978 resultados para Almost periodic
We consider distributions u is an element of S'(R) of the form u(t) = Sigma(n is an element of N) a(n)e(i lambda nt), where (a(n))(n is an element of N) subset of C and Lambda = (lambda n)(n is an element of N) subset of R have the following properties: (a(n))(n is an element of N) is an element of s', that is, there is a q is an element of N such that (n(-q) a(n))(n is an element of N) is an element of l(1); for the real sequence., there are n(0) is an element of N, C > 0, and alpha > 0 such that n >= n(0) double right arrow vertical bar lambda(n)vertical bar >= Cn(alpha). Let I(epsilon) subset of R be an interval of length epsilon. We prove that for given Lambda, (1) if Lambda = O(n(alpha)) with alpha < 1, then there exists epsilon > 0 such that u vertical bar I(epsilon) = 0 double right arrow u 0; (2) if Lambda = O(n) is uniformly discrete, then there exists epsilon > 0 such that u vertical bar I(epsilon) = 0 double right arrow u 0; (3) if alpha > 1 and. is uniformly discrete, then for all epsilon > 0, u vertical bar I(epsilon) = 0 double right arrow u = 0. Since distributions of the above mentioned form are very common in engineering, as in the case of the modeling of ocean waves, signal processing, and vibrations of beams, plates, and shells, those uniqueness and nonuniqueness results have important consequences for identification problems in the applied sciences. We show an identification method and close this article with a simple example to show that the recovery of geometrical imperfections in a cylindrical shell is possible from a measurement of its dynamics.
We study the existence of asymptotically almost periodic classical solutions for a class of abstract neutral integro-differential equation with unbounded delay. A concrete application to partial neutral integro-differential equations which arise in the study of heat conduction in fading memory material is considered. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this work we study the existence and uniqueness of pseudo-almost periodic solutions for a first-order abstract functional differential equation with a linear part dominated by a Hille-Yosida type operator with a non-dense domain. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd
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A temporally global solution, if it exists, of a nonautonomous ordinary differential equation need not be periodic, almost periodic or almost automorphic when the forcing term is periodic, almost periodic or almost automorphic, respectively. An alternative class of functions extending periodic and almost periodic functions which has the property that a bounded temporally global solution solution of a nonautonomous ordinary differential equation belongs to this class when the forcing term does is introduced here. Specifically, the class of functions consists of uniformly continuous functions, defined on the real line and taking values in a Banach space, which have pre-compact ranges. Besides periodic and almost periodic functions, this class also includes many nonrecurrent functions. Assuming a hyperbolic structure for the unperturbed linear equation and certain properties for the linear and nonlinear parts, the existence of a special bounded entire solution, as well the existence of stable and unstable manifolds of this solution are established. Moreover, it is shown that this solution and these manifolds inherit the temporal behaviour of the vector field equation. In the stable case it is shown that this special solution is the pullback attractor of the system. A class of infinite dimensional examples involving a linear operator consisting of a time independent part which generates a C(0)-semigroup plus a small time dependent part is presented and applied to systems of coupled heat and beam equations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper is devoted to the study of the class of continuous and bounded functions f : [0, infinity] -> X for which exists omega > 0 such that lim(t ->infinity) (f (t + omega) - f (t)) = 0 (in the sequel called S-asymptotically omega-periodic functions). We discuss qualitative properties and establish some relationships between this type of functions and the class of asymptotically omega-periodic functions. We also study the existence of S-asymptotically omega-periodic mild solutions of the first-order abstract Cauchy problem in Banach spaces. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In [Haiyin Gao, Ke Wang, Fengying Wei, Xiaohua Ding, Massera-type theorem and asymptotically periodic Logistic equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 7 (2006) 1268-1283, Lemma 2.1] it is established that a scalar S-asymptotically to-periodic function (that is, a continuous and bounded function f : [0, infinity) -> R such that lim(t ->infinity)(f (t + omega) - f (t)) = 0) is asymptotically omega-periodic. In this note we give two examples to show that this assertion is false. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. Ail rights reserved.
A bounded continuous function it u : [0, infinity) -> X is said to be S-asymptotically omega-periodic if lim(t ->infinity)[u(t + omega) - u(t)] = 0. This paper is devoted to study the existence and qualitative properties of S-asymptotically omega-periodic mild solutions for some classes of abstract neutral functional differential equations with infinite delay, Furthermore, applications to partial differential equations are given.
The paper considers the existence and uniqueness of almost automorphic mild solutions to some classes of first-order partial neutral functional-differential equations. Sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of almost automorphic mild solutions to the above-mentioned equations are obtained. As an application, a first-order boundary value problem arising in control systems is considered. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.
