997 resultados para Alkaline ions


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An all-in-one version of a capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector is introduced. The absence of moving parts (potentiometers and connectors) makes it compact (6.5 cm(3)) and robust. A local oscillator, working at 1.1 MHz, was optimized to use capillaries of id from 20 to 100 lam. Low noise circuitry and a high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) (21 bits effective) grant good sensitivities for capillaries and background electrolytes currently used in capillary electrophoresis. The fixed frequency and amplitude of the signal generator is a drawback that is compensated by the steady calibration curves for conductivity. Another advantage is the possibility of determining the inner diameter of a capillary by reading the ADC when air and subsequently water flow through the capillary. The difference of ADC reading may be converted into the inner diameter by a calibration curve. This feature is granted by the 21-bit ADC, which eliminates the necessity of baseline compensation by hardware. In a typical application, the limits of detection based on the 3 sigma criterion (without baseline filtering) were 0.6, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.8 mu mol/L for K(+), Ba(2+), Ca(2+), Na(+), Mg(2+), and Li(+), respectively, which is comparable to other high-quality implementations of a capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector.


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The Raman, IR absorption and EXAFS spectra at the Ge K-edge and Pb LIII-edge of eight lead germanate glasses, with general formula xPbO(1-x)GeO2 with x = 0.20, 0.25, 0.33, 0.40, 0.50, 0.53, 0.56 and 0.60, have been measured. The occurrence of [GeO6] units besides [GeO4] could not be deduced unambiguously from the data. The vibrational and EXAFS data agree with a progressive depolymerization of the network. Starting from all Ge atoms linked to four bridging oxygens in GeO2 (x = 0), the number of tetrahedral units with one or two non-bridging oxygens increases with x. At low content, Pb2+ ions act as modifiers in the germanate structure, but to a lesser extent than an equivalent number of alkaline ions. © 1993.


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Auf Paulfallen basierende Experimente spielen eine wichtige Rolle in verschiedenen Bereichen der Physik, z.B. der Atomphysik zum Test theoretischer Modelle und der Massenspektroskopie. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich beiden Themengebieten und gliedert sich entsprechend in zwei Teilbereiche: 1) Erdalkali-Ionen sind aufgrund ihrer Energieniveaus optimale Kandidaten für Laserspektroskopie-Experimente mit Ionenfallen und bestens geeignet, um mittels der spektroskopischen Daten die theoretischen Modelle zu testen. Lediglich für Ra+ fehlen bislang als einzigem Erdalkali-Ion diese Daten wie z.B. die Lebensdauern der metastabilen Niveaus. Diese wären auch von Interesse für bereits geplante Radium-Experimente zur Paritätsverletzung. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird der Aufbau eines Laser-Paulfallenexperiments zur Messung der Lebensdauer des 6D3/2 Zustands von 226Ra+ dokumentiert und es werden Testmessungen mit 138Ba+ vorgestellt. 2) Für die Verwendung der Paulfalle in der Massenspektroskopie und zur Analyse von Reaktionsprodukten ist die Kenntnis der Lage der im Speicherbereich auftretenden nichtlinearen Resonanzen wesentlich, ebenso wie deren Veränderung durch Dämpfung und Raumladung. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit werden detaillierte Untersuchungen der Speicherung großer puffergasgekühlter Ionenwolken an zwei unterschiedlichen Paulfallen-Experimenten vorgestellt. Am ersten wurden 138Ba+-Ionenwolken kontinuierlich durch Laserspektroskopie bzw. über einen elektronischen Nachweis beobachtet, während das zweite N2+-Molekülionen automatisiert destruktiv nachwies. Am N2+-Experiment wurden zwei hochaufgelöste Messungen des ersten Speicherbereichs durchgeführt, die erstmals eine direkte Überprüfung der theoretisch berechneten Verläufe der Resonanzen mit experimentellen Daten erlauben. Die Nachweiseichung ermöglichte dabei zum ersten Mal die Angabe absoluter Ionenzahlen. Im Gegensatz zu vergleichbaren früheren Messungen wurden hierbei die sich überlagernden Speicherbereiche von 4 simultan gespeicherten Ionensorten beobachtet und zur Analyse der Resonanzen herangezogen. Die nichtlinearen Resonanzen wurden untersucht bei Variation von Puffergasdruck und Ionenzahl, wobei kollektive Resonanzen ohne zusätzliche externe Anregung beobachtet wurden. Die gemessenen Raumladungsverschiebungen wurden mit theoretischen Modellen verglichen. Bei Variation des Puffergasdrucks wurde mit Bariumionen die räumliche Ausdehnung der Ionenwolke gemessen und mit Stickstoffionen die Verschiebung des Punktes optimaler Speicherung bestimmt. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß der zum Ioneneinfang optimale Puffergasdruck kleiner ist als der, bei dem die längsten Speicherdauern erzielt werden. Mit gespeicherten N2+-Ionen wurde die Position extern angeregter kollektiver und individueller Resonanzen im Frequenzspektrum bei Änderung der Parameter Ionenzahl, Puffergasdruck und Dauer der Anregung untersucht, ebenso wie die Resonanzform, die mit theoretischen Linienformen verglichen wurde. Bei Änderung der Fallenparameter wurden verstärkende Effekte zwischen nahen kollektiven Resonanzen festgestellt. Die Beobachtung, welche der im Frequenzspektrum vorher identifizierten Bewegungs-Resonanzen sich bei Variation der Fallenparameter a bzw. q überlagern, ermöglicht eine bislang nicht beschriebene einfache Methode der Bestimmung von nichtlinearen Resonanzen im Stabilitätsdiagramm.


