17 resultados para Agentive
This paper is concerned with the problem of argument-function mismatch observed in the apparent subject-object inversion in Chinese consumption verbs, e.g., chi 'eat' and he 'drink', and accommodation verbs, e.g., zhu 'live' and shui 'sleep'. These verbs seem to allow the linking of [agent-SUBJ theme-OBJ] as well as [agent-OBJ theme-SUBJ], but only when the agent is also the semantic role denoting the measure or extent of the action. The account offered is formulated within LFG's lexical mapping theory. Under the simplest and also the strictest interpretation of the one-to-one argument-function mapping principle (or the theta-criterion), a composite role such as ag-ext receives syntactic assignment via one composing role only. One-to-one linking thus entails the suppression of the other composing role. Apparent subject-object inversion occurs when the more prominent agent role is suppressed and thus allows the less prominent extent role to dictate the linking of the entire ag-ext composite role. This LMT account also potentially facilitates a natural explanation of markedness among the competing syntactic structures.
A split-ergative construction had developed during the late MIA period (Bubenik 1998; Peterson 1998) in which subjects of perfective transitive clauses were marked ergative by an oblique form, in contrast with the nominative form for non-ergative subjects. Later in the NIA period, most NIA languages (e.g. Urdu/Hindi) developed a postpositional clitic that was added to the oblique suffix, while others (e.g. Sindhi) continued to mark ergative subjects with a generic oblique suffix. This paper focuses on one exceptional case: the Dehwali language of Gujarat. Dehwali has an ergative marker that is a fusional suffix (i.e. layer I - Masica 1991: 231) and appears to inflect to agree in number and gender with the subject it marks. I will present two possible scenarios as to the origin of the Dehwali ergative marker: that it may be the remnant of an archaic MIA oblique form, or that it may be a more recent innovation as the result of increased contact with neighbouring varieties. Based on theories of grammaticisation, I argue that the former hypothesis is more likely. These theories show that it is not uncommon for oblique case forms (i.e. ablative; genitive) to carry agentive properties.
The design of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) affords for, and itself produces, non-response situations that are not possible in FTF or telephone interaction. These system-occasioned nonresponses produce almost isomorphic stimuli to participant non-responses. Situations thus arise in which non-responses are interpersonally accountable despite agentive ambiguity. This study explores four intersections of participant-action and system-occasioned non-responses. An extension to Pomerantz's (1984b) 'pursuing a response' problems/solutions is proposed. The impact of IRC's design on its popularity is discussed in contrast to more recent chat systems. Suggestions are made for active and passive presence and non-response accounting features in future chat systems.
L'objectiu del present treball de recerca va ser avaluar les dues teories predominants (BORER & WEXLER 1987, WEXLER 2004; FOX & GRODZINSKY 1997) que miren d'explicar el tardà desenvolupament de la forma passiva en la gramàtica dels nens. Es van seleccionar tres grups de nens de ambdós sexes d'edats compreses entre els 3,1 i els 5;9 i es va a dur a terme un experiment per verificar la competència dels nens en les frases actives, passives curtes i passives llargues (amb el complement agentiu per...) . Mentre la comprensió de les actives és com l'adulta des del principi, la comprensió de las passives curtes és significativament més dolenta que la de les actives i la comprensió de les passives llargues és molt deficient fins i tot per al grup més gran d'edat. Les diferencies significatives trobades afavoreixen la hipòtesi de la maduració. Es discuteixen els resultats en relació amb estudis similars i es suggereixen noves vies d'investigació més enllà de les passives agentives.
