116 resultados para Amaranthus hybridus
Intercropping systems are seen as advantageous as they can provide higher crop yield and diversity along with fewer issues related to pests and weeds than monocultures. However, plant interactions in intercropped crop species and between crops and weeds in these systems are still not well understood. The main objective of this study was to investigate interactions between onion (Allium cepa) and yellow wax bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in monocultures and intercropping with and without the presence of a weed species, either Chenopodium album or Amaranthus hybridus. Another objective of this study was to compare morphological traits of C. album from two different populations (conventional vs. organic farms). Using a factorial randomized block design, both crop species were planted either in monoculture or intercropped with or without the presence of one of the two weeds. The results showed that intercropping onion with yellow wax bean increased the growth of onion but decreased the growth of yellow wax bean when compared to monocultures. The relative yield total (RYT) value was 1.3. Individual aboveground dry weight of both weed species under intercropping was reduced about 5 times when compared to the control. The poor growth of weeds in intercropping might suggest that crop diversification can help resist weed infestations. A common garden experiment indicated that C. album plants from the conventional farm had larger leaf area and were taller than those from the organic farm. This might be associated with specific evolutionary adaptation of weeds to different farming practices. These findings contribute to the fundamental knowledge of crop-crop interactions, crop-weed competition and adaptation of weeds to various conditions. They provide insights for the management of diversified cropping systems and integrated weed management as practices in sustainable agriculture.
Wild leafy vegetables play a vital role in the livelihoods of many communities in Africa. The focus of this study was to investigate the nutritional value of wild vegetables commonly consumed by the people of Buhera District in the Manicaland province of Zimbabwe. A variety of vegetables including Amaranthus hybridus, Cleome gynandra, Bidens pilosa, Corchorus tridens, and Adansonia digitata were collected during a survey in Buhera District. Samples were processed employing traditional methods of cooking and drying, then subjected to proximate and micronutrient analyses. The results indicate that these vegetables were particularly high in calcium, iron, and vitamin C. Compared with Brassica napus (rape), Amaranthus hybridus contained twice the amount of calcium, with other nutrients almost in the same range. Compared with Spinacia oleracea (spinach), Amaranthus hybridus contained three times more vitamin C (44 mg/100 g). Calcium levels were 530 mg/100 g. Amaranthus hybridus was also found to contain 7, 13, and 20 times more vitamin C, calcium, and iron respectively compared with Lactuca sativa (lettuce). Cleome gynandra contained 14 mg/100 g, 115 mg/100 g, 9 mg/100 g of vitamin C, calcium, and iron respectively. Bidens pilosa was found to be a valuable source of vitamin C (63 mg/100 g), iron (15 mg/100 g), and zinc (19 mg/100 g), compared with Brassica oleracea (cabbage). The leaves of Corchorus tridens were an excellent source of vitamin C (78 mg/100 g), calcium (380 mg/100 g), and iron (8 mg/100 g). The Adansonia digitata leaves were also rich in vitamin C (55 mg/100 g), iron (23 mg/ 100 g), and calcium (400 mg/100 g). Based on these nutrient contents, the above vegetables will have potential benefits as part of feeding programmes, as well as their promotion as part of composite diet for vulnerable groups.
O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos de períodos de convivência (0, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84 e 98 dias após o transplantio) de uma comunidade de plantas daninhas sobre a produtividade de quatro cultivares de cebola (Mercedes, Granex 33, Superex e Serrana), em sistema de transplantio de mudas. O experimento foi instalado em Jaboticabal-SP, de abril a outubro de 2000, utilizando delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 4 x 8. As principais populações de plantas daninhas no final dos períodos de convivência foram de Coronopus didymus, Amaranthus hybridus e Cyperus rotundus. Os cultivares Mercedes (2,90 kgm-2) e Granex 33 (2,64 kgm-2) foram os mais produtivos, independentemente da interferência das plantas daninhas. A convivência com as plantas daninhas durante os primeiros 98 dias reduziu a produtividade da cebola em 95% e o peso médio de bulbos em 91%. O período anterior à interferência (PAI) foi de 42 dias, não havendo diferença entre os cultivares de cebola.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da palha de cana-de-açúcar resultante da colheita sem queima e da mistura comercial dos herbicidas trifloxysulfuron sodium + ametrina, na emergência e no acúmulo de biomassa seca de nove espécies de plantas daninhas. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, sendo três quantidades de palha resultantes da colheita da cana-de-açúcar sem queima (0, 10 e 15 t ha-1), e três doses da mistura formulada dos herbicidas trifloxysulfuron sodium + ametrina (0, 1,75 e 2,00 kg ha-1), aplicados em condições de pós-emergência das plantas daninhas. As densidades das plantas daninhas foram avaliadas aos 15, 60 e 90 dias após a aplicação (DAA) da mistura dos herbicidas, e a biomassa seca das plantas daninhas, aos 90 DAA. A presença de palha sobre o solo suprimiu as densidades das populações de Brachiaria plantaginea, Digitaria horizontalis, Panicum maximum, Sida glaziovii e Amaranthus hybridus a níveis de infestação considerados satisfatórios de controle. A palhada também reduziu as populações de Senna obtusifolia, Ipomoea hederifolia, I. grandifolia e I. nil, porém em níveis insatisfatórios de controle. A mistura de herbicidas nas doses estudadas controlou todas as espécies de plantas daninhas avaliadas. Na presença da palha, o controle das plantas de S. obtusifolia, I. nil, I. hederifolia e I. grandifolia somente foi satisfatório quando foi aplicada a mistura de herbicidas. Para o controle de P. maximum, houve vantagem na integração dos dois métodos de controle, em relação à aplicação isolada da menor quantidade de palha estudada ou à aplicação da mistura de herbicidas.