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Neste trabalho são apresentados processos de microfabricação de estruturas contendo microcanais e sistemas de manipulação hidrodinâmica e eletroosmótica de fluídos. Foram desenvolvidos processos de microfabricação utilizando toner sobre poliéster, toner sobre vidro, toner como resiste, além de métodos alternativos de perfuração de lâminas e selagem de microestruturas em vidro, desenvolvimento de microestruturas para eletroforese capilar e espectrometria de massas com ionização por eletronebulização. A caracterização dos materiais e processos permitiu uma ampla visão das potencialidades e alternativas dos processos de microfabricação, tendo sido demonstrado que os dispositivos produzidos em toner-poliéster são quimicamente resistentes às substâncias tipicamente utilizadas em eletroforese capilar. Neste trabalho, um detector condutométrico sem contato foi implementado em microestruturas de toner-poliéster e a separação eletroforética de alguns metais alcalinos é demonstrada. A microestrutura foi projetada no formato padrão em cruz, tendo o canal de separação 22 mm de comprimento, 12 µm de profundidade e largura típica. A cela condutométrica foi construída sobre o canal de separação utilizando-se fita adesiva de cobre (1 mm de largura) como eletrodos. O sinal aplicado na cela foi de 530 kHz e 10 Vpp . A separação de K+, Na+ e Li+ na concentração de 100 µmol L-1 foi efetuada em torno de 0,8 min, utilizando-se 1 kV como potencial de separação. Foram desenvolvidos microchips para análise por espectrometria de massas com introdução de amostra por eletronebulização, sendo determinado cluster do íon cloreto em concentração de 1 mmol L+. Também solução com 1 mmol/L de glucosamina em água/metanol 1: 1 (v/v), sob corrente de 100 nA gerou sinal estável e livre de descarga corona. Utilizando detecção amperométrica, obteve-se eletroferogramas mostrando a separação de iodeto (10 mmol L-1) e ascorbato (40 mmol L-1) em potencial de separação de 4,0 kV (800 V cm-1 potencial de detecção de 0,9 V (vs. Ag/AgCI), injeção com 1,0 kV/1°s, tampão borato de sódio 10 mmol L+ com CTAH 0,2 mmol L-1, pH 9,2. Obteve-se eficiência de 1,6.104 pratos/m e foi possível obter limites de detecção de 500 nmol L-1 (135 amol) e 1,8 µmol L-1 (486 amol) para iodeto e ascorbato, respectivamente. O processo de fabricação utilizando toner como material estrutural para microchips em vidro foi bem estabelecido, assim como os modos de detecção fotométrico e condutométrico foram demonstrados. Foram obtidos eletroferogramas par detecção condutométrica sem contato de solução 200 µmol L-1 de K+, Na+ e U+, em tampão histidina/ácido lático 30 mmol L-1 9:1 (v/v) água:metanol, injeção eletrocinética de 2,0 kV/5,0 s, potencial de separação de 1 kV, 530 kHz de frequência e tensão de 2,0 Vpp. Também foi implementado um sistema de detecção fotométrico para microchip operando em 660 nm, tendo sido utilizado para a detecção de azul de metileno 1,0 mmol L-1 em tampão de corrida de barato de sódio 20 mmol L-1 (pH 9,2), com o detector posicionado a 40 mm do ponto de injeção e com injeção eletrocinética a 2,0 kV por 12 s com picos bem resolvidos em menos de 1 min.


