185 resultados para Alasdair MacIntyre
Alasdair MacIntyre condemns modern politics, specifically liberalism and the institutions of the liberal state, as irredeemably fallen. His core argument is that the liberal state encourages a disempowering ‘compartmentalization’ of people’s everyday roles and activities that undermines the intersubjective conditions of human flourishing. MacIntyre’s alternative is an Aristotelian politics centred on the notion of “practice.” Defined by justice and solidarity, this politics can only be realized, he claims, within local communities which oppose and resist the dictates of the administrative state and capitalist market. Here it is argued that MacIntyre’s notion of “practice” represents a compelling ethical-political ideal. However, the belief that this ideal is best realized within local communities is rejected. In privileging local community, MacIntyre relies on a reductive view of modern states and overlooks the institutional conditions of a just polity. Against this, it is argued that a politics of human flourishing cannot succeed without an emancipatory transformation of large-scale, trans-communal institutions, in particular the state.
Rebellion, philosophic and political, impels the work of Alasdair MacIntyre. Neither of the left nor the right, he treads a borderline path between conservatism and radicalism in holding to a socialist Thomistic Aristotelianism underpinned by a deliberative ‘ethic of care’ that is implacably opposed to modernity and the advanced capitalist nation-state. The depth of this opposition arouses strong opinions in friend and foe alike. To some he is an eminently dispensable reactionary whose sole consistent feature is an inexplicable ‘hatred of liberal individualism’ (Lessnoff 1999: 4). To others he appears a revolutionary enunciating a departure capable of legitimating the activities of ordinary persons so ‘that previously isolated struggles might be transformed into a new class war of attrition’ (Knight 1996: 896). However, neither interpretation rings true. MacIntyre does develop a cogent critique of the present, but this critique points in directions towards which no politics could hope to move.
Ce mémoire porte sur l’articulation de la morale en droit. Il soulève la question de l’objectivité de la morale dans la théorie du droit de Ronald Dworkin. Celui-ci doit pouvoir établir les critères de justification de la morale pour asseoir son autorité en droit. Il conteste la validité de la règle de reconnaissance de Hart qui exclue la morale comme source et comme justification inhérente au droit. Dans son dernier livre, Justice for Hedgehogs (2011), Dworkin présente sa thèse de l’unité de valeur entre le droit, la morale personnelle et la morale politique. Pour réussir à intégrer la morale au droit, il doit en défendre l’objectivité. Il développe une conception de la rationalité pratique et de la vérité propre à la morale. Sa conception de la rationalité pratique est rapprochée de celle d’Alasdair MacIntyre. Celui-ci rejette la prétention issue des Lumières d’une rationalité pratique universelle et neutre. Il développe une conception de la rationalité pratique fondée sur le concept de tradition d’investigation. Il fait l’histoire des principales traditions d’investigation depuis l’antiquité jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il considère la tradition aristotélicienne supérieure, celle-ci réussissant mieux à donner objectivité et intelligibilité à la morale. Des points de convergence ou de divergence sont identifiés dans les conceptions de la morale de Dworkin et de MacIntyre. Ce rapprochement porte sur leurs positions respectives face aux principaux fondements théoriques en philosophie morale, leurs conceptions de la rationalité pratique et leurs définitions des notions de droit et de justice.
Purpose This chapter explores the ideas of Alasdair MacIntyre and Vaclav Havel and what these two thinkers can contribute to green political theory. Design/methodology/approach This chapter includes examination of some of the key works of Havel and MacIntyre and analysis of these works from the point of view of green political theory. Findings The section ‘Havel and the Imperative to “Live in Truth”: Dissent and Green Politics’ explores Havel’s thought with a particular emphasis on his ethicised notion of political action and critique (‘living in truth’) and his focus on the centrality of dissent (both intellectually and in practice) as central to political critique and action. The section ‘MacIntyre as a Green Thinker: Vulnerability in Political and Moral Theory’ offers an overview of MacIntyre interpreted as a putative green thinker, with a particular emphasis on his ideas of dependence and vulnerability. The Conclusion attempts to draw some common themes together from both thinkers in terms of what they have to offer contemporary green political thought. Research limitations/implications What is presented here is introductory, ground clearing and therefore necessarily suggestive (as well as under-developed). That is, it is the start of a new area of exploration rather than an analysis based on any exhaustive and comprehensive knowledge of both thinkers. Practical implications This chapter offers some initial lines of exploration for scholars interested in the overlap between green thinking and the work of Havel and MacIntyre. Originality/value This is the first exploration of the connections between the works of Havel and MacIntyre and green political theory.