Visando avaliar os efeitos do parcelamento da dose de oxyfluorfen e ioxyniloctanoato sobre a tolerância de plantas de cebola 'Granex 33' e a eficiência no controle das plantas daninhas na cultura, instalada por semeadura direta, foram conduzidos dois experimentos, sendo um na presença de plantas daninhas e o outro na ausência das mesmas. Ioxynil-octanoato, quando aplicado em doses acima de 0,125 kg/ha, aos 19 DAS, foi menos seletivo para o cultivar Granex 33 do que o oxyfluorfen. O parcelamento da dose, em até três aplicações, aumentou a tolerância das plantas de cebola ao oxyfluorfen e ao ioxynil-octanoato. Oxyfluorfen, nas doses avaliadas, controlou Galinsoga parviflora e Amaranthus hybridus, porém não controlou Lepidium virginicum e Coronopus didymus. Ioxynil-octanoato a 0,125 kg/ha, aos 19 DAS, mais duas aplicações de 0,25 kg/ha aos 34 e 65 DAS, controlou as espécies daninhas presentes, com produção de bulbos semelhantes à testemunha capinada. Nenhum dos herbicidas influenciou a conservação pós-colheita dos bulbos até 120 dias de armazenamento.
This research work aimed to determine the total period of interference of weeds prevention of lettuce cultivar Solaris. The experiment was conducted in Universidade Estadual de Londrina, in the period of autumn/ winter of 2008. The lettuce crop remained free from weed interference from emergence up to 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 e 60 days. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. The weed community was composed by Bidens pilosa, Amaranthus hybridus, Oxalis corniculata, Euphorbia heterophylla, Spinacia oleracea, Commelina benghalensis e Lepidium virginicum. It was determined dry and fresh matter of weeds, and number of lettuce leaves. Assuming a tolerance of 5% for crop production decrease, it was verified that the total period of interference prevention (TPIP) occurred up to 21 days after transplanting. Weed interference throughout the crop cycle reduced 25% of its yield.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Globalization has resulted in unprecedented movements of people, goods, and alien species across the planet. Although the impacts of biological invasions are widely appreciated, a bias exists in research effort to post-dispersal processes because of the difficulties of measuring propagule pressure. The Antarctic provides an ideal model system in which to investigate propagule movements because of the region's isolation and small number of entry routes. Here we investigated the logistics operations of the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) and quantified the initial dispersal of alien species into the region. we found that over 1400 seeds from 99 taxa are transported into the Antarctic each field season in association with SANAP passenger luggage and cargo. The first ever assessment of propagule drop-off indicated that 30-50% of these propagules will enter the recipient environment. Many of the taxa include cosmopolitan weeds and known aliens in the Antarctic, indicating that logistics operations form part of a globally self-perpetuating cycle moving alien species between areas of human disturbance. in addition, propagules of some taxa native to the Antarctic region were also found, suggesting that human movements may be facilitating intra-regional homogenization. Several relatively simple changes in biosecurity policy that could significantly reduce the threat of introduction of nonnative species are suggested.