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A majority of enzymes show a high degree of specificity toward a particular metal ion in their catalytic reaction. However, Type II restriction endonuclease (REase) R.KpnI, which is the first member of the HNH superfamily of REases, exhibits extraordinary diversity in metal ion dependent DNA cleavage. Several alkaline earth and transition group metal ions induce high fidelity and promiscuous cleavage or inhibition depending upon their concentration. The metal ions having different ionic radii and co-ordination geometries readily replace each other from the enzyme's active site, revealing its plasticity. Ability of R KpnI to cleave DNA with both alkaline earth and transition group metal ions having varied ionic radii could imply utilization of different catalytic site(s). However, mutation of the invariant His residue of the HNH motif caused abolition of the enzyme activity with all of the cofactors, indicating that the enzyme follows a single metal ion catalytic mechanism for DNA cleavage. Indispensability of His in nucleophile activation together with broad cofactor tolerance of the enzyme indicates electrostatic stabilization function of metal ions during catalysis. Nevertheless, a second metal ion is recruited at higher concentrations to either induce promiscuity or inhibit the DNA cleavage. Regulation of the endonuclease activity and fidelity by a second metal ion binding is a unique feature of R.KpnI among REases and HNH nucleases. The active site plasticity of R.KpnI opens up avenues for redesigning cofactor specificities and generation of mutants specific to a particular metal ion.


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DNA damage and cell reproductive death determined by alkaline comet and clonogenic survival assays were examined in Lewis lung carcinoma cells after exposure to 89.63 MeV/u carbon ion and 6 MV X-ray irradiations, respectively. Based on the survival data, Lewis lung carcinoma cells were verified to be more radiosensitive to the carbon ion beam than to the X-ray irradiation. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) value, which was up to 1.77 at 10% survival level, showed that the DNA damage induced by the high-LET carbon ion beam was more remarkable than that induced by the low-LET X-ray irradiation. The dose response curves of '' Tail DNA (%)'' (TD) and "Olive tail moment" (OTM) for the carbon ion irradiation showed saturation beyond about 8 Gy. This behavior was not found in the X-ray curves. Additionally, the carbon ion beam produced a lower survival fraction at 2 Gy (SF2) value and a higher initial Olive tail moment 2 Gy (OTM2) than those for the X-ray irradiation. These results suggest that carbon ion beams having high-LET values produced more severe cell reproductive death and DNA damage in Lewis lung carcinoma cells in comparison with X-rays and comet assay might be an effective predictive test even combining with clonogenic assay to assess cellular radio sensitivity


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As counterions of DNA on mica, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ were used for,clarifying whether DNA molecules equilibrate or are trapped on mica surface. End to end distance and contour lengths were determined from statistical analysis of AFM data. It was revealed that DNA molecules can equilibrate on mica when Mg2+, Ca2+ and Sr2+ are counterions. When Ba2+ is present, significantly crossovered DNA molecules indicate that it is most difficult for DNA to equilibrate on mica and the trapping degree is different under different preparation conditions. In the presence of ethanol, using AFM we have also observed the dependence of B A conformational transition on counterion identities. The four alkaline earth metal ions cause the B-A transition in different degrees, in which Sr2+ induces the greatest structural transition.