The present study focuses on the zero person constructions both in Finnish and Estonian. In the zero person construction, there is no overt subject and the verb is in the 3rd person singular form: Fin. Tammikuussa voi hiihtää Etelä-Suomessakin. Est. Jaanuaris saab suusatada ka Lõuna-Soomes ‘In January one can ski even in South-Finland’. The meaning of the zero construction is usually considered generic and open. However, the zero may be interpreted as indexically open so that the reference can be construed from the context. This study demonstrates how the zero may be interpreted as referring to the speaker, the addressee, or anybody. The zero person construction in Finnish has been contrasted to the generic pronoun constructions in Indo-European languages. For example, the zero person is translated in English as you or one; in Swedish and German as man. The grammar and semantics of the Finnish zero person construction have been studied earlier to some extent. However, the differences and similarities between Finnish and Estonian, two closely related languages, have not been thoroughly studied before. The present doctoral thesis sheds light on the zero person construction, its use, functions, and interpretation both in Finnish and Estonian. The approach taken is contrastive. The data comes from magazine articles published in Finnish and translated into Estonian. The data consists of Finnish sentences with the zero person and their Estonian translations. In addition, the data includes literary fiction, and non-translated Estonian corpora texts as well. Estonian and Finnish are closely related and in principle the personal system of the two languages is almost identical, nevertheless, there are interesting differences. The present study shows that the zero person construction is not as common in Estonian as it is in Finnish. In my data, a typical sentence with the zero person in both languages is a generic statement which tells us what can or cannot be done. When making generic statements the two languages are relatively similar, especially when the zero person is used together with a modal verb. The modal verbs (eg. Fin. voida ‘can’, saada ‘may’, täytyä ‘must’; Est. võima ‘may’, saama ‘can’, tulema ’must’) are the most common verbs in both Finnish and Estonian zero person constructions. Significant differences appear when a non-modal verb is used. Overall, non-modal verbs are used less frequently in both languages. Verbs with relatively low agentivity or intentionality, such as perception verb nähdä in Finnish and nägema in Estonian, are used in the zero person clauses in both languages to certain extent. Verbs with more agentive and intentional properties are not used in the Estonian zero person clauses; in Finnish their use is restricted to specific context. The if–then-frame provides a suitable context for the zero person in Finnish, and the Finnish zero person may occur together with any kind of verb in conditional if-clause. Estonian if-clauses are not suitable contexts for zero person. There is usually a da-infinitive, a generic 2nd person singular or a passive form instead of the zero person in Estonian counterparts for Finnish if-clauses with zero person. The aim of this study was to analyze motivations for choosing the zero person in certain contexts. In Estonian, the use of the zero person constructions is more limited than in Finnish, and some of the constraints are grammatical. On the other hand, some of the constraints are motivated by the differences in actual language use. Contrasting the two languages reveals interesting differences and similarities between these two languages and shows how these languages may use similar means differently.
Cette étude ethnographique porte sur le réseau social du tango argentin à Montréal, les valeurs esthétiques du tango, l’interprétation de l’expérience de la danse acquise au cours du processus de socialisation et les différents agents de socialisation. Dans un contexte de réappropriation et de déterritorialisation d’un savoir-faire comme le tango, les références symboliques relatives à son contexte d’origine, son imaginaire collectif et son contexte sociohistorique sont moins accessibles. Ceci semble appeler chez les danseurs montréalais une sorte de surdétermination de l’expérience immédiate, concrète et interactive de la danse dans la construction d’un sens collectif. Cette recherche s’intéresse plutôt à la transposition dans le réseau montréalais de certaines normes esthétiques en lien avec les modalités interactives de la danse. Ces normes esthétiques induisent une attention particulière portée à la qualité de l’expérience se reflétant dans les pratiques et les discours. Ces valeurs esthétiques remontent au contexte d’origine du tango et à la rencontre entre différents univers socialisateurs transnationaux à différentes étapes de son évolution. De ce type de rencontres «transesthétiques», s’est développé un dualisme entre le danser pour les autres et le danser pour soi, dans les représentations et la mise en forme d’une expérience dansée. À Montréal, c’est avec emphase qu’on observe la cohabitation de ces deux systèmes de valeurs en apparence antagonistes où, d’une part, est valorisé l’exhibition du soi et, d’autre part, sont priorisés l’intériorité et l’expérience subjective. En bref, ce mémoire explore les relations complexes qui existent entre les processus culturels et leurs produits, l’expérience et le sens, entre la subjectivité individuelle et la collectivité, et redéfinit l’agentivité des acteurs sociaux en étudiant les modes spécifiques de production du sens dans un art comme la danse.
