41 resultados para Alkalinization


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运用土壤颗粒质量分形模型计算松嫩平原低平地安达试区植被分布区和碱斑区样点土壤颗粒的分形维数,并建立分形维数与土壤颗粒不同粒级间的回归关系,以探讨土地碱化后土壤粒径分布的分形特征及其与土壤物理性状的关系。结果表明:安达试区土壤颗粒分形维数较高,平均分别仅有48.7×10-5cm/s(Pit A)和4.30×10-6cm/s(Pit B),反映了该区土壤细颗粒含量高、土壤大孔隙数量少、土壤饱和导水率低的特征;土壤颗粒分形维数与黏粒含量呈对数正相关关系,而与粉粒和砂粒含量相关性不显著,说明在安达试区,影响土壤颗粒分形维数的主要因素是黏粒含量;羊草地土壤颗粒分形维数在土壤垂直剖面上的变异较大,说明植被生长促进了土壤质地的变异;碱斑地土壤颗粒分形维数明显大于羊草地,细颗粒含量高,饱和导水率低,说明碱斑的形成恶化了土壤物理性质;土壤颗粒分形维数可以反映安达市土壤物理性质的好坏,能作为土壤退化和生态环境恶化的评价指标。研究结果可为安达市以及松嫩平原盐碱地生态环境的修复和治理提供科学依据。


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Nitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone-reductase (Complex I) catalyzes proton translocation into inside-out submitochondrial particles. Here we describe a method for determining the stoichiometric ratio (H) over right arrow (+)/2e(-) (n) for the coupled reaction of NADH oxidation by the quinone accepters. Comparison of the initial rates of NADH oxidation and alkalinization of the surrounding medium after addition of small amounts of NADH to coupled particles in the presence of Q(1) gives the value of n = 4. Thermally induced deactivation of Complex I [1, 2] results in complete inhibition of the NADH oxidase reaction but only partial inhibition of the NADH:Q(1)-reductase reaction. N-Ethylmaleimide (NEM) prevents reactivation and thus completely blocks the thermally deactivated enzyme. The residual NADH:Q(1)-reductase activity of the deactivated, NEM-treated enzyme is shown to be coupled with the transmembraneous proton translocation (n = 4). Thus, thermally induced deactivation of Complex 1 as well as specific inhibitors of the endogenous ubiquinone reduction (rotenone, piericidin A) do not inhibit the proton translocating activity of the enzyme.


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The oxalatecarbonate pathway involves the oxidation of calcium oxalate to low-magnesium calcite and represents a potential long-term terrestrial sink for atmospheric CO2. In this pathway, bacterial oxalate degradation is associated with a strong local alkalinization and subsequent carbonate precipitation. In order to test whether this process occurs in soil, the role of bacteria, fungi and calcium oxalate amendments was studied using microcosms. In a model system with sterile soil amended with laboratory cultures of oxalotrophic bacteria and fungi, the addition of calcium oxalate induced a distinct pH shift and led to the final precipitation of calcite. However, the simultaneous presence of bacteria and fungi was essential to drive this pH shift. Growth of both oxalotrophic bacteria and fungi was confirmed by qPCR on the frc (oxalotrophic bacteria) and 16S rRNA genes, and the quantification of ergosterol (active fungal biomass) respectively. The experiment was replicated in microcosms with non-sterilized soil. In this case, the bacterial and fungal contribution to oxalate degradation was evaluated by treatments with specific biocides (cycloheximide and bronopol). Results showed that the autochthonous microflora oxidized calcium oxalate and induced a significant soil alkalinization. Moreover, data confirmed the results from the model soil showing that bacteria are essentially responsible for the pH shift, but require the presence of fungi for their oxalotrophic activity. The combined results highlight that the interaction between bacteria and fungi is essential to drive metabolic processes in complex environments such as soil.