In the first half of the 20th century, most moral philosophers took the concept of virtue to be secondary to moral principles or emotions, though in various and mutually conflicting ways. In the early 1960s interest in the virtues was restored by the analytic philosophers Elizabeth Anscombe and Georg Henrik von Wright, the younger colleagues and friends of the late Wittgenstein. Later, Alasdair MacIntyre became a leading virtue ethicist. In 1981, MacIntyre introduced in After Virtue the concept of practices, which he based on the Aristotelian distinction between praxis and poiesis. This dissertation examines MacIntyre s characterization of the interconnectedness between practices and virtues, especially in relation to skills, education, and certain emotions. The primary position of the virtues is defended against the tendency in modern moral philosophy to overemphasize the role either of principles and rules or of emotions. The view according to which rational action and acting according to the virtues is best conceptualized as following rules or principles is criticized by arguments that are grounded by some Wittgensteinian observations, and that can be characterized as transcendental. Even if the virtues cannot be defined by, and are not based entirely on, emotions, the role of certain emotions on the learning and education of skills and virtues are studied more carefully than by MacIntyre. In the cases of resentment, indignation, and shame, the analysis of Peter Strawson is utilized, and in the case of regret, the analysis of Bernard Williams. Williams analysis of regret and moral conflict concludes in a kind of antirealism, which this study criticizes. Where education of practices and skills and the related reactive emotions are examined as conditions of learning and practicing the virtues, institutions and ideologies are examined as obstacles and threats to the virtues. This theme is studied through Karl Marx s conception of alienation and Karl Polanyi s historical and sociological research concerning the great transformation . The study includes six Finnish-published articles carrying the titles Our negative attitudes towards other persons , Authority and upbringing , Moral conflicts, regret and ethical realism , Practices and institutions , Doing justice as condition to communal action: a transcendental argument for justice as virtue , and Alienation from practices in capitalist society: Alasdair MacIntyre s Marxist Aristotelianism . The introductory essay sums up the themes of the articles and presents some central issues of virtue ethics by relating the classical Socratic questions to Aristotelian practical philosophy, as well as to current controversies in metaethics and moral psychology.
No âmbito da discussão filosófica sobre a moral, é possível perceber, nas últimas três décadas, um novo interesse pela denominada ética das virtudes. A ética das virtudes diz respeito a uma longa tradição de investigação moral que tem no conceito de virtudes, por oposição aos conceitos de leis, princípios, ou direitos, uma de suas ideias mais fundamentais. O objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado é elucidar de que forma o pensamento político e moral de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ainda no contexto do Iluminismo, preserva os argumentos centrais da tradição da ética das virtudes. Embora Alasdair MacIntyre tenha contribuído bastante para o ressurgimento do interesse filosófico pela ética das virtudes, mostro nesta dissertação que as críticas que ele dirige de maneira generalizada ao Iluminismo não se aplicam de modo inteiramente adequado à posição que Rousseau efetivamente defende em seus escritos filosóficos. A obra de Rousseau é bastante vasta e, ao considerarmos alguns textos isoladamente, os argumentos que Rousseau apresenta parecem pouco sistemáticos. No entanto, como mostro na presente dissertação, ao analisarmos a obra de Rousseau como todo, fica bastante claro o quão a filosofia moral de Rousseau permanece fundamentalmente uma investigação sobre virtudes.
Ce mémoire traite de la critique communautarienne du libéralisme et se donne deux projets. D’abord, il s’agit de formuler une position de synthèse à partir des travaux des philosophes Charles Taylor, Michael Sandel, Alasdair MacIntyre et Michael Walzer. Cette synthèse s’articule autour de trois axes, soit ontologique, sociale et méthodologique. Le deuxième projet est d’évaluer cette position pour statuer sur son rapport au libéralisme, et, plus précisément, pour déterminer si elle est seulement une critique, une alternative, ou encore une variante à l’intérieur du libéralisme. Il est conclu que le communautarisme est réconciliable avec une certaine forme de libéralisme et que sa critique permet même de l’améliorer.
Se analiza el di??logo establecido entre liberales y comunitaristas en relaci??n con la educaci??n para la ciudadan??a. Este an??lisis se concreta en las propuestas de Martha Nussbaum, representante de la aportaci??n liberal, y Alasdair MacIntyre, procedente del comunitarismo. Ambos autores proponen una educaci??n para la ciudadan??a cuya finalidad y naturaleza es diferente. Sus exposiciones se analizan desde una perspectiva comparativa.
This article retraces the “genealogy” of the fideist perspective in philosophy as well as literature, especially within the writings of Søren Kierkegaard and the novel Don Quixote. It contends that a demythologized perspective of the fideist-humanist sort, based upon Erasmian tolerance and intellectual creativity and updated with the insights of post-analytic theory (e.g., the work of Alasdair MacIntyre, Richard Rorty, and Jeffrey Stout), without revoking the vocabulary of transcendence, can reinforce the weathered but still valuable post-Enlightenment moral vocabulary, and can reiterate the humaneness of liberal hope without undue encumbrance from the dogmatic baggage of traditional theological jargon and metaphysics.
La influencia de John Henry Newman en la reflexión educativa del último medio siglo pretende demostrar que el núcleo de la teoría educativa newmaniana constituye el referente a partir del cual es posible comprender la forma en que lo educativo está siendo pensado en la actualidad, en un contexto preferentemente cristiano. Para ello, esta investigación proporciona una línea interpretativa que se aleja de la tradición hermenéutica que se ha seguido en la filosofía educativa newmaniana. En lugar de leer esta intentando explicar los discursos en relación a la biografía de Newman, o en contraste con la suerte de su institución, o los textos en sí mismos, sitúa los argumentos educativos en relación con los de otras obras del opus newmaniano. Este modo de proceder permite trazar la influencia de John Henry Newman en la reflexión educativa actual, que se concreta en tres autores: Joseph Ratzinger, Alasdair MacIntyre y Bernard Lonergan. Lo que une a este grupo de intelectuales tan heterogéneo es que reconocieron públicamente una deuda intelectual con Newman, que este condicionó algunos aspectos de su pensamiento y que desarrollaron un conjunto de reflexiones relevantes para la educación en las que Newman terminaba apareciendo, indefectiblemente. No obstante, para conocer esto último con precisión, y dado que a estos autores también les une el hecho de que escribieron sobre educación sólo accidentalmente, esta investigación ofrece una reconstrucción orgánica del pensamiento educativo de cada uno de ellos a la luz de los elementos principales de sus pensamientos. De esta manera, vistas sus reflexiones educativas desde una perspectiva sistemática, es posible conocer los argumentos concretos en que Newman está pretense y, por lo tanto, calibrar la intensidad de su influencia. Esta última se podría medir, así, en dos dimensiones. Una primera, en la que se vería que los elementos de los discursos de Dublín que los autores han tomado para componer sus reflexiones sobre la educación, de forma unánime, son la apología de la teología y el fin de la universidad como la formación de un hábito filosófico de la mente. Pero, además, dado que se adopta una opción hermenéutica distinta a la tradicional, en la que, como dije, se lee la Idea en relación a las obras completas del cardenal, se podría deducir un conjunto de influencias más amplio...
Introducción: El propósito primero de este trabajo es analizar la encíclica social Caritas in Veritate teniendo como clave interpretativa de este documento la noción de globalización1. Nos parece que esta idea, si se entiende en sus múltiples dimensiones, puede contribuir a desentrañar las complejidades de la tercera y última encíclica de Benedicto XVI. Fechada el 29 de junio de 2009, este documento se presenta como una relectura de la carta Populorum Progressio a más de cuarenta años de su publicación y, en la misma línea del documento de Pablo VI, pretende dar las orientaciones pastorales para el desarrollo integral de la humanidad en una época cuya principal característica es «el estallido de la interdependencia planetaria, ya comúnmente llamada globalización» (nn. 8,10, 33)...
Alasdair MacIntyre’s distinction between institutions and practices helps illuminate how powerful institutional forces frame and constrain the practice of organizational research as well as the output and positioning of scholarly journals like Organization. Yet his conceptual frame is limited, not least because it is unclear whether the activity of managing is, or is not, a practice. This article builds on MacIntyre’s ideas by incorporating Aristotle’s concepts of poíēsis, praxis, téchnē and phrónēsis. Rather than ask, following MacIntyre, whether management is a practice, this wider network of concepts provides a richer frame for understanding the nature of managing and the appropriate role for academia. The article outlines a phronetic paradigm for organizational inquiry, and concludes by briefly examining the implications of such a paradigm for research and learning.
Alasdair MacIntyre’s distinction between institutions and practices helps illuminate how powerful institutional forces frame and constrain the practice of organizational research as well as the output and positioning of scholarly journals. Yet his conceptual frame is limited, not least because it is unclear whether the activity of managing is, or is not, a practice. This paper builds on MacIntyre’s ideas by incorporating Aristotle’s concepts of poíēsis, praxis, téchnē and phrónēsis. Rather than ask, following MacIntyre, whether management is a practice, this wider network of concepts provides a richer frame for understanding the nature of managing and the appropriate role for academia. The paper outlines a phronetic paradigm for organizational inquiry, and concludes by briefly examining the implications of such a paradigm for research and learning.
Alasdair Duncan’s narrative Metro, set in Brisbane in the early twenty-first century, focuses on Liam, an unapologetically self-styled ‘white, upper middle-class brat’ whose sense of place and identity is firmly mapped by spatial and economic co-ordinates. This article considers the linkages between spatiality and identity in Duncan’s narrative, as well as the ways in which traditional, hegemonic (heterosexual) forms of masculinity are re-invigorated in the enactment of an upper-middle-class script of success, privilege and consumerism. It argues that the safeguarding of these hegemonic forms of masculine identity involves strategies of spatial and bodily expression underpinned by conspicuous consumption, relegating other forms of sexual identity to an exploitable periphery