This work analyzes deverbal nominalizations with the sufix dor in Brazilian Portuguese, under the perspective of Cognitive Linguistics, more specifically, the Construction Grammar. The aim is to determine the general features of interpretation that characterize this deverbal construction and its use in formal writing. Based on the cognitive assumption that grammatical structure is motivated, explained, and determined by the structure of cognitive patterns, created from our experience in the world, and by the communicative function of language, the dor deverbal is treated as a polysemic grammatical construction. In the composition of V+dor, the relation rootsuffix is focused, through a characterization of the syntactic-semantic nature of the verb and the values of the suffix. Among the different values conventionally related to the XDOR construction, the agentive is considered as the prototypical sense. The relation between the other values and the prototype is explained by cognitive abilities and discourse motivations. The deverbal construction X-DOR is also interpreted as a valency noun that, like an action nominal, retains the argument structure of the deriving predicate. It is also intended to demonstrate the textual function of this deverbal construction, as a device of information condensing and anaphoric recovery. The data were taken from Veja magazine and the approach is qualitative (explicative), with quantitative support
This ethnographical research-action is included in the Applied Linguistics area and its study object is related to literacy projects (KLEIMAN, 2000), since they bring a new sense to the literacy practices in school and emphasizes the agentive writing character and the role of the discursive genres in the formation of literacy agents who aim at the action and the social change. Considering the emancipatory potential that these didactic organizations have in the civic literacy of those who live in social risk and vulnerability situations our aim in this investigation is: to reflect about the role of the redefinition of the literacy school practices and investigate how the action of teachers and students as literacy agents occur. The specific aims are: to promote literacy events which encourage the writing practice for the action and social change; to comprehend how the identity construction of the literacy student-agent occurs by the reflection of its agency process in the literacy projects; to identify teaching strategies and procedures which enable the development of emancipatory language practices; to investigate the axiological values constructed by the learners in and about the writing work in literacy projects. Our discussion is based on the language conception supported by Bakhtin (BAKHTIN/VOLOSHINOV, 2000; BAKHTIN, 1990, 2003); in literacy studies (KLEIMAN, 1995; BAYNHAM, 1995; BARTON; HAMILTON; IVANIC, 2000, LAZERE, 2005); on critical studies which defend the idea that the texts are ideological instruments able to give power to the individuals (MCLAREN, 1988, 1991, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001; FREIRE, 1971, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1992, 1996, 2001a, 2001b, 2009; GIROUX, 1983, 1986, 1990, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2003; APPLE, 1989); on the social genre approach inspired by the New Rhetoric (BAZERMAN, 2005, 2006, 2007; MILLER, 1984, 2009). The data were generated between 2006 and 2010 in the Youth and Adult Education (YAE), in public schools in Natal-RN. The research permitted us to deduce, firstly, that the redefinition of the work with discursive genres provide the learner to read and write to act discursively in the social world, earning, thus, empowerment, autonomy and emancipation; secondly, that involving the students in literacy projects goes beyond didactic competence related to specificities and content domain. It is necessary that the teacher is certain about to whom, what, why and how to teach and that he/she gets a reflexive posture, becoming a learner as well; thirdly, that through the literacy practices which were developed, the collaborators of the research have constructed a more conscious and a more critical view in relation to the language and to the world where they live through the social-political writing and they have improved as interventive and politicized citizens
This paper presents a proposal for the semantic treatment of ambiguous homographic forms in Brazilian Portuguese, and to offer linguistic strategies for its computational implementation in Systems of Natural Language Processing (SNLP). Pustejovsky's Generative Lexicon was used as a theoretical model. From this model, the Qualia Structure - QS (and the Formal, Telic, Agentive and Constitutive roles) was selected as one of the linguistic and semantic expedients for the achievement of disambiguation of homonym forms. So that analyzed and treated data could be manipulated, we elaborated a Lexical Knowledge Base (LKB) where lexical items are correlated and interconnected by different kinds of semantic relations in the QS and ontological information.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