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The addition of L-Glutamate (L-GLU) and L-Hethionine ~ulfoximine (L-HSO) to mechanically isolated. photosynthetically competent, Asparagus sprengeri mesophyll cells ~u~pended in 1mM CaS04 cau~ed an immediate transient alkalinization of the cell su~pension medium in both the light and dark. The alkalinization response was specific and stereospecific as none of the L-isomers of the other 19 protein amino acids tested or D-GLU gave this response. Uptake of 14C-L-GLU was stimulated by the light. The addition of non-radioactive L-GLU. or L-GLU analogs together with 14C-L-GLU showed that only L-GLU and L-HSO stimulated alkalinization whilst inhibiting the uptake of 14C-L-GLU. Both the L-GLU dependent alkalinization and the upt~ke of 14C-L-GLU were stimulated when the external pH was decreased from 6.5 to 5.5. Increasing external K+ concentrations inhibited the uptake of 14C-L-GLU. Fusicoccin (FC) stimulated uptake. The L-GLU dependent alkalinization re~ponse exhibited monophasic saturation kinetics while the uptake of 14C-L-GLU exhibited biphasic saturation kinetics. In addition to a saturable component. the uptake kinetics also showed a linear component of uptake. Addition of L-GLU and L-MSO caused internal acidification of the cell as measured by a change in the distribution of 14C-DMO. There was no change in K+ efflux when L-GLU was added. A H+ to L-GLUinflux stoichiometry of 3:1 wa~ mea~ured at an external I.-GLU concentration of O.5mM and increased with increasing external 13 L-QLU concentration. Metabolism of L-GLU was detected manometrlcally by observing an increase in COa evolution upon the addition of L-QLU and by detection of i*C02 evolution upon the addition of »*C-L-GLU. »*C02 evolution was higher in the dark than in the light. The data are consistent with the operation of a H+/L-QLO cotransport system. The data also show that attempts to quantify the stoichlometry of the process were complicated by the metabolism of L-GLU.


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Medium' alkaliniiation occurred -lipon the addition of L-Glu to mechanically isolated Asparagus sprenger-i mesophyll cells suspended in 1 mM CaS04. Alkalinization resulted from the coupled entry of H+ and L-Glu anion into the cells. This H+ IL-Glu symport did not stimulate K+ efflux. K+ efflux has been observed during H~ lamino acid symport in other systems. The stimulation of K+ efflux by proton coupled symport is regarded as an indicator of a plasma membrane depolarizing electrogenic symport process. H+ IL-Glu symport in Asparagus sprengerimesophyl1 cells was investigated to determine whether or not the process was electrogenic. The rate of uptake of 0.25 11M 3H-MTPP+ ( Methyltriphenylphosphonium, methyl-3H ) is a probe for monitoring changes in the membrane potential. 3HMTPP+ uptake was reduced by K+ or CCCP, agents known to depolarize the membrane potential. Uptake of 3H-MTPP+ was also inhibited by L-Glu but not by D-Glu. Conversely, 10 mM external MTPP+ inhibited the uptake of 14C-U-LGlu. Simultaneous measurements of the rates of 14C-U-L-Glu uptake and L-Glu dependent H+ influx showed that the molar stoichiometry of H+ IL-Glu symport was 2 to 1. K+ or Na+ stimulated H+ efflux was completely inhibited by DCCD, DES, oligomycin and antimycin reagents which inhibit ATP driven H+ efflux. The H+ efflux \Vas also stimulate.d by the weak acids, butyric acid and acetic acid, which are known fo-aCidify the cytoplasm. This weak acid stimulated H+ efflux was also completely inhibited by oligomycin. It was calculated that net L-Glu dependent H+ influx increased by 100% in the presence of oligomycin and that despite net medium alkalinization H+ IL-Glu symport stimulates ATP dependent H+ efflux. 11 The data presented in this study indicate that H+ IL-Glu symport is electrogenic. The data also show that ATP dependent Ht efflux rather than K+ efflux is the- process compensating for thi~ electrogenic H+ IL-Glu symport.