It has been shown that in reality at least two general scenarios of data structuring are possible: (a) a self-similar (SS) scenario when the measured data form an SS structure and (b) a quasi-periodic (QP) scenario when the repeated (strongly correlated) data form random sequences that are almost periodic with respect to each other. In the second case it becomes possible to describe their behavior and express a part of their randomness quantitatively in terms of the deterministic amplitude–frequency response belonging to the generalized Prony spectrum. This possibility allows us to re-examine the conventional concept of measurements and opens a new way for the description of a wide set of different data. In particular, it concerns different complex systems when the ‘best-fit’ model pretending to be the description of the data measured is absent but the barest necessity of description of these data in terms of the reduced number of quantitative parameters exists. The possibilities of the proposed approach and detection algorithm of the QP processes were demonstrated on actual data: spectroscopic data recorded for pure water and acoustic data for a test hole. The suggested methodology allows revising the accepted classification of different incommensurable and self-affine spatial structures and finding accurate interpretation of the generalized Prony spectroscopy that includes the Fourier spectroscopy as a partial case.
This work deals with the existence of mild solutions for a class of impulsive functional differential equations of the neutral type associated with the family of linear closed (not necessarily bounded) operators {A(t) : t is an element of 1}. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work is concerned with implicit second order abstract differential equations with nonlocal conditions. Assuming that the involved operators satisfy sonic compactness properties, we establish the existence of local mild solutions, the existence of global mild solutions and the existence of asymptotically almost periodic solutions.
SignalProcessing, Vol. 81, nº 3
In the first half of this memoir we explore the interrelationships between the abstract theory of limit operators (see e.g. the recent monographs of Rabinovich, Roch and Silbermann (2004) and Lindner (2006)) and the concepts and results of the generalised collectively compact operator theory introduced by Chandler-Wilde and Zhang (2002). We build up to results obtained by applying this generalised collectively compact operator theory to the set of limit operators of an operator (its operator spectrum). In the second half of this memoir we study bounded linear operators on the generalised sequence space , where and is some complex Banach space. We make what seems to be a more complete study than hitherto of the connections between Fredholmness, invertibility, invertibility at infinity, and invertibility or injectivity of the set of limit operators, with some emphasis on the case when the operator is a locally compact perturbation of the identity. Especially, we obtain stronger results than previously known for the subtle limiting cases of and . Our tools in this study are the results from the first half of the memoir and an exploitation of the partial duality between and and its implications for bounded linear operators which are also continuous with respect to the weaker topology (the strict topology) introduced in the first half of the memoir. Results in this second half of the memoir include a new proof that injectivity of all limit operators (the classic Favard condition) implies invertibility for a general class of almost periodic operators, and characterisations of invertibility at infinity and Fredholmness for operators in the so-called Wiener algebra. In two final chapters our results are illustrated by and applied to concrete examples. Firstly, we study the spectra and essential spectra of discrete Schrödinger operators (both self-adjoint and non-self-adjoint), including operators with almost periodic and random potentials. In the final chapter we apply our results to integral operators on .
Motivated in part by the study of Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequences, we determine the lower central and derived series for the braid groups of the finitely-punctured sphere. For n >= 1, the class of m-string braid groups B(m)(S(2)\{x(1), ... , x(n)}) of the n-punctured sphere includes the usual Artin braid groups B(m) (for n = 1), those of the annulus, which are Artin groups of type B (for n = 2), and affine Artin groups of type (C) over tilde (for n = 3). We first consider the case n = 1. Motivated by the study of almost periodic solutions of algebraic equations with almost periodic coefficients, Gorin and Lin calculated the commutator subgroup of the Artin braid groups. We extend their results, and show that the lower central series (respectively, derived series) of B(m) is completely determined for all m is an element of N (respectively, for all m not equal 4). In the exceptional case m = 4, we obtain some higher elements of the derived series and its quotients. When n >= 2, we prove that the lower central series (respectively, derived series) of B(m)(S(2)\{x(1), ... , x(n)}) is constant from the commutator subgroup onwards for all m >= 3 (respectively, m >= 5). The case m = 1 is that of the free group of rank n - 1. The case n = 2 is of particular interest notably when m = 2 also. In this case, the commutator subgroup is a free group of infinite rank. We then go on to show that B(2)(S(2)\{x(1), x(2)}) admits various interpretations, as the Baumslag-Solitar group BS(2, 2), or as a one-relator group with non-trivial centre for example. We conclude from this latter fact that B(2)(S(2)\{x(1), x(2)}) is residually nilpotent, and that from the commutator subgroup onwards, its lower central series coincides with that of the free product Z(2) * Z. Further, its lower central series quotients Gamma(i)/Gamma(i+1) are direct sums of copies of Z(2), the number of summands being determined explicitly. In the case m >= 3 and n = 2, we obtain a presentation of the derived subgroup, from which we deduce its Abelianization. Finally, in the case n = 3, we obtain partial results for the derived series, and we prove that the lower central series quotients Gamma(i)/Gamma(i+1) are 2-elementary finitely-generated groups.