En el marco de la gramática contrastiva entre inglés y castellano, asumimos la perspectiva generativista, según la cual la sintaxis humana resulta de procesos derivacionales que combinan, por medio de mecanismos innatos, elementos capaces de codificar significados primitivos. Trabajamos con datos, ya sea reales o inventados, que ilustran los distintos tipos de oraciones ?gramaticales? posibles en una lengua natural. Nos centramos en la noción de ?ergatividad?, utilizada por distintas teorías para explicar fenómenos sintácticos y semánticos no siempre coincidentes. Desde el Funcionalismo/Cognitivismo norteamericano, Scott DeLancey (2001) compara distintas lenguas y distingue morfológicamente los sujetos ?agentivos? en estructuras causadas de los sujetos ?afectados? en estructuras no causadas. Según la Lingüística Sistémica Funcional (Halliday 1985, 2004), la ergatividad abarca, no sólo la presencia o ausencia de Causa en un proceso particular, sino también la relación causal que vincula distintos procesos entre sí. El esquema ergativo de Halliday incluye, además de pares constituidos por eventos de cambio de estado no causados y de causa externa, eventos inergativos de causa externa, y eventos transitivos instigados por otro proceso, expresado lingüísticamente o bien inferido. Desde la perspectiva de la Semántica Relacional (Mateu, 2002), reducimos el número de ?constructos primitivos? disponibles de tres a dos. Consideramos dos alternancias: la ergativo-transitiva y la causa interna/externa con inergativos. No vinculamos ni sintáctica ni derivacionalmente las construcciones transitivas con los eventos inferidos que las instigan. Justificamos la relación derivacional que vincula las construcciones pasivas estáticas con las construcciones ergativas de verbos naturalmente alternantes, por un lado, y, con las construcciones transitivas de verbos de ?locatum? y de inergativos, por el otro. Reanalizamos, respecto de la bibliografía canónica, la naturaleza del clítico ?se? en las construcciones ergativas españolas. Este análisis orienta de manera teórica el abordaje de las construcciones pertinentes, y ofrece equivalencias posibles que pueden resultar útiles para la traducción
En el marco de la gramática contrastiva entre inglés y castellano, asumimos la perspectiva generativista, según la cual la sintaxis humana resulta de procesos derivacionales que combinan, por medio de mecanismos innatos, elementos capaces de codificar significados primitivos. Trabajamos con datos, ya sea reales o inventados, que ilustran los distintos tipos de oraciones ?gramaticales? posibles en una lengua natural. Nos centramos en la noción de ?ergatividad?, utilizada por distintas teorías para explicar fenómenos sintácticos y semánticos no siempre coincidentes. Desde el Funcionalismo/Cognitivismo norteamericano, Scott DeLancey (2001) compara distintas lenguas y distingue morfológicamente los sujetos ?agentivos? en estructuras causadas de los sujetos ?afectados? en estructuras no causadas. Según la Lingüística Sistémica Funcional (Halliday 1985, 2004), la ergatividad abarca, no sólo la presencia o ausencia de Causa en un proceso particular, sino también la relación causal que vincula distintos procesos entre sí. El esquema ergativo de Halliday incluye, además de pares constituidos por eventos de cambio de estado no causados y de causa externa, eventos inergativos de causa externa, y eventos transitivos instigados por otro proceso, expresado lingüísticamente o bien inferido. Desde la perspectiva de la Semántica Relacional (Mateu, 2002), reducimos el número de ?constructos primitivos? disponibles de tres a dos. Consideramos dos alternancias: la ergativo-transitiva y la causa interna/externa con inergativos. No vinculamos ni sintáctica ni derivacionalmente las construcciones transitivas con los eventos inferidos que las instigan. Justificamos la relación derivacional que vincula las construcciones pasivas estáticas con las construcciones ergativas de verbos naturalmente alternantes, por un lado, y, con las construcciones transitivas de verbos de ?locatum? y de inergativos, por el otro. Reanalizamos, respecto de la bibliografía canónica, la naturaleza del clítico ?se? en las construcciones ergativas españolas. Este análisis orienta de manera teórica el abordaje de las construcciones pertinentes, y ofrece equivalencias posibles que pueden resultar útiles para la traducción