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GABA (y-amino butyric acid) is a non-protein amino acid synthesized through the a-decarboxylation of L-glutamate. This reaction is catalyzed by L-glutamate decarboxylase (EC, a cytosolic Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated enzyme. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not GABA accumulation is associated with the hypersensitive response of isolated Asparagus sprengeri mesophyll cells. The addition of 25 J.lM mastoparan, a G protein activator, to suspensions of isolated asparagus mesophyll cells significantly increased GABA synthesis and cell death. Cell death was assessed using Evan's blue dye and fluorescein diacetate tests for cell viability. In addition, mastoparan stimulated pH-dependent alkalinization of the external medium, and a rapid and large 02 consumption followed by a loss of photosynthetic activity. The rate of 02 consumption and the net decrease in 02 in the dark was enhanced by light. The inactive mastoparan analogue Mas17 was ineffective in stimulating GABA accumulation, medium alkalinization, 02 uptake and cell death. Accumulation of H202 in response tomastoparan was not detected, however, mastoparan caused the cell-dependent degradation of added H202. The pH dependence of mastoparan-stimulated alkalinization suggests cellular electrolyte leakage, while the consumption of 02 corresponds to the oxidative burst in which 02 at the cell surface is reduced to form various active oxygen species. The results are indicative of the "hypersensitive response" of plants to pathogen attack, namely, the death of cells in the locality of pathogen invasion. The data are compatible with a model in which mastoparan triggers G protein activity, subsequent intracellular signal transduction pathway/s, and the hypersensitive response. It is postulated that the physiological elicitation of the hypersensitive response involves G protein signal transduction. The synthesis of GABA during the hypersensitive response has not been documented previously; however the role/s of GABA synthesis in the hypersensitive response, if any, remain unclear.


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Addition of L-glutamate caused alkalinization of the medium surrounding Asparagus spreng.ri mesophyll cells. This suggests a H+/L-glutmate symport uptake system for L-glutamate. However stoichiometries of H+/L-glutamate symport into Asparagus cells were much higher than those in other plant systems. Medium alkalinization may also result from a metabolic decarboxylation process. Since L-glutmate is decarboxylated to r-amino butyric acid (SABA) in this system, the origin of medium alkalinization was reconsidered. Suspensions of mechanically isolated and photosyntheically competent Asparagus sprengeri mesophyll cells were used to investigate the H+/L-glutamate symport system, SABA production, GABA transport, and the origin of L-glutamate dependent medium alkalinization. The major results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. L-Glutamate and GABA were the second or third most abundant amino acids in these cells. Cellular concentrations of L-glutamate were 1.09 mM and 1.31 mM in the light and dark, respectively. Those of SABA were 1.23 mM and 1.17 mM in the light and dark, respectively. 2. Asparagine was the most abundant amino acid in xylem sap and comprised 54 to 68 1. of the amino acid pool on a molar basis. GABA was the second most abundant amino acid and represented 10 to 11 1. of the amino acid pool. L-Slutamate was a minor component. 3. A 10 minute incubation with 1 mM L-glutamate increased the production of GABA in the medium by 2,743 7. and 2,241 7. in the light and dark, respectively. 4. L-Glutamate entered the cells prior to decarboxylation. 5. There was no evidence for a H+/GABA symport process • 6. GABA was produced by loss of carbon-1 of L-glutamate. 7. The specific activity of newly synthesized labeled GABA suggests that it is not equilibrated with a storage pool of GABA. 8. The mechanism of GABA efflux appears to be a passive process. 9. The evidence indicates that the origin of L-glutamate dependent medium alkalinization is a H+/L-glutamate symport not an extracellular decarboxylation. The possible role of GABA production in regulating cytoplasmic pH and L-glutamate levels during rapid electrogenic H+/L-glutamate symport is discussed.


