6 resultados para Agamémnon
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
Pretende‐se, neste estudo, rastrear a figura de Agamémnon nos textos que constituem o corpus hoje conhecido da lírica arcaica grega, privilegiando os testemunhos mais ilustrativos de três poetas arcaicos: dois fragmentos da Oresteia, de Estesícoro, o fr. 282a PMGF Davies, de Íbico, e a Pítica XI, de Píndaro.
This work analyzes the consequences of the intersection between the two spheres polis and oikos. It does so by examining themes present in three plays: Medea, Agamemnon and Lysistrata. The focus of the analysis is the way in which the feminine characters react to conflicts of interests in their respective situations. To fully comprehend which values correspond to which mentioned institution, the work also necessarily investigates the socialization and functions of both genders in fifth-century Athenian society. The analysis of the feminine condition in the creation myth implies the importance of the misogynistic sense of that time, which culminated in the silencing, discrediting, and systemic repression of females. The role of women in society, instilled in all girls starting in early childhood, is to succeed in marriage and domestic permanence. This lies opposite the masculine role, which was focused outside of the family center and to environments relating to war and public life. Matrimony and family, traditional female values, were threatened when overlapping with male interests, such as unavoidable war or social ascension through a different matrimonial bond. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the opposition evident in the definitions male vs. female indicates that, in certain contexts, the interests of each element cause the conflicts present in the chosen plays
This work analyzes the consequences of the intersection between the two spheres polis and oikos. It does so by examining themes present in three plays: Medea, Agamemnon and Lysistrata. The focus of the analysis is the way in which the feminine characters react to conflicts of interests in their respective situations. To fully comprehend which values correspond to which mentioned institution, the work also necessarily investigates the socialization and functions of both genders in fifth-century Athenian society. The analysis of the feminine condition in the creation myth implies the importance of the misogynistic sense of that time, which culminated in the silencing, discrediting, and systemic repression of females. The role of women in society, instilled in all girls starting in early childhood, is to succeed in marriage and domestic permanence. This lies opposite the masculine role, which was focused outside of the family center and to environments relating to war and public life. Matrimony and family, traditional female values, were threatened when overlapping with male interests, such as unavoidable war or social ascension through a different matrimonial bond. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the opposition evident in the definitions male vs. female indicates that, in certain contexts, the interests of each element cause the conflicts present in the chosen plays
Com o grau de inovação que o género trágico consentia, Eurípides retomou em Electra o antigo tema de uma vingança patriarcal, salvaguardando os dados essenciais do mito e da lenda, através de uma original exploração dramática do matricídio, numa versão mais doméstica e humanizada, onde as personagens, o espaço e o tempo apareciam significativamente deslocados do enquadramento tradicional da história, motivando o questionamento dos princípios e valores de uma justiça retaliatória, de inspiração taliónica.
A anagnorisis da Electra de Euripides tem sido considerada, pela crítica, uma das cenas mais controversas — e geradores de controvérsias — da antiga dramaturgia grega. A complexidade desta cena deve-se, sobretudo, ao facto de Euripides ter retardado o reconhecimento de Orestes e ter reutilizado, de forma crítica e paródica, os tradicionais semeia das Coéforas, refutados por Electra através de um racicíonio sofístico, tão em voga nos finais do século V a. C. Parodiar num tom humorístico a tradição permitiu-lhe experimentar as convenções dramáticas, num modo de estruturação formal diferente, de forma a possibilitar-lhe situar o texto no mundo e, assim, renovar o antigo significado da mítica história de vingança dos filhos de Agamémnon.