En el marco de la gramática contrastiva entre inglés y castellano, asumimos la perspectiva generativista, según la cual la sintaxis humana resulta de procesos derivacionales que combinan, por medio de mecanismos innatos, elementos capaces de codificar significados primitivos. Trabajamos con datos, ya sea reales o inventados, que ilustran los distintos tipos de oraciones ?gramaticales? posibles en una lengua natural. Nos centramos en la noción de ?ergatividad?, utilizada por distintas teorías para explicar fenómenos sintácticos y semánticos no siempre coincidentes. Desde el Funcionalismo/Cognitivismo norteamericano, Scott DeLancey (2001) compara distintas lenguas y distingue morfológicamente los sujetos ?agentivos? en estructuras causadas de los sujetos ?afectados? en estructuras no causadas. Según la Lingüística Sistémica Funcional (Halliday 1985, 2004), la ergatividad abarca, no sólo la presencia o ausencia de Causa en un proceso particular, sino también la relación causal que vincula distintos procesos entre sí. El esquema ergativo de Halliday incluye, además de pares constituidos por eventos de cambio de estado no causados y de causa externa, eventos inergativos de causa externa, y eventos transitivos instigados por otro proceso, expresado lingüísticamente o bien inferido. Desde la perspectiva de la Semántica Relacional (Mateu, 2002), reducimos el número de ?constructos primitivos? disponibles de tres a dos. Consideramos dos alternancias: la ergativo-transitiva y la causa interna/externa con inergativos. No vinculamos ni sintáctica ni derivacionalmente las construcciones transitivas con los eventos inferidos que las instigan. Justificamos la relación derivacional que vincula las construcciones pasivas estáticas con las construcciones ergativas de verbos naturalmente alternantes, por un lado, y, con las construcciones transitivas de verbos de ?locatum? y de inergativos, por el otro. Reanalizamos, respecto de la bibliografía canónica, la naturaleza del clítico ?se? en las construcciones ergativas españolas. Este análisis orienta de manera teórica el abordaje de las construcciones pertinentes, y ofrece equivalencias posibles que pueden resultar útiles para la traducción
The present thesis is located within the framework of descriptive translation studies and critical discourse analysis. Modern translation studies have increasingly taken into account the complexities of power relations and ideological management involved in the production of translations. Paradoxically, persuasive political discourse has not been much touched upon, except for studies following functional (e.g. Schäffner 2002) or systemic-linguistic approaches (e.g. Calzada Pérez 2001). By taking 11 English translations of Hitler’s Mein Kampf as prime examples, the thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of the translation of politically sensitive texts. Actors involved in political discourse are usually more concerned with the emotional appeal of their message than they are with its factual content. When such political discourse becomes the locus of translation, it may equally be crafted rhetorically, being used as a tool to persuade. It is thus the purpose of the thesis to describe subtle ‘persuasion strategies’ in institutionally translated political discourse. The subject of the analysis is an illustrative corpus of four full-text translations, two abridgements, and five extract translations of Mein Kampf. Methodologically, the thesis pursues a top-down approach. It begins by delineating sociocultural and situative-agentive conditions as causal factors impinging on the individual translations. Such interactive and interpersonal factors determined textual choices. The overall textual analysis consists of an interrelated corpus-driven and corpus-based approach. It demonstrates how corpus software can be fruitfully harnessed to discern ‘ideological significations’ in the translated texts. Altogether, the thesis investigates how translational decision-makers attempted to position the source text author and his narrative in line with overall rhetorical purposes.
A great deal of scholarly research has addressed the issue of dialect mapping in the United States. These studies, usually based on phonetic or lexical items, aim to present an overall picture of the dialect landscape. But what is often missing in these types of projects is an attention to the borders of a dialect region and to what kinds of identity alignments can be found in such areas. This lack of attention to regional and dialect border identities is surprising, given the salience of such borders for many Americans. This salience is also ignored among dialectologists, as nonlinguists‟ perceptions and attitudes have been generally assumed to be secondary to the analysis of “real” data, such as the phonetic and lexical variables used in traditional dialectology. Louisville, Kentucky is considered as a case study for examining how dialect and regional borders in the United States impact speakers‟ linguistic acts of identity, especially the production and perception of such identities. According to Labov, Ash, and Boberg (2006), Louisville is one of the northernmost cities to be classified as part of the South. Its location on the Ohio River, on the political and geographic border between Kentucky and Indiana, places Louisville on the isogloss between Southern and Midland dialects. Through an examination of language attitude surveys, mental maps, focus group interviews, and production data, I show that identity alignments in borderlands are neither simple nor straightforward. Identity at the border is fluid, complex, and dynamic; speakers constantly negotiate and contest their identities. The analysis shows the ways in which Louisvillians shift between Southern and non-Southern identities, in the active and agentive expression of their amplified awareness of belonging brought about by their position on the border.