from regular to unsatisfactory (  = 3.16 -  = 1.34). With regard to training, 94,2% received training to identify RS. As regards the time for diagnosis, the median time elapsed between the identification of RS and the beginning of treatment it was 22 days. In relation to the difficulties faced by professionals in the diagnosis of TB, 56,2% reported that they are related only to health services, especially for the failure in the rearguard laboratory and in the specialized services reference, the lack of human and material resources and low performing an active search. The professionals perceive the performance of diagnosis and control of TB, permeated with limitations and barriers to organizational and operational character of various sizes, emerging the need for effective coordination of various sectors and key stakeholders of TB care, to adoption of a new intersectoral strategies that aim to increase the responsiveness of the PHC, providing the best performance in service delivery to the user, family and community, and ensuring effective action and resolving the needs of this population group.


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