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Cytochrome c oxidase .inserted into proteoliposomes translocates protons with a stoichiometry of approx-, imately 0.4-0.6 H+/e- in the presence of valinomycin plus pottasium. The existance .ofsuchproton translocation is .supportedby experiments with lauryl maltoside which abolished the pulses but~~d not inhibit cyt. c binding .or oxidase turnover. Pulses with K3FeCN6 did not induce acidification further supporting vectorial proton transport by cyt ..aa3 . Upon lowering the ionic strength and pulsing with ferrocytochrome c, H+/eratios increased. This increase is attributed to scaler proton release consequent upon cyt.c-phospholipid binding. Oxygen pulses at low ionic strength however did not exhibit this large scaler increase in H+/e- ratios.A-small increase was observed upon .02 pul'sing at·low ionic strengt.h. This increase was KeN and, ,pcep sensitive and thus possibly due to a redox linked scaler deprotonation. Increases in the H+/e- ratio also occurred ifp~lses ,were performed in the presence of nonactin rather.than valinomycin. The fluorescent pH indicator pyranine was internally trapped inaa3 conta~ning "proteoliposomes. Internal alkalinization, as mon,itored by pyranine fluorescence leads to a of approx.imately 0.35 units, which is proportional to electron flux. This internal alkalinization was also DCCD sensitive, being inhibited by approximately 50%. This 50% inhibition of internal alkalinization supports the existance of vectorial proton transport.


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Hyperammonemia is a key factor in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) as well as other metabolic encephalopathies, such as those associated with inherited disorders of urea cycle enzymes and in Reye's syndrome. Acute HE results in increased brain ammonia (up to 5 mM), astrocytic swelling, and altered glutamatergic function. In the present study, using fluorescence imaging techniques, acute exposure (10 min) of ammonia (NH4+/NH3) to cultured astrocytes resulted in a concentration-dependent, transient increase in [Ca2+]i. This calcium transient was due to release from intracellular calcium stores, since the response was thapsigargin-sensitive and was still observed in calcium-free buffer. Using an enzyme-linked fluorescence assay, glutamate release was measured indirectly via the production of NADH (a naturally fluorescent product when excited with UV light). NH4+/NH3 (5 mM) stimulated a calcium-dependent glutamate release from cultured astrocytes, which was inhibited after preincubation with 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid acetoxymethyl ester but unaffected after preincubation with glutamate transport inhibitors dihydrokainate and DL-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartate. NH4+/NH3 (5 mM) also induced a transient intracellular alkaline shift. To investigate whether the effects of NH4+/NH3 were mediated by an increase in pH(i), we applied trimethylamine (TMA+/TMA) as another weak base. TMA+/TMA (5 mM) induced a similar transient increase in both pH(i) and [Ca2+]i (mobilization from intracellular calcium stores) and resulted in calcium-dependent release of glutamate. These results indicate that an acute exposure to ammonia, resulting in cytosolic alkalinization, leads to calcium-dependent glutamate release from astrocytes. A deregulation of glutamate release from astrocytes by ammonia could contribute to glutamate dysfunction consistently observed in acute HE.


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Cytochrome c exhibits two positively charged sites: site A containing lysine residues with high pK(a) values and site L containing ionizable groups with pK(aobs),values around 7.0. This protein feature implies that cytochrome c can participate in the fusion of mitochondria and have its detachment from the inner membrane regulated by cell acidosis and alkalosis. In this study, We demonstrated that both horse and tuna cytochrome c exhibited two types of binding to inner mitochondrial membranes that contributed to respiration: a high-affinity and low-efficiency pi-I-independent binding (microscopic dissociation constant K(sapp2), similar to 10 nM) and a low-affinity and high-efficiency pH-dependent binding that for horse cytochrome c had a pK(a) of similar to 6.7. For tuna cytochrome c (Lys22 and His33 replaced with Asn and Trp, respectively), the effect of pH on K(sapp1), was less striking than for the horse heme protein, and both tuna and horse cytochrome c had closed K(sapp1) values at pH 7.2 and 6.2, respectively. Recombinant mutated cytochrome c H26N and H33N also restored the respiration of the cytochrome c-depleted mitoplast in a pH-dependent manner. Consistently, the detachment of cytochrome c from nondepleted mitoplasts was favored by alkalinization, suggesting that site Lionization influences the participation of cytochrome c in the respiratory chain and apoptosis.


