8 resultados para Amhara


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In rural Ethiopia, among other things, lack of adequate financial service is considered as the basic problem to alleviate rural poverty and to solve the problem of food insecurity. Commercial banks are restricted to urban centres. Providing rural financial service through RUSACCO to the poor has been proposed as a tool for economic development and for achieving food security. Evidence from research in this regard has been so far scanty, especially in rural Ethiopia. The aims of this study are to analyze the determinants of membership, to identify socioeconomic and demographic factors that influence members’ participation in RUSACCOs and to quantify the impact of RUSACCOs on member households’ food security. The study was conducted in two purposely selected woredas in the Amhara region one from food insecure (Lay Gayint woreda) and the other from food secure (Dejen woreda). Six RUSACCOs were selected randomly from these two woredas. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Key informant interviews, focus group discussions and survey techniques were used to collect primary data. Collected data was then analyzed using mixed methods depending on the nature of data. For quantitative data analysis appropriate statistical models were used. The study result reveals that the number of members in each RUSACCO is very small. However, the majority of non-member respondents are willing to join RUSACCO. Lack of information about the benefits of RUSACCO membership is the main problem why many rural poor do not join RUSACCOs. Members participate in different aspects of the cooperatives, starting from attending general assembly up to board membership. They also participate actively in saving and borrowing activities of RUSACCO. The majority of the respondents believe the RUSACCO is a vital instrument in combating food insecurity. The empirical findings indicate that gender, marital status, occupation, educational level, participation in local leadership and participation in other income generation means determine the decision of rural poor to join a RUSACCO or not. The amount of saving is determined by household head occupation, farming experience and income level. While age of household head, primary occupation, farming experience, date of membership, annual total consumption expenditure, amount of saving and participation in other income generation activities influence members’ amount of borrowing by RUSACCO members. Finally, the study confirms that RUSACCO participation improves household food security. RUSACCO membership has made positive impact on household total consumption expenditure and food expenditure.


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Soil degradation is widespread in the Ethiopian Highlands. Its negative impacts on soil productivity contribute to the extreme poverty of the rural population. Soil conservation is propagated as a means of reducing soil erosion, however, it is a costly investment for small-scale farming households. The present study is an attempt to show whether or not selected mechanical Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) technologies are profitable from a farmer’s point of view. A financial Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is carried out to assess whether or not the considered SWC technologies are profitable from a farmer’s point of view. The CBA is supplemented by an evaluation of aspects from the economic and institutional environment. Whether or not soil conservation is profitable from a farmer’s point of view depends on a broad range of factors from the ecological, economic, political, institutional and socio-cultural sphere and also depends on the technology and the prevailing farming system. Because these factors are closely interlinked, it is often not sufficient to change or influence one to make SWC profitable. Several recommendations are formulated with regard to improving the profitability of SWC investments from a farmer’s point of view. Because the reasons for unsustainable resource use are manifold and highly interlinked, only a multi-stakeholder, multi-level and multi-objective approach is likely to offer solutions that address the underlying problems adequately.


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This paper analyzes poverty-affected females in the Amhara region of Ethiopia. As the measurement of poverty, the paper uses body mass index (BMI) because it is one of the effective tools for measuring individual poverty level. The results of the BMI analysis show that the most poverty-affected female group is the female household heads in urban areas. The results, however, should be treated carefully considering the different social and economic structure of urban and rural areas, and the interdependent relationship between these two areas. In rural areas, access to land is the biggest issue affecting the BMI, while in urban areas, the occupation of husbands or partners is more important. These differences by area do not mean that there is no intersection between the urban and rural female groups because the majority of females in urban areas migrated from rural areas to urban areas due to various reasons such as divorce, marriage, and job opportunities.


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Background: Tuberculosis is one of the world’s most common causes of death in the era of Human immunodeficiency virus. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of TB/HIV co-infection. Methods: Hospital based retrospective studies were conducted among adult HIV-positive patients. Logistic regression method and Chi square test were applied. Results: A total of 571 HIV positive study participants were enrolled. Of these, 158 (27.7%) were found to have pulmonary tuberculosis. Lower baseline CD4 count<200cell/μl, patients who drunk alcohol, patients who were ambulatory at the initiation of ART, patients whose marital status was single were significant predictors for increased risk of tuberculosis in PLWHIV (P <0.05). Non smoker patients, patients in WHO clinical stage I, patients in WHO clinical stage II and ownership of the house had significant protective benefit against risk of TB (P <0.05). Conclusion: The prevalence of TB/HIV co-infection in adults on ART in our study was moderately high. Having advanced clinical status and presence of risk factors were found to be the predicting factors for co-infection. The health office should open TB/HIV co-infection units in the hospitals and health workers should be cautious when a patient has an advanced disease.