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The investigations of classification on the valence changes from RE3+ to RE2+ (RE = Eu, Sm, Yb, Tm) in host compounds of alkaline earth berate were performed using artificial neural networks (ANNs). For comparison, the common methods of pattern recognition, such as SIMCA, KNN, Fisher discriminant analysis and stepwise discriminant analysis were adopted. A learning set consisting of 24 host compounds and a test set consisting of 12 host compounds were characterized by eight crystal structure parameters. These parameters were reduced from 8 to 4 by leaps and bounds algorithm. The recognition rates from 87.5 to 95.8% and prediction capabilities from 75.0 to 91.7% were obtained. The results provided by ANN method were better than that achieved by the other four methods. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and rotating disk electrode voltammetry have been used to study the effect of chloride ions on the dissolved oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on Q235 carbon steel electrode in a 0.02 M calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2)) solutions imitating the liquid phase in concrete pores. The results indicate that the cathodic process on Q235 carbon steel electrode in oxygen-saturated 0.02 M Ca(OH)(2) with different concentrations of chloride ions contain three reactions except hydrogen evolution: dissolved oxygen reduction, the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II), and then the reduction of Fe(II) to Fe. The peak potential of ORR shifts to the positive direction as the chloride ion concentration increases. The oxygen molecule adsorption can be inhibited by the chloride ion adsorption, and the rate of ORR decreases as the concentration of chloride ions increases. The mechanism of ORR is changed from 2e(-) and 4e(-) reactions, occurring simultaneously, to quietly 4e(-) reaction with the increasing chloride ion concentration.


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The rigid [6]ferrocenophane, L-1, was synthesised by condensation of 1,1'-ferrocene dicarbaldehyde with trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane in high dilution at r.t. followed by reduction. When other experimental conditions were employed, the [6,6,6]ferrocenephane (L-2) was also obtained. Both compounds were characterised by single crystal X-ray crystallography. The protonation of L-1 and its metal complexation were evaluated by the effect on the electron-transfer process of the ferrocene (fc) unit of L-1 using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV) in anhydrous CH3CN solution and in 0.1 M (Bu4NPF6)-Bu-n as the supporting electrolyte. The electrochemical process of L-1 between 300 and 900 mV is complicated by amine oxidation. On the other hand, an anodic shift from the fc/fc(+) wave of L-1 of 249, 225, 81 and 61 mV was observed by formation of Zn2+, Ni2+, Pd2+ and Cu2+ complexes, respectively. Whereas Mg2+ and Ca2+ only have with L-1 weak interactions and they promote the acid-base equilibrium of L-1. This reveals that L-1 is an interesting molecular redox sensor for detection of Zn2+ and Ni2+, although the kinetics of the Zn2+ complex formation is much faster than that of the Ni2+ one. The X-ray crystal structure of [(PdLCl2)-Cl-1] was determined and showed a square-planar environment with Pd(II) and Fe(II) centres separated by 3.781(1) angstrom. The experimental anodic shifts were elucidated by DFT calculations on the [(MLCl2)-Cl-1] series and they are related to the nature of the HOMO of these complexes and a four-electron, two-orbital interaction.


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Pyrophosphatase activity of rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase was studied at different concentrations of calcium and magnesium ions. with the aim of characterizing the modulation of enzyme activity by these metals. In the absence of metal ions, the enzyme hydrolysed pyrophosphate following Michaelian kinetics with a specific activity of 36.7 U/mg and K-0.5 = 88 mu M. In the presence of low concentrations (0.1 mM) of magnesium (or calcium) ions, the enzyme also exhibited Michaclian kinetics for the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate, but a significant increase in specific activity (123 U/mg) was observed. K-m values remained almost unchanged. Quite different behavior occurred in the presence of 2 mM magnesium (or calcium) ions. In addition to low-affinity sites (K-0.5 = 40 and 90 mu M, for magnesium and calcium, respectively), high-affinity sites were also observed with K-0.5 values 100-fold lower. The high-affinity sites observed in the presence of calcium ions represented about 10% of those observed for magnesium ions. This was correlated with the fact that only magnesium ions triggered conformational changes yielding a fully active enzyme. These results suggested that the enzyme could hydrolyse pyrophosphate, even at physiological concentrations (4 mu M), since magnesium concentrations are high enough to trigger conformational changes increasing the enzyme activity. A model, suggesting the involvement of magnesium ions in the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate by rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase is proposed. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polidocanol-solubilized osseous plate alkaline phosphatase was modulated by cobalt ions in a similar way as by magnesium ions. For concentrations up to 1 mu M, the Chelex-treated enzyme was stimulated by cobalt ions, showing K-d = 6.0 mu M, V = 977.5 U/mg, and site-site interactions (n = 2.5). Cobalt-enzyme was highly unstable at 37 degrees C, following a biphasic inactivation process with inactivation constants of about 0.0625 and 0.0015 min(-1). Cobalt ions stimulated the enzyme synergistically in the presence of magnesium ions (K-d = 5.0 mu M; V = 883.0 U/mg) or in the presence of zinc ions (K-d = 75.0 mu M; V = 1102 U/mg). A steady-state kinetic model for the modulation of enzyme activity by cobalt ions is proposed.