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Nowadays the environmental issues are increasingly highlighted since the future of humanity is dependent on the actions taken by man. Major efforts are being expended in pursuit of knowledge and alternatives to promote sustainable development without compromising the environment. In recent years there has been a marked growth in the development of reinforced composite fiber plants, as an alternative for economic and ecological effects, especially in the substitution of synthetic materials such as reinforcement material in composites. In this current study the chemical- physical or (thermophysics )characteristics of the babassu coconut fiber, derived from the epicarp of the fruit (Orbignyda Phalerata), which the main constituents of the fiber: Klason lignin, insoluble, cellulose, holocellulose, hemicellulose and the content of ash and moisture will be determined. A study was conducted about the superficial modification of the fibers of the epicarp babassu coconut under the influence of chemical treatment by alkalinization, in an aqueous solution of NaOH to 2.5% (m/v) and to 5.0% to improve the compatibility matrix / reinforcement composite with epoxy matrix. The results of the changes occurred in staple fibers through the use of the techniques of thermogravimetric analyses (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results found on thermal analysis on samples of fiber without chemical treatment (alkalinities), and on fiber samples treated by alkalinization show that the proposed chemical treatment increases the thermal stability of the fibers and provides a growth of the surface of area fibers, parameters that enhance adhesion fiber / composite. The findings were evaluated and compared with published results from other vegetable fibers, showing that the use of babassu coconut fibers has technical and economic potential for its use as reinforcement in composites


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The demographic growth press environments that are more susceptible to perturbations, like riparian areas, without knowing about the effects of replacing these natural environments by different land uses on soil quality and, consequently, on watershed. The study of soil quality has evolved as an important tool for soil sustainable management of this component of the biosphere that affects aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems functions. Thus, physical and chemical soil proprieties were measured to assess soil quality under different land uses (agricultural, pasture, urban, industrial and natural vegetation,) in the riparian zone of Extremoz Lake, an important human water source, evaluating whether the soil offers potential risk to water pollution. Data were subjected to descriptive statistics and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed negative changes in soil quality such as alkalinization and increase in P, Pb, Mn and Zn contents in most anthropized areas. The sandy texture and low organic matter content in all soils showed the fragility of the soil to erosion and leaching of elements in excess to water bodies, evidencing that this soils has potential to diffuse contaminants. Conservative management of soil is necessary to provide an adequate ecological state in riparian zones of the Extremoz Lake, thus allowing controlling and buffering diffuse sources of pollution to this important water supply source


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Os autores registram um caso de mioglobinúria confirmada pela eletroforese de proteínas da urina. A eletromiografia revelou alterações de tipo polimiosítico. A biópsia muscular do deltóide esquerdo mostrou processo inflamatório muscular inespecífico. O tratamento instituído baseou-se em repouso, hiperhidratação e alcalinização da urina. Os autores enfatizam a importância do diagnóstico pela relativa benignidade do processo, que tende para a cura se forem superadas as sérias complicações da fase aguda, a iatrogenia medicamentosa e por procedimentos diagnósticos desnecessários no início da doença.


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The indwelling urethral catheter has an important role for patients with urinary retention, bladder obstruction, neurological damage and other diseases. Urine contains minerals which precipitate in alkaline pH, crystallize and block the urological catheter. The crystallization of the ionic components of urine occurs in the presence of urease, an enzyme produced by Proteus mirabilis. This bacterium adheres to inanimate surfaces and forms biofilms. The aim of this study was to investigate the formation of crystalline biofilm on the luminal surface of siliconized latex catheters by means of scanning electron microscope, after channeling artificial urine infected with Proteus mirabilis. The experiment was performed in vitro using a dynamic flow system. The artificial urine compounds were salts of calcium, magnesium, phosphates, urea and egg albumin, and it was infected with Proteus mirabilis ATCC 25933. The urine flow was stopped after crystallization of the ionic components. Crystallization was observed after alkalinization of urine. Scanning electron microscopy showed the presence of crystals and morphologies typical of bacilli embedded in an amorphous mass on the internal lumen of the catheter. The present study showed that catheter encrustation may limit the use of long-term indwelling catheter. © SBEB - Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica.