944 resultados para Agregação temporal
Este trabalho tem três objetivos básicos, tendo como base um banco de dados de taxas reais de câmbio entre Brasil e 21 parceiros comerciais no período de 1957 a 2010. O primeiro objetivo é o de verificar a validade da Paridade do Poder de Compra entre Brasil e seus parceiros comerciais através de três testes de raiz unitária (ADF, PP, KPSS). Para a maioria dos países, os testes de raiz unitária foram inconclusivos ou não rejeitaram raiz unitária quando foram utilizados dados mensais e modelos lineares. Já para dados de periodicidade anual, houve maior aceitação de estacionariedade, além de um número menor de resultados inconclusivos. O segundo objetivo é o de investigar a hipótese em Taylor (2001) de que a meia-vida é superestimada quando a amostra é formada a partir de um processo de agregação temporal pela média. Os resultados confirmam as conclusões de Taylor e superestimam a meia-vida em uma janela de 35% a 56% do que seria a meia-vida calculada a partir de dados de final de período. O terceiro objetivo do trabalho é o de verificar se a taxa real de câmbio possui uma reversão não-linear à média. Considerando dados mensais, foi verificado que na maioria dos testes rejeita-se a hipótese nula de raiz unitária contra a hipótese alternativa de globalmente estacionária, porém não-linear.
Este artigo analisa as séries de câmbio real brasileira calculada a partir de índices de preços ao consumidor para o Brasil e 21 parceiros comerciais no período de 1957 a 2010. O primeiro objetivo deste trabalho será o de avaliar a validade da Paridade do Poder de Compra (PPC) entre Brasil e seus parceiros comerciais através de diversos testes de raiz unitária (ADF, PP, KPSS, Kapetanios et al. (2003) e Bierens (1997)). O segundo objetivo consiste em investigar a hipótese de Taylor (2001) de que a meia-vida é superestimada quando os dados das séries são construídos a partir de um mecanismo de agregação temporal pela média e cujo processo gerador dos dados é linear. O trabalho apresenta elementos para confirmar o argumento de Taylor (2001) de que agregação temporal causa sérias distorções na estimação da meia-vida dos choques da PPC. Os resultados dos testes de raiz unitária lineares (PP e ADF) são desfavoráveis a PPC. Já o teste KPSS, de Kapetanios et al. (2003) e de Bierens (1997) aplicados a base sem agregação temporal sugerem um cenário bem mais favorável a PPC.
Neste trabalho abordamos alguns “puzzles” da Paridade do Poder de Compra (PPC) ainda não resolvidos; durante esse processo propomos um novo modelo não-linear e estudamos o papel da agregação temporal e de bases de dados abrangendo apenas um pequeno período histórico. A hipótese de que não existe uma força de convergência agindo sobre o câmbio real ajustado (ARER) foi fortemente rejeitada estatisticamente, e a não-linearidade se mostrou um questão importante. As meia-vidas encontradas para o Brasil usando os modelos padrão parecem ser uma das menores já encontradas para um país, e chegamos à conclusão de que a velocidade de convergência em direção a PPC ainda não pode ser considerada um consenso. Pretendemos, em adição, dar contribuições através do levantamento e esclarecimento de alguns resultados e problemas potenciais concernentes ao estudo da PPC.
Difusive processes are extremely common in Nature. Many complex systems, such as microbial colonies, colloidal aggregates, difusion of fluids, and migration of populations, involve a large number of similar units that form fractal structures. A new model of difusive agregation was proposed recently by Filoche and Sapoval [68]. Based on their work, we develop a model called Difusion with Aggregation and Spontaneous Reorganization . This model consists of a set of particles with excluded volume interactions, which perform random walks on a square lattice. Initially, the lattice is occupied with a density p = N/L2 of particles occupying distinct, randomly chosen positions. One of the particles is selected at random as the active particle. This particle executes a random walk until it visits a site occupied by another particle, j. When this happens, the active particle is rejected back to its previous position (neighboring particle j), and a new active particle is selected at random from the set of N particles. Following an initial transient, the system attains a stationary regime. In this work we study the stationary regime, focusing on scaling properties of the particle distribution, as characterized by the pair correlation function ø(r). The latter is calculated by averaging over a long sequence of configurations generated in the stationary regime, using systems of size 50, 75, 100, 150, . . . , 700. The pair correlation function exhibits distinct behaviors in three diferent density ranges, which we term subcritical, critical, and supercritical. We show that in the subcritical regime, the particle distribution is characterized by a fractal dimension. We also analyze the decay of temporal correlations
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
In two experiments, we study how the temporal orientation of consumers (i.e., future-oriented or present-oriented), temporal construal (distant future, near future), and product attribute importance (primary, secondary) influence advertisement evaluations. Data suggest that future-oriented consumers react most favorably to ads that feature a product to be released in the distant future and that highlight primary product attributes. In contrast, present-oriented consumers prefer near-future ads that highlight secondary product attributes. Study 2 shows that consumer attitudes are mediated by perceptions of attribute diagnosticity (i.e., the perceived usefulness of the attribute information). Together, these experiments shed light on how individual differences, such as temporal orientation, offer valuable insights into temporal construal effects in advertising.
Schizophrenia is associated with significant brain abnormalities, including changes in brain metabolites as measured by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). What remains unclear is the extent to which these changes are a consequence of the emergence of psychotic disorders or the result of treatment with antipsychotic medication. We assessed 34 patients with first episode psychosis (15 antipsychotic naïve) and 19 age- and gender-matched controls using short-echo MRS in the medial temporal lobe bilaterally. Overall, there were no differences in any metabolite, regardless of treatment status. However, when the analysis was limited to patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizophreniform or schizoaffective disorder, significant elevations of creatine/phosphocreatine (Cr/PCr) and myo-inositol (mI) were found in the treated group. These data indicate a relative absence of temporal lobe metabolic abnormalities in first episode psychosis, but suggest that some treatment-related changes in mI might be apparent in patients with schizophrenia-spectrum diagnoses. Seemingly illness-related Cr/PCr elevations were also specific to the diagnosis of schizophrenia-spectrum disorder and seem worthy of future study.
Short-termism among firms, the tendency to excessively discount long-term benefits and favour less valuable short-term benefits, has been a prominent issue in business and public policy debates but research to date has been inconclusive. We study how managers frame, interpret, and resolve problems of intertemporal choice in actual decisions by using computer aided text analysis to measure the frequency of top-team temporal references in 1653 listed Australian firms between 1992-2005. Contrary to short-termism arguments we find evidence of a significant general increase in Future orientation and a significant decrease in Current/Past orientation. We also show top-teams’ temporal orientation is related to their strategic orientation, specifically the extent to which they focus on Innovation-Expansion and Capacity Building.
The purpose of this study was to characterise the functional outcome of 12 transfemoral amputees fitted with osseointegrated fixation using temporal gait characteristics. The objectives were (A) to present the cadence, duration of gait cycle, support and swing phases with an emphasis on the stride-to-stride and participant-to-participant variability, and (B) to compare these temporal variables with normative data extracted from the literature focusing on transfemoral amputees fitted with a socket and able-bodied participants. The temporal variables were extracted from the load applied on the residuum during straight level walking, which was collected at 200 Hz by a transducer. A total of 613 strides were assessed. The cadence (46±4 strides/min), the duration of the gait cycle (1.29±0.11 s), support (0.73±0.07 s, 57±3% of CG) and swing (0.56±0.07 s, 43±3% of GC) phases of the participants were 2% quicker, 3%, 6% shorter and 1% longer than transfemoral amputees using a socket as well as 11% slower, 9%, 6% and 13% longer than able-bodied, respectively. All combined, the results indicated that the fitting of an osseointegrated fixation has enabled this group of amputees to restore their locomotion with a highly functional level. Further longitudinal and cross-sectional studies would be required to confirm these outcomes. Nonetheless, the data presented can be used as benchmark for future comparisons. It can also be used as input in generic algorithms using templates of patterns of loading to recognise activities of daily living and to detect falls.