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Kinetic evidence for the role of divalent metal ions in the phosphotransferase activity of polidocanol-solubilized alkaline phosphatase from osseous plate is reported. Ethylenediamine tetreacetate, 1,10-phenanthrolin, and Chelex-100 were used to prepare metal-depleted alkaline phosphatase. Except for Chelex-100, either irreversible inactivation of the enzyme or incomplete removal of metal ions occurred. After Chelex-100 treatment, full hydrolase activity of alkaline phosphatase was recovered upon addition of metal ions. on the other hand, only 20% of transferase activity was restored with 0.1 mu M ZnCl2, in the presence of 1.0 M diethanolamine as phosphate acceptor. In the presence of 0.1 mM MgCl2, the recovery of transferase activity increased to 63%. Independently of the phosphate acceptor used, the transferase activity of the metal-depleted alkaline phosphatase was fully restored by 8 mu M ZnCl2 plus 5 mM MgCl2. In the presence of diethanolamine as phosphate acceptor, manganese, cobalt, and calcium ions did nor stimulate the transferase activity. However, manganese and cobalt-enzyme catalyzed the transfer of phosphate to glycerol and glucose. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.


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Alkaline phosphatase from rat osseous plate is allosterically modulated by ATP, calcium and magnesium at pH 7.5. At pH 9.4, the hydrolysis of ATP and PNPP follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with K0.5 values of 154 muM and 42 muM, respectively. However, at pH 7.5 both substrates exhibit more complex saturation curves, while only ATP exhibited site-site interactions. Ca2+-ATP and Mg2+-ATP were effective substrates for the enzyme, while the specific activity of the enzyme for the hydrolysis of ATP at pH 7.5 was 800-900 U/mg and was independent of the ion species. ATP, but not PNPP, was hydrolyzed slowly in the absence of metal ions with a specific activity of 140 U/mg. These data demonstrate that in vitro and at pH 7.5 rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase is an active calcium or magnesium-activated ATPase.


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Rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase is a metalloenzyme with two binding sites for Zn2+ (sites I and III) and one for Mg2+ (site II). This enzyme is stimulated synergistically by Zn2+ and Mg2+ (Ciancaglini et al., 1992) and also by Mn2+ (Leone et al., 1995) and Co2+ (Ciancaglini et al., 1995). This study was aimed to investigate the modulation of enzyme activity by Ca2+. In the absence of Zn2+ and Mg2+, Ca2+ had no effects on the activity of Chelex-treated, Polidocanol-solubilized enzyme. However, in the presence of 10 mu M MgCl2, increasing concentration of Ca2+ were inhibitory, suggesting the displacement of Mg2+ from the magnesium-reconstituted enzyme. For calcium-reconstituted enzyme, Zn2+ concentrations Zip to 0.1 mu M were stimulatory, increasing specific activity from 130 U/mg to about 240 U/mg with a K-0.5 = 8.5 nM. Above 0.1 mu M Zn2+ exerted a strong inhibitory effect and concentrations of Ca2+ up to I mM were not enough to counteract this inhibition, indicating that Ca2+ was easily displaced by Zn2+. At fixed concentrations of Ca2+, increasing concentrations of Mg2+ increased the enzyme specific activity from 472 U/mg to about 547 U/mg, but K-0.5 values were significantly affected (from 4.4 mu M to 38.0 mu M). The synergistic effects observed for the activity of Ca2+ plus magnesium-reconstituted enzyme, suggested that these two ions bind to the different sites. A model to explain the effect of Ca2+ on the activity of the enzyme is presented. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.