El estudio valor a el estado nutricional de las familias en las siguientes comunidades: Santa Cruz, Tisma Grande y la Montañita N o 2, pertenecientes al municipio de Masaya. Se inició con el análisis de sus patro nes de consumo, dando valor al aporte nut ricional de las plantas locales . En esta investigación cualit ativa se aplicaron los siguientes instrumentos : Entrevistas y recorr idos de fincas . De estos se derivan dos estudios de casos. El primero reflejó que los 9 patr ones de consumo poseen suficiencia en cuanto al acceso a alimentos nutritivos superando el 110%. El índice de di versidad de la dieta ( suficiencia ) en la semana, alcanza un rango de 0.89 en Tisma Grande, con valoración deficiente, en Santa Cruz de 0.92 con valoración aceptable y l a Montañita N o 2 de 1.08, con valoración adecuad a . En el aspecto de la diversidad de l a dieta en la semana , los resultados fuer on rangos promedios entre 9.3 y 9.7 significando la existencia de una diver sidad de dieta aceptable. El segundo estudio de caso refleja info rmac ión sobre los tipos de plantas locales con valor nutritivo y las formas de consumo diario determina n do así las siguientes plantas: Espinaca ( Spinacia oleracea ), Quelite ( Amaranthus hybridus ), Espadillo ( Yucca elephantipes ), Verdolaga ( Portulaca olerac ea ), Mora ( Morus nigra), Cojombro (Sicana odorífera), Batata (Ipomoea batatas), Piñuela (Bromelia baratas), Panamá (Sterculia apetala, Tempisque (Sideroxylon capiri), Caimito (Chrysophyllum cainito) entre otras . Definitivamente , podemos detallar que las f amilias consumen alimentos con mayo r aporte calórico que proteínico, ya que consumen alimentos derivados de los lácteos, car nes y dulces. Sin embargo, es importante mencion ar que esto no indica que exista una mala calidad nu tricional en las familias, puest o que el consumo de proteínas no es tan defi ci ente, por eso hace necesario incluir a limentos que permitan compleme ntar el consumo de proteínas al organismo de las familias, logrando así un a dieta balanceada que les permita a las familias mejorar sus condic iones de salud y de vida satisfaciendo así sus necesidades nutricionales diarias en relación al tr ab ajo que realizan día a día en sus pequeñas parcelas productivas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a hospedabilidade de dezesseis espécies de plantas daninhas, Acanthospermum australe, Ageratum conyzoides, Alternanthera tenella, Amaranthus hybridus, A. viridis, Bidens pilosa, Digitaria horizontalis, Eleusine indica, Euphorbia heerophylla, Hyptis sauaveolens, Ipomoea grandifolia, I. nil, Portulaca oleracea, Solanum americanum, Sida cordifolia e tagetes sp. ao nematoide-das-galhas, Meloidogyne enterolobil.
The effects of host defence elicitors on betacyanin accumulation in Amaranthus mangostanus seedlings
The effect of elicitors associated with host defence on betacyanin accumulation in Amaranthus mangostanus seedlings was investigated. Under the conditions of the experiments, betacyanin accumulation was generally enhanced by light. Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment increased betacyanin synthesis in a concentration-dependent response. Seedlings treated with ethylene as 5 mM Ethephon also had elevated levels of betacyanin. In contrast. salicylic acid (SA) and H2O2 treatments had no influence on betacyanin contents in light or dark. Combined MeJA with Ethephon or H2O2 had an additive effect on betacyanin accumulation in dark-grown seedlings. However, a decline was recorded in light-grown seedlings. Moreover, an antagonistic effect on betacyanin synthesis was found when MeJA and SA were added simultaneously. Our results indicate that betacyanin content in A. mangostanus seedlings can be upregulated by MeJA and ethylene. Both additive and antagonistic effects in regulating betacyanin synthesis in A. mangostanus seedlings were observed between MeJA and other elicitors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Root absorption and translocation of [C-14]fluchloralin were determined in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cv. TMV-2 and pigweed (Amaranthus viridis L.) grown in nutrient solution culture under greenhouse conditions. Root-applied fluchloralin toxicity to groundnut and pigweed was also examined. A growth reduction of 50% occurred in groundnut that received fluchloralin at a concentration of 9.0 mum. Root absorption was similar for both groundnut and pigweed at one day after application (DAA), but groundnut absorbed about twice the amount of fluchloralin during 4 and 8 days of continuous application, compared with pigweed. Groundnut absorbed 25% of the total applied fluchloralin after 8 days. Translocation to leaves from treated roots was low and roots of groundnut contained 80% of the total absorbed C-14, 8 DAA. Contrary to the observations in groundnut, transport from the roots and leaves following root application in pigweed was rapid: 1 and 8 DAA, leaves of pigweed contained 45 and 70% of the total absorbed C-14, respectively. Different patterns of fluchloralin metabolism were observed in pigweed and groundnut. Pigweed metabolized most of the fluchloralin absorbed by roots. The fluchloralin tolerance of pigweed could partially be accounted for by absorption, translocation and metabolism.