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Sheepskin market in Ethiopia seems to enjoy the benefits of the economic liberalization policy since 1991, such as price deregulation or liberalization of economic activities. The close observation on the profiles and activities of each actor in the marketing channel, however, illustrates that the actors have tried to complement the lack of appropriate infrastructure and legal protection, which should be provided by the government, through utilizing their social and blood ties. While these ties have implemented the role of the government, there are risks that the marketing channel might be developed based on coalition with social network and the poor without the network would be excluded.


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Background: Data on the epidemiology of tuberculosis and its treatment outcomes were incomplete in the study area and this study was done to fill this gap. Methods: Institution based cross sectional study was conducted from January 2011 to December 2014. A total of 949 TB patients who were on treatment in North Eastern Ethiopia, Eastern Amhara region were included. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Frequency, percentages and means were used to present data. To assess the associations of treatment outcomes with sex, age, type of TB and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), logistic regression was used. Results: The proportion of smear positive and negative pulmonary TB, and extra pulmonary TB were 187/949 (19.7%), 322/949 (33.9%) and 440/949 (46.4%), respectively. Treatment success rate was 853/949 (89.9%). Smear positive pulmonary TB and TB/HIV co-infections were significantly associated with unsuccessful treatment outcome, P≤ 0.002. Conclusion: Extra pulmonary TB was the most prevalent types of TB followed by smear negative pulmonary TB. Treatment success rate was above the WHO target of 85%. The causes for the high proportion of smear negative PTB and EPTB should be further investigated. Special emphasis should be put on smear positive PTB patients and TB/HIV co-infected patients to decrease unsuccessful treatment outcome and TB transmissions.


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La actividad física regular desempeña un papel fundamental en la prevención y control de los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, dentro de la actividad laboral del profesor de educación física. Objetivo: El propósito del estudio fue determinar la relación entre los niveles de actividad física y la prevalencia de los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, en profesores de educación física de 42 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá-Colombia. Métodos. Se trata de un estudio de corte transversal en 262 profesores de educación física, de 42 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá - Colombia. Se aplicó de manera auto-diligenciada el Cuestionario Nórdico de desórdenes músculos esqueléticos y el Cuestionario IPAQ versión corta para identificar los niveles de actividad física. Se obtuvieron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para variables cuantitativas y frecuencias relativas para variables cualitativas. Se calculó la prevalencia de vida y el porcentaje de reubicación laboral en los docentes que habían padecido diferentes tipo de dolor. Para estimar la relación entre el dolor y las variables sociodemográficas de los docentes, se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística binaria simple. Los análisis fueron realizados en SPSS versión 20 y se consideró como significativo un valor p < 0.05 para el contraste de hipótesis y un nivel de confianza para la estimación de parámetros. Resultados: El porcentaje de respuesta fue del 83.9%, se consideraron válidos 262 registros, 22.5% eran de género femenino, la mayor cantidad de docentes de educación física se encuentraon entre 25 y 35 años (43,9%), frente a los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, el 16.9% de los profesores reporto haberlos sufrido alguna vez molestias en el cuello, el 17,2% en el hombro, 27,9% espalda, 7.93% brazo y en mano el 8.4%. Los profesores con mayores niveles de actividad física, reportaron una prevalencia menor de alteraciones musculo esqueléticas de 16,9 % para cuello; 27.7% para dorsal/lumbar frente a los sujetos con niveles bajos de actividad física. La presencia de los desórdenes se asoció a los años de experiencia (OR 3.39 IC95% 1.41-7.65), a pertenecer al género femenino (OR 4.94 IC95% 1.94-12.59), a la edad (OR 5.06 IC95% 1.25-20.59), y al atender más de 400 estudiantes a cargo dentro de la jornada laboral (OR 4.50 IC95% 1.74-11.62). Conclusiones: En los profesores de Educación Física no sé encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles de actividad física y los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos medidos